diff options
authorlinimon <linimon@FreeBSD.org>2004-01-19 13:56:20 +0800
committerlinimon <linimon@FreeBSD.org>2004-01-19 13:56:20 +0800
commita3d8efc0ed5592050274446d1a8195d077ac4080 (patch)
parent063f83cffefefb19db2a70d5e454a5e47134ddc4 (diff)
Remove math/simpack. From my response to PR ports/53193:
According to Bill Fenner's distfile survey, the mastersite for this port disappeared for good in August 2003. A Google search finds no new home page for it. But, indeed, it finds the following citation on the URL http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~fishwick/moose.html: OOPM is the new name for what used to be termed "MOOSE". OOPM/MOOSE (Multimodeling Object-Oriented Simulation Environment) represents an implementation for a simulation system that is under construction, and based on an extension to object oriented design. MOOSE is the next generation of SimPack which was initiated in 1990 for providing a general purpose toolkit of C and C++ libraries for discrete-event and continuous simulation. So it sounds as though this project has long-ago been abandoned by its original authors in favor of something better. PR: ports/53193 Submitted by: Serge Gagnon <gagnon__s@videotron.ca> No objection: on freebsd-ports for 2 months
22 files changed, 0 insertions, 2505 deletions
diff --git a/math/simpack/Makefile b/math/simpack/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index fb179ad49c95..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# New Ports Collection Makefile For: SimPack
-# Date created: 5 June 1997
-# Whom: Ruslan Shevchenko <rssh@cki.ipri.kiev.ua>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= simpack
-MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.cis.ufl.edu/pub/simdigest/tools/
-DISTFILES= SimPack3.tar.Z
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= SimPack & Sim++ libraries and tools for simulatiom modelling
-BROKEN= "Does not install on 4.x, does not compile on 5.x; will be removed after Feb 2"
-BUILD_DEPENDS= imake:${PORTSDIR}/devel/imake-4
-USE_XLIB= yes
-WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/simpack
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if ${PORTOBJFORMAT} == "elf"
- @${PERL} -pi -e 's,<malloc.h>,<stdlib.h>,' \
- ${WRKSRC}/func/queuing/queuing.c \
- ${WRKSRC}/func/queuing/queuing.h
-post-build: create-libs create-scripts
-do-install: do-install-bin do-install-include do-install-lib do-install-doc
- @for i in `${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/FILES-BIN` ; do \
- done
- @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/temp/sdsmt.alias ${PREFIX}/bin/sdsmt
- @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/temp/deq.alias ${PREFIX}/bin/deq
- @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/include/Sim++
- @for i in `${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/FILES-INCLUDE-SIMPP` ; do \
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/$$i ${PREFIX}/include/Sim++ ; \
- done
- @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/include/queuing
- @for i in `${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/FILES-INCLUDE-QUEUING` ; do \
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/$$i ${PREFIX}/include/queuing/ ; \
- done
- @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/lib/Sim++/olb
- @for i in `${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/FILES-OLB` ; do \
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/$$i ${PREFIX}/lib/Sim++/olb/ ; \
- done
- @for i in `${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/DIRS-LIB` ; do \
- ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/lib/SimPack/$$i ; \
- done
- @for i in `${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/FILES-LIB` ; do \
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/$$i ${PREFIX}/lib/SimPack/$$i ; \
- done
- @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/temp/libsim++.a ${PREFIX}/lib/libsim++.a
- @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/temp/libsim++.so.${VERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib
- @${LN} -sf libsim++.so.${VERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib/libsim++.so
- @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/temp/libqueuing.a ${PREFIX}/lib/libqueuing.a;
- @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/temp/libqueuing.so.${VERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib
- @${LN} -sf libqueuing.so.${VERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib/libqueuing.so
- @for i in `${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/DIRS-SHARE` ; do \
- ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/SimPack/$$i; \
- done
- @for i in `${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/FILES-SHARE` ; do \
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/$$i ${PREFIX}/share/SimPack/$$i ; \
- done
-create-libs: create-lib-sim++ create-lib-queuing
- @${ECHO_MSG} libsim++.a
- @${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/temp
- @(cd ${WRKDIR}/temp; \
- for i in `${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/FILES-SRC-SIMPP` ; do \
- gcc -I${WRKSRC}/func/event/include -c -O \
- ${WRKSRC}/func/event/src/$$i ; \
- done; \
- ${AR} cq libsim++.a `lorder *.o | tsort -q `; \
- ${RM} *.o )
- @${ECHO_MSG} libsim++.so.${VERSION}
- @(cd ${WRKDIR}/temp; \
- for i in `${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/FILES-SRC-SIMPP` ; do \
- gcc -fpic -DPIC -I${WRKSRC}/func/event/include -c -O \
- -o `${BASENAME} $$i cpp`.so \
- ${WRKSRC}/func/event/src/$$i ; \
- done; \
- if [ "${PORTOBJFORMAT}" = "elf" ]; then \
- ${LD} -shared -x -soname libsim++.so.${VERSION} -o \
- libsim++.so.${VERSION} `lorder *.so | tsort -q ` ; \
- else \
- ${LD} -Bshareable -x -o libsim++.so.${VERSION} \
- `lorder *.so | tsort -q ` ; \
- fi; \
- ${RM} *.so )
- @${ECHO_MSG} libqueuing.a
- @(cd ${WRKDIR}/temp; \
- gcc -I${WRKSRC}/func/queuing -c -O \
- ${WRKSRC}/func/queuing/queuing.c; \
- ${AR} cq libqueuing.a `lorder *.o | tsort -q `; \
- ${RM} *.o )
- @${ECHO_MSG} libqueuing.so.${VERSION}
- @(cd ${WRKDIR}/temp; \
- gcc -fpic -DPIC -I${WRKSRC}/func/queuing -c -O \
- -o queuing.so \
- ${WRKSRC}/func/queuing/queuing.c ; \
- if [ "${PORTOBJFORMAT}" = "elf" ]; then \
- ${LD} -shared -x -soname libqueuing.so.${VERSION} -o \
- libqueuing.so.${VERSION} `lorder *.so | tsort -q ` ; \
- else \
- ${LD} -Bshareable -x -o libqueuing.so.${VERSION} \
- `lorder *.so | tsort -q ` ; \
- fi; \
- ${RM} *.so )
-create-scripts: create-sdsmt-alias create-deq-alias
- @${ECHO_CMD} SDSMTLIB=${PREFIX}/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt \
- > ${WRKDIR}/temp/sdsmt.alias
- @${ECHO_CMD} export SDSMTLIB >> ${WRKDIR}/temp/sdsmt.alias
- @${ECHO_CMD} wish4.1 ${PREFIX}/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/sdsmt \
- >> ${WRKDIR}/temp/sdsmt.alias
- @${ECHO_CMD} PATCH=${PREFIX}/lib/SimPack/constraint/differential:$$PATCH \
- > ${WRKDIR}/temp/deq.alias
- @${ECHO_CMD} export PATCH >> ${WRKDIR}/temp/deq.alias
- @${ECHO_CMD} ${PREFIX}/lib/SimPack/constraint/differential/deq $$* \
- >> ${WRKDIR}/temp/deq.alias
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/math/simpack/distinfo b/math/simpack/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index df62325fca15..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (SimPack3.tar.Z) = b531e4d2b7705971b41dfc111b670443
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/DIRS-LIB b/math/simpack/files/DIRS-LIB
deleted file mode 100644
index ba3cdcd666b7..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/DIRS-LIB
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- constraint/differential/deq
- func/slice/sdsmt
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM
- func/slice/sdsmt/bitmaps
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/DIRS-SHARE b/math/simpack/files/DIRS-SHARE
deleted file mode 100644
index 1597fa1fd7bb..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/DIRS-SHARE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- constraint/delaydiff/
- constraint/difference/
- constraint/differential/deq/
- constraint/differential/integrate/
- func/event/doc/
- func/event/examples/airport/
- func/event/examples/block/
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/
- func/event/examples/iterate/
- func/event/examples/logic/
- func/event/examples/network/
- func/event/examples/qnet/
- func/event/examples/route/
- func/event/examples/ssq/
- func/event/examples/tiktok/
- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/
- func/slice/block/
- func/slice/pulse/
- func/slice/sdsmt/
- multimodel/
- projects/
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/FILES-BIN b/math/simpack/files/FILES-BIN
deleted file mode 100644
index a4fcc542e792..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/FILES-BIN
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- dec/fsa/fsa
- dec/markov/markov
- dec/petri/petri
- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/src/Xsimcode
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/gpss
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/FILES-INCLUDE-QUEUING b/math/simpack/files/FILES-INCLUDE-QUEUING
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f2c452555eb..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/FILES-INCLUDE-QUEUING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/FILES-INCLUDE-SIMPP b/math/simpack/files/FILES-INCLUDE-SIMPP
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bb295985da1..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/FILES-INCLUDE-SIMPP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- func/event/include/capi.h
- func/event/include/facility.h
- func/event/include/future.h
- func/event/include/token.h
- func/event/include/event.h
- func/event/include/flist.h
- func/event/include/queuing.h
- func/event/include/vlist.h
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/FILES-LIB b/math/simpack/files/FILES-LIB
deleted file mode 100644
index da1f51029643..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/FILES-LIB
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- constraint/differential/deq/deq
- constraint/differential/deq/order1
- constraint/differential/deq/contsim
- func/slice/sdsmt/Xdefaults
- func/slice/sdsmt/display1.tcl
- func/slice/sdsmt/do.tcl
- func/slice/sdsmt/draw.tcl
- func/slice/sdsmt/equ.tcl
