path: root/audio
diff options
authorgerald <gerald@FreeBSD.org>2009-03-07 11:05:43 +0800
committergerald <gerald@FreeBSD.org>2009-03-07 11:05:43 +0800
commit30889c354c4f64dc54488f858343d1f52a6ebc97 (patch)
tree8fb3091223e4dc6876224ea1fff6970346955ba4 /audio
parent3afdffdbd54a1f8528aadae0cbfbd35b8f234538 (diff)
Remove audio/quelcom per expiration note.
Diffstat (limited to 'audio')
37 files changed, 0 insertions, 2311 deletions
diff --git a/audio/Makefile b/audio/Makefile
index b17226572d04..9928b4224db1 100644
--- a/audio/Makefile
+++ b/audio/Makefile
@@ -581,7 +581,6 @@
SUBDIR += qjackctl
SUBDIR += qmpdclient
SUBDIR += qsynth
- SUBDIR += quelcom
SUBDIR += raop_play
SUBDIR += raproxy
SUBDIR += raul
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/Makefile b/audio/quelcom/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ae74f81082c7..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: quelcom
-# Date created: 27 December 2000
-# Whom: George Reid <greid@ukug.uk.freebsd.org>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= quelcom
-MASTER_SITES= http://www.etse.urv.es/~dmanye/quelcom/src/
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= A set of command-line utilities for MP3 and wave files
-DEPRECATED= unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc33 which fails to build
-USE_GCC= 3.3
-MAKEFILE= makefile
-CXXFLAGS+= -I../lib -I${LOCALBASE}/include ${CPPFLAGS} \
-LDFLAGS= -L../lib -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -lintl
- @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "makefile" | ${XARGS} ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
- 's|make |$$(MAKE) |g ; \
- s|^CXX=|CXX?=|g ; \
- s|^LDFLAGS=|LDFLAGS+=|g ; \
- s|-L./../lib -lqextra|$$(LDFLAGS) -lqextra|g'
-.for f in qmp3check qmp3cut qmp3info qmp3join qmp3report qwavcut qwavfade \
- qwavheaderdump qwavinfo qwavjoin qwavsilence
- ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/${f} ${PREFIX}/bin
-.for f in libqextra.so libqmp3.so libqwav.so
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/lib/${f} ${PREFIX}/lib
-.for lang in ca es
- @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/locale/${lang}/LC_MESSAGES
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/po/${lang}.mo \
- ${PREFIX}/share/locale/${lang}/LC_MESSAGES/quelcom.mo
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/quelcom.html ${DOCSDIR}
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/distinfo b/audio/quelcom/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 42953064c65e..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (quelcom-0.4.0.tar.gz) = a681c06bcf6159f8540d64cf680e6661
-SHA256 (quelcom-0.4.0.tar.gz) = 314b3f6e5f14e8d90b828c9b13b2fa7c308828dbe8573f46b76e90fddcad2c4a
-SIZE (quelcom-0.4.0.tar.gz) = 171984
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3check.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3check.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 36230ec0d1fb..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3check.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qmp3check.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qmp3check.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
- #endif
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: check and clean mp3 streams\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file...\n"),APPNAME);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("check and clean mp3 streams") << '\n';
-+ cerr << ' ' << _("syntax") << APPNAME
-+ << ' ' << _("[option]... file...") << '\n';
- cerr << _(" -D, --delete: delete invalid frames and garbage. use with care\n");
- cerr << _(" -h, --help: show this help and exit\n");
- cerr << _(" -q, --quiet: no output messages\n");
-@@ -76,11 +76,12 @@
- verbose=true; quiet=false;
- break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -144,8 +145,8 @@
- skipped = frame->getMap()-file.getMap();
- if (skipped) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: skipped %d bytes of garbage at the beginning\n"),
-- *argv,skipped);
-+ cerr << *argv << ": " << _("skipped") << ' ' << skipped << ' '
-+ << _("bytes of garbage at the beginning") << '\n';
- total_skipped += skipped;
- stream_length -= skipped;
- }
-@@ -156,8 +157,9 @@
- }
- else
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: first frame incomplete: %d of %d bytes\n"),
-- *argv,stream_length,frame->getLength());
-+ cerr << *argv << ": " << _("first frame incomplete") << ": "
-+ << stream_length << _(" of ") << frame->getLength()
-+ << ' ' << _("bytes") << '\n';
- while (stream_length) {
-@@ -166,10 +168,11 @@
- }
- catch (qexception e) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: %d bytes of garbage at the end"),
-- *argv,stream_length);
-+ cerr << *argv << ": " << stream_length
-+ << _(" bytes of garbage at the end");
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(" (%d..%d)",file.getSize()-stream_length,file.getSize());
-+ cerr << " (" << file.getSize()-stream_length
-+ << ',' << file.getSize() << ')';
- if (!quiet)
- cerr << endl;
- total_skipped += stream_length;
-@@ -179,11 +182,11 @@
- if (skipped) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: skipped %d bytes"),*argv,skipped);
-+ cerr << *argv << _(": skipped") << skipped << _(" bytes");
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(" (%d..%d)",
-- clean_block_end-file.getMap()+1,
-- frame->getMap()-file.getMap()-1);
-+ cerr << " (" << clean_block_end-file.getMap()+1
-+ << ".." << frame->getMap()-file.getMap()-1 << ')';
- if (!quiet)
- cerr << endl;
-@@ -191,15 +194,14 @@
- (clean_offset!=file.getMap()-1)) {
- if (del) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: moving %d bytes"),
-- *argv,
-- clean_block_end-clean_block_begin+1);
-+ cerr << *argv << _(": moving ")
-+ << clean_block_end-clean_block_begin+1
-+ << _(" bytes");
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(" (%d..%d) <-- (%d..%d)",
-- clean_offset-file.getMap()+1,
-- clean_offset-file.getMap()+1+clean_block_end-clean_block_begin,
-- clean_block_begin-file.getMap(),
-- clean_block_end-file.getMap());
-+ cerr << " (" << clean_offset-file.getMap()+1
-+ << ".." << clean_offset-file.getMap()+1+clean_block_end-clean_block_begin
-+ << ") <-- (" << clean_block_begin-file.getMap()
-+ << ".." << clean_block_end-file.getMap() << ")";
- if (!quiet)
- cerr << endl;
-@@ -223,8 +225,9 @@
- }
- else {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: last frame (%d+1) truncated: %d of %d bytes\n"),
-- *argv,frames,stream_length,frame->getLength());
-+ cerr << *argv << _(": last frame (") << frames << _(") truncated: ")
-+ << stream_length << _(" of ") << frame->getLength()
-+ << _(" bytes\n");
- total_skipped += stream_length;
- stream_length = 0;
- break;
-@@ -237,14 +240,13 @@
- if (del) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: moving %d bytes"),
-- *argv,clean_block_end-clean_block_begin+1);
-- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(" (%d..%d) <-- (%d..%d)",
-- clean_offset-file.getMap()+1,
-- clean_offset-file.getMap()+1+clean_block_end-clean_block_begin,
-- clean_block_begin-file.getMap(),
-- clean_block_end-file.getMap());
-+ cerr << *argv << _(": moving ")
-+ << clean_block_end-clean_block_begin+1 << _(" bytes");
-+ if (verbose)
-+ cerr << " (" << clean_offset-file.getMap()+1
-+ << ".." << clean_offset-file.getMap()+1+clean_block_end-clean_block_begin
-+ << ") <-- (" << clean_block_begin-file.getMap()
-+ << ".." << clean_block_end-file.getMap() << ')';
- if (!quiet)
- cerr << endl;
-@@ -261,7 +263,7 @@
- if (del) {
- if (delTag) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: skipping tag"),*argv);
-+ cerr << *argv << _(": skipping tag");
- if (verbose)
- cerr << " (" << qtag::LENGTH << " bytes)";
- if (!quiet)
-@@ -274,13 +276,13 @@
- (u_int32_t)(tag->getMap()-file.getMap()+qtag::LENGTH-1),
- (u_int32_t)(clean_offset+1-file.getMap()));
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: moving tag (%d bytes)"),*argv,qtag::LENGTH);
-+ cerr << *argv << _(": moving tag (") << qtag::LENGTH << ")";
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(" (%d..%d) <-- (%d..%d)",
-- clean_offset-file.getMap()+1,
-- clean_offset-file.getMap()+1+qtag::LENGTH-1,
-- tag->getMap()-file.getMap(),
-- tag->getMap()-file.getMap()+qtag::LENGTH-1);
-+ cerr << " (" << clean_offset-file.getMap()+1
-+ << ".." << clean_offset-file.getMap()+1+qtag::LENGTH-1
-+ << ") <-- (" << tag->getMap()-file.getMap()
-+ << ".." << tag->getMap()-file.getMap()+qtag::LENGTH-1 << ')';
- if (!quiet)
- cerr << endl;
- }
-@@ -293,12 +295,12 @@
- if (total_skipped) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: %d of %d discardable bytes\n"),
-- *argv,total_skipped,file.getSize());
-+ cerr << *argv << ": " << total_skipped << _(" of ") << file.getSize()
-+ << _(" discardable bytes\n");
- if (del) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: truncating to %d bytes\n"),
-- *argv,file.getSize()-total_skipped);
-+ cerr << *argv << _(": truncating to ") << file.getSize()-total_skipped
-+ << _(" bytes\n");
- file.truncate(file.getSize()-total_skipped);
- }
- }
-@@ -309,8 +311,8 @@
- cerr << mp3 << endl; // quedaria millor la versió 'verbose...'
