diff options
authormadpilot <madpilot@FreeBSD.org>2012-11-27 07:17:03 +0800
committermadpilot <madpilot@FreeBSD.org>2012-11-27 07:17:03 +0800
commit906fbbc4215e31cc3d46dca1d1a05b5aa2fc3323 (patch)
parentfd2eac2024ab0531b79fd6fc7d2d61db68649066 (diff)
- Update to 2.2.2
- Update MASTER_SITE and WWW - Add XFT support - Trim Makefile headers PR: ports/172513 Submitted by: KATO Tsuguru <tkato432@yahoo.com> Feature safe: yes
8 files changed, 491 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/x11-clocks/dclock/Makefile b/x11-clocks/dclock/Makefile
index 992fc5d2ad76..5491e05a04ef 100644
--- a/x11-clocks/dclock/Makefile
+++ b/x11-clocks/dclock/Makefile
@@ -1,61 +1,72 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: dclock
-# Date created: 15 Aug 1996
-# Whom: David Leonard <leonard@dstc.edu.au>
+# Created by: David Leonard <leonard@dstc.edu.au>
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= dclock
CATEGORIES= x11-clocks
-MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= pool/main/d/dclock
-DISTNAME= dclock_2.1.2.orig
-PATCH_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_DEBIAN:S,%SUBDIR%,pool/main/d/dclock,}
-PATCHFILES= dclock_2.1.2-8.diff.gz
+MASTER_SITES= http://opencircuitdesign.com/~tim/programs/dclock/archive/
MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
COMMENT= A 7-segment digital clock with some optional features
-USE_XORG= ice sm x11 xext xt
+SOX_DESC= Install SOX to play audio
-WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/dclock
-MAN1= dclock.1
-SOX_DESC= Install SOX to play audio
+USE_XORG= x11 xt
+LDFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -lX11 -lXt -lm
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+MAN1= dclock.1
+PLIST_FILES= bin/dclock \
+ lib/X11/app-defaults/DClock \
+ %%DATADIR%%/sounds/bell.wav \
+ %%DATADIR%%/sounds/digital.wav
+PLIST_DIRS= %%DATADIR%%/sounds \
+.include <bsd.port.options.mk>
RUN_DEPENDS+= play:${PORTSDIR}/audio/sox
+USE_XORG+= xft
+CPPFLAGS+= $$(freetype-config --cflags) -DXFT_SUPPORT
+LDFLAGS+= $$(freetype-config --libs) -lXft
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%DATADIR%%|${DATADIR}|' \
- -e 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|' \
- ${WRKSRC}/Dclock.c \
- ${WRKSRC}/Dclock.ad \
- ${WRKSRC}/dclock.1
- @${MV} ${WRKSRC}/dclock.1 ${WRKSRC}/dclock.man
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/Dclock.ad ${PREFIX}/lib/X11/app-defaults/DClock
- ${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/sounds
-.for f in bell.wav digital.wav
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/sounds/${f} ${DATADIR}/sounds
+.for i in Dclock.c Dclock.ad dclock.1
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
+ 's|%%DATADIR%%|${DATADIR}| ; \
+ (cd ${WRKSRC} \
+ && ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} *.c -o ${PORTNAME} ${LDFLAGS})
+ (cd ${WRKSRC} \
+ && ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} dclock ${PREFIX}/bin \
+ && ${INSTALL_MAN} dclock.1 ${MANPREFIX}/man/man1 \
+ && ${INSTALL_DATA} Dclock.ad \
+ ${PREFIX}/lib/X11/app-defaults/DClock)
+ @${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/sounds
+ (cd ${WRKSRC}/sounds && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.wav ${DATADIR}/sounds)
-.for f in README TODO
+.for f in ${PORTDOCS}
+ (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${INSTALL_DATA} ${f} ${DOCSDIR})
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/debian/changelog ${DOCSDIR}/changelog.Debian
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/x11-clocks/dclock/distinfo b/x11-clocks/dclock/distinfo
index c3e1b2144f1f..a80e4eb282a7 100644
--- a/x11-clocks/dclock/distinfo
+++ b/x11-clocks/dclock/distinfo
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dclock_2.1.2.orig.tar.gz) = e613b2ea01e7bc41c1ae76b2ae7a5ad81805e2aba29c0e843fa2f9b28518136e
-SIZE (dclock_2.1.2.orig.tar.gz) = 51418
-SHA256 (dclock_2.1.2-8.diff.gz) = 52fb10719e998ace55676c665f5b6eba348f3d8f6083c636942a145edfb0334b
-SIZE (dclock_2.1.2-8.diff.gz) = 5247
+SHA256 (dclock-2.2.2.tgz) = af329ecf8e1a27defc8f060b94219bd054e79a7dc53e508b79265bcfbc380021