- func/slice/sdsmt/file.tcl
- func/slice/sdsmt/help.tcl
- func/slice/sdsmt/plot.tcl
- func/slice/sdsmt/sdsmt
- func/slice/sdsmt/set.tcl
- func/slice/sdsmt/tclIndex
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/author.bmp
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/aux.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/cancel.bmp
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/celink.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/const.bmp
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/const.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/dash.bmp
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/delete.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/edit.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/equ.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/exec.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/flow.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/grid.bmp
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/grid.fig
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/grid0.bmp
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/grid0.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/grid1.bmp
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/grid1.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/grid2.bmp
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/grid2.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/gridm.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/icon.fig
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/level.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/move.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/rate.bmp
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/rate.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/source.bmp
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/source.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/XBM/undo.xbm
- func/slice/sdsmt/bitmaps/delete.eps
- func/slice/sdsmt/bitmaps/grey.05
- func/slice/sdsmt/bitmaps/grey.10
- func/slice/sdsmt/bitmaps/grey.25
- func/slice/sdsmt/bitmaps/grey.5
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/FILES-OLB b/math/simpack/files/FILES-OLB
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fed14d6228a..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/FILES-OLB
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- func/event/olb/calendar.o
- func/event/olb/capifac.o
- func/event/olb/capifut.o
- func/event/olb/capiran.o
- func/event/olb/estatus.o
- func/event/olb/event.o
- func/event/olb/facility.o
- func/event/olb/flist.o
- func/event/olb/future.o
- func/event/olb/heap.o
- func/event/olb/leftist.o
- func/event/olb/linked.o
- func/event/olb/service.o
- func/event/olb/token.o
- func/event/olb/util.o
- func/event/olb/vlist.o
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/FILES-SHARE b/math/simpack/files/FILES-SHARE
deleted file mode 100644
index a1383535732b..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/FILES-SHARE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
- constraint/delaydiff/haem.time-20.ps
- constraint/delaydiff/Makefile
- constraint/delaydiff/delaydiff.c
- constraint/difference/Makefile
- constraint/difference/README
- constraint/difference/bifurc.c
- constraint/difference/log1a.c
- constraint/difference/log1b.c
- constraint/difference/log2.c
- constraint/differential/deq/README
- constraint/differential/deq/duff.in
- constraint/differential/deq/lorenz.in
- constraint/differential/deq/deq.doc
- constraint/differential/integrate/README
- constraint/differential/integrate/predprey1.ps
- constraint/differential/integrate/predprey2.ps
- constraint/differential/integrate/predprey3.ps
- constraint/differential/integrate/silnikov.ps
- constraint/differential/integrate/conte.c
- constraint/differential/integrate/contrk.c
- constraint/differential/integrate/lorenz.c
- constraint/differential/integrate/lotka.c
- constraint/differential/integrate/silnikov.c
- constraint/differential/integrate/vibration.c
- func/event/doc/simpp.ps
- func/event/examples/airport/airport1
- func/event/examples/airport/airport2
- func/event/examples/airport/readme
- func/event/examples/airport/translat
- func/event/examples/airport/makefile
- func/event/examples/block/readme
- func/event/examples/block/block0
- func/event/examples/block/block1
- func/event/examples/block/block2
- func/event/examples/block/block3
- func/event/examples/block/block4
- func/event/examples/block/output.v0u
- func/event/examples/block/output.v1d
- func/event/examples/block/output.v1u
- func/event/examples/block/output.v2d
- func/event/examples/block/output.v2u
- func/event/examples/block/output.v3d
- func/event/examples/block/output.v3u
- func/event/examples/block/output.v4d
- func/event/examples/block/output.v4u
- func/event/examples/block/translat
- func/event/examples/block/makefile
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/readme
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/cpudisk0
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/cpudisk1
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/cpudisk2
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/cpudisk3
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/cpudisk4
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/cpudisk5
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/cpudisk6
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v0u
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v1d
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v1u
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v2d
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v2u
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v3d
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v3u
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v4d
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v4u
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v5d
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v5u
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v6d
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/output.v6u
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/translat
- func/event/examples/cpudisk/makefile
- func/event/examples/iterate/iterate1
- func/event/examples/iterate/iterate2
- func/event/examples/iterate/makefile
- func/event/examples/iterate/output.v1u
- func/event/examples/iterate/output.v2u
- func/event/examples/iterate/readme
- func/event/examples/iterate/translat
- func/event/examples/logic/andor.dat
- func/event/examples/logic/andor.out
- func/event/examples/logic/inv.dat
- func/event/examples/logic/inv.out
- func/event/examples/logic/logic
- func/event/examples/logic/logic.C
- func/event/examples/logic/logic0
- func/event/examples/logic/logic1
- func/event/examples/logic/makefile
- func/event/examples/logic/makefile.simpack
- func/event/examples/logic/output.v0u
- func/event/examples/logic/output.v1d
- func/event/examples/logic/output.v1u
- func/event/examples/logic/readme
- func/event/examples/logic/translat
- func/event/examples/logic/translat.bat
- func/event/examples/network/makefile
- func/event/examples/network/makefile.simpack
- func/event/examples/network/net1.dat
- func/event/examples/network/net2.dat
- func/event/examples/network/net3.dat
- func/event/examples/network/net4.dat
- func/event/examples/network/net5.dat
- func/event/examples/network/network0
- func/event/examples/network/network1
- func/event/examples/network/output.v0u
- func/event/examples/network/output.v1d
- func/event/examples/network/output.v1u
- func/event/examples/network/readme
- func/event/examples/network/translat
- func/event/examples/network/translat.bat
- func/event/examples/qnet/cpudisk.dat
- func/event/examples/qnet/makefile
- func/event/examples/qnet/makefile.orig
- func/event/examples/qnet/output.v0u
- func/event/examples/qnet/output.v1d
- func/event/examples/qnet/output.v1u
- func/event/examples/qnet/q.dat
- func/event/examples/qnet/qnet0
- func/event/examples/qnet/qnet1
- func/event/examples/qnet/readme
- func/event/examples/qnet/translat
- func/event/examples/qnet/translat.bat
- func/event/examples/route/d1e
- func/event/examples/route/d1u
- func/event/examples/route/d2a
- func/event/examples/route/d2e
- func/event/examples/route/d2u
- func/event/examples/route/d3e
- func/event/examples/route/d3l
- func/event/examples/route/d3u
- func/event/examples/route/makefile
- func/event/examples/route/makefile.simpack
- func/event/examples/route/output.v0u
- func/event/examples/route/output.v1d
- func/event/examples/route/output.v1u
- func/event/examples/route/readme
- func/event/examples/route/route0
- func/event/examples/route/route1
- func/event/examples/route/translat
- func/event/examples/route/translat.bat
- func/event/examples/ssq/makefile
- func/event/examples/ssq/makefile.simpack
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.11d
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.11u
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v0u
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v1d
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v1u
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v2d
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v2u
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v4d
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v4u
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v5d
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v5u
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v6d
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v6u
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v7d
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v7u
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v8d
- func/event/examples/ssq/output.v8u
- func/event/examples/ssq/readme
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq0
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq1
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq10
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq11
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq12
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq13
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq2
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq3
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq4
