diff options
authoritetcu <itetcu@FreeBSD.org>2008-09-03 20:29:01 +0800
committeritetcu <itetcu@FreeBSD.org>2008-09-03 20:29:01 +0800
commitaec48a1651e9ba91b3d4468d238dbe1418e6f0ad (patch)
parent68d60102aa6b4cc659f6a96f41c5d7bd3b850ef1 (diff)
This is tinderbox 3.0.0 release with patches (see bellow).
Changes in 3.0 include: * The www-exp module has been renamed webui, and a new web frontend has been added called paefchen. * All Tinderbox commands with the exception of tinderd are now performed using the tc utility. * The Hosts system has been removed as it was not really used, and not really suited to the purpose of distributed builds. The ground work has been laid to support distributed builds, but that is not present in 3.0. * A DISTFILE_URI config directive has been introduced to allow for distributed distfile caches. * The latest port fail reasons and patterns have been synced from pointyhat. * The total size taken by a port build (in KB) is now tracked in the database. This can be obtained using the command ``tc getPortTotalSize -d DIRECTORY -b BUILD''. * Port build logs now contain OPTIONS and environment details. * The ``tc addPort'' command assumes a recursive add by default. This can be disabled by passing the -R argument. * Port dependencies are now recorded in the database when ``tc addPort'' is called without -R. The dependency list can be retrieved with ``tc getDependenciesForPort -d DIRECTORY -b BUILD''. * The ``tc tbcleanup'' command now supports pruning stale distfiles, stale packages, and not pruning old error logs. See the README for command line details. * The default update type and update host are configurable at Setup and Upgrade time. The default update type has been changed from CVSUP to CSUP. * The last_fail_reason is now exported to the postPortBuild Hook. * Fix the build time display if a tinderbuild takes longer than 24 hours. * Add a new command, ``tc rescanPorts'' which updates the properties of all ports in the datastore (including dependencies). * Display the remake count in the webui frontends. * Hack around a potential perl-related leftover false positive. * A new -O option has been added to addPort/rescanPorts which enables OPTIONS, but does not run rmconfig before calling config. This way, existing OPTIONS can be preserved. The default behavior is to call rmconfig to maintain POLA. * The webui index page has been enhanced to make it more readable, and more powerful. * The number of ports not built due to dependency failures has been added to the webui's main page. * tc processLog -v now prints the matching text to aid with false positive identification. PLUS: * In webui: - Change tinderd queue view. Field for adding new ports is the first now. - Show target port of current build. - miwi's RSS module - an other patch from miwi for inc_tinderbox.php.dist which should make setting-up the webui easier on non-standard configurations. * Bug-fix: Add o and O to the list of valid options for addPort.
18 files changed, 270 insertions, 746 deletions
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/Makefile b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/Makefile
index c7a163c09394..0efd4e652d12 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/Makefile
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/Makefile
@@ -6,11 +6,10 @@
PORTNAME= tinderbox
CATEGORIES= ports-mgmt
MASTER_SITES= http://T32.TecNik93.com/FreeBSD/ports/${PORTNAME}/sources/
-DIST_SUBDIR= tinderbox
+#DIST_SUBDIR= tinderbox
MAINTAINER= itetcu@FreeBSD.org
COMMENT= Port build tinderbox system
@@ -19,15 +18,13 @@ OPTIONS= PGSQL "With pgsql" Off \
MYSQL "With mysql" On \
CSUP "Use csup for updates" On \
CVSUP "Use cvsup for updates" Off \
- WEB "Install web interface" Off \
- WEB_EXP "Install the new web interface" On \
+ WEBUI "Install web interface" On \
APACHE "Use Apache for web interface" On \
LIGHTTPD "Use LightHTTPD for web interface" Off
SUB_FILES= pkg-message
-PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
MAN1= tc-configCcache.1 tc-configDistfile.1 tc-configGet.1 \
tc-configJail.1 tc-configTinderd.1 tc-init.1
@@ -38,40 +35,25 @@ MAN1= tc-configCcache.1 tc-configDistfile.1 tc-configGet.1 \
IGNORE= is useless without a database. Please (re)run 'make config' and choose one of PGSQL and MYSQL
