path: root/astro/weather/Makefile
diff options
authorwen <wen@FreeBSD.org>2010-06-02 18:51:00 +0800
committerwen <wen@FreeBSD.org>2010-06-02 18:51:00 +0800
commit0723cbf833cac03a9c90b0ff5d5983fa5cc05d30 (patch)
treece747fa06f17cbc7291e8ed9a0d8839b18b4988b /astro/weather/Makefile
parent41826e14e5ce6c625d031fc4418d969dd858eff9 (diff)
This command-line utility is intended to provide quick access to current
weather conditions and forecasts. Presently, it is capable of returning data for localities throughout the USA by retrieving and formatting decoded METARs (Meteorological Aerodrome Reports) from NOAA (the USA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and forecasts from NWS (the USA National Weather Service). The tool is written to function in the same spirit as other command- line informational utilities like cal(1), calendar(1) and dict(1). It can retrieve arbitrary weather data via specific command-line switches (station ID, city, state), or aliases can be configured system wide and on a per-user basis. It can be freely used and redistributed under the terms of a BSD-like License. WWW: http://fungi.yuggoth.org/weather/ PR: ports/147003 Submitted by: Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@sunpoet.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'astro/weather/Makefile')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/astro/weather/Makefile b/astro/weather/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb558de7f126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro/weather/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: weather
+# Date created: 2010-05-25
+# Whom: Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@sunpoet.net>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= weather
+CATEGORIES= astro python
+MASTER_SITES= http://fungi.yuggoth.org/weather/src/ \
+ http://sunpoet.net/distfiles/
+MAINTAINER= sunpoet@sunpoet.net
+COMMENT= An utility to provide current weather conditions and forecasts
+MAN1= weather.1
+MAN5= weatherrc.5
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '1 s/python/${PYTHON_VERSION}/' ${WRKSRC}/weather
+ @${WRKSRC}/weather --version
+ @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/weather ${PREFIX}/bin/
+ @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/weather.py ${WRKSRC}/weather.pyc ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/
+ @${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/weather.1 ${MANPREFIX}/man/man1/
+ @${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/weatherrc.5 ${MANPREFIX}/man/man5/
+.include <bsd.port.mk>