- }
- else
-- cerr.form(_("%s: %d frames, %d bytes\n"),
-- *argv,frames,clean_offset-file.getMap()+1);
-+ cerr << *argv << ": " << frames << _(" frames, ")
-+ << clean_offset-file.getMap()+1 << _(" bytes\n");
- }
- if (hasTag)
-@@ -327,5 +329,5 @@
- } while (*++argv);
- if (error_files && verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("%d error files found\n"),error_files);
-+ cerr << error_files << _(" error files found\n");
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3cut.c b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3cut.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e476e10a2f..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3cut.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qmp3cut.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qmp3cut.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@
- #endif
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: extract and/or delete parts of a mp3 file\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file\n"),APPNAME);
-+ cerr << ' ' << APPNAME << _(": extract and/or delete parts of a mp3 file\n");
-+ cerr << _(" syntax: ") << APPNAME << _(" [option]... file\n");
- cerr << _(" options:\n");
- cerr << _(" -B, --set-begin <cut point>: set the first frame from the beginning of the file\n");
- cerr << _(" -b, --set-begin-from-eof <cut point>: set the first frame from the end of the file\n");
-@@ -102,13 +101,14 @@
- verbose=true;
- break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
- qmp3 mp3 (infile,mode);
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("scanning '%s'..."),infile.c_str());
-+ cerr << _("scanning '") << infile << "'...";
- mp3.scan();
- if (verbose)
- cerr << "ok." << endl;
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3info.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3info.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9029e4efcea8..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3info.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qmp3info.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qmp3info.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@
- #endif
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: show info from mp3 files\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file...\n"),APPNAME);
-+ cerr << ' ' << APPNAME << _(": show info from mp3 files\n");
-+ cerr << _(" syntax: ") << APPNAME << _(" [option]... file...\n");
- cerr << _(" -c, --check: check the entire stream (slower but accurate)\n");
- cerr << _(" -h, --help: show this help and exit\n");
- cerr << _(" -s, --summary-only: show only the summary\n");
-@@ -69,13 +68,14 @@
- verbose=true;
- break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -136,15 +136,22 @@
- optind++;
- }
-- cout.form (_("%u file%c"),files,files>1?'s':0);
-+ cout << files << _(" file") << (files>1?"s":"");
- if (errors)
-- cout.form (" (%u error%c)",errors,errors>1?'s':0);
-- if (verbose)
-- cout.form (" => %d:%02d.%03d %u frames %u bytes\n",
-- total_msduration/60000,(total_msduration/1000)%60,
-- total_msduration%1000,total_frames,total_bytes);
-- else
-- cout.form (" => %d:%02d\n",
-- total_msduration/60000,(total_msduration/1000)%60);
-+ cout << errors << _(" error") << (errors>1?"s":"");
-+ if (verbose) {
-+ cout << " => " << total_msduration/60000 << ":";
-+ cout.width(2);
-+ cout.fill('0');
-+ cout << (total_msduration/1000)%60 << '.';
-+ cout.width(3);
-+ cout.fill('0');
-+ cout << total_msduration%1000 << " " << total_frames << " "
-+ << total_bytes << " bytes\n";
-+ } else {
-+ cout << " => " << total_msduration/60000 << ':';
-+ cout.width(2);
-+ cout.fill('0');
-+ cout << (total_msduration/1000)%60 << '\n';
-+ }
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3join.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3join.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 947194e00860..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3join.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qmp3join.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qmp3join.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@
- #endif
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: join mp3 files\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file1 file2...\n"),APPNAME);
-+ cerr << ' ' << APPNAME << _(": join mp3 files\n");
-+ cerr << _(" syntax: ") << APPNAME << _(" [option]... file1 file2...\n");
- cerr << _(" -f, --force: force join bypassing bit rate checks\n");
- cerr << _(" -h, --help: show this help and exit\n");
- cerr << _(" -o, --output <file>: send output to <file>. otherwise, append to <file1>\n");
-@@ -68,13 +67,14 @@
- verbose=true;
- break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
- if (outfile!="") {
- mp3 = new qmp3(*argv);
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("copying '%s' to '%s'..."),*argv,outfile.c_str());
-+ cerr << _(" copying '") << *argv << _("' to '") << outfile << "'...";
- mp3->dup(outfile);
- if (verbose)
- cerr << "ok." << endl;
-@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
- mp3 = new qmp3(*argv,qmp3::READWRITE);
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("scanning '%s'..."),mp3->getName().c_str());
-+ cerr << _("scanning '") << mp3->getName() << "'...";
- mp3->scan();
- if (verbose)
-@@ -117,14 +117,14 @@
- qmp3 mm(*argv);
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("scanning '%s'..."),mm.getName().c_str());
-+ cerr << _("scanning '") << mm.getName() << "'...";
- mm.scan();
- if (verbose)
- cerr << "ok." << endl;
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("appending '%s' to '%s'..."),
-- mm.getName().c_str(),mp3->getName().c_str());
-+ cerr << _("appending '") << mm.getName() << _("' to '")
-+ << mp3->getName() << "'...";
- mp3->append(mm,force);
- if (verbose)
- cerr << "ok." << endl;
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3report.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3report.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 30b9e893291d..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qmp3report.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qmp3report.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qmp3report.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
- # include "qreport.hh"
- # include "qmisc.hh"
-+using namespace std;
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
- # include <libintl.h>
-@@ -30,8 +32,9 @@
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: generate reports from mp3 files and directories\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file...\n"),APPNAME);
-+ cerr << ' ' << APPNAME
-+ << ": generate reports from mp3 files and directories\n";
-+ cerr << " syntax: " << APPNAME << " [option]... file...\n";
- cerr << _(" options:\n");
- cerr << _(" -a, --all-files: report all files, not just *.mp3\n");
- cerr << _(" -A, --show-all: implies -d, -f, -s\n");
-@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@
- if (opts.all) {
- qfile f(filename);
- if (opts.verbose)
-- cerr.form (_("reporting file '%s'\n"),filename.c_str());
-+ cerr << _("reporting file") << " '" << filename << "'\n";
- qreport r(f);
- if (opts.showfiles) {
- if (opts.html) {
-@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@
- mp3.scan();
- }
- if (opts.verbose)
-- cerr.form (_("reporting mp3 file '%s'\n"),mp3name.c_str());
-+ cerr << _("reporting mp3 file") << " '" << mp3name << "'\n";
- qreport r(mp3);
- if (opts.showfiles) {
- if (opts.html) {
-@@ -110,13 +113,13 @@
- qreport report_directory (string dirname, struct options &opts) {
- if (opts.verbose)
-- cerr.form (_("reporting directory '%s'\n"),dirname.c_str());
-+ cerr << _("reporting directory") << " '" << dirname << "'\n";
- qreport dirreport(dirname);
- if (!opts.recursive) {
- if (opts.verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("%s: '%s' is a directory\n"),APPNAME,dirname.c_str());
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": '" << dirname << ' ' << _("is a directory") << '\n';
- return dirreport;
- }
-@@ -125,17 +128,18 @@
- ofstream *out;
- if (opts.split) {
- if (getcwd(previous_wd,sizeof(previous_wd))==NULL) {
-- cerr.form(_("cannot get current directory (%s): %s\n"),
-- dirname.c_str(),strerror(errno));
-+ cerr << _("cannot get current directory") << " ("
-+ << dirname << "): " << strerror(errno) << '\n';
- return dirreport;
- }
- if (chdir(dirname.c_str())) {
-- cerr.form(_("cannot move to dir %s: %s\n"),dirname.c_str(),strerror(errno));
-+ cerr << _("cannot move to dir")
-+ << dirname << ": " << strerror(errno) << '\n';