+SIZE (dclock-2.2.2.tgz) = 65429
diff --git a/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-Dclock.ad b/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-Dclock.ad
index c04f47343b36..cf173acb0644 100644
--- a/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-Dclock.ad
+++ b/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-Dclock.ad
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
---- Dclock.ad.orig Sun Dec 18 00:18:10 2005
-+++ Dclock.ad Sun Dec 18 00:20:00 2005
-@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
+--- Dclock.ad.orig 2008-07-03 14:39:21.000000000 +0900
++++ Dclock.ad 2012-09-27 19:01:16.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
! sample dclock defaults
-dclock*geometry: 240x87+271+5
-dclock*foreground: chartreuse
@@ -10,21 +10,19 @@
-dclock*borderWidth: 2
-dclock*widthFactor: 0.143
-dclock*spaceFactor: 0.062
--dclock*bellFile: /usr/share/sounds/bell.wav
--dclock*alarmFile: /usr/share/sounds/digital.wav
+-dclock*bellFile: /usr/share/sound/bell.wav
+-dclock*alarmFile: /usr/share/sound/digital.wav
-dclock*font: *helvetica-medium-r-normal--14*
-dclock*audioPlay: /usr/bin/play
--dclock.input: true
-+*geometry: 240x87+271+5
-+*foreground: chartreuse
-+*background: DarkSlateGray
-+*led_off: DarkGreen
-+*borderColor: white
-+*borderWidth: 2
-+*widthFactor: 0.143
-+*spaceFactor: 0.062
-+*bellFile: %%DATADIR%%/sounds/bell.wav
-+*alarmFile: %%DATADIR%%/sounds/digital.wav
-+*font: *helvetica-medium-r-normal--14*
-+*audioPlay: %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/play
-+.input: true
++*geometry: 240x87+271+5
++*foreground: chartreuse
++*background: DarkSlateGray
++*led_off: DarkGreen
++*borderColor: white
++*borderWidth: 2
++*widthFactor: 0.143
++*spaceFactor: 0.062
++*bellFile: %%DATADIR%%/sound/bell.wav
++*alarmFile: %%DATADIR%%/sound/digital.wav
++*font: *helvetica-medium-r-normal--14*
++*audioPlay: %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/play
diff --git a/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-Dclock.c b/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-Dclock.c
index 2f63600bcc93..6c45dfe5c5e7 100644
--- a/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-Dclock.c
+++ b/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-Dclock.c
@@ -1,18 +1,37 @@
---- Dclock.c.orig Sat Dec 17 23:46:28 2005
-+++ Dclock.c Sat Dec 17 23:47:28 2005
-@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
- #include <stdio.h>
+--- Dclock.c.orig 2008-07-08 13:00:35.000000000 +0900
++++ Dclock.c 2012-10-08 00:49:08.000000000 +0900
+@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
-#include <values.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+ #include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
-#include <wait.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
#include <X11/Xos.h>
-@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
+ static int old_digs[4];
+ static struct tm before;
+ static char *saved_date;
+-static cur_position; /* outline current digit for setting alarm */
++static int cur_position; /* outline current digit for setting alarm */
+ static struct { int hrs, mins; } Alarm;
+ static int TopOffset = 0;
+@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
+ XtOffset(DclockWidget,dclock.font), XtRString, "fixed"},
+ #ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+ { XftNfontName, "fontName", XtRString, sizeof(String),
+- XtOffset(DclockWidget,dclock.xftfontname), XtRString, "charter"},
++ XtOffset(DclockWidget,dclock.xftfontname), XtRString, NULL},
+ #endif
+ { XtNangle, "Slope", XtRFloat, sizeof(float),
+ XtOffset(DclockWidget,dclock.angle), XtRFloat, (caddr_t)&sslope},
+@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
{ XtNbellFile, "bellFile", XtRString, sizeof(String),
XtOffset(DclockWidget,dclock.bellfile), XtRString, (String)NULL},
{ XtNaudioPlay, "audioPlay", XtRString, sizeof(String),
@@ -21,3 +40,356 @@
/* Define the Dclock widget */
+@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
+ * These stipples give different densities for the
+ * different stages of fading.