-.if defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
+.if defined(WITH_WEBUI)
RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/share/pear/DB.php:${PORTSDIR}/databases/pear-DB
USE_PHP= session
- favicon.ico tb243_template_paefchen_v1.tbz
-.if defined(WITH_WEB)
-PLIST_SUB+= WEB="@comment "
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
-EXTRA_PATCHES+= ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-www-exp__core__TinderboxDS.php \
- ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-www-exp__module__moduleBuildPorts.php
-PLIST_SUB+= WEB_EXP="@comment "
+PLIST_SUB+= WEBUI="@comment "
.if defined(WITH_PGSQL)
-.if defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
+.if defined(WITH_WEBUI)
USE_PHP+= pgsql
.if !defined(WITHOUT_MYSQL)
-.if defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
+.if defined(WITH_WEBUI)
USE_PHP+= mysql
@@ -89,54 +71,30 @@ RUN_DEPENDS+= csup:${PORTSDIR}/net/csup
RUN_DEPENDS+= cvsup:${PORTSDIR}/net/cvsup-without-gui
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_APACHE) && (defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP))
+.if !defined(WITHOUT_APACHE) && defined(WITH_WEBUI)
-.elif defined(WITH_LIGHTTPD) && (defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP))
+.elif defined(WITH_LIGHTTPD) && defined(WITH_WEBUI)
RUN_DEPENDS+= lighttpd:${PORTSDIR}/www/lighttpd
-.if (!defined(WITHOUT_APACHE) || defined(WITH_LIGHTTPD)) && !(defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP))
+.if (!defined(WITHOUT_APACHE) || defined(WITH_LIGHTTPD)) && !defined(WITH_WEBUI)
@${ECHO_CMD} "It doesn't make sense to depend on Apache or LightHTTPD if not using either web interface."
-.if !defined(WITH_WEB)
- @${RM} -R ${WRKSRC}/www
- @${CP} ${_DISTDIR}/favicon.ico ${WRKSRC}/www
-.if defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
- @${RM} -R ${WRKSRC}/www-exp
- @${CP} ${_DISTDIR}/favicon.ico ${WRKSRC}/www-exp
- @${TAR} -C ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/templates -xf ${_DISTDIR}/tb243_template_paefchen_v1.tbz
- @${CHOWN} -R ${SHAREOWN}:${SHAREGRP} ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/templates/paefchen
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's|/templates/default|/templates/paefchen|' ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/inc_tinderbox.php.dist
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/inc_tinderbox.php.dist.bak
-.if defined(WITH_MYSQL)
- -e 's,DB_MAN_PREREQS=.*,DB_MAN_PREREQS="databases/p5-DBD-mysql${MYSQL_VER} databases/mysql${MYSQL_VER}-client",' \
- ${WRKSRC}/lib/setup-mysql.sh
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/lib/setup-mysql.sh.bak
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/buildscript.orig
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/portbuild.orig
-.if defined(WITH_WEB_EXP)
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/core/TinderboxDS.php.orig
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/module/moduleBuildPorts.php.orig
+.if !defined(WITH_WEBUI)
+ @${RM} -R ${WRKSRC}/webui
${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/tinderbox/scripts
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/man/man1 && ${INSTALL_MAN} ${MAN1} ${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1 && \
+ cd ${WRKSRC} && ${RM} -r ${WRKSRC}/man
${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/* ${PREFIX}/tinderbox/scripts
- cd ${WRKSRC}/man/man1 && ${INSTALL_MAN} ${MAN1} ${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1
.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/distinfo b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/distinfo
index 5e2635094a64..0ed44fb44831 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/distinfo
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/distinfo
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (tinderbox/tinderbox-2.4.3.tar.gz) = 88f97d526b4d42dedaf5cc8c2adaab0c
-SHA256 (tinderbox/tinderbox-2.4.3.tar.gz) = 2a540b50342813dd4cf82791028878db6dba2c40af4cb7118f239f7a2286a72c
-SIZE (tinderbox/tinderbox-2.4.3.tar.gz) = 131585
-MD5 (tinderbox/favicon.ico) = 1d2e9e267ca81f0ef5bc7b9c391aaced
-SHA256 (tinderbox/favicon.ico) = 842f1e23dcfcee24d4d7578381256256cda994347751fb332b6eb2182eae216e
-SIZE (tinderbox/favicon.ico) = 4710
-MD5 (tinderbox/tb243_template_paefchen_v1.tbz) = 41e27094f83cdf520e6d8179563d6b45
