diff options
authorrea <rea@FreeBSD.org>2011-03-28 21:50:19 +0800
committerrea <rea@FreeBSD.org>2011-03-28 21:50:19 +0800
commit0351364f4b783bc9c62ac7922db49730b5ffc925 (patch)
parent269e8683fa8b4c7347fa138794eee1080ff6238a (diff)
mail/exim: upgrade to 4.75
From NewStuff-4.75: 1. In addition to the existing LDAP and LDAP/SSL ("ldaps") support, there is now LDAP/TLS support, given sufficiently modern OpenLDAP client libraries. The following global options have been added in support of this: ldap_ca_cert_dir, ldap_ca_cert_file, ldap_cert_file, ldap_cert_key, ldap_cipher_suite, ldap_require_cert, ldap_start_tls. 2. The pipe transport now takes a boolean option, "freeze_signal", default false. When true, if the external delivery command exits on a signal then Exim will freeze the message in the queue, instead of generating a bounce. 3. Log filenames may now use %M as an escape, instead of %D (still available). The %M pattern expands to yyyymm, providing month-level resolution. 4. The $message_linecount variable is now updated for the maildir_tag option, in the same way as $message_size, to reflect the real number of lines, including any header additions or removals from transport. 5. When contacting a pool of SpamAssassin servers configured in spamd_address, Exim now selects entries randomly, to better scale in a cluster setup. Full changelog and new stuff files: - ftp://exim.inode.at/exim/ChangeLogs/ChangeLog-4.75 - ftp://exim.inode.at/exim/ChangeLogs/NewStuff-4.75 Added two configurable knobs (based on ports/154956): - CONFIG_FILE_PATH: location of the main configuration file - ALT_CONFIG_PREFIX: prefix for alternative configuration files. PR: 154956 Feature safe: yes Approved by: garga (mentor)
3 files changed, 23 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/mail/exim/Makefile b/mail/exim/Makefile
index 1b0e580cdecf..9f34171a97ea 100644
--- a/mail/exim/Makefile
+++ b/mail/exim/Makefile
@@ -25,6 +25,18 @@ WANT_GNOME= yes
+# One can tune the following "hidden" knobs:
+# - EXIM_USER: user exim is running as;
+# - EXIM_GROUP: ditto for the group;
+# - LOGDIR: where Exim logs will be put;
+# - LOG_FILE_PATH: path where '%s' will be substituted with
+# the target name (main, reject, etc);
+# - CONFIG_FILE_PATH: path to the default configuration file;
+# - ALT_CONFIG_PREFIX: path to the default prefix for all
+# configuration files, excluding the main one;
+# will be effective only when WITH_ALT_CONFIG_PREFIX
+# will be set via OPTIONS.
.if make(makesum) && !defined(FETCH_ALL)
.error "You forgot to define FETCH_ALL to create the sane distinfo"
@@ -65,7 +77,7 @@ PLIST_SUB+= SO_1024=""
PLIST_SUB+= SO_1024="@comment "
@@ -123,8 +135,10 @@ MAKE_ENV+= INSTALL_ARG="-no_chown"
EXIM_USER?= mailnull
-LOGDIR?= /var/log/exim
+LOGDIR?= /var/log/exim
+CONFIG_FILE_PATH?= ${PREFIX}/etc/exim/configure
SED_SCRIPT= -e 's,%%PREFIX%%,${PREFIX},g' \
-e 's,%%DOCSDIR%%,${DOCSDIR},g' \
@@ -173,6 +187,8 @@ SEDLIST+= -e 's,XX_CFLAGS_XX,${CFLAGS},' \
-e 's,XX_PREFIX_XX,${PREFIX},' \
diff --git a/mail/exim/distinfo b/mail/exim/distinfo
index ed71b6a83bee..eaac60f991b0 100644
--- a/mail/exim/distinfo
+++ b/mail/exim/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-SHA256 (exim/exim-4.74.tar.bz2) = e55b51c87e0be920f7f5aee830261566a4def8820f318d14a822fe2ae2ff8e40
-SIZE (exim/exim-4.74.tar.bz2) = 1588636
+SHA256 (exim/exim-4.75.tar.bz2) = dc6ef216dcf5b44b6c43f00a3ccb16c4b22e1cb2a414e324df22e991fd490ded
+SIZE (exim/exim-4.75.tar.bz2) = 1600867
SHA256 (exim/sa-exim-4.2.tar.gz) = 72e0a735547f18b05785e6c58a71d24623858f0f5234a5dc0e24cb453999e99a
SIZE (exim/sa-exim-4.2.tar.gz) = 66575
SHA256 (exim/spamooborona1024-src-3.2.tar.gz) = ab22a430f3860460045f6b213c68c89700a0cd10cbb6c7a808ece326c53787ee
diff --git a/mail/exim/files/patch-src::EDITME b/mail/exim/files/patch-src::EDITME
index 636f5dd0c09f..2e4e5eb43009 100644
--- a/mail/exim/files/patch-src::EDITME
+++ b/mail/exim/files/patch-src::EDITME
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# file does not exist.
# It is possible to specify a colon-separated list of files for CONFIGURE_FILE.
# In this case, Exim will use the first of them that exists when it is run.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
# ALT_CONFIG_PREFIX=/some/directory/
# ALT_CONFIG_PREFIX=/some/directory/exim.conf-