+ */
+-static unsigned char stpl_1_8th[] =
++static char stpl_1_8th[] =
+ {
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x08, 0x08, 0x80, 0x80, 0x08, 0x08,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x08, 0x08, 0x80, 0x80, 0x08, 0x08,
+@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x08, 0x08, 0x80, 0x80, 0x08, 0x08
+ };
+-static unsigned char stpl_1_4th[] =
++static char stpl_1_4th[] =
+ {
+ 0x88, 0x88, 0x22, 0x22, 0x88, 0x88, 0x22, 0x22,
+ 0x88, 0x88, 0x22, 0x22, 0x88, 0x88, 0x22, 0x22,
+@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
+ 0x88, 0x88, 0x22, 0x22, 0x88, 0x88, 0x22, 0x22
+ };
+-static unsigned char stpl_3_8ths[] =
++static char stpl_3_8ths[] =
+ {
+ 0xA2, 0xA2, 0x15, 0x15, 0xA8, 0xA8, 0x45, 0x45,
+ 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x51, 0x51, 0x8A, 0x8A, 0x54, 0x54,
+@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
+ 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x51, 0x51, 0x8A, 0x8A, 0x54, 0x54
+ };
+-static unsigned char stpl_one_half[] =
++static char stpl_one_half[] =
+ {
+ 0x55, 0x55, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x55, 0x55, 0xAA, 0xAA,
+ 0x55, 0x55, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x55, 0x55, 0xAA, 0xAA,
+@@ -344,6 +344,12 @@
+ segment_pts tiny_segment_pts;
+ segment_pts norm_segment_pts;
++#ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
++#define XFT_COND(dclock) ((dclock).xftfontname)
++#define XFT_COND(dclock) (0)
+ /* ARGSUSED */
+ static void
+ Initialize (request, new)
+@@ -386,11 +392,13 @@
+ if (new->dclock.sec_gap < 0.0) new->dclock.sec_gap = 0.0;
+ #ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- new->dclock.xftfont = XftFontOpen(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy),
++ if (XFT_COND(new->dclock)) {
++ new->dclock.xftfont = XftFontOpen(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy),
+ XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, new->dclock.xftfontname,
+ XFT_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, ((float)new->core.height / 6.0) - 4.0,
+ NULL);
+- new->dclock.xftdraw = NULL;
++ new->dclock.xftdraw = NULL;
++ }
+ #endif
+ GetGC(new);
+@@ -447,11 +455,11 @@
+ if (new->dclock.date_fmt && !*new->dclock.date_fmt)
+ new->dclock.date_fmt = NULL;
+ if (new->dclock.dateup && new->dclock.date_fmt)
+-#ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
++ if (XFT_COND(new->dclock)) {
+ TopOffset = new->core.height / 6;
++ } else {
+ TopOffset = new->dclock.font->ascent + new->dclock.font->descent;
++ }
+ else
+ TopOffset = 0;
+@@ -493,7 +501,7 @@
+ static void
+ invert_bitmap(bm, h, w)
+-unsigned char *bm;
++char *bm;
+ int h, w;
+ {
+ int i, *wp;
+@@ -519,7 +527,7 @@
+ XtCreateWindow(w, InputOutput, (Visual *)CopyFromParent, *valueMask, attrs);
+ #ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- if (dw->dclock.xftdraw == NULL) {
++ if (XFT_COND(dw->dclock) && dw->dclock.xftdraw == NULL) {
+ XColor color;
+ Colormap cm = DefaultColormap(dp, sc);
+@@ -574,7 +582,8 @@
+ XDestroyRegion(clip_colon);
+ #ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- XftFontClose(XtDisplay(w), w->dclock.xftfont);
++ if (XFT_COND(w->dclock))
++ XftFontClose(XtDisplay(w), w->dclock.xftfont);
+ #endif
+ }
+@@ -596,11 +605,13 @@
+ winheight = w->core.height;
+ #ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- XftFontClose(dpy, w->dclock.xftfont);