-SHA256 (tinderbox/tb243_template_paefchen_v1.tbz) = 5a3092991d804dfd131e889004226f42f12467f70a660db5121fc204c1835a71
-SIZE (tinderbox/tb243_template_paefchen_v1.tbz) = 7922
+MD5 (tinderbox-3.0.0.tar.gz) = f798417a2a150b6374588846f2658a3e
+SHA256 (tinderbox-3.0.0.tar.gz) = 5c4e66be67c6bf2a5e3efd526b6e6c8dfe020d2c261820436e7c9952cce1b62c
+SIZE (tinderbox-3.0.0.tar.gz) = 118144
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/extra-patch-www-exp__core__TinderboxDS.php b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/extra-patch-www-exp__core__TinderboxDS.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 38799701d61f..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/extra-patch-www-exp__core__TinderboxDS.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- ./www-exp/core/TinderboxDS.php.orig 2008-06-02 07:11:02.000000000 +0300
-+++ ./www-exp/core/TinderboxDS.php 2008-06-03 15:38:24.000000000 +0300
-@@ -372,6 +372,11 @@
- if ($sortby == "") $sortby = "Port_Directory";
- if ($sortby == "Port_Directory") $sortbytable = "p";
- if ($sortby == "Port_Maintainer") $sortbytable = "p";
-+ if ($sortby == "Last_Built") {
-+ $sortbytable = "bp";
-+ $sortby = "Last_Built desc";
-+ }
- $query = "SELECT p.*,
- bp.Last_Built,
- bp.Last_Status,
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/extra-patch-www-exp__module__moduleBuildPorts.php b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/extra-patch-www-exp__module__moduleBuildPorts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b4d57e33f66..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/extra-patch-www-exp__module__moduleBuildPorts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- ./www-exp/module/moduleBuildPorts.php.orig 2008-06-03 15:53:53.000000000 +0300
-+++ ./www-exp/module/moduleBuildPorts.php 2008-06-03 15:54:42.000000000 +0300
-@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
- $build_id = false;
- }
-- $ports = $this->TinderboxDS->getLatestPorts( $build_id, 20 );
-+ $ports = $this->TinderboxDS->getLatestPorts( $build_id, 30 );
- if( is_array( $ports ) && count( $ports ) > 0 ) {
- $this->template_assign( 'data', $this->modulePorts->get_list_data( $build_name, $ports ) );
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/patch-buildscript b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/patch-buildscript
deleted file mode 100644
index 870b7c56e3fe..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/patch-buildscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
---- ./buildscript.orig 2008-06-03 15:17:08.000000000 +0300
-+++ ./buildscript 2008-06-03 15:20:37.000000000 +0300
-@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@
- L=$(echo ${LOCALBASE} | sed 's,^/,,')
- X=$(echo ${X11BASE} | sed 's,^/,,')
-+NOD=$(echo ${NOPORTDOCS} | sed 's,^/,,')
-+NOE=$(echo ${NOPORTEXAMPLES} | sed 's,^/,,')
-+NPD=$(echo ${NOPORTDATA} | sed 's,^/,,')
-+Z=`ident ${dir}/Makefile | grep 'FreeBSD:' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//'`
- if [ $phase = 1 ]; then
-@@ -110,6 +116,11 @@
- echo "maintained by: $(make maintainer)"
- echo "building for: $(uname -rm)"
- echo "port directory: ${dir}"
-+ echo "Makefile ident: ${Z}"
-+ echo "prefixes: LOCALBASE=${L} X11BASE=${X}"
- echo "build started at $(date)"
- echo "FETCH_DEPENDS=${FD}"
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/patch-portbuild b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/patch-portbuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 116a31ee1d92..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/patch-portbuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Index: portbuild
-@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
- fi
- if [ x"${OPTIONS_ENABLED}" = x"1" ]; then
-- export PORT_DBDIR=${chroot}/var/db/ports
-+ export PORT_DBDIR=/var/db/ports
- fi
- echo "building $pkgname in $chroot"
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/pkg-message.in b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/pkg-message.in
index 17a5f86b8428..f1af49cc1714 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/pkg-message.in
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/pkg-message.in
@@ -3,96 +3,12 @@
ports-mgmt/tinderbox is now installed, but it requires some additional setup.