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq5
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq6
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq7
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq8
- func/event/examples/ssq/ssq9
- func/event/examples/ssq/translat
- func/event/examples/tiktok/makefile
- func/event/examples/tiktok/makefile.orig
- func/event/examples/tiktok/makefile.simpack
- func/event/examples/tiktok/output.v0u
- func/event/examples/tiktok/output.v1d
- func/event/examples/tiktok/output.v1u
- func/event/examples/tiktok/output.v2d
- func/event/examples/tiktok/output.v2u
- func/event/examples/tiktok/output.v3d
- func/event/examples/tiktok/output.v3u
- func/event/examples/tiktok/output.v4d
- func/event/examples/tiktok/output.v4u
- func/event/examples/tiktok/readme
- func/event/examples/tiktok/tiktok
- func/event/examples/tiktok/tiktok.C
- func/event/examples/tiktok/tiktok0
- func/event/examples/tiktok/tiktok1
- func/event/examples/tiktok/tiktok2
- func/event/examples/tiktok/tiktok3
- func/event/examples/tiktok/tiktok4
- func/event/examples/tiktok/translat
- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/README
- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/Makefile
- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/Readme
- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/big_test.sim
- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/combined1.sim
- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/examp1.sim
- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/examp2.sim
- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/examp3.sim
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/README.abstract
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/README.dtastruct
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/README.intdia
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/README.intro
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/README.progdesc
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/README.ref
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/README.syntax
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/README.sysdia
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/README.system
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/README.userman
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/barber2.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/barber2.gps
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/docs
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/ls
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpdoc/minidesc.txt
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/Makefile
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/barber2.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/barbershop.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/branch.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/branch2.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/branch4.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/branching.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/myfig.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/nofac.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/nofac2.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/sample1.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/sample1.out
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/sample2.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/sample2.out
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/sample3.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/sample3.out
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/sample4.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/sample4.out
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/scanners.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/scanners.out
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/scanners2.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/series.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/simgen.c
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/timed.g
- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpfiles/twice.g
- func/slice/block/Makefile
- func/slice/block/README
- func/slice/block/block.c
- func/slice/block/block.dat
- func/slice/block/block.out
- func/slice/block/block.ps
- func/slice/block/block2.dat
- func/slice/block/block2.out
- func/slice/block/block2.ps
- func/slice/block/monorail1.c
- func/slice/block/monorail1.dat
- func/slice/block/monorail2.c
- func/slice/block/monorail2.dat
- func/slice/block/monorail3.c
- func/slice/block/monorail3.dat
- func/slice/block/monorail3.out
- func/slice/block/monorail3.ps
- func/slice/pulse/Makefile
- func/slice/pulse/README.PUL
- func/slice/pulse/herb.dat
- func/slice/pulse/pulse.c
- func/slice/sdsmt/ANNOUNCE
- func/slice/sdsmt/DOC.PS
- func/slice/sdsmt/README
- func/slice/sdsmt/buildings.sdg
- func/slice/sdsmt/coffee.sdg
- func/slice/sdsmt/coffee.sdg.equ
- func/slice/sdsmt/coffee.sdg.init
- func/slice/sdsmt/epidemic.sdg
- func/slice/sdsmt/epidemic.sdg.equ
- func/slice/sdsmt/epidemic.sdg.init
- func/slice/sdsmt/fly.sdg
- func/slice/sdsmt/fly.sdg.equ
- func/slice/sdsmt/fly.sdg.init
- func/slice/sdsmt/larvae2.sdg
- func/slice/sdsmt/larvae2.sdg.equ
- func/slice/sdsmt/larvae2.sdg.init
- func/slice/sdsmt/larve.sdg.equ
- func/slice/sdsmt/larve.sdg.init
- func/slice/sdsmt/news.lists
- func/slice/sdsmt/pop.sdg
- func/slice/sdsmt/pop.sdg.equ
- func/slice/sdsmt/pop.sdg.init
- func/slice/sdsmt/population.sdg
- func/slice/sdsmt/population.sdg.equ
- func/slice/sdsmt/population.sdg.init
- func/slice/sdsmt/population1.sdg.equ
- func/slice/sdsmt/population1.sdg.init
- multimodel/Makefile
- multimodel/README
- multimodel/bwater
- multimodel/bwater.c
- multimodel/bwater.in
- multimodel/combined
- multimodel/combined.c
- projects/README
- projects/davinci
- License
- License.gnu
- shipmail.info
- SimPack.doc
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/FILES-SRC-SIMPP b/math/simpack/files/FILES-SRC-SIMPP
deleted file mode 100644
index 932bbd35cb62..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/FILES-SRC-SIMPP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- calendar.cpp
- capifac.cpp
- capifut.cpp
- capiran.cpp
- estatus.cpp
- event.cpp
- facility.cpp
- flist.cpp
- future.cpp
- heap.cpp
- leftist.cpp
- linked.cpp
- service.cpp
- token.cpp
- util.cpp
- vlist.cpp
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/patch-aa b/math/simpack/files/patch-aa
deleted file mode 100644
index 30e23ca5fa50..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/patch-aa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,700 +0,0 @@
-diff -urd Makefile work/simpack/Makefile
---- Makefile Fri Aug 25 00:59:55 1995
-+++ work/simpack/Makefile Mon May 19 15:41:15 1997
-@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- all:
-- @Ask License
-- @Ask License.gnu
-+ @./Ask License
-+ @./Ask License.gnu
- date
- @echo 'Begin making'
-- (cd func; Make_all)
-+ (cd func; ./Make_all)
- @echo 'Unconditionally make the rest of SimPack3:'
- @echo 'Declarative ...'
- (cd dec; make all)
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- date
- @echo 'Begin cleaning'
- find . -name '*~' -exec rm {} \;
-- (cd func; Make_clean)
-+ (cd func; ./Make_clean)
- (cd dec; make clean)
- (cd multimodel; make clean)
- (cd constraint; make clean)
-diff -urd constraint/differential/deq/order1.c work/simpack/constraint/differential/deq/order1.c
---- constraint/differential/deq/order1.c Fri Aug 25 00:59:58 1995
-+++ work/simpack/constraint/differential/deq/order1.c Mon May 19 16:17:44 1997
-@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
- s[++i]='-';
- }
- s[++i]=ch;
-- while isalnum(s[++i]=lower(getchar()));
-+ while (isalnum(s[++i]=lower(getchar())));
- ch=s[i];
- s[i]='\0';
- switch (lookup(s,&time_present,&dim)) {
-diff -urd dec/petri/petri.c work/simpack/dec/petri/petri.c
---- dec/petri/petri.c Fri Aug 25 01:00:03 1995
-+++ work/simpack/dec/petri/petri.c Mon May 19 16:05:38 1997
-@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "../../func/queuing/queuing.h"
-+#define random(x,y) random_int(x,y)
- #define BUSY 1
- #define FREE 0
- #define BEGINFIRE 1
-diff -urd func/Make_all work/simpack/func/Make_all
---- func/Make_all Fri Aug 25 01:00:06 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/Make_all Mon May 19 15:40:46 1997
-@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
- echo 'Done creating SimPack2.x Queuing Library (or it was already current)'
- echo 'About to create Sim++ version 1.0 Event Model Tools ...'
--(cd event; Make_all)
-+(cd event; ./Make_all)
- echo 'About to create SimPack3 Time-Slice Functional Model Packages ...'
--(cd slice; Make_all)
-+(cd slice; ./Make_all)
- echo 'simpack/func/Make_all is done.'
- date
-diff -urd func/Make_clean work/simpack/func/Make_clean
---- func/Make_clean Fri Aug 25 01:00:07 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/Make_clean Mon May 19 15:41:49 1997
-@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
- echo 'Remove Simpack2.x queuing library object file ...'
- (cd queuing; rm -f queuing.o)
- echo 'Remove Sim++ ...'
--(cd event; Make_clean)
-+(cd event; ./Make_clean)
- echo 'Remove SimPack3 Time-Slice Functional Model Packages ...'
--(cd slice; Make_clean)
-+(cd slice; ./Make_clean)
- echo 'simpack/func/Make_clean is done.'
- date
-diff -urd func/event/Make_all work/simpack/func/event/Make_all
---- func/event/Make_all Fri Aug 25 01:01:00 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/Make_all Mon May 19 15:43:03 1997
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- echo 'copyright (c) 1995; see license in root directory of the distribution,'
- echo 'which is simpack/func/event.'
- echo 'The License for Sim++ is separate from the SimPack3 License.'
--Ask License
-+./Ask License
- if ( [ -f REJECT ] ) then
- echo 'You cannot proceed with Sim++ because you have rejected the terms and'
- echo 'conditions of the Sim++ License.'
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- echo ' '
- if ( [ "$ansa" = "y" ] ) then
- echo 'Creating Sim++ Object Library ...'
-- Translat
-+ ./Translat
- echo 'Done.'
- fi
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
- echo ' '
- if ( [ "$ansa" = "y" ] ) then
- echo 'Creating Sim++ Example Code Executables ...'