+- w->dclock.xftfont = XftFontOpen(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy),
++ if(XFT_COND(w->dclock)) {
++ XftFontClose(dpy, w->dclock.xftfont);
++ w->dclock.xftfont = XftFontOpen(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy),
+ XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, w->dclock.xftfontname,
+ XFT_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, ((float)winheight / 6.0) - 4.0,
+ NULL);
++ }
+ #endif
+ y_ratio = (float)winheight / CLOCK_HEIGHT;
+@@ -608,11 +619,13 @@
+ if (w->dclock.date_fmt || !w->dclock.display_time || w->dclock.alarm ||
+ w->dclock.bell)
+ /* make win temporarily shorter so digits will fit on top of date */
+-#ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- winheight -= w->core.height / 6;
+- winheight -= w->dclock.font->ascent + w->dclock.font->descent;
++ {
++ if(XFT_COND(w->dclock)) {
++ winheight -= w->core.height / 6;
++ } else {
++ winheight -= w->dclock.font->ascent + w->dclock.font->descent;
++ }
++ }
+ /*
+ * if the width of all segments are equal, then the width in x is the
+@@ -1351,7 +1364,7 @@
+ XtAppContext app;
+ Boolean save_scroll = w->dclock.scroll;
+ Boolean save_fade = w->dclock.fade;
+- long t;
++ time_t t;
+ if (!XtIsRealized((Widget)w))
+ return;
+@@ -1421,7 +1434,7 @@
+ {
+ char buf[11];
+ Boolean alarm_went_off = False;
+- long t = time(0);
++ time_t t = time(0);
+ register struct tm *l_time = localtime(&t);
+ float digit_w = w->dclock.digit_w;
+ float digit_h = w->dclock.digit_h;
+@@ -1522,7 +1535,7 @@
+ Pixmap new_pix[4];
+ int new_digs[4], digitxpos, digitypos;
+ int cur_sec = 0;
+- long t;
++ time_t t;
+ register struct tm *now;
+ /* definitions for the window x and y positions of each of the large digits. */
+@@ -1585,7 +1598,7 @@
+ unsigned long fade_rate = w->dclock.fade_rate * 1000;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) /* if pixmaps don't match, fade it */
+- if (chgd[i] = (new_pix[i] != old_pix[i]))
++ if ((chgd[i] = (new_pix[i] != old_pix[i])))
+ {
+ tmp_pix[i] = XCreatePixmap(dpy, win, (int)(digit_w + slope_add),
+ (int)digit_h, DefaultDepthOfScreen(XtScreen(w)));
+@@ -1669,51 +1682,60 @@
+ char datestr[128];
+ register char *p;
+ int x, datep;
++ int tsize;
+ #ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- int tsize = w->core.height / 6;
+ XGlyphInfo xftextents;
+- int tsize = w->dclock.font->ascent + w->dclock.font->descent;
+ #endif
++ if (XFT_COND(w->dclock)) {
++ tsize = w->core.height / 6;
++ } else {
++ tsize = w->dclock.font->ascent + w->dclock.font->descent;
++ }
+ if (!w->dclock.display_time)
+ datep = strlen(strcpy(datestr, "Push HERE to Set/Unset Alarm"));
+ else
+ datep = strftime(datestr, 128, w->dclock.date_fmt, now);
++ if (XFT_COND(w->dclock)) {
+ #ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- XftTextExtents8(dpy, w->dclock.xftfont, datestr, datep, &xftextents);
+- x = (w->core.width - xftextents.width) / 2;
+- x = (w->core.width - XTextWidth(w->dclock.font, datestr, datep)) / 2;
++ XftTextExtents8(dpy, w->dclock.xftfont, (FcChar8*)datestr, datep, &xftextents);
++ x = (w->core.width - xftextents.width) / 2;
+ #endif
++ } else {
++ x = (w->core.width - XTextWidth(w->dclock.font, datestr, datep)) / 2;
++ }
+ if (x < 2)
+ x = 2;
+ if (TopOffset) {
++ if (XFT_COND(w->dclock)) {
