path: root/CVSROOT/approvecheck
blob: bd9933f3bfce5739330470fdd7e5844318944c44 (plain) (tree)




#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $FreeBSD$

use strict;
use lib $ENV{CVSROOT};
use CVSROOT::cfg;
my $CVSROOT = $ENV{'CVSROOT'} || die "Can't determine \$CVSROOT!";
my $debug = $cfg::DEBUG;

my $BASE_FN       = "$cfg::TMPDIR/$cfg::FILE_PREFIX";
my $FILES_FILE = "$BASE_FN.files";

print "$$: pgrp: ", getpgrp(), "\n" if ($debug);
print "$$: committer: ", $cfg::COMMITTER, "\n" if ($debug);

foreach (@ARGV) {
    print "$$: args: $_\n" if ($debug);

my $logfile = $ARGV[0];
my $log = "";
if (-r $logfile) {
    open(H, "<$logfile") or die;
    foreach (<H>) {
        print "$$: log: $_" if ($debug);
        $log .= $_;

if (-r $FILES_FILE and open(FILES, $FILES_FILE)) {
    my %tag;
    while (<FILES>) {
        my ($tag, $file) = split(/\t/, $_, 2);
        print "$$: files_file: tag=$tag, file=$file\n" if ($debug);
        push @{$tag{$tag}}, $file;

    if (check_approvers($log, %tag)) {
        unlink $FILES_FILE;
        exit 1;
    if ($cfg::FEATURE_FREEZE) {
        if (check_featuresafe($log)) {
            unlink $FILES_FILE;
            exit 1;

exit 0;

# ============================================================
sub read_approvers {
    my @Approvers;
    my $approvers = "$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/approvers";
    if (-r $approvers) {
        print "$$: Read $approvers\n" if ($debug);
        open(APP, "<$approvers") or return;
        while (<APP>) {
            next if (/^#/);
            my ($mod, $tag, $rev) = split(/\t+/, $_, 3);
            if ($rev) {
                push @Approvers, { mod => $mod,
                           tag => $tag,
                           app => $rev };

sub check_approvers {
    my ($log, %files) = @_;
    my %tag;
    my @Approvers = &read_approvers();
    foreach my $t (keys %files) {
        foreach (@{$files{$t}}) {
    foreach my $r (@Approvers) {
        printf "$$: checking: %s, %s, %s\n",
            $r->{mod}, $r->{tag}, $r->{app} if ($debug);
        foreach my $tag (sort keys %tag) {
            foreach my $file (sort keys %{$tag{$tag}}) {
                return 1 if (check_one($log, $r, $tag, $file));

sub check_one {
    my ($log, $r, $tag, $file) = @_;
    if ($file !~ m|$r->{mod}|) {
        printf "$$: file not matched (%s, %s)\n", $file, $r->{mod}
            if ($debug);
        return 0;
    printf "$$: file matched (%s, %s)\n", $file, $r->{mod} if ($debug);
    if ($tag !~ m|$r->{tag}|) {
        printf "$$: tag not matched (%s, %s)\n",
            $tag, $r->{tag} if ($debug);
        return 0;
    printf "$$: tag matched (%s, %s)\n", $tag, $r->{tag} if ($debug);
    if ($log =~ m|Approved by:[\t ]*$r->{app}|s) {
        printf "$$: log matched (%s, %s)\n", $log, $r->{app}
            if ($debug);
        return 0;
    printf "$$: log not matched (%s, %s)\n", $log, $r->{app} if ($debug);
    printf "**** You need \"Approved by: %s\" line in your log entry.\n",
    return 1;

sub check_featuresafe {
    my ($log) = @_;

    if ($log =~ m|Feature safe:[\t ]*[Yy][Ee][Ss]|s) {
        printf "$$: log matched (%s)\n", $log
            if ($debug);
        return 0;
    printf "$$: log did not match (%s)\n", $log if ($debug);
    printf "****\n";
    printf "**** Feature freeze is in effect. Recommit with a\n";
    printf "****\n";
    printf "**** Feature safe: yes\n";
    printf "****\n";
    printf "**** tag if you are sure this commit does not violate\n";
    printf "**** feature freeze guidelines.  If in doubt, contact portmgr.\n";
    printf "****\n";
    return 1;