-Additional info: %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/README
+Please do read: %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/README
-The following walkthrough is for PostgreSQL databases:
-- First, run the setup program:
- %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/setup.sh
- Enter database driver (mysql pgsql): pgsql
- If the database is running on the same server as you're on now,
- and you have administrator access to it, answer this question
- with yes:
- "Does this host have access to connect to the Tinderbox database as a database administrator?"
- Enter database admin user [root]: pgsql
- Enter the desired username for the Tinderbox database : tinderbox
- Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
- Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
- Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
- The other questions should just be entered through.
-The following walkthrough is for MySQL databases:
-- First, run the setup program:
- %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/setup.sh
- Enter database driver (mysql pgsql): mysql
- If the database is running on the same server as you're on now,
- and you have administrator access to it, answer this question
- with yes:
- "Does this host have access to connect to the Tinderbox database as a database administrator?"
- Enter the desired username for the Tinderbox database : tinderbox
- The other questions should just be entered through.
-The following walkthrough is the tinderbox environment setup:
-- Edit the file %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/tinderbox.ph (copy from
- tinderbox.ph.dist)
- - $BUILD_ROOT should be "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox"
- - $SUBJECT should be "My Tinderbox"
- - $SENDER should be your email address
- - $SMTP_HOST should be your SMTP server (localhost?)
- - $SERVER_HOST should be the name your machine is known as. If
- it is your own machine and your access it directory, try localhost
- here if nothing else sounds reasonable.
- - $TINDERBOX_URI should be "/tb".
- - Comment out the lines after "for www", and uncomment the lines "for www-exp".
-- Edit the file %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/inc_ds.php
- (copy from inc_ds.php.dist)
- - $DB_HOST should be localhost
- - $DB_DRIVER should be pgsql
- - $DB_USER should be tinderbox
-- Edit the file %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/inc_tinderbox.php
- (copy from inc_tinderbox.php.dist)
- - $rootdir should be %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox
- - $wwwrooturi should be /tb
- - $tinderbox_name should be "My Tinderbox"
- - $tinderbox_title should be "FreeBSD Packages"
-The following walkthrough is the initial tinderbox population setup
-and should be executed in %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts.
-- ./tc init
-- Create a jail. A jail is a chrooted version of the FreeBSD operating
- system, for example 7-STABLE or 7.0-RELEASE:
- ./create Jail -j 7 -d "FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE" -t RELENG_7_0_0_RELEASE -u CVSUP
- You can have multiple jails on a single machine.
- This takes a while.
-- Create a ports tree:
- ./create PortsTree -p FreeBSD -d "FreeBSD ports tree" -w http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/
- This takes a while.
-- And then link the two together in a build:
- ./create Build -b 7.0-FreeBSD -j 7 -p FreeBSD -d "7.0-RELEASE with FreeBSD ports tree"
The following walkthrough is the webserver setup:
-- In your Apache configuration, add the following lines:
+- In your Apache configuration add the following lines:
Alias /tb/logs/ "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/logs/"
Alias /tb/packages/ "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/packages/"
@@ -115,24 +31,5 @@ dir-listing.activate = "enable"
Check your system by going to http://localhost/tb/
-The following walkthrough is the first run for a port in the
-tinderbox and should be executed in %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts.
-- See the documents %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/README and the
- "Using Tinderbox" section for more information.
-- Add the port and its dependencies to the database:
- ./tc addPort -b 5.4-FreeBSD -d net/dhcpdump -r
-- On the website you see now five ports on the build page.
-- Start the build:
- ./tinderbuild -nullfs -b 5.4-FreeBSD dns/dnstracer
-- On the page "Current and latest builds in this build" you see the
- current being-built port and the last n ports built.
-- At a certain moment, when you refresh the page, you see that it
- has changed.