-- (cd examples; translat)
-+ (cd examples; ./translat)
- echo 'Done.'
- fi
-diff -urd func/event/Translat work/simpack/func/event/Translat
---- func/event/Translat Fri Aug 25 01:00:59 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/Translat Mon May 19 15:43:52 1997
-@@ -18,22 +18,22 @@
- echo 'About to Build Sim++ Object Library ...'
- date
- (cd src; chmod 600 *)
--Trans1 calendar
--Trans1 capifac
--Trans1 capifut
--Trans1 capiran
--Trans1 event
--Trans1 estatus
--Trans1 facility
--Trans1 flist
--Trans1 future
--Trans1 heap
--Trans1 leftist
--Trans1 linked
--Trans1 service
--Trans1 token
--Trans1 util
--Trans1 vlist
-+./Trans1 calendar
-+./Trans1 capifac
-+./Trans1 capifut
-+./Trans1 capiran
-+./Trans1 event
-+./Trans1 estatus
-+./Trans1 facility
-+./Trans1 flist
-+./Trans1 future
-+./Trans1 heap
-+./Trans1 leftist
-+./Trans1 linked
-+./Trans1 service
-+./Trans1 token
-+./Trans1 util
-+./Trans1 vlist
- (cd src; chmod 444 *)
- echo ' '
-diff -urd func/event/examples/airport/makefile work/simpack/func/event/examples/airport/makefile
---- func/event/examples/airport/makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:34 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/airport/makefile Mon May 19 15:45:05 1997
-@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
- #
- # makefile for examples/airport
-- PGM = airport
-+PGM = airport
-- INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-- OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-+INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-+OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-- COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = g++ -o
-+COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = g++ -o
- # enumerate sim++ object modules:
-- MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-- MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-- MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-+MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-+MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-+MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-- CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-+CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-- VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-- VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
-- VLIST_OBJ = $(VLIST_1) $(VLIST_2)
-+VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-+VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
- # link
-diff -urd func/event/examples/block/makefile work/simpack/func/event/examples/block/makefile
---- func/event/examples/block/makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:15 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/block/makefile Mon May 19 15:45:43 1997
-@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
- #
- # makefile for examples/block (formerly blocking)
-- PGM = block
-+PGM = block
-- INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-- OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-+INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-+OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-- COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = g++ -o
-+COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = g++ -o
- # enumerate sim++ object modules:
-- MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-- MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-- MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-+MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-+MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-+MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-- CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-+CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-- VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-- VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
-- VLIST_OBJ = $(VLIST_1) $(VLIST_2)
-+VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-+VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
- # link
-diff -urd func/event/examples/cpudisk/makefile work/simpack/func/event/examples/cpudisk/makefile
---- func/event/examples/cpudisk/makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:11 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/cpudisk/makefile Mon May 19 15:46:27 1997
-@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
- #
- # makefile for examples/cpudisk
-- INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-- OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-+INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-+OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-- COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = g++ -o
-+COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = g++ -o
- # enumerate sim++ object modules:
-- MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-- MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-- MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-+MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-+MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-+MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-- CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-+CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-- VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-- VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
-- VLIST_OBJ = $(VLIST_1) $(VLIST_2)
-+VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-+VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
- # link cpudisk
-diff -urd func/event/examples/iterate/makefile work/simpack/func/event/examples/iterate/makefile
---- func/event/examples/iterate/makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:33 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/iterate/makefile Mon May 19 15:47:02 1997
-@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
- #
- # makefile for examples/iterate
-- PGM = iterate
-+PGM = iterate
-- INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-- OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-+INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-+OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-- COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = g++ -o
-+COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = g++ -o
- # enumerate sim++ object modules:
-- MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-- MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-- MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-+MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-+MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-+MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-- CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-+CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-- VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-- VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
-- VLIST_OBJ = $(VLIST_1) $(VLIST_2)
-+VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-+VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
- # link
-diff -urd func/event/examples/logic/makefile work/simpack/func/event/examples/logic/makefile
---- func/event/examples/logic/makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:31 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/logic/makefile Mon May 19 15:47:39 1997
-@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
- #
- # makefile for examples/logic
-- PGM = logic
-+PGM = logic
-- INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-- OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-+INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-+OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-- COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = g++ -o
-+COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = g++ -o
- # enumerate sim++ object modules:
-- MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-- MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-- MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-+MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-+MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-+MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-- CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-+CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-- VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-- VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
-- VLIST_OBJ = $(VLIST_1) $(VLIST_2)
-+VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-+VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
- # link
-diff -urd func/event/examples/network/makefile work/simpack/func/event/examples/network/makefile
---- func/event/examples/network/makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:27 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/network/makefile Mon May 19 15:48:23 1997
-@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
- #
- # makefile for examples/network
-- PGM = network
-+PGM = network
-- INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-- OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-+INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-+OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-- COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = g++ -o
-+COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = g++ -o
- # enumerate sim++ object modules:
-- MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-- MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-- MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-+MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-+MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-+MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-- CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-+CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-- VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-- VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
-- VLIST_OBJ = $(VLIST_1) $(VLIST_2)
-+VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-+VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
- # link
-diff -urd func/event/examples/qnet/makefile work/simpack/func/event/examples/qnet/makefile
---- func/event/examples/qnet/makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:28 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/qnet/makefile Mon May 19 15:49:03 1997
-@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
- #
- # makefile for examples/qnet
-- PGM = qnet
-+PGM = qnet
-- INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-- OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-+INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-+OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-- COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = g++ -o
-+COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = g++ -o
- # enumerate sim++ object modules:
-- MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-- MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-- MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-+MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-+MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-+MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-- CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-+CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-- VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-- VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
-- VLIST_OBJ = $(VLIST_1) $(VLIST_2)
-+VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-+VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
- # link
-diff -urd func/event/examples/route/makefile work/simpack/func/event/examples/route/makefile
---- func/event/examples/route/makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:31 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/route/makefile Mon May 19 15:49:39 1997
-@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
- #
- # makefile for examples/route
-- PGM = route
-+PGM = route
-- INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-- OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-+INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-+OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-- COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = g++ -o
-+COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = g++ -o
- # enumerate sim++ object modules:
-- MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-- MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-- MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-+MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-+MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-+MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-- CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-+CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-- VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-- VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
-- VLIST_OBJ = $(VLIST_1) $(VLIST_2)
-+VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-+VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
- # link
-diff -urd func/event/examples/ssq/makefile work/simpack/func/event/examples/ssq/makefile
---- func/event/examples/ssq/makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:17 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/ssq/makefile Mon May 19 15:50:34 1997
-@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
- #
- # makefile for examples/ssq (formerly q1 in ssq directory)
-- PGM = ssq
-+PGM = ssq
-- INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-- OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-+INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-+OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-- COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = g++ -o
-+COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = g++ -o
- # enumerate sim++ object modules:
-- MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-- MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-- MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-+MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-+MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-+MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-- CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-+CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-- VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-- VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
-- VLIST_OBJ = $(VLIST_1) $(VLIST_2)
-+VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-+VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
- # link
-diff -urd func/event/examples/tiktok/makefile work/simpack/func/event/examples/tiktok/makefile
---- func/event/examples/tiktok/makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:25 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/tiktok/makefile Mon May 19 15:51:13 1997
-@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
- #
- # makefile for examples/tiktok (formerly ticktock in clock directory)
-- PGM = tiktok
-+PGM = tiktok
-- INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-- OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-+INCL = ../../include # where to find sim++ *.h
-+OLB = ../../olb # where to find sim++ *.o
-- COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = g++ -o
-+COMPILER = g++ -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = g++ -o
- # enumerate sim++ object modules:
-- MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-- MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-- MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-+MAIN_1 = $(OLB)/event.o $(OLB)/facility.o $(OLB)/flist.o $(OLB)/future.o
-+MAIN_2 = $(OLB)/service.o $(OLB)/token.o $(OLB)/util.o $(OLB)/estatus.o
-+MAIN_OBJ = $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2)
-- CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-+CAPI_OBJ = $(OLB)/capifac.o $(OLB)/capifut.o $(OLB)/capiran.o
-- VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-- VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
-- VLIST_OBJ = $(VLIST_1) $(VLIST_2)
-+VLIST_1 = $(OLB)/vlist.o
-+VLIST_2 = $(OLB)/calendar.o $(OLB)/heap.o $(OLB)/linked.o $(OLB)/leftist.o
- # link
-diff -urd func/event/examples/translat work/simpack/func/event/examples/translat
---- func/event/examples/translat Fri Aug 25 01:00:34 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/examples/translat Mon May 19 15:57:52 1997
-@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@
- if ( [ "$1" = "rm" -o "$1" = "-rm" ] ) then
- echo ' '
-- echo 'Removing all translation byproducts from Sim++ program examples ...'