+ #ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- XftDrawRect(w->dclock.xftdraw, &w->dclock.xftbg, 0, 0, winwidth, tsize);
+- XftDrawString8(w->dclock.xftdraw, &w->dclock.xftfg, w->dclock.xftfont, x,
+- (BORDER/2) + tsize - 2, datestr, datep);
+- XFillRectangle(dpy, win, w->dclock.backGC,
+- 0, 0, winwidth, tsize);
+- XDrawString(dpy, win, w->dclock.foreGC,
+- x, ((BORDER/2)+w->dclock.xftfont->height), datestr, datep);
++ XftDrawRect(w->dclock.xftdraw, &w->dclock.xftbg, 0, 0, winwidth, tsize);
++ XftDrawString8(w->dclock.xftdraw, &w->dclock.xftfg, w->dclock.xftfont, x,
++ (BORDER/2) + tsize - 2, (FcChar8*)datestr, datep);
+ #endif
++ } else {
++ XFillRectangle(dpy, win, w->dclock.backGC,
++ 0, 0, winwidth, tsize);
++ XDrawString(dpy, win, w->dclock.foreGC,
++ x, ((BORDER/2)+tsize), datestr, datep);
++ }
+ } else {
++ if (XFT_COND(w->dclock)) {
+ #ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- XftDrawRect(w->dclock.xftdraw, &w->dclock.xftbg, 0, winheight - tsize,
++ XftDrawRect(w->dclock.xftdraw, &w->dclock.xftbg, 0, winheight - tsize,
+ winwidth, tsize);
+- XftDrawString8(w->dclock.xftdraw, &w->dclock.xftfg, w->dclock.xftfont, x,
+- winheight - BORDER - 2, datestr, datep);
+- XFillRectangle(dpy, win, w->dclock.backGC,
+- 0, winheight - tsize, winwidth, tsize);
+- XDrawString(dpy, win, w->dclock.foreGC,
+- x, winheight - BORDER, datestr, datep);
++ XftDrawString8(w->dclock.xftdraw, &w->dclock.xftfg, w->dclock.xftfont, x,
++ winheight - BORDER - 2, (FcChar8*)datestr, datep);
+ #endif
++ } else {
++ XFillRectangle(dpy, win, w->dclock.backGC,
++ 0, winheight - tsize, winwidth, tsize);
++ XDrawString(dpy, win, w->dclock.foreGC,
++ x, winheight - BORDER, datestr, datep);
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1992,13 +2014,13 @@
+ w->dclock.date_fmt = saved_date;
+ saved_date = tmp;
+- if (w->dclock.dateup && w->dclock.date_fmt)
+-#ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- TopOffset = w->core.height / 6;
+- TopOffset = w->dclock.font->ascent + w->dclock.font->descent;
+- else
++ if (w->dclock.dateup && w->dclock.date_fmt) {
++ if (XFT_COND(w->dclock)) {
++ TopOffset = w->core.height / 6;
++ } else {
++ TopOffset = w->dclock.font->ascent + w->dclock.font->descent;
++ }
++ } else
+ TopOffset = 0;
+ before.tm_wday = -1;
+@@ -2021,13 +2043,13 @@
+ XtSetArg(arg, XtNdateUp, !w->dclock.dateup);
+ XtSetValues((Widget)w, &arg, 1);
+- if (w->dclock.dateup && w->dclock.date_fmt)
+-#ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- TopOffset = w->core.height / 6;
+- TopOffset = w->dclock.font->ascent + w->dclock.font->descent;
+- else
++ if (w->dclock.dateup && w->dclock.date_fmt) {
++ if (XFT_COND(w->dclock)) {
++ TopOffset = w->core.height / 6;
++ } else {
++ TopOffset = w->dclock.font->ascent + w->dclock.font->descent;
++ }
++ } else
+ TopOffset = 0;
+ ResizeNow(w);
+@@ -2038,7 +2060,7 @@
+ toggle_bell(w)
+ DclockWidget w;
+ {
+- if (w->dclock.bell = !w->dclock.bell) {
++ if ((w->dclock.bell = !w->dclock.bell)) {
+ playbell(w, 1);
+ }
+ ResizeNow(w);
+@@ -2159,7 +2181,7 @@
+ DclockWidget w;
+ XButtonEvent *event;
+ {
+- static saved_secs, saved_miltime, saved_fade, saved_blink;
++ static int saved_secs, saved_miltime, saved_fade, saved_blink;
+ if (event->button == 3) {
+ if (!(w->dclock.display_time = !w->dclock.display_time)) {
+@@ -2184,20 +2206,20 @@
+ */
+ int i, x, y = (int)((BORDER/2)*y_ratio) + TopOffset;