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-descr b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-descr
index bfafcb10f8ca..777a24ae65e7 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-descr
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-descr
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ need, for platforms and architectures you need. Tinderbox is also
excellent tool for testing new ports and port upgrades, especially
for testing dependencies and packing lists. It's also useful for
testing ports on various releases of FreeBSD, since you can run
-FreeBSD 4.X world as a jail on FreeBSD 5.X/6.X host.
+FreeBSD 6.X world as a jail on FreeBSD 7.X/8.X host.
WWW: http://tinderbox.marcuscom.com/
Author: Joe Marcus Clarke.
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-plist b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-plist
index 3d251a972abf..6d62d477ba07 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-plist
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-plist
@@ -1,154 +1,129 @@
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates/default
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates/paefchen/images
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates/paefchen
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/module
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/core
-%%WEB%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/templates/paefchen/images
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/templates/paefchen
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/templates/default
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/templates
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/module
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/core
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrmtry tinderbox/scripts/webui
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/upgrade
+@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/sql
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/man/man1
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/man
+@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/lib/Tinderbox
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/lib
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/etc/rc.d
+@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/etc/env
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/etc
-@dirrmtry tinderbox/scripts/www-exp
-@dirrmtry tinderbox/scripts
+@dirrm tinderbox/scripts
@dirrmtry tinderbox
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/Makefile b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/Makefile
index c7a163c09394..0efd4e652d12 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/Makefile
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/Makefile
@@ -6,11 +6,10 @@
PORTNAME= tinderbox
CATEGORIES= ports-mgmt
MASTER_SITES= http://T32.TecNik93.com/FreeBSD/ports/${PORTNAME}/sources/
-DIST_SUBDIR= tinderbox
+#DIST_SUBDIR= tinderbox
MAINTAINER= itetcu@FreeBSD.org
COMMENT= Port build tinderbox system
@@ -19,15 +18,13 @@ OPTIONS= PGSQL "With pgsql" Off \
MYSQL "With mysql" On \
CSUP "Use csup for updates" On \
CVSUP "Use cvsup for updates" Off \
- WEB "Install web interface" Off \
- WEB_EXP "Install the new web interface" On \
+ WEBUI "Install web interface" On \
APACHE "Use Apache for web interface" On \
LIGHTTPD "Use LightHTTPD for web interface" Off
SUB_FILES= pkg-message
-PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
MAN1= tc-configCcache.1 tc-configDistfile.1 tc-configGet.1 \
tc-configJail.1 tc-configTinderd.1 tc-init.1
@@ -38,40 +35,25 @@ MAN1= tc-configCcache.1 tc-configDistfile.1 tc-configGet.1 \
IGNORE= is useless without a database. Please (re)run 'make config' and choose one of PGSQL and MYSQL
-.if defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
+.if defined(WITH_WEBUI)
RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/share/pear/DB.php:${PORTSDIR}/databases/pear-DB
USE_PHP= session
- favicon.ico tb243_template_paefchen_v1.tbz
-.if defined(WITH_WEB)
-PLIST_SUB+= WEB="@comment "
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
-EXTRA_PATCHES+= ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-www-exp__core__TinderboxDS.php \
- ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-www-exp__module__moduleBuildPorts.php
-PLIST_SUB+= WEB_EXP="@comment "
+PLIST_SUB+= WEBUI="@comment "
.if defined(WITH_PGSQL)
-.if defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
+.if defined(WITH_WEBUI)
USE_PHP+= pgsql
.if !defined(WITHOUT_MYSQL)
-.if defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
+.if defined(WITH_WEBUI)
USE_PHP+= mysql
@@ -89,54 +71,30 @@ RUN_DEPENDS+= csup:${PORTSDIR}/net/csup
RUN_DEPENDS+= cvsup:${PORTSDIR}/net/cvsup-without-gui
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_APACHE) && (defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP))
+.if !defined(WITHOUT_APACHE) && defined(WITH_WEBUI)
-.elif defined(WITH_LIGHTTPD) && (defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP))
+.elif defined(WITH_LIGHTTPD) && defined(WITH_WEBUI)
RUN_DEPENDS+= lighttpd:${PORTSDIR}/www/lighttpd
-.if (!defined(WITHOUT_APACHE) || defined(WITH_LIGHTTPD)) && !(defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP))
+.if (!defined(WITHOUT_APACHE) || defined(WITH_LIGHTTPD)) && !defined(WITH_WEBUI)
@${ECHO_CMD} "It doesn't make sense to depend on Apache or LightHTTPD if not using either web interface."