-+ echo 'Removing all ./translation byproducts from Sim++ program examples ...'
- echo ' '
-- (cd cpudisk; translat -rm)
-- (cd block; translat -rm)
-- (cd tiktok; translat -rm)
-- (cd ssq; translat -rm)
-- (cd iterate; translat -rm)
-- (cd airport; translat -rm)
-- (cd logic; translat -rm)
-- (cd network; translat -rm)
-- (cd qnet; translat -rm)
-- (cd route; translat -rm)
-+ (cd cpudisk; ./translat -rm)
-+ (cd block; ./translat -rm)
-+ (cd tiktok; ./translat -rm)
-+ (cd ssq; ./translat -rm)
-+ (cd iterate; ./translat -rm)
-+ (cd airport; ./translat -rm)
-+ (cd logic; ./translat -rm)
-+ (cd network; ./translat -rm)
-+ (cd qnet; ./translat -rm)
-+ (cd route; ./translat -rm)
- echo ' '
- echo 'Done Removing.'
- echo ' '
-@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@
- echo 'Build (version 1 of) ALL Sim++ Program Examples ...'
- echo ' '
-- (cd cpudisk; translat 1)
-- (cd block; translat 1)
-- (cd tiktok; translat 1)
-- (cd ssq; translat 1)
-- (cd iterate; translat 1)
-- (cd logic; translat 1)
-- (cd network; translat 1)
-- (cd qnet; translat 1)
-- (cd route; translat 1)
-+ (cd cpudisk; ./translat 1)
-+ (cd block; ./translat 1)
-+ (cd tiktok; ./translat 1)
-+ (cd ssq; ./translat 1)
-+ (cd iterate; ./translat 1)
-+ (cd logic; ./translat 1)
-+ (cd network; ./translat 1)
-+ (cd qnet; ./translat 1)
-+ (cd route; ./translat 1)
- echo ' '
--echo 'simpack/func/event/examples/translat is done.'
-+echo 'simpack/func/event/examples/./translat is done.'
- echo ' '
-diff -urd func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/Makefile work/simpack/func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/Makefile
---- func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/Makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:46 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/pkgs/Xsimcode/examples/Makefile Mon May 19 16:15:10 1997
-@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
- # modified 950728 by robert cubert as part of SimPack3 release
- # including Sim++ version 1.0: see Readme.
-- INCL= ../../../../queuing # to find queuing.h
-- SOBJECT= ../../../../queuing/queuing.o
-- COMPILER = cc -I$(INCL) -c -o
-- LINKER = cc -o
-+INCL= ../../../../queuing # to find queuing.h
-+SOBJECT= ../../../../queuing/queuing.o
-+COMPILER = cc -I$(INCL) -c -o
-+LINKER = cc -o
- # Do NOT change compiler to gcc! It will create code that compiles and links
- # but runs incorrectly.
-diff -urd func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpsource/Makefile work/simpack/func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpsource/Makefile
---- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpsource/Makefile Fri Aug 25 01:00:54 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpsource/Makefile Mon May 19 16:11:42 1997
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- QUEUING = ../../../../queuing/queuing.o
-- INCL = ../../../../queuing
-+INCL = ../../../../queuing
- gpss: gen main
- gen: lex.yy.c y.tab.c
-diff -urd func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpsource/main.c work/simpack/func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpsource/main.c
---- func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpsource/main.c Fri Aug 25 01:00:53 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/event/pkgs/minigpss/gpsource/main.c Mon May 19 16:00:51 1997
-@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
- #include "y.tab.c"
- #include "error.c"
- #include "codgen.c"
-+#define random(x,y) random_int(x,y)
- #define Pri 1
- #define ARRIVE_ 1
- #define REQUEST_ 2
-diff -urd func/queuing/queuing.c work/simpack/func/queuing/queuing.c
---- func/queuing/queuing.c Fri Aug 25 01:00:07 1995
-+++ work/simpack/func/queuing/queuing.c Mon May 19 16:02:15 1997
-@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
- #define UNIXX 0
- #define TURBOC 0
-+#define random(x,y) random_int(x,y)
-+#define cfree free
- #define NIL 0
- #define FREE 0
- #define BUSY 1
-@@ -683,7 +686,7 @@
- if(current_node == NIL) {
- printf("PREEMPT: Attempt to preempt a non-existent token\n");
- printf("Token # %d\n",n);
-- exit();
-+ exit(1);
- } else {
- temp = current_node->item;
- if (previous_node == current_node ) {
-@@ -1422,7 +1425,7 @@
- endwin();
- #endif
- printf("\n");
-- exit();
-+ exit(0);
- }
- } /* end if */
- } /* end if (trace_flag == ON) */
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/patch-ab b/math/simpack/files/patch-ab
deleted file mode 100644
index 028c17b394a4..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/patch-ab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/do.tcl /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/do.tcl
---- func/slice/sdsmt/do.tcl Fri Aug 25 01:01:09 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/do.tcl Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -94,16 +94,19 @@
- # Purpose: redraw objects on the canvas.
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc redraw_object {w type x y text} {
-- global obj
-+ global obj sdsmlib
- switch -exact -- $type {
- 1 {set oid [$w create rectangle [expr $x-25] [expr $y-10] [expr $x+25]\
- [expr $y+10] -width 1 ]}
-- 2 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/rate.bmp ]}
-+ 2 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM rate.bmp] ]}
- 3 {set oid [$w create oval [expr $x-20] [expr $y-20] [expr $x+20]\
- [expr $y+20] -width 1 ]}
-- 4 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/const.bmp]}
-- 5 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/source.bmp]}
-+ 4 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM const.bmp] ]}
-+ 5 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM source.bmp] ]}
- }
- set text_id [show_text $w $type $x $y $text]
- set obj($oid) [list $oid $type $x $y $text $text_id]
-@@ -116,7 +119,7 @@
- # Purpose: redraw the links between objects on the canvas.
