diff options
authorkris <kris@FreeBSD.org>2008-05-26 02:07:49 +0800
committerkris <kris@FreeBSD.org>2008-05-26 02:07:49 +0800
commit120fd0a3b45a5450c6ca35741a346744c4ebc1b0 (patch)
parentdf314ceaaddf9bc48ce542453b797fe54268472c (diff)
Rewrite this in python instead of shell. Because we can read the
INDEX once and process internally instead of invoking many external utilities, runtime is improved from ~20 minutes to <10 seconds.
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/chopindex b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/chopindex
index 0b59a294049e..402735106460 100755
--- a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/chopindex
+++ b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/chopindex
@@ -1,39 +1,55 @@
-if [ $# != 2 ]; then
- echo "usage: chopindex <indexfile> <pkgdir>"
- return 1
-# make a list of all pkgnames that don't have corresponding packages
-missing=$(/usr/bin/awk -v FS="|" -v pkgdir=$pkgdir '{
- if (system(sprintf("test -e %s/All/%s.t[bg]z\n", pkgdir, $1)))
- print $1 ;
-}' $index)
-# make an index for only the ports that have packages
-/usr/bin/awk -v FS="|" -v pkgdir=$pkgdir '{
- if (system(sprintf("test ! -e %s/All/%s.t[bg]z\n", pkgdir, $1)))
- print $0 ;
-}' $index > $tmpindex
-# find missing ports still in the index as a dependency
-for i in $missing; do
- if grep -q "[ |]$i[ |]" $tmpindex; then
- delete="$delete $i"
- sed="$sed -e s/$(echo $i | sed -e 's/\./\\./g')//g"
- fi
-# delete them
-if [ "$delete" != "" ]; then
- echo "chopindex: deleting" $delete 1>&2
-sed $sed -e 's/ */ /g' -e 's/| /|/g' -e 's/ |/|/g' $tmpindex
-/bin/rm -f $tmpindex
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os, sys
+if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ print "%s: <index> <pkgdir>" % sys.argv[0]
+ sys.exit()
+indexfile = sys.argv[1]
+pkgdir = sys.argv[2]
+if not pkgdir.endswith("/All"):
+ pkgdir = pkgdir + "/All"
+packages = [pkg for (pkg, ext) in map(os.path.splitext, os.listdir(pkgdir)) if ext == ".tbz"]
+for i in file(indexfile):
+ out = i.rstrip().split("|")
+ out[7] = out[7].split(" ") # build dep
+ out[8] = out[8].split(" ") # run dep
+ index.append(out)
+ # Keep track of all the packages we have seen in the index. In
+ # principle there is no need to track the build/run deps since
+ # they will also be listed in field 0. We could add a sanity
+ # check for this.
+ pkgs.append(out[0])
+ pkgs.extend(out[7])
+ pkgs.extend(out[8])
+# Write out the new index, stripping out the entries for missing
+# packages as well as dependencies from existing packages on the
+# missing ones.
+# This is slightly dubious since it will intentionally list packages
+# that are present but missing dependencies on non-redistributable
+# things like jdk that were successfully built but removed already, so
+# the dependency lists will not be complete. It matches the old
+# chopindex.sh behaviour though.
+# I think it would be better to just prune those incomplete packages
+# from the INDEX altogether, but I don't know if anyone is relying on
+# this historical behaviour.
+for data in index:
+ if data[0] not in notfound:
+ print "%s|%s|%s|%s" % ("|".join(data[:7]),
+ " ".join([j for j in data[7] if j not in notfound]),
+ " ".join([j for j in data[8] if j not in notfound]),
+ "|".join(data[9:]))