-.if !defined(WITH_WEB)
- @${RM} -R ${WRKSRC}/www
- @${CP} ${_DISTDIR}/favicon.ico ${WRKSRC}/www
-.if defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
- @${RM} -R ${WRKSRC}/www-exp
- @${CP} ${_DISTDIR}/favicon.ico ${WRKSRC}/www-exp
- @${TAR} -C ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/templates -xf ${_DISTDIR}/tb243_template_paefchen_v1.tbz
- @${CHOWN} -R ${SHAREOWN}:${SHAREGRP} ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/templates/paefchen
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's|/templates/default|/templates/paefchen|' ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/inc_tinderbox.php.dist
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/inc_tinderbox.php.dist.bak
-.if defined(WITH_MYSQL)
- -e 's,DB_MAN_PREREQS=.*,DB_MAN_PREREQS="databases/p5-DBD-mysql${MYSQL_VER} databases/mysql${MYSQL_VER}-client",' \
- ${WRKSRC}/lib/setup-mysql.sh
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/lib/setup-mysql.sh.bak
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/buildscript.orig
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/portbuild.orig
-.if defined(WITH_WEB_EXP)
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/core/TinderboxDS.php.orig
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/module/moduleBuildPorts.php.orig
+.if !defined(WITH_WEBUI)
+ @${RM} -R ${WRKSRC}/webui
${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/tinderbox/scripts
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/man/man1 && ${INSTALL_MAN} ${MAN1} ${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1 && \
+ cd ${WRKSRC} && ${RM} -r ${WRKSRC}/man
${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/* ${PREFIX}/tinderbox/scripts
- cd ${WRKSRC}/man/man1 && ${INSTALL_MAN} ${MAN1} ${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1
.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/distinfo b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/distinfo
index 5e2635094a64..0ed44fb44831 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/distinfo
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/distinfo
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (tinderbox/tinderbox-2.4.3.tar.gz) = 88f97d526b4d42dedaf5cc8c2adaab0c
-SHA256 (tinderbox/tinderbox-2.4.3.tar.gz) = 2a540b50342813dd4cf82791028878db6dba2c40af4cb7118f239f7a2286a72c
-SIZE (tinderbox/tinderbox-2.4.3.tar.gz) = 131585
-MD5 (tinderbox/favicon.ico) = 1d2e9e267ca81f0ef5bc7b9c391aaced
-SHA256 (tinderbox/favicon.ico) = 842f1e23dcfcee24d4d7578381256256cda994347751fb332b6eb2182eae216e
-SIZE (tinderbox/favicon.ico) = 4710
-MD5 (tinderbox/tb243_template_paefchen_v1.tbz) = 41e27094f83cdf520e6d8179563d6b45
-SHA256 (tinderbox/tb243_template_paefchen_v1.tbz) = 5a3092991d804dfd131e889004226f42f12467f70a660db5121fc204c1835a71
-SIZE (tinderbox/tb243_template_paefchen_v1.tbz) = 7922
+MD5 (tinderbox-3.0.0.tar.gz) = f798417a2a150b6374588846f2658a3e
+SHA256 (tinderbox-3.0.0.tar.gz) = 5c4e66be67c6bf2a5e3efd526b6e6c8dfe020d2c261820436e7c9952cce1b62c
+SIZE (tinderbox-3.0.0.tar.gz) = 118144
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/extra-patch-www-exp__core__TinderboxDS.php b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/extra-patch-www-exp__core__TinderboxDS.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 38799701d61f..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/extra-patch-www-exp__core__TinderboxDS.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- ./www-exp/core/TinderboxDS.php.orig 2008-06-02 07:11:02.000000000 +0300
-+++ ./www-exp/core/TinderboxDS.php 2008-06-03 15:38:24.000000000 +0300
-@@ -372,6 +372,11 @@
- if ($sortby == "") $sortby = "Port_Directory";
- if ($sortby == "Port_Directory") $sortbytable = "p";
- if ($sortby == "Port_Maintainer") $sortbytable = "p";
-+ if ($sortby == "Last_Built") {
-+ $sortbytable = "bp";
-+ $sortby = "Last_Built desc";
-+ }
- $query = "SELECT p.*,
- bp.Last_Built,
- bp.Last_Status,
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/extra-patch-www-exp__module__moduleBuildPorts.php b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/extra-patch-www-exp__module__moduleBuildPorts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b4d57e33f66..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/extra-patch-www-exp__module__moduleBuildPorts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- ./www-exp/module/moduleBuildPorts.php.orig 2008-06-03 15:53:53.000000000 +0300