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc redraw_link {w type x y sid tid} {
-- global obj
-+ global obj sdsmlib
- puts "object #$sid (source) : $obj($sid)"
- puts "object #$tid (target) : $obj($tid)"
-@@ -142,7 +145,8 @@
- }
- } else {
- set oid [$w create line $sx $sy $x $y $tx $ty -width 1 -arrow last \
-- -smooth true -capstyle projecting -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.5 ]
-+ -smooth true -capstyle projecting \
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.5] ]
- }
- set obj($oid) [list $oid $type $x $y $sid $tid]
- puts "link object $oid: $obj($oid) loaded"
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/draw.tcl /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/draw.tcl
---- func/slice/sdsmt/draw.tcl Fri Aug 25 01:01:09 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/draw.tcl Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- # Purpose: draw a level node object
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc draw_level {w x y} {
-- global mode text_data input_data
-+ global mode text_data input_data sdsmlib
- set oid [$w create rectangle [expr $x-25] [expr $y-10] [expr $x+25] \
- [expr $y+10] -width 1 ]
-@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
- if {$entry_flg == 1} {
- entry $w.top.e1 -relief sunken -textvariable input_data\
-- -scroll "$w.top.s1 set"
-+ -xscrollcommand "$w.top.s1 set"
- scrollbar $w.top.s1 -relief sunken -orient horiz -command \
- "$w.top.e1 view"
- }
-@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
- # Purpose: draw a rate node object
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc draw_rate {w x y} {
-- global mode text_data input_data
-+ global mode text_data input_data sdsmlib
-- set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/rate.bmp ]
-+ set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM rate.bmp] ]
- get_text_input $mode
- set text_data $input_data
- add_object $w $oid $mode $x $y $text_data
-@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@
- # Purpose: draw an constant node object
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc draw_const {w x y} {
-- global mode text_data input_data
-+ global mode text_data input_data sdsmlib
-- set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/const.bmp]
-+ set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM const.bmp] ]
- get_text_input $mode
- set text_data $input_data
- add_object $w $oid $mode $x $y $text_data
-@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@
- # Purpose: draw a source/sink node object
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc draw_source {w x y} {
-- global mode text_data input_data
-+ global mode text_data input_data sdsmlib
-- set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/source.bmp]
-+ set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM source.bmp] ]
- # get_text_input $mode
- # set text_data $input_data
- set text_data ""
-@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@
- proc moving {w x y} {
- global oldx oldy
- global obj mode selected_id new_link_id link_flg
-+ global sdsmlib
- if {$selected_id != -1} {
- # moving an object
-@@ -263,7 +264,8 @@
- }
- } else {
- set s_id [$w create line $sx $sy $x $y $tx $ty -width 1 -arrow last \
-- -smooth true -capstyle projecting -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.5 ]
-+ -smooth true -capstyle projecting \
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.5 ] ]
- }
- set new_link_id $s_id
- $w addtag selected withtag $s_id
-@@ -284,7 +286,8 @@
- set s_id [$w create line $oldx $oldy $x $y -width 1 -arrow last]
- } else {
- set s_id [$w create line $oldx $oldy $x $y -width 1 -arrow last \
-- -capstyle projecting -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.5 ]
-+ -capstyle projecting \
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.5] ]
- }
- $w addtag selected withtag $s_id
- }
-@@ -297,6 +300,7 @@
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc move_end {w x y} {
- global selected_id obj mode oldx oldy new_link_id link_flg
-+ global sdsmlib
- if {$selected_id != -1} {
- puts "move end"
-@@ -348,7 +352,8 @@
- }
- } else {
- set oid [$w create line $oldx $oldy $x $y -width 1 -arrow last \
-- -capstyle projecting -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.5 ]
-+ -capstyle projecting \
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.5] ]
- }
- add_link $w $oid $mode [expr ($oldx+$x)/2] [expr ($oldy+$y)/2] \
- $selected_id $t_id
-@@ -499,7 +504,7 @@
- # links are moved
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc move_asso_links {w} {
-- global selected_id obj
-+ global selected_id obj sdsmlib
- $w delete label
- foreach i [array names obj] {
-@@ -535,7 +540,8 @@
- }
- } else {
- set s_id [$w create line $sx $sy $x $y $tx $ty -width 1 -arrow last \
-- -smooth true -capstyle projecting -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.5 ]
-+ -smooth true -capstyle projecting \
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.5] ]
- }
- $w addtag object withtag $s_id
- change_link_id $i $s_id
-@@ -602,7 +608,7 @@
- # the user's input
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc show_grid_selection {{w .grid}} {
-- global grid_mode
-+ global grid_mode sdsmlib
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w -class Dialog
-@@ -617,13 +623,17 @@
- -font -Adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-180*
- pack $w.top.msg
-- button $w.bot.s0 -bitmap @./XBM/grid0.bmp -command {destroy .grid
-+ button $w.bot.s0 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid0.bmp] \
-+ -command {destroy .grid
- set grid_mode 0}
-- button $w.bot.s1 -bitmap @./XBM/grid1.bmp -command {destroy .grid
-+ button $w.bot.s1 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid1.bmp] \
-+ -command {destroy .grid
- set grid_mode 1}
-- button $w.bot.s2 -bitmap @./XBM/grid2.bmp -command {destroy .grid
-+ button $w.bot.s2 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid2.bmp] \
-+ -command {destroy .grid
- set grid_mode 2}
-- button $w.bot.sc -bitmap @./XBM/cancel.bmp -command {destroy .grid
-+ button $w.bot.sc -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM cancel.bmp] \
-+ -command {destroy .grid
- return -1}
- pack $w.bot.s0 $w.bot.s1 $w.bot.s2 $w.bot.sc -side left
-@@ -634,18 +644,21 @@
- # Purpose: change grid mode
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc change_grid_mode {} {
-- global grid_mode
-+ global grid_mode sdsmlib
- catch {destroy .plate.left.b14}
- puts "grid_mode = $grid_mode"
- switch -exact -- $grid_mode {
-- 0 {button .plate.left.b14 -bitmap @./XBM/grid0.xbm -padx 16 \
-+ 0 {button .plate.left.b14 \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid0.xbm] -padx 16 \
- -command "grid_select"
- }
-- 1 {button .plate.left.b14 -bitmap @./XBM/grid1.xbm -padx 16 \
-+ 1 {button .plate.left.b14 \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid1.xbm] -padx 16 \
- -command "grid_select"
- }
-- 2 {button .plate.left.b14 -bitmap @./XBM/grid2.xbm -padx 16 \
-+ 2 {button .plate.left.b14 \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid2.xbm] -padx 16 \
- -command "grid_select"
- }
- }
-@@ -691,6 +704,7 @@
- # Purpose: show grid on the canvas
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc show_grid {mode {w .plate.right.board}} {
-+ global sdsmlib
- set max_x 1417
- set max_y 1417
- set dp 10
-@@ -704,12 +718,12 @@
- }
- for {set x 0} {$x <= $max_x} {set x [expr $x+$step]} {
- set oid [$w create line $x 0 $x $max_y -width 1 \
-- -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.05 ]
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.05] ]
- $w addtag grid_tag withtag $oid
- }
- for {set y 0} {$y <= $max_y} {set y [expr $y+$step]} {
- set oid [$w create line 0 $y $max_x $y -width 1 \
-- -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.05 ]
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.05] ]
- $w addtag grid_tag withtag $oid
- }
- }
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/equ.tcl /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/equ.tcl
---- func/slice/sdsmt/equ.tcl Fri Aug 25 01:01:10 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/equ.tcl Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -257,13 +257,13 @@
- }
-- if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
-+# if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
- set bold "-foreground red"
- set normal "-foreground {}"
-- } else {
-- set bold "-foreground white -background black"
-- set normal "-foreground {} -background {}"
-- }
-+# } else {
-+# set bold "-foreground white -background black"
-+# set normal "-foreground {} -background {}"
-+# }
- if {$complete != 1} {
- $w.t1.b insert 0.0 { Based on the flow graph, the following\
-@@ -891,3 +891,4 @@
- }
- return 1
- }
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/file.tcl /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/file.tcl
---- func/slice/sdsmt/file.tcl Fri Aug 25 01:01:10 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/file.tcl Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -464,10 +464,10 @@
- proc FSBoxBindSelectOne { fsBoxW fsBoxY} {
- set fsBoxNearest [$fsBoxW nearest $fsBoxY]
-- if {$fsBoxNearest >= 0} {
-- $fsBoxW select from $fsBoxNearest
-- $fsBoxW select to $fsBoxNearest
-- }
-+# if {$fsBoxNearest >= 0} {
-+# $fsBoxW select from $fsBoxNearest
-+# $fsBoxW select to $fsBoxNearest
-+# }
- }
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/help.tcl /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/help.tcl
---- func/slice/sdsmt/help.tcl Fri Aug 25 01:01:02 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/help.tcl Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- $w.t tag configure bold -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-O-Normal-*-120-*
- $w.t tag configure big -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*
- $w.t tag configure verybig -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-240-*
-- if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
-+# if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
- $w.t tag configure color1 -background #eed5b7
- $w.t tag configure color2 -foreground red
- $w.t tag configure color3 -foreground blue
-@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
- -borderwidth 1
- $w.t tag configure sunken -background #eed5b7 -relief sunken \
- -borderwidth 1
-- } else {
-- $w.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-- $w.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-- $w.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- $w.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- }
-+# } else {
-+# $w.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# $w.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# }
- $w.t tag configure bgstipple -background black -borderwidth 0 \
- -bgstipple gray25
- $w.t tag configure fgstipple -fgstipple gray50
-@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
- $w1.t tag configure bold -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-O-Normal-*-120-*
- $w1.t tag configure big -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*
- $w1.t tag configure verybig -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-240-*
-- if {[tk colormodel $w1] == "color"} {
-+# if {[tk colormodel $w1] == "color"} {
- $w1.t tag configure color1 -background #eed5b7