- return dirreport;
- }
- if (getcwd(wd,sizeof(wd))==NULL) {
-- cerr.form(_("cannot get current directory (%s): %s\n"),
-- dirname.c_str(),strerror(errno));
-+ cerr << _("cannot get current directory")
-+ << " (" << dirname << "): " << strerror(errno) << '\n';
- return dirreport;
- }
- char *index = strrchr(wd,'/');
-@@ -150,7 +154,7 @@
- outfilename += string(".txt");
- if (opts.verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("opening output file '%s'\n"),outfilename.c_str());
-+ cerr << _("opening output file") << " '" << outfilename << "'\n";
- out = opts.out;
- opts.out = new ofstream(outfilename.c_str());
-@@ -162,7 +166,7 @@
- struct dirent **namelist;
- if ((n = scandir(dirname.c_str(),&namelist,0,alphasort))<0) {
-- cerr.form(_("%s: cannot scan '%s'\n"),APPNAME,dirname.c_str());
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ':' << _("cannot scan") << " '" << dirname << "'\n";
- return dirreport;
- }
-@@ -181,8 +185,9 @@
- filepathname = dirname + string("/") + string(namelist[i]->d_name);
- if (stat(filepathname.c_str(),&filestat)) {
-- cerr.form(_("%s: error reading '%s' status: %s\n"),
-- APPNAME,dirname.c_str(),strerror(errno));
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("error reading")
-+ << " '" << dirname << "' status: "
-+ << strerror(errno) << '\n';
- continue;
- }
-@@ -284,13 +289,14 @@
- case 'S': opts.split = true; break;
- case 'v': opts.verbose = true; break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -304,12 +310,12 @@
- qreport base;
-- opts.out = new ofstream(1);
-+ opts.out = new ofstream;
- if (opts.split)
- opts.out = new ofstream("/dev/null");
- else {
-- opts.out = new ofstream(1);
-+ opts.out = new ofstream;
- if (opts.html)
- *opts.out << "<html>\n<head><title>qmp3report</title>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n";
- }
-@@ -319,8 +325,9 @@
- struct stat filestat;
- if (stat(argv[optind],&filestat)) {
-- cerr.form(_("%s: error reading '%s' status: %s\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind],strerror(errno));
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("error reading") << " '"
-+ << argv[optind] << "' " << _("status") << ": "
-+ << strerror(errno) << '\n';
- continue;
- }
-@@ -358,7 +365,7 @@
- cout << base << endl;
- }
- else {
-- base.html(new ofstream(1));
-+ base.html(new ofstream);
- cout << "<br>" << endl;
- }
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavcut.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavcut.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5755d7d50f2d..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavcut.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qwavcut.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qwavcut.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
- # include "qwav.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
-+#include <iostream>
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
- # include <libintl.h>
-@@ -11,9 +13,8 @@
- #endif
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: extract and/or delete parts of a wav file\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file\n"),APPNAME);
-+ cerr << ' ' << APPNAME << _(": extract and/or delete parts of a wav file\n");
-+ cerr << _(" syntax: ") << APPNAME << _(" [option]... file\n");
- cerr << _(" options:\n");
- cerr << _(" -B, --set-begin <cut point>: set the first sample from the beginning of the file\n");
- cerr << _(" -b, --set-begin-from-eof <cut point>: set the first sample from the end of the file\n");
-@@ -102,13 +103,14 @@
- verbose=true;
- break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavfade.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavfade.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index b29c88227c7d..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavfade.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qwavfade.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qwavfade.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
- # include "qexception.hh"
- # include "qmisc.hh"
-+#include <iostream>
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
- # include <libintl.h>
-@@ -14,8 +16,8 @@
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: fade in/out wav files\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file...\n"),APPNAME);
-+ cerr << " " << APPNAME << _(": fade in/out wav files\n");
-+ cerr << " " << _("syntax: ") << APPNAME << _("[option]... file...\n");
- cerr << _(" -d, --duration <duration>[j|s|m|b|k|M]: set the fade duration\n");
- cerr << _(" -h, --help: show this help and exit\n");
- cerr << _(" -i, --in: just fade in\n");
-@@ -95,13 +97,14 @@
- verbose=true;
- break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@
- while (argv[optind]) {
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("fading '%s'...\n"),argv[optind]);
-+ cerr << _("fading '") << argv[optind] << "'...\n";
- qwav *wav = new qwav(argv[optind],wavmode);
- u_int32_t nsamples = wav->getSample(duration); // dins del rang?
-@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@
- wav->cut(h);
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("created testfile '%s'\n"),name.c_str());
-+ cerr << _("created testfile '") << name << "'\n";
- delete wav;
- wav = new qwav(name,qwav::READWRITE);
-@@ -157,7 +160,8 @@
- }
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("faded in %d samples in '%s'\n"),nsamples,wav->getName().c_str());
-+ cerr << _("faded in ") << nsamples << _(" samples in '") << wav->getName()
-+ << "'\n";
- }
- delete wav;
-@@ -176,7 +180,7 @@
- wav->cut(h);
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("created testfile '%s'\n"),name.c_str());
-+ cerr << _("created testfile ") << name << "'\n";
- delete wav;
- wav = new qwav(name,qwav::READWRITE);
-@@ -191,7 +195,8 @@
- }
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("faded out %d samples in '%s'\n"),nsamples,wav->getName().c_str());
-+ cerr << _("faded out ") << nsamples << _(" samples in '")
-+ << wav->getName() << "'\n";
- }
- optind++;
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavheaderdump.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavheaderdump.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fe4ffe716b0..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavheaderdump.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qwavheaderdump.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qwavheaderdump.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
- # include <getopt.h> // getopt
- # include <sys/types.h> // u_int16_t, u_int32_t
- # include "qfile.hh"
-+# include "qwavheader.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
-+# include "endian.hh"
-+/* caved in and used C's printf in a few places that don't seem to
-+ * be expressible with ios
-+ */
-+#include <cstdio>
-+#include <iostream>
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
-@@ -29,15 +37,15 @@
- char data[4];
- u_int32_t datalength;
-+} __attribute__((packed));
- const unsigned int HEADERSIZE = sizeof(struct header);
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: dump (and fix) wav header\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file...\n"),APPNAME);
-+ fprintf(stderr,_(" %s: dump (and fix) wav header\n"),APPNAME);
-+ fprintf(stderr,_(" syntax: %s [option]... file...\n"),APPNAME);
- cerr << _(" -F, --fix: correct header. use with care\n");
- cerr << _(" -h, --help: show this help and exit\n");
- cerr << _(" -q, --quiet: no output messages\n");
-@@ -86,13 +94,14 @@
- quiet=true;
- break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -113,22 +122,33 @@
- qfile f(argv[optind],openmode);
- if (f.getSize()<HEADERSIZE) {
-- cerr.form(_("%s: '%s' has not enough room for a wav header\n"),
-- APPNAME,f.getName().c_str());
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": '" << f.getName()
-+ << _("' has not enough room for a wav header\n");
- optind++;
- continue;
- }
-+ if ((int)f.getMap() % sizeof(u_int32_t) != 0) {
-+ // should never happen with a mapping at offset 0, but if it does,
-+ // we need to catch it rather than tossing subtle memory misread
-+ // bugs. 32-bit alignment is adequate since no integer in a WAV header
-+ // is longer
-+ cerr << APPNAME << _(": mapping of header in '") << f.getName()
-+ << _("' is not 32-bit aligned\n");
-+ optind++;
-+ continue;
-+ }
- struct header *header = (struct header*) f.getMap();
- cout << f.getName() << " (" << f.getSize() << " bytes):" << endl;
- // the file should have an integer number of samples...