+ /* first check to see if user toggles the alarm */
+-#ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+- if (TopOffset)
++ if (XFT_COND(w->dclock)) {
++ if (TopOffset)
+ i = (BORDER + (w->core.height / 6))
+ - event->y;
+- else
++ else
+ i = event->y - (winheight - (w->core.height / 6));
+- if (TopOffset)
++ } else {
++ if (TopOffset)
+ i = (BORDER + (w->dclock.font->ascent + w->dclock.font->descent))
+ - event->y;
+- else
++ else
+ i = event->y - (winheight - (w->dclock.font->ascent
+ + w->dclock.font->descent));
++ }
+ if (i >= 0)
+ toggle_alarm(w);
+ else for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
diff --git a/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-DclockP.h b/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-DclockP.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e33378de6ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-DclockP.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- DclockP.h.orig 2008-07-08 12:56:09.000000000 +0900
++++ DclockP.h 2012-10-07 23:57:24.000000000 +0900
+@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
+ #include "Dclock.h"
+ /* Add -DXFT_SUPPORT in the Imakefile for freefont support */
++#ifdef XFT_SUPPORT
+ #include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
+ typedef struct {
diff --git a/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-_dclock.c b/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-_dclock.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f8d7bb3bb6c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-clocks/dclock/files/patch-_dclock.c
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+--- dclock.c.orig 2008-07-08 12:35:18.000000000 +0900
++++ dclock.c 2012-10-08 00:28:47.000000000 +0900
+@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+ * manager: *Dclock.seconds: on
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <locale.h>
+ #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
+ #include "Dclock.h"
+@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@
+ { "quit", quit },
+ };
+ main(argc, argv)
+ char *argv[];
+ {
+@@ -122,10 +124,11 @@
+ char *name, *rindex();
+ XWMHints *wmhints; /* for proper input focus */
+- if (name = rindex(argv[0], '/'))
++ if ((name = rindex(argv[0], '/'))) {
+ name++;
+- else
++ } else {
+ name = argv[0];
++ }
+ setlocale(LC_TIME, "");
diff --git a/x11-clocks/dclock/pkg-descr b/x11-clocks/dclock/pkg-descr
index c36786428c5e..50d065b0760f 100644
--- a/x11-clocks/dclock/pkg-descr
+++ b/x11-clocks/dclock/pkg-descr
@@ -4,5 +4,4 @@ written by Dan Heller. Tim Edwards heavily modified it and released as
version 2.0. This port uses Debian porting as upstream, which is based
on Tim's version and also includes some additional features and fixes.
-WWW: http://opencircuitdesign.com/~tim/
-WWW: http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/dclock.html
+WWW: http://opencircuitdesign.com/~tim/programs/dclock/
diff --git a/x11-clocks/dclock/pkg-plist b/x11-clocks/dclock/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 85e895dc8018..000000000000
--- a/x11-clocks/dclock/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-@comment $FreeBSD$
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sounds
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%
-%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%