- $w1.t tag configure color2 -foreground red
- $w1.t tag configure color3 -foreground blue
-@@ -148,14 +148,14 @@
- -borderwidth 1
- $w1.t tag configure sunken -background #eed5b7 -relief sunken \
- -borderwidth 1
-- } else {
-- $w1.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-- $w1.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-- $w1.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- $w1.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- }
-+# } else {
-+# $w1.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w1.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w1.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# $w1.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# }
- $w1.t tag configure bgstipple -background black -borderwidth 0 \
- -bgstipple gray25
- $w1.t tag configure fgstipple -fgstipple gray50
-@@ -326,21 +326,21 @@
- $w.t tag configure bold -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-O-Normal-*-120-*
- $w.t tag configure big -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*
- $w.t tag configure verybig -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-240-*
-- if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
-+# if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
- $w.t tag configure color1 -background #eed5b7
- $w.t tag configure color2 -foreground red
- $w.t tag configure raised -background #eed5b7 -relief raised \
- -borderwidth 1
- $w.t tag configure sunken -background #eed5b7 -relief sunken \
- -borderwidth 1
-- } else {
-- $w.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-- $w.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-- $w.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- $w.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- }
-+# } else {
-+# $w.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# $w.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# }
- $w.t tag configure bgstipple -background black -borderwidth 0 \
- -bgstipple gray25
- $w.t tag configure fgstipple -fgstipple gray50
-@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
- $w1.t tag configure bold -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-O-Normal-*-120-*
- $w1.t tag configure big -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*
- $w1.t tag configure verybig -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-240-*
-- if {[tk colormodel $w1] == "color"} {
-+# if {[tk colormodel $w1] == "color"} {
- $w1.t tag configure color1 -background #eed5b7
- $w1.t tag configure color2 -foreground red
- $w1.t tag configure color3 -foreground blue
-@@ -422,14 +422,14 @@
- -borderwidth 1
- $w1.t tag configure sunken -background #eed5b7 -relief sunken \
- -borderwidth 1
-- } else {
-- $w1.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-- $w1.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-- $w1.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- $w1.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- }
-+# } else {
-+# $w1.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w1.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w1.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# $w1.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# }
- $w1.t tag configure bgstipple -background black -borderwidth 0 \
- -bgstipple gray25
- $w1.t tag configure fgstipple -fgstipple gray50
-@@ -508,6 +508,9 @@
- bind $w1 <Any-Enter> "focus $w1.t"
-+proc help_about {} {
- }
- proc insertWithTags {w text args} {
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/sdsmt /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/sdsmt
---- func/slice/sdsmt/sdsmt Fri Aug 25 01:01:04 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/sdsmt Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
- #
- #=========================================================================
--set auto_path "./ $auto_path"
-+global sdsmlib
-+set sdsmlib $env(SDSMTLIB)
-+set auto_path "$sdsmlib $auto_path"
- wm title . "System Dynamics Simulation Modeling Tools"
- wm geometry . +50+50
-@@ -98,30 +100,34 @@
- frame .plate.right
- pack .plate.left .plate.right -side left
--radiobutton .plate.left.b1 -bitmap @./XBM/level.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b1 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM level.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_level $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b2 -bitmap @./XBM/rate.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b2 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM rate.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_rate $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b3 -bitmap @./XBM/aux.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b3 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM aux.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_aux $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b4 -bitmap @./XBM/const.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b4 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM const.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_const $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b5 -bitmap @./XBM/source.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b5 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM source.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_source $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b6 -bitmap @./XBM/flow.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b6 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM flow.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_flow $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b7 -bitmap @./XBM/celink.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b7 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM celink.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_celink $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b8 -bitmap @./XBM/move.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b8 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM move.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_move $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b9 -bitmap @./XBM/delete.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b9 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM delete.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_delete $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b10 -bitmap @./XBM/edit.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b10 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM edit.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_edit $c"
--button .plate.left.b11 -bitmap @./XBM/undo.xbm -padx 16 -command "puts 11"
--button .plate.left.b12 -bitmap @./XBM/equ.xbm -padx 16 -command "equ_generation"
--button .plate.left.b13 -bitmap @./XBM/exec.xbm -padx 16 -command "equ_execution"
--button .plate.left.b14 -bitmap @./XBM/grid0.xbm -padx 16 -command "grid_select"
-+button .plate.left.b11 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM/undo.xbm] \
-+ -padx 16 -command "puts 11"
-+button .plate.left.b12 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM equ.xbm] \
-+ -padx 16 -command "equ_generation"
-+button .plate.left.b13 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM exec.xbm] \
-+ -padx 16 -command "equ_execution"
-+button .plate.left.b14 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid0.xbm] \
-+ -padx 16 -command "grid_select"
- pack .plate.left.b1 .plate.left.b2 .plate.left.b3 .plate.left.b4 \
- .plate.left.b5 .plate.left.b6 .plate.left.b7 .plate.left.b8 \
-@@ -130,7 +136,8 @@
- canvas .plate.right.board -scrollregion {0c 0c 40c 40c} \
- -relief raised -width 800 -height 500 \
-- -xscroll ".plate.right.hscroll set" -yscroll ".plate.right.vscroll set"
-+ -xscrollcommand ".plate.right.hscroll set" \
-+ -yscrollcommand ".plate.right.vscroll set"
- scrollbar .plate.right.vscroll -relief sunken \
- -command ".plate.right.board yview"
- scrollbar .plate.right.hscroll -orient horiz -relief sunken \
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/patch-ac b/math/simpack/files/patch-ac
deleted file mode 100644
index 44c39508b1ab..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/patch-ac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-diff -udr simpack/Ask ../simpack.ac/Ask
---- Ask Fri Aug 25 00:59:55 1995
-+++ ../simpack.ac/Ask Sun Jun 8 02:07:36 1997
-@@ -1,29 +1,11 @@
--while ( [ "$1" != "" ] ) do
-- echo ' '
-- echo "About to show you the $1"
-- echo 'Your options are:'
-- echo ' '
-- echo " A = I have seen $1 and accept its terms and conditions"
-- echo " R = I reject $1"
-- echo " S = Show me $1 and ask me again after i have read it"
-- read ansa
-- if ( [ "$ansa" = "a" -o "$ansa" = "A" ] ) then
-- echo 'We can proceed with installation of SimPack3'
-- exit 0
-- fi
-- if ( [ "$ansa" = "r" -o "$ansa" = "R" ] ) then
-- echo 'You cannot use SimPack3'
-- echo 'Have a nice day'
-- exit 1
-- fi
-- if ( [ "$ansa" = "s" -o "$ansa" = "S" ] ) then
-- echo "Here is $1:"
-- more $1
-- fi
-- done # end while
-+if [ "$BATCH" != "" ]
-+ exit 0
-+if [ "$PACKAGE_BUILDING" != "" ]
-+ exit 0
-+cat $1
-+exit 0
-diff -udr func/event/Ask ../simpack.ac/func/event/Ask
---- func/event/Ask Fri Aug 25 01:00:59 1995
-+++ ../simpack.ac/func/event/Ask Sun Jun 8 01:40:54 1997
-@@ -1,29 +1,11 @@
--while ( [ "$1" != "" ] ) do
-- echo "About to show you the $1"
-- echo 'Your options are:'
-- echo ' '
-- echo " A = I have seen $1 and accept its terms and conditions"
-- echo " R = I reject $1"
-- echo " S = Show me $1 and ask me again after i have read it"
-- read ansa
-- if ( [ "$ansa" = "a" -o "$ansa" = "A" ] ) then
-- echo 'We can proceed with installation of SimPack3'
-- exit 0
-- fi
-- if ( [ "$ansa" = "r" -o "$ansa" = "R" ] ) then
-- echo 'You cannot use SimPack3'
-- echo 'You cannot use SimPack3' > REJECT
-- echo 'Have a nice day'
-- exit 1
-- fi
-- if ( [ "$ansa" = "s" -o "$ansa" = "S" ] ) then
-- echo "Here is $1:"
-- more $1
-- fi
-- done # end while
-+if [ "$BATCH" = "" ]
-+ exit 0
-+if [ "$PACKAGE_BUILDING" = "" ]
-+ exit 0
-+cat $1
-+exit 0
-diff -udr func/event/Make_all ../simpack.ac/func/event/Make_all
---- func/event/Make_all Sun Jun 8 01:30:37 1997
-+++ ../simpack.ac/func/event/Make_all Sun Jun 8 01:40:27 1997
-@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
- exit 1
- fi
--echo -n 'Create Sim++ Object Library [y/n]?'
--read ansa
-+#echo -n 'Create Sim++ Object Library [y/n]?'
-+#read ansa
- echo ' '
- if ( [ "$ansa" = "y" ] ) then
- echo 'Creating Sim++ Object Library ...'
-@@ -24,8 +25,9 @@
- echo 'Done.'
- fi
--echo -n 'Create Sim++ Example Code Executables [y/n] ?'
--read ansa
-+#echo -n 'Create Sim++ Example Code Executables [y/n] ?'
-+#read ansa
- echo ' '
- if ( [ "$ansa" = "y" ] ) then
- echo 'Creating Sim++ Example Code Executables ...'
-@@ -33,8 +35,9 @@
- echo 'Done.'
- fi
--echo -n 'Create SimPack Event Model Packages [y/n]?'
--read ansa
-+#echo -n 'Create SimPack Event Model Packages [y/n]?'
-+#read ansa
- echo ' '
- if ( [ "$ansa" = "y" ] ) then
- echo 'Creating SimPack Functional Model Packages ...'
-diff -udr func/slice/Make_all ../simpack.ac/func/slice/Make_all
---- func/slice/Make_all Fri Aug 25 01:01:23 1995
-+++ ../simpack.ac/func/slice/Make_all Sun Jun 8 01:47:35 1997
-@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
- echo 'which is simpack.'