-- cout.form("\triff: '%.4s'\n",header->riff);
-+ printf("\triff: '%.4s'\n",header->riff);
- if (strncmp(header->riff,"RIFF",4)) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\triff field should be 'RIFF'\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\triff field should be 'RIFF'\n"));
- if (fix) {
- strncpy(header->riff,"RIFF",4);
- if (!quiet)
-@@ -136,21 +156,21 @@
- }
- }
-- cout.form(_("\triff length: %d\n"),header->rifflength);
-- if (header->rifflength!=f.getSize()-8) {
-+ printf(_("\triff length: %d\n"),letohl(header->rifflength));
-+ if (letohl(header->rifflength)!=f.getSize()-8) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\triff length field should be %d\n"),f.getSize()-8);
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\triff length field should be %d\n"),f.getSize()-8);
- if (fix) {
-- header->rifflength = f.getSize()-8;
-+ header->rifflength = htolel(f.getSize()-8);
- if (!quiet)
- cerr << _("\t\tfixed\n");
- }
- }
-- cout.form("\twave: '%.4s'\n",header->wave);
-+ printf("\twave: '%.4s'\n",header->wave);
- if (strncmp(header->wave,"WAVE",4)) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\twave field should be 'WAVE'\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\twave field should be 'WAVE'\n"));
- if (fix) {
- strncpy(header->wave,"WAVE",4);
- if (!quiet)
-@@ -158,10 +178,10 @@
- }
- }
-- cout.form("\tfmt: '%.4s'\n",header->fmt_);
-+ printf("\tfmt: '%.4s'\n",header->fmt_);
- if (strncmp(header->fmt_,"fmt ",4)) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\tfmt field should be 'fmt '\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\tfmt field should be 'fmt '\n"));
- if (fix) {
- strncpy(header->fmt_,"fmt ",4);
- if (!quiet)
-@@ -169,32 +189,33 @@
- }
- }
-- cout.form(_("\tfmt length: %d\n"),header->fmtlength);
-- if (header->fmtlength!=16) {
-+ printf(_("\tfmt length: %d\n"),letohl(header->fmtlength));
-+ if (letohl(header->fmtlength)!=16) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\tfmt length field should be %d\n"),16);
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\tfmt length field should be %d\n"),16);
- if (fix) {
-- header->fmtlength = 16;
-+ header->fmtlength = htolel(16);
- if (!quiet)
- cerr << _("\t\tfixed\n");
- }
- }
-- cout.form("\tformat: %d\n",header->format);
-- if (header->format!=1) {
-+ printf("\tformat: %d\n",letohs(header->format));
-+ if (letohs(header->format)!=1) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\tformat field should 1 (pcm tag)\n"),16);
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\tformat field should 1 (pcm tag)\n"));
- if (fix) {
-- header->format = 1;
-+ header->format = htoles(1);
- if (!quiet)
- cerr << _("\t\tfixed\n");
- }
- }
-- cout.form(_("\tchannels: %d\n"),header->channels);
-- if (header->channels!=2 && header->channels!=1) {
-+ printf(_("\tchannels: %d\n"),letohs(header->channels));
-+ if (letohs(header->channels)!=2 &&
-+ letohs(header->channels)!=1) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\tchannels field should be 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo)\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\tchannels field should be 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo)\n"));
- if (fix) {
- cerr << _("\t\tdon't know which value must be set...\n") << endl;
- if (!quiet)
-@@ -202,33 +223,34 @@
- }
- }
-- cout.form(_("\tsample rate: %d\n"),header->samplerate);
-- if (header->samplerate>48000 || header->samplerate<8000) {
-+ printf(_("\tsample rate: %d\n"),letohl(header->samplerate));
-+ if (letohl(header->samplerate)>48000 ||
-+ letohl(header->samplerate)<8000) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\tsample rate field should be between 8000 and 48000\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\tsample rate field should be between 8000 and 48000\n"));
- if (fix)
- cerr << _("\t\tdon't know which value must be set...\n") << endl;
- }
-- cout.form(_("\tbytes/second: %d\n"),header->bytespersec);
-+ printf(_("\tbytes/second: %d\n"),letohl(header->bytespersec));
-- cout.form(_("\tbytes/sample: %d\n"),header->bytespersample);
-- if (header->bytespersample!=1 &&
-- header->bytespersample!=2 &&
-- header->bytespersample!=4) {
-+ printf(_("\tbytes/sample: %d\n"),letohs(header->bytespersample));
-+ if (letohs(header->bytespersample)!=1 &&
-+ letohs(header->bytespersample)!=2 &&
-+ letohs(header->bytespersample)!=4) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\t bytes/sample field should be 1, 2 or 4\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\t bytes/sample field should be 1, 2 or 4\n"));
- if (fix)
- cerr << _("\t\tdon't know which value must be set...\n") << endl;
- }
-- cout.form(_("\tbits/sample: %d\n"),header->bitspersample);
-+ printf(_("\tbits/sample: %d\n"),letohs(header->bitspersample));
-- cout.form("\tdata: '%.4s'\n",header->data);
-+ printf("\tdata: '%.4s'\n",header->data);
- if (strncmp(header->data,"data",4)) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\tdata field should be 'data'\n"));
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\tdata field should be 'data'\n"));
- if (fix) {
- strncpy(header->data,"data",4);
- if (!quiet)
-@@ -236,12 +258,12 @@
- }
- }
-- cout.form(_("\tdata length: %d\n"),header->datalength);
-- if (header->datalength!=f.getSize()-44) {
-+ printf(_("\tdata length: %d\n"),letohl(header->datalength));
-+ if (letohl(header->datalength)!=f.getSize()-44) {
- if (!quiet)
-- cerr.form(_("\t\tdata length field should be %d\n"),f.getSize()-44);
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("\t\tdata length field should be %d\n"),f.getSize()-44);
- if (fix) {
-- header->datalength = f.getSize()-44;
-+ header->datalength = htolel(f.getSize()-44);
- if (!quiet)
- cerr << _("\t\tfixed\n");
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavinfo.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavinfo.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a9193ffc225..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavinfo.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qwavinfo.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qwavinfo.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
- # include "qwav.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
-+#include <iostream>
-+#include <cstdio>
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
- # include <libintl.h>
-@@ -14,9 +17,8 @@
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: show info from wav files\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file...\n"),APPNAME);
-+ cerr << ' ' << APPNAME << _(": show info from wav files\n");
-+ cerr << _(" syntax: ") << APPNAME << _(" [option]... file...\n");
- cerr << _(" -h, --help: show this help and exit\n");
- cerr << _(" -s, --summary-only: show only the summary\n");
- cerr << _(" -v, --verbose: verbose\n");
-@@ -66,13 +68,14 @@
- verbose=true;
- break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -124,14 +127,14 @@
- optind++;
- }
-- cout.form (_("%u file%c"),files,files>1?'s':0);
-+ printf (_("%u file%c"),files,files>1?'s':0);
- if (errors)
-- cout.form (" (%u error%c)",errors,errors>1?'s':0);
-+ printf (" (%u error%c)",errors,errors>1?'s':0);
- if (verbose)
-- cout.form (_(" => %d:%02d.%03d %u samples %u bytes\n"),
-+ printf (_(" => %d:%02d.%03d %u samples %u bytes\n"),
- total_msduration/60000,(total_msduration/1000)%60,
- total_msduration%1000,total_samples,total_bytes);
- else
-- cout.form (" => %d:%02d\n",
-+ printf (" => %d:%02d\n",
- total_msduration/60000,(total_msduration/1000)%60);
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavjoin.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavjoin.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9da254915b89..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavjoin.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qwavjoin.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qwavjoin.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
- # include "qwav.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
-+#include <iostream>
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
- # include <libintl.h>
-@@ -12,9 +14,8 @@