-+++ ./www-exp/module/moduleBuildPorts.php 2008-06-03 15:54:42.000000000 +0300
-@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
- $build_id = false;
- }
-- $ports = $this->TinderboxDS->getLatestPorts( $build_id, 20 );
-+ $ports = $this->TinderboxDS->getLatestPorts( $build_id, 30 );
- if( is_array( $ports ) && count( $ports ) > 0 ) {
- $this->template_assign( 'data', $this->modulePorts->get_list_data( $build_name, $ports ) );
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/patch-buildscript b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/patch-buildscript
deleted file mode 100644
index 870b7c56e3fe..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/patch-buildscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
---- ./buildscript.orig 2008-06-03 15:17:08.000000000 +0300
-+++ ./buildscript 2008-06-03 15:20:37.000000000 +0300
-@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@
- L=$(echo ${LOCALBASE} | sed 's,^/,,')
- X=$(echo ${X11BASE} | sed 's,^/,,')
-+NOD=$(echo ${NOPORTDOCS} | sed 's,^/,,')
-+NOE=$(echo ${NOPORTEXAMPLES} | sed 's,^/,,')
-+NPD=$(echo ${NOPORTDATA} | sed 's,^/,,')
-+Z=`ident ${dir}/Makefile | grep 'FreeBSD:' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//'`
- if [ $phase = 1 ]; then
-@@ -110,6 +116,11 @@
- echo "maintained by: $(make maintainer)"
- echo "building for: $(uname -rm)"
- echo "port directory: ${dir}"
-+ echo "Makefile ident: ${Z}"
-+ echo "prefixes: LOCALBASE=${L} X11BASE=${X}"
- echo "build started at $(date)"
- echo "FETCH_DEPENDS=${FD}"
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/patch-portbuild b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/patch-portbuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 116a31ee1d92..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/patch-portbuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Index: portbuild
-@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
- fi
- if [ x"${OPTIONS_ENABLED}" = x"1" ]; then
-- export PORT_DBDIR=${chroot}/var/db/ports
-+ export PORT_DBDIR=/var/db/ports
- fi
- echo "building $pkgname in $chroot"
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/pkg-message.in b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/pkg-message.in
index 17a5f86b8428..f1af49cc1714 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/pkg-message.in
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/pkg-message.in
@@ -3,96 +3,12 @@
ports-mgmt/tinderbox is now installed, but it requires some additional setup.
-Additional info: %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/README
+Please do read: %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/README
-The following walkthrough is for PostgreSQL databases:
-- First, run the setup program:
- %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/setup.sh
- Enter database driver (mysql pgsql): pgsql
- If the database is running on the same server as you're on now,
- and you have administrator access to it, answer this question
- with yes:
- "Does this host have access to connect to the Tinderbox database as a database administrator?"
- Enter database admin user [root]: pgsql
- Enter the desired username for the Tinderbox database : tinderbox
- Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
- Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
- Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
- The other questions should just be entered through.
-The following walkthrough is for MySQL databases:
-- First, run the setup program:
- %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/setup.sh
- Enter database driver (mysql pgsql): mysql
- If the database is running on the same server as you're on now,
- and you have administrator access to it, answer this question
- with yes:
- "Does this host have access to connect to the Tinderbox database as a database administrator?"
- Enter the desired username for the Tinderbox database : tinderbox
- The other questions should just be entered through.