- echo ' '
--echo -n 'Create SimPack Time-Slice Functional Model Packages [y/n]?'
--read ansa
-+#echo -n 'Create SimPack Time-Slice Functional Model Packages [y/n]?'
-+#read ansa
- echo ' '
- if ( [ "$ansa" = "y" ] ) then
- echo 'Creating SimPack Time-Slice Functional Model Packages ...'
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/patch-ad b/math/simpack/files/patch-ad
deleted file mode 100644
index 9536c40e870d..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/patch-ad
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
---- func/event/include/capi.h.old Fri Jan 21 15:47:27 2000
-+++ func/event/include/capi.h Fri Jan 21 15:47:52 2000
-@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
- // extract info from init_simpack()'s parameter:
-- const FEL_TYPE_MASK = 0x000f; // new
-- const REMOVE_DUP_MASK = 0x0010; // orig REMOVE_DUPLICATES was pound-defined as 16 but not used
-- const REMOVE_DUPLICATES = 0x0010; // for compat w/simpack appl code qnet
-- const RESEED_MASK = 0x0020; // orig RESEED was pound-defined as 32 but not used
-- const RESEED = 0x0020; // for compat w/simpack
-+ const int FEL_TYPE_MASK = 0x000f; // new
-+ const int REMOVE_DUP_MASK = 0x0010; // orig REMOVE_DUPLICATES was pound-defined as 16 but not used
-+ const int REMOVE_DUPLICATES = 0x0010; // for compat w/simpack appl code qnet
-+ const int RESEED_MASK = 0x0020; // orig RESEED was pound-defined as 32 but not used
-+ const int RESEED = 0x0020; // for compat w/simpack
- // Group 1: related to class Future:
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/patch-ae b/math/simpack/files/patch-ae
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a2e9c9e30b4..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/patch-ae
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
---- func/event/include/vlist.h.old Fri Jan 21 15:49:25 2000
-+++ func/event/include/vlist.h Fri Jan 21 15:49:48 2000
-@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if TURBOC
-- const STANDARD_HEAP_CAPACITY = 100; // heap size
-+ const int STANDARD_HEAP_CAPACITY = 100; // heap size
- #else
-- const STANDARD_HEAP_CAPACITY = 50000;
-+ const int STANDARD_HEAP_CAPACITY = 50000;
- #endif
- class Heap : public Vlist
-@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
- const long MAX_NBUCKETS = 32768-1;
- #endif
- class Calendar : public Vlist
- {
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/patch-af b/math/simpack/files/patch-af
deleted file mode 100644
index 481ac8531ef0..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/patch-af
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
---- func/event/include/facility.h.old Fri Jan 21 15:52:05 2000
-+++ func/event/include/facility.h Fri Jan 21 15:52:29 2000
-@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
- created with the c++ API (Facility constructor).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--const MAX_FACILITIES = 1000; // max number of facilities
-+const int MAX_FACILITIES = 1000; // max number of facilities
- enum FacStatus {FREE, BUSY};
--const MAX_FAC_NAME_LEN = 64;
-+const int MAX_FAC_NAME_LEN = 64;
- const double MINUS_INFINITY = -1.0e77; // for debug during development
- /*=============================================================================
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/patch-ag b/math/simpack/files/patch-ag
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d867f7bd65e..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/patch-ag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
---- func/event/include/token.h.old Fri Jan 21 15:53:54 2000
-+++ func/event/include/token.h Fri Jan 21 15:54:10 2000
-@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
- ****************************************************************************/
- // symbolic name
--const AUTO = -1;
--const MAX_NUM_RATTR = 5;
--const MAX_NUM_IATTR = 3;
-+const int AUTO = -1;
-+const int MAX_NUM_RATTR = 5;
-+const int MAX_NUM_IATTR = 3;
- class Token
- {
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/patch-ah b/math/simpack/files/patch-ah
deleted file mode 100644
index ce3e59866a2f..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/patch-ah
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
---- func/event/include/queuing.h.old Fri Jan 21 15:58:43 2000
-+++ func/event/include/queuing.h Fri Jan 21 15:59:06 2000
-@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@
- enum YesNo {NO, YES};
- enum Switch {OFF, ON};
- enum TrueFalse {FALSE, TRUE};
-- const NOT_FOUND = -1; // in Event
-- const MAX_NAME_LEN = 100; // in Facility
-- const ES_STG_LEN = 24; // in Estatus and Event
-- const BFR_SIZ = 222; // in Facility & Future
-- const TINY_BFR_SIZ = 16;
-+ const int NOT_FOUND = -1; // in Event
-+ const int MAX_NAME_LEN = 100; // in Facility
-+ const int ES_STG_LEN = 24; // in Estatus and Event
-+ const int BFR_SIZ = 222; // in Facility & Future
-+ const int TINY_BFR_SIZ = 16;
- // Class dfns:
-- const MAX_NUM_ATTR = 5; // for old style token, for compatibility mode
-+ const int MAX_NUM_ATTR = 5; // for old style token, for compatibility mode
- struct TOKEN // old style token
- {
- float attr [MAX_NUM_ATTR];
diff --git a/math/simpack/pkg-descr b/math/simpack/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8ee5776963..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-It is huge set of libraries and tools for simulation modelling.
-Sim++ is an object-oriented C++ library, compatible with SimPack
-queuing is C library, simular to simpack and SMPL
-Xsimcode is graphical generator of SimPack models
-sdsmt is graphical tool for slice modelling
-fsa is finite state automaton simulator
-markov is marcov chain simulator
-petri is petri net simulator
-An WWW-page and mailing list devoted to SimPack exists.
-SimPack is copyrighted by GPL license, version 2 or later. Please read
-the copy of this License in /usr/local/share/SimPack.
-For more detailed information about SimPack, please refer to
diff --git a/math/simpack/pkg-plist b/math/simpack/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index f43c420a1249..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-@unexec rm -r %D/lib/SimPack
-@unexec rm -r %D/share/SimPack
-@dirrm include/Sim++
-@dirrm include/queuing
-@dirrm lib/Sim++/olb
-@dirrm lib/Sim++
diff --git a/math/simpack/pkg-req b/math/simpack/pkg-req
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e75b81d3ca6..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/pkg-req
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-cat <<!
- SimPack Version 3.01 (SimPack3), a software toolkit supporting a variety
- of kinds of simulations, including, but not limited to: declarative,
- constraint-based, spatial, event-scheduling and queuing
- model, and multimodel simulations, developed at the CISE Department,
- University of Florida, Gainesville FL USA, is the property of Dr.
- Paul A. Fishwick, copyright (c) 1995. Title to and ownership of
- SimPack3 remains in Paul Fishwick.
- SimPack3 is copyrighted by its author named above with the exception of
- certain packages built by others, which packages are distributed with
- SimPack3 and which bear attributions identifying those other authors.
- You are granted a nonexclusive license to use SimPack3 in
- accordance with the provisions of the GNU General Public License,
- version 2 (or at your option any later version), which is hereby
- incorporated by reference. The GNU General Public License is published
- by the Free Software Foundation. A copy of the GNU License appears in
- the same directory as this License, under the filename \`\`License.gnu".
- The GNU license is also available from Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 675 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge MA 02139 USA.
- In a nutshell, you are free to use SimPack3 for research, teaching,
- or private purposes, but you must not sell, lease, rent, or otherwise
- convey any interest in SimPack3, except that you may redistribute
- SimPack3 as long as any redistribution is free of charge
- and includes all original source code and accompanying documentation,
- as well as this License. If you modify SimPack3 and/or incorporate it
- into another software product, distribution of any such derived product
- must be under the same terms and conditions as those in this SimPack3
- License.
- Source code as used above includes (as applicable and without limitation)
- shell scripts, makefiles, header files (.h), C and C++ program files,
- (whatever their file extension may be), Tcl/Tk program files, and (for
- the DOS environment) .bat files. Documentation as used above means
- LaTeX files (.tex), as well as associated and derived files such as .dvi
- and .ps files, and all readme files.
- You may terminate your SimPack3 License at any time by erasing all
- copies of all files in your possession which constitute the
- SimPack3 distribution, and by erasing all copies of all files in
- your possession which constitute any derived product(s). We may
- terminate your License upon notice, in the event that you violate its
- terms and conditions.
- SimPack3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- without any warranty, and without any implied warranty of
- merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
- Under no circumstances shall the owner of SimPack3 be liable to any
- person for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
- damages arising from the use or misuse of this software.
-exit 0