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: join wav files\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file1 file2...\n"),APPNAME);
-+ cerr << ' ' << APPNAME << _(": join wav files\n");
-+ cerr << _(" syntax: ") << APPNAME << _(" [option]... file1 file2...\n");
- cerr << _(" -h, --help: show this help and exit\n");
- cerr << _(" -o, --output <file>: send output to <file>. otherwise, append to <file1>\n");
- cerr << _(" -v, --verbose: verbose\n");
-@@ -64,13 +65,14 @@
- verbose=true;
- break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@
- if (outfile!="") {
- wav = new qwav(*argv);
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("copying '%s' to '%s'..."),*argv,outfile.c_str());
-+ cerr << _("copying '") << *argv << _("' to '") << outfile << "'...";
- wav->dup(outfile);
- if (verbose)
- cerr << "ok." << endl;
-@@ -106,8 +108,8 @@
- qwav ww(*argv);
- if (verbose)
-- cerr.form(_("appending '%s' to '%s'..."),
-- ww.getName().c_str(),wav->getName().c_str());
-+ cerr << _("appending '") << ww.getName() << _("' to '")
-+ << wav->getName() << "'...";
- wav->append(ww);
- if (verbose)
- cerr << "ok." << endl;
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavsilence.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavsilence.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 40ac402c3de9..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-bin::qwavsilence.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
---- bin/qwavsilence.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ bin/qwavsilence.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
- # include "qexception.hh"
- # include "qmisc.hh"
-+#include <iostream>
-+#include <cstdio>
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
- # include <libintl.h>
-@@ -14,9 +17,8 @@
- void usage () {
-- cerr.form(_(" %s: detect and shrink silence sequence in wav files\n"),APPNAME);
-- cerr.form(_(" syntax: %s [option]... file...\n"),APPNAME);
-+ cerr << ' ' << APPNAME << _(": detect and shrink silence sequence in wav files\n");
-+ cerr << _(" syntax: ") << APPNAME << _(" [option]... file...\n");
- cerr << _(" -d, --duration <duration>[j|s|m|b|k|M]: set the minimum silence duration.\n");
- cerr << _(" -h, --help: show this help and exit\n");
- cerr << _(" -l, --length [[h:]m:]s[.ms]: set the minimum silence duration.\n");
-@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@
- case 't':
- temp = strtod(optarg,0);
- if (temp<0 || temp>100) {
-- cerr.form(_("%s: threshold must be 0..100 (%d)\n"),APPNAME,temp);
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("%s: threshold must be 0..100 (%d)\n"),APPNAME,(int)temp);
- return 1;
- }
- threshold = (u_int32_t)temp;
-@@ -93,13 +95,14 @@
- verbose=true;
- break;
- case 'V':
-- cerr.form(_("%s - version %s - build %s\n"),APPNAME,VERSION,__DATE__);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << " - " << _("version") << ' ' << VERSION
-+ << _("build") << ' ' << __DATE__ << '\n';
- return 0;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
-- cerr.form(_("%s: option '%s' is not recognized or bad used\n"),
-- APPNAME,argv[optind-1]);
-+ cerr << APPNAME << ": " << _("option") << " '" << argv[optind-1]
-+ << "' " << _("is not recognized or bad used") << '\n';
- usage();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -173,12 +176,12 @@
- mssec_end = (1000LL*silent_samples)/wav.getSampleRate();
- if (!verbose)
-- cout.form(_("%s: %d:%02d of silence at %d:%02d\n"),
-+ printf(_("%s: %d:%02d of silence at %d:%02d\n"),
- argv[optind],
- mssec_end/60000,(mssec_end/1000)%60,
- mssec_begin/60000,(mssec_begin/1000)%60);
- else
-- cout.form(_("%s: %d:%02d.%03d (%d samples) at %d:%02d:%03d (sample %d)\n"),
-+ printf(_("%s: %d:%02d.%03d (%d samples) at %d:%02d:%03d (sample %d)\n"),
- argv[optind],
- mssec_end/60000,(mssec_end/1000)%60,mssec_end%1000,
- silent_samples,
-@@ -190,11 +193,11 @@
- if (shrink) {
- u_int32_t shrinkable_samples = silent_samples - duration_samples;
-- cerr.form(_("shrink %d samples at %d\n"),
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("shrink %d samples at %d\n"),
- shrinkable_samples,sample_index - shrinkable_samples - 1);
- if (shrinked_samples) {
- u_int32_t samples_moved = sample_index-shrinkable_samples-(first_shrinkable_sample+shrinked_samples+1);
-- cerr.form(_("move %d..%d (%d samples) to %d..%d\n"),
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("move %d..%d (%d samples) to %d..%d\n"),
- first_shrinkable_sample+shrinked_samples+1,
- sample_index-shrinkable_samples-1,
- samples_moved,
-@@ -232,7 +235,7 @@
- else { // sortim del bucle pq s'ha acabat el fitxer...
- if (shrink && shrinked_samples) {
- u_int32_t samples_moved = sample_number-(first_shrinkable_sample+shrinked_samples+1);
-- cerr.form(_("move %d..%d (%d samples) to %d..%d\n"),
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("move %d..%d (%d samples) to %d..%d\n"),
- first_shrinkable_sample+shrinked_samples+1,
- sample_number,
- samples_moved,
-@@ -247,7 +250,7 @@
- if (verbose) {
- u_int32_t mssec = 1000LL*total_silent_samples/wav.getSampleRate();
-- cerr.form(_("%s: total silence reported: %d:%02d.%02d (%d samples)\n"),
-+ fprintf(stderr,_("%s: total silence reported: %d:%02d.%02d (%d samples)\n"),
- argv[optind],mssec/60000,(mssec/1000)%60,(mssec%1000)/10,
- total_silent_samples);
- }
-@@ -267,5 +270,5 @@
- }
- if (errors)
-- cout.form ("%u error%c\n",errors,errors>1?'s':0);
-+ printf ("%u error%c\n",errors,errors>1?'s':0);
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::endian.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::endian.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 6643a15f57f4..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::endian.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
---- lib/endian.hh.orig Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-+++ lib/endian.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
-+#ifndef _endian_hh_
-+#define _endian_hh_
-+/* quick and dirty endian conversion macros; applicable on big-endian
-+ * architectures. This works okay on big- and little-endian machines, but
-+ * not on middle-endian ones, should the "Linux on PDP-11" thing ever get
-+ * past the April Fool's stage.
-+ */
-+static inline u_int16_t letohs(u_int16_t n) { return (n<<8)|(n>>8); }
-+static inline u_int32_t letohl(u_int32_t n) {
-+ return (n<<24) | ((n&0xff00)<<8) | ((n&0xff0000)>>8) | (n>>24);
-+static inline u_int16_t htoles(u_int16_t n) { return letohs(n); }
-+static inline u_int32_t htolel(u_int32_t n) { return letohl(n); }
-+static inline int16_t letohs_s(int16_t n) {
-+ unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)&n, tmp;
-+ tmp = p[0]; p[0] = p[1]; p[1] = tmp;
-+ return n;
-+static inline int16_t htoles_s(int16_t n) { return letohs_s(n); }
-+static inline u_int16_t letohs(u_int16_t n) { return n; }
-+static inline u_int32_t letohl(u_int32_t n) { return n; }
-+static inline u_int16_t htoles(u_int16_t n) { return n; }
-+static inline u_int32_t htolel(u_int32_t n) { return n; }
-+static inline int16_t letohs_s(int16_t n) { return n; }
-+static inline int16_t htoles_s(int16_t n) { return n; }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qcuthandler.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qcuthandler.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 65e9afd3bd8d..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qcuthandler.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qcuthandler.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qcuthandler.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
- * implementation functions for class qcuthandler
- */
-+#include <iostream>
- # include "qcuthandler.hh"
- # include "qmisc.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qcuthandler.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qcuthandler.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 05f13f34a9d6..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qcuthandler.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qcuthandler.hh.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qcuthandler.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
- # include <string>
- # include "qvf.hh"
-+using namespace std;
- /*!