-The following walkthrough is the tinderbox environment setup:
-- Edit the file %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/tinderbox.ph (copy from
- tinderbox.ph.dist)
- - $BUILD_ROOT should be "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox"
- - $SUBJECT should be "My Tinderbox"
- - $SENDER should be your email address
- - $SMTP_HOST should be your SMTP server (localhost?)
- - $SERVER_HOST should be the name your machine is known as. If
- it is your own machine and your access it directory, try localhost
- here if nothing else sounds reasonable.
- - $TINDERBOX_URI should be "/tb".
- - Comment out the lines after "for www", and uncomment the lines "for www-exp".
-- Edit the file %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/inc_ds.php
- (copy from inc_ds.php.dist)
- - $DB_HOST should be localhost
- - $DB_DRIVER should be pgsql
- - $DB_USER should be tinderbox
-- Edit the file %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/inc_tinderbox.php
- (copy from inc_tinderbox.php.dist)
- - $rootdir should be %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox
- - $wwwrooturi should be /tb
- - $tinderbox_name should be "My Tinderbox"
- - $tinderbox_title should be "FreeBSD Packages"
-The following walkthrough is the initial tinderbox population setup
-and should be executed in %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts.
-- ./tc init
-- Create a jail. A jail is a chrooted version of the FreeBSD operating
- system, for example 7-STABLE or 7.0-RELEASE:
- ./create Jail -j 7 -d "FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE" -t RELENG_7_0_0_RELEASE -u CVSUP
- You can have multiple jails on a single machine.
- This takes a while.
-- Create a ports tree:
- ./create PortsTree -p FreeBSD -d "FreeBSD ports tree" -w http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/
- This takes a while.
-- And then link the two together in a build:
- ./create Build -b 7.0-FreeBSD -j 7 -p FreeBSD -d "7.0-RELEASE with FreeBSD ports tree"
The following walkthrough is the webserver setup:
-- In your Apache configuration, add the following lines:
+- In your Apache configuration add the following lines:
Alias /tb/logs/ "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/logs/"
Alias /tb/packages/ "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/packages/"
@@ -115,24 +31,5 @@ dir-listing.activate = "enable"
Check your system by going to http://localhost/tb/
-The following walkthrough is the first run for a port in the
-tinderbox and should be executed in %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts.
-- See the documents %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/README and the
- "Using Tinderbox" section for more information.
-- Add the port and its dependencies to the database:
- ./tc addPort -b 5.4-FreeBSD -d net/dhcpdump -r
-- On the website you see now five ports on the build page.
-- Start the build:
- ./tinderbuild -nullfs -b 5.4-FreeBSD dns/dnstracer
-- On the page "Current and latest builds in this build" you see the
- current being-built port and the last n ports built.
-- At a certain moment, when you refresh the page, you see that it
- has changed.
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/pkg-descr b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/pkg-descr
index bfafcb10f8ca..777a24ae65e7 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/pkg-descr
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/pkg-descr
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ need, for platforms and architectures you need. Tinderbox is also
excellent tool for testing new ports and port upgrades, especially
for testing dependencies and packing lists. It's also useful for
testing ports on various releases of FreeBSD, since you can run
-FreeBSD 4.X world as a jail on FreeBSD 5.X/6.X host.
+FreeBSD 6.X world as a jail on FreeBSD 7.X/8.X host.
WWW: http://tinderbox.marcuscom.com/
Author: Joe Marcus Clarke.
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/pkg-plist b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/pkg-plist
index 3d251a972abf..6d62d477ba07 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/pkg-plist
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/pkg-plist
@@ -1,154 +1,129 @@
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates/default
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates/paefchen/images
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates/paefchen
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/module
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/core
-%%WEB%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/templates/paefchen/images
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/templates/paefchen
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/templates/default
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/templates
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/module
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/webui/core
+%%WEBUI%%@dirrmtry tinderbox/scripts/webui
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/upgrade
+@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/sql
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/man/man1
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/man
+@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/lib/Tinderbox
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/lib
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/etc/rc.d
+@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/etc/env
@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/etc
-@dirrmtry tinderbox/scripts/www-exp
-@dirrmtry tinderbox/scripts
+@dirrm tinderbox/scripts
@dirrmtry tinderbox