- * \brief class for file-cut specifications
- *
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qexception.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qexception.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 24e09c35a4b0..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qexception.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qexception.hh.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qexception.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- # ifndef _qexception_hh_
- # define _qexception_hh_
-+using namespace std;
- #include <string>
- /*!
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qfile.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qfile.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 270ac8814cd2..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qfile.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qfile.hh.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qfile.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
- # include <sys/stat.h> // struct stat, fstat
- # include <sys/types.h> // u_int32_t
-+using namespace std;
- /*!
- * \brief class for mapped files.
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmisc.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmisc.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index ed0256e07629..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmisc.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qmisc.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qmisc.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include <stdlib.h>
- # include "qexception.hh"
--# include <iostream.h>
-+# include <iostream>
- # include <math.h>
- #ifdef NLS
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index b5493daf07eb..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qmp3.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qmp3.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
- * implementation functions for class qmp3
- */
-+using namespace std;
-+#include <iostream>
- # include "qmp3.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
- # include "qmisc.hh"
-@@ -67,7 +71,7 @@
- }
--qmp3::qmp3(string name, u_int32_t flags=READ)
-+qmp3::qmp3(string name, u_int32_t flags)
- : qfile (name,flags),
- qmp3frameheader (qfile::getMap()),
- qtag (qfile::getMap()+getSize()-qtag::LENGTH) {
-@@ -114,7 +118,7 @@
- return false;
- }
--u_int32_t qmp3::scan (u_int32_t bufsize=0) {
-+u_int32_t qmp3::scan (u_int32_t bufsize) {
- if (!bufsize)
- bufsize = getStreamLength();
-@@ -178,8 +182,13 @@
- *os << "[vbr]";
- msduration = getMsDuration();
-- os->form(" %d:%02d.%03d ",
-- msduration/60000,(msduration/1000)%60,msduration%1000);
-+ *os << " " << msduration/60000 << ":";
-+ os->width(2);
-+ os->fill('0');
-+ *os << (msduration/1000)%60 << '.';
-+ os->width(3);
-+ os->fill('0');
-+ *os << msduration%1000 << " ";
- if (hasTag)
- this->qtag::print(os);
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 54a4348387db..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qmp3.hh.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qmp3.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- # ifndef _qmp3_hh_
- # define _qmp3_hh_
-+using namespace std;
- # include <string>
- # include "qfile.hh"
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3frameheader.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3frameheader.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dab510576eb..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3frameheader.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qmp3frameheader.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qmp3frameheader.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- # include "qmp3frameheader.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
-+# include "endian.hh"
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
-@@ -46,21 +47,20 @@
- static u_int32_t samplesPerFrame[4] = { 1152, 1152, 384, 0 };
--string qmp3frameheader::getLayer() { return string(layers[header->layer]);}
--u_int32_t qmp3frameheader::getSamplesPerFrame() { return samplesPerFrame[header->layer]; }
--string qmp3frameheader::getVersion() { return string(versions[header->version]);}
-+string qmp3frameheader::getLayer() { return string(layers[header.layer]);}
-+u_int32_t qmp3frameheader::getSamplesPerFrame() { return samplesPerFrame[header.layer]; }
-+string qmp3frameheader::getVersion() { return string(versions[header.version]);}
--caddr_t qmp3frameheader::getMap() {return (caddr_t)header;}
-+caddr_t qmp3frameheader::getMap() {return (caddr_t)mappedheader;}
- void qmp3frameheader::remap(caddr_t p) {
-- header = (struct header*)p;
-+ setHeader(p);
- }
--u_int32_t qmp3frameheader::getSignature() {return (*(u_int32_t*)header)&MASK;}
-+u_int32_t qmp3frameheader::getSignature() {return letohl(*(u_int32_t *)mappedheader)&MASK;}
- u_int32_t qmp3frameheader::getSampleRate() {
-- return samplerates[header->version][header->samplerate];
-+ return samplerates[header.version][header.samplerate];
- }
-@@ -76,28 +76,32 @@
- bool qmp3frameheader::valid (caddr_t p) {
-+ struct header header;
-+ if (p == NULL)
-+ return false;
-- struct header *header = (struct header*)p;
-+ copyHeader(&header, p);
-- return ( (header->sync1 == 0xff) &&
-- (header->sync2 == 0x7) &&
-- (header->version != UNDEFINED_VERSION) &&
-- (header->layer != 0) &&
-- (header->bitrate != 0x0f) &&
-- (header->samplerate != 0x03) &&
-- (header->emphasis != 0x02) );
-+ return ( (header.sync1 == 0xff) &&
-+ (header.sync2 == 0x7) &&
-+ (header.version != UNDEFINED_VERSION) &&
-+ (header.layer != 0) &&
-+ (header.bitrate != 0x0f) &&
-+ (header.samplerate != 0x03) &&
-+ (header.emphasis != 0x02) );
- }
- bool qmp3frameheader::valid () {
-- return ! ( (header->sync1 != 0xff) ||
-- (header->sync2 != 0x7) ||
-- (header->version == UNDEFINED_VERSION) ||
-- (header->layer == 0) ||
-- (header->bitrate == 0x0f) ||
-- (header->samplerate == 0x03) ||
-- (header->emphasis == 0x02) );
-+ return ! ( (header.sync1 != 0xff) ||
-+ (header.sync2 != 0x7) ||
-+ (header.version == UNDEFINED_VERSION) ||
-+ (header.layer == 0) ||
-+ (header.bitrate == 0x0f) ||
-+ (header.samplerate == 0x03) ||
-+ (header.emphasis == 0x02) );
- }
-@@ -105,26 +109,28 @@
- bool qmp3frameheader::compatible(caddr_t p, u_int32_t signature) {
-- return ((*(u_int32_t*)p)&(MASK)) == signature;
-+ return (letohl(*(u_int32_t *)p)&MASK) == signature;
- }
- u_int32_t qmp3frameheader::setNext(u_int32_t bufsize) {
-+ caddr_t supposed= (char*)mappedheader+getLength();
-- caddr_t supposed= (char*)header+getLength();
-+ setHeader(seek_header(supposed,bufsize,getSignature()));
-- header = (struct header*) seek_header(supposed,bufsize,getSignature());
-- return (char*)header-(char*)supposed;
-+ return (char*)mappedheader-(char*)supposed;
- }
- u_int32_t qmp3frameheader::setNext(caddr_t endstream) {
-- caddr_t previous = (caddr_t) header;
-+ caddr_t previous = (caddr_t) mappedheader;
-+ caddr_t next;
-+ next = seek_header((char*)mappedheader+getLength(),(char*)endstream-(char*)mappedheader+1,getSignature());
-- header = (struct header*) seek_header((char*)header+getLength(),(char*)endstream-(char*)header+1,getSignature());
-+ setHeader(next);
-- return (char*)header-(char*)previous-getLength();
-+ return (char*)mappedheader-(char*)previous-getLength();
- }
-@@ -156,7 +162,59 @@
- qmp3frameheader::qmp3frameheader(caddr_t p, u_int32_t bufsize, u_int32_t signature) {
-- header = (struct header*) seek_header(p,bufsize,signature);
-+ setHeader(seek_header(p,bufsize,signature));
-+void qmp3frameheader::setHeader(caddr_t p)
-+ mappedheader = (struct header *)p;
-+ copyHeader(&header, p);
-+void qmp3frameheader::copyHeader(struct header *header, caddr_t p)
-+ unsigned char b = *(unsigned char *)p;
-+ header->sync1 = b;
-+ b = *(++p);
-+ header->protection = b & 0x1;
-+ header->layer = (b>>1) & 0x3;
-+ header->version = (b>>3) & 0x3;
-+ header->sync2 = (b>>5) & 0x7;
-+ b = *(++p);
-+ header->privat = b & 0x1;
-+ header->padding = (b>>1) & 0x1;
-+ header->samplerate = (b>>2) & 0x3;
-+ header->bitrate = (b>>4) & 0xf;
-+ b = *(++p);
-+ header->emphasis = b & 0x3;
-+ header->original = (b>>2) & 0x1;
-+ header->copyright = (b>>3) & 0x1;
-+ header->mode_extension = (b>>4) & 0x3;
-+ header->channel_mode = (b>>6) & 0x3;
-+void qmp3frameheader::copyHeader(caddr_t p, struct header &header)
-+ *(p++) = header.sync1;
-+ *(p++) = (header.protection |
-+ header.layer << 1 |
-+ header.version << 3 |
-+ header.sync2 << 5);
-+ *(p++) = (header.privat |
-+ header.padding << 1 |
-+ header.samplerate << 2 |
-+ header.bitrate << 4);
-+ *(p++) = (header.emphasis |
-+ header.original << 2 |
-+ header.copyright << 3 |
-+ header.mode_extension << 4 |
-+ header.channel_mode << 6);
- }
-@@ -164,20 +222,20 @@
- switch (f) {
-- case SYNC1: return header->sync1;
-- case SYNC2: return header->sync2;
-- case _VERSION: return header->version;
-- case LAYER: return header->layer;
-- case PROTECTION: return header->protection;
-- case BITRATE: return header->bitrate;
-- case SAMPLERATE: return header->samplerate;
-- case PADDING: return header->padding;
-- case PRIVAT: return header->privat;
-- case CHANNEL_MODE: return header->channel_mode;
-- case MODE_EXTENSION: return header->mode_extension;
-- case COPYRIGHT: return header->copyright;
-- case ORIGINAL: return header->original;
-- case EMPHASIS: return header->emphasis;
-+ case SYNC1: return header.sync1;
-+ case SYNC2: return header.sync2;
-+ case _VERSION: return header.version;
-+ case LAYER: return header.layer;
-+ case PROTECTION: return header.protection;
-+ case BITRATE: return header.bitrate;
-+ case SAMPLERATE: return header.samplerate;
-+ case PADDING: return header.padding;
-+ case PRIVAT: return header.privat;
-+ case CHANNEL_MODE: return header.channel_mode;
-+ case MODE_EXTENSION: return header.mode_extension;
-+ case COPYRIGHT: return header.copyright;
-+ case ORIGINAL: return header.original;
-+ case EMPHASIS: return header.emphasis;
- default:
- throw qexception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("invalid field"));
- // i pintar el valor...
-@@ -189,34 +247,35 @@
- switch (f) {
-- case SYNC1: header->sync1 = v; break;
-- case SYNC2: header->sync2 = v; break;
-- case _VERSION: header->version = v; break;
-- case LAYER: header->layer = v; break;
-- case PROTECTION: header->protection = v; break;
-- case BITRATE: header->bitrate = v; break;
-- case SAMPLERATE: header->samplerate = v; break;
-- case PADDING: header->padding = v; break;
-- case PRIVAT: header->privat = v; break;
-- case CHANNEL_MODE: header->channel_mode = v; break;
-- case MODE_EXTENSION: header->mode_extension = v; break;
-- case COPYRIGHT: header->copyright = v; break;
-- case ORIGINAL: header->original = v; break;
-- case EMPHASIS: header->emphasis = v; break;
-+ case SYNC1: header.sync1 = v; break;
-+ case SYNC2: header.sync2 = v; break;
-+ case _VERSION: header.version = v; break;
-+ case LAYER: header.layer = v; break;
-+ case PROTECTION: header.protection = v; break;
-+ case BITRATE: header.bitrate = v; break;
-+ case SAMPLERATE: header.samplerate = v; break;
-+ case PADDING: header.padding = v; break;
-+ case PRIVAT: header.privat = v; break;
-+ case CHANNEL_MODE: header.channel_mode = v; break;
-+ case MODE_EXTENSION: header.mode_extension = v; break;
-+ case COPYRIGHT: header.copyright = v; break;
-+ case ORIGINAL: header.original = v; break;
-+ case EMPHASIS: header.emphasis = v; break;
- default:
- throw qexception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("invalid field"));
- // i pintar el valor...
- }
-+ copyHeader((caddr_t)mappedheader, header);
- }
- u_int32_t qmp3frameheader::getLength() {
-- if (header->layer!=LAYER3)
-+ if (header.layer!=LAYER3)
- throw qexception (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("layer not supported"));
- // i dir quin valor...
-- return (144 * getBitRate() * 1000) / getSampleRate() + header->padding;
-+ return (144 * getBitRate() * 1000) / getSampleRate() + header.padding;
- }
- u_int32_t qmp3frameheader::getMsDuration() {
-@@ -236,13 +295,13 @@
- u_int32_t qmp3frameheader::getBitRate() {
-- if (header->layer!=LAYER3)
-+ if (header.layer!=LAYER3)
- throw qexception (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("only layer III is supported"));
-- if (header->version==UNDEFINED_VERSION)
-+ if (header.version==UNDEFINED_VERSION)
- throw qexception (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("undefined version"));
-- return layer3_bitrates[header->version][header->bitrate];
-+ return layer3_bitrates[header.version][header.bitrate];
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3frameheader.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3frameheader.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a3255cb82eb..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qmp3frameheader.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qmp3frameheader.hh.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qmp3frameheader.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
- # include <sys/types.h>
- # include <string>
-+# include <iostream>
-+using namespace std;
- /*!
- * \brief class for mp3 frame headers
-@@ -39,9 +42,9 @@
- mode_extension:2, /*!< type of joint stereo coding */
- channel_mode:2; /*!< mono or which type of stereo */
- };
- //! pointer to the header (memory location where it is located)
-- struct header *header;
-+ struct header header, *mappedheader;
- public:
-@@ -101,6 +104,12 @@
- qmp3frameheader();
- qmp3frameheader(caddr_t p, u_int32_t bufsize = HEADERSIZE, u_int32_t signature=0);
-+ // copy and endian-translate the frame header
-+ static void copyHeader(struct header *header, caddr_t p);
-+ static void copyHeader(caddr_t p, struct header &header);
-+ void setHeader(caddr_t p);
- // direct access to the header
- u_int32_t get();
- void set(u_int32_t h);
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qreport.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qreport.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 559e8eefdc77..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qreport.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qreport.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qreport.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -165,7 +165,18 @@
- // if (msduration>0) {
- // no ho deixis així!!!!
- int dur = msduration;
-- os->form("%3d:%02d:%02d",dur/3600000,(dur%3600000)/60000,(dur%60000)/1000);
-+ os->width(3);
-+ os->fill('0');
-+ *os << dur/3600000 << ':';
-+ os->width(2);
-+ os->fill('0');
-+ *os << (dur%3600000) << ':';
-+ os->width(2);
-+ os->fill('0');
-+ *os << (dur%60000)/1000;
-+// os->form("%3d:%02d:%02d",dur/3600000,(dur%3600000)/60000,(dur%60000)/1000);
- // }
- // else
- // *os << " ";
-@@ -176,7 +187,9 @@
- case 0: *os << " "; break;
- case (u_int32_t)(-1): *os << " [vbr] "; break;
- default:
-- os->form("%3d kbps",bitrate);
-+ os->width(3);
-+ *os << bitrate << " kbps";
-+// os->form("%3d kbps",bitrate);
- }
- *os << " - ";
-@@ -190,7 +203,9 @@
- */
- // if (size>0)
-- os->form("%4.2f Mb",(double)size/(1024*1024));
-+ os->precision(2);
-+ *os << (double)size/(1024*1024) << " Mb";
-+// os->form("%4.2f Mb",(double)size/(1024*1024));
- // else
- // *os << " ";
-@@ -233,11 +248,15 @@
- *os << "<a href=\"file://" << htmlize(name) << "\">" << name << "</a>: ";
- else
- */
-- os->form("%-64s",name.c_str());
-+ os->width(64);
-+ *os << name;
-+// os->form("%-64s",name.c_str());
- break;
- case MP3:
- // *os << "bliblablo";
-- os->form("%-64s",name.c_str());
-+ os->width(64);
-+ *os << name;
-+// os->form("%-64s",name.c_str());
- break;
- case DIR:
- /*
-@@ -245,10 +264,14 @@
- *os << "<a href=\"file://" << htmlize(name) << "\">" << name << "</a>: ";
- else
- */
-- os->form("%-64s ",name.c_str());
-+ os->width(64);
-+ *os << name;
-+// os->form("%-64s ",name.c_str());
- if (directories>1) // other than itself
- *os << directories-1 << _(" directories ");
-- os->form("%3d file%c ",files,(files==1)?' ':'s');
-+ os->width(3);
-+ *os << files << " file" << (files==1)?' ' : 's';
-+// os->form("%3d file%c ",files,(files==1)?' ':'s');
- break;
- }
-@@ -265,7 +288,17 @@
- // if (msduration>0) {
- // no ho deixis així!!!!
- int dur = msduration;
-- os->form("%3d:%02d:%02d",dur/3600000,(dur%3600000)/60000,(dur%60000)/1000);
-+ os->width(3);
-+ os->fill('0');
-+ *os << dur/3600000 << ':';
-+ os->width(2);
-+ os->fill('0');
-+ *os << (dur%3600000) << ':';
-+ os->width(2);
-+ os->fill('0');
-+ *os << (dur%60000)/1000;
-+ //os->form("%3d:%02d:%02d",dur/3600000,(dur%3600000)/60000,(dur%60000)/1000);
- // }
- // else
- // *os << " ";
-@@ -277,7 +310,9 @@
- case 0: *os << " "; break;
- case (u_int32_t)(-1): *os << " [vbr] "; break;
- default:
-- os->form("%3d kbps",bitrate);
-+ os->width(3);
-+ *os << bitrate << " kbps";
-+// os->form("%3d kbps",bitrate);
- }
- *os << " - ";
-@@ -291,7 +326,9 @@
- */
- // if (size>0)
-- os->form("%4.2f Mb",(double)size/(1024*1024));
-+ os->precision(2);
-+ *os << (double)size/(1024*1024) << " Mb";
-+// os->form("%4.2f Mb",(double)size/(1024*1024));
- // else
- // *os << " ";
-@@ -328,11 +365,15 @@
- *os << "<a href=\"file://" << htmlize(name) << "\">" << name << "</a>: ";
- else
- */
-- os->form("%-64s",name.c_str());
-+ os->width(64);
-+ *os << name;
-+// os->form("%-64s",name.c_str());
- break;
- case MP3:
- // *os << "bliblablo";
-- os->form("%-64s",name.c_str());
-+ os->width(64);
-+ *os << name;
-+// os->form("%-64s",name.c_str());
- break;
- case DIR:
- /*
-@@ -340,10 +381,14 @@
- *os << "<a href=\"file://" << htmlize(name) << "\">" << name << "</a>: ";
- else
- */
-- os->form("%-64s ",name.c_str());
-+ os->width(64);
-+ *os << name;
-+// os->form("%-64s ",name.c_str());
- if (directories>1) // other than itself
- *os << directories-1 << _(" directories ");
-- os->form("%3d file%c ",files,(files==1)?' ':'s');
-+ os->width(3);
-+ *os << files << " file" << (files==1)?' ':'s';
-+// os->form("%3d file%c ",files,(files==1)?' ':'s');
- break;
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qreport.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qreport.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 364731588fd9..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qreport.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qreport.hh.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qreport.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- # include "qfile.hh"
- # include "qmp3.hh"
-+using namespace std;
- class qreport {
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qtag.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qtag.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index ee3d25066bf5..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qtag.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qtag.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qtag.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
- * implementation functions for class qtag
- */
-+#include <iostream>
- # include "qtag.hh"
- # include "qmisc.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
-@@ -118,8 +120,13 @@
- void qtag::print (ostream *os) {
-- os->form ("%-0.30s - %-0.30s - %-0.30s",tag->artist,tag->album,tag->title);
-+ os->width(30);
-+ *os << tag->artist << " - ";
-+ os->width(30);
-+ *os << tag->album << " - ";
-+ os->width(30);
-+ *os << tag->title;
-+// os->form ("%-0.30s - %-0.30s - %-0.30s",tag->artist,tag->album,tag->title);
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qtag.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qtag.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 70515670c2bc..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qtag.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qtag.hh.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qtag.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
- # include "qfile.hh"
- # include <sys/types.h>
-+using namespace std;
- /*!
- * \brief class for mp3 tags
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qvf.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qvf.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index d4a80503c73e..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qvf.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qvf.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qvf.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
- # include <stdio.h> // sscanf
-+using namespace std;
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
- # include <libintl.h>
-@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@
- }
--qvf::qvf(u_int32_t v, enum format f=SPECIFIC):value(v),format(f) { }
-+qvf::qvf(u_int32_t v, enum format f):value(v),format(f) { }
- qvf::qvf(char *s) {
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qvf.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qvf.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index f620fd6f9a73..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qvf.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qvf.hh.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qvf.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
- # ifndef _qvf_hh_
- # define _qvf_hh_
--# include <fstream.h> // ostream
-+# include <fstream> // ostream
- # include <sys/types.h>
-+using namespace std;
- /*! \class qvf
- * \brief class for value-format pairs.
-@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@
- * \param v the value
- * \param f the format
- */
-- void set (unsigned int v, enum format f=SPECIFIC);
-+ void set (unsigned int v, enum format f);
- /*! \fn void print (ostream *os)
- * \brief print the vf characteristics on the given output stream
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwav.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwav.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 92249a790c43..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwav.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qwav.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qwav.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
- * implementation functions for class qwav
- */
-+#include <iostream>
- # include "qwav.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
-@@ -37,16 +39,28 @@
- msduration = getMsDuration();
- // cal posar les milèssimes?
-+ *os << getName() << ": " << getSampleRate() << " Hz "
-+ << getBitsPerSample() << " bits "
-+ << ((getChannels()==1)?"mono":"stereo") << ' ';
-+ os->width(2);
-+ *os << msduration/60000 << ':';
-+ os->width(2);
-+ os->fill('0');
-+ *os << (msduration/1000)%60 << '.';
-+ os->width(2);
-+ os->fill('0');
-+ *os << (msduration%1000)/10;
-+ /*
- os->form("%s: %u Hz %u bits %s %2u:%02u.%02u",
- getName().c_str(),
- getSampleRate(),getBitsPerSample(),
- ((getChannels()==1)?"mono":"stereo"),
- msduration/60000,(msduration/1000)%60,(msduration%1000)/10);
-+ */
- }
--qwav::qwav(string name, u_int32_t flags=READ)
-+qwav::qwav(string name, u_int32_t flags)
- : qfile (name,flags),
- qwavheader(getMap(),getSize()) {
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwav.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwav.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 030ef42f266c..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwav.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qwav.hh.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qwav.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -28,6 +28,14 @@
- qwav (string filename, u_int32_t flags = READ);
- /*!
-+ * copy constructor, ensuring that both the qfile and qwavheader
-+ * superclasses get copied (qwavheader needs a deep copy)
-+ */
-+ qwav(const qwav &w)
-+ :qfile(w),qwavheader(w)
-+ {}
-+ /*!
- * \brief compares both wavs whether they're compatible or not
- * \param wav the wav to check for compatibility
- * \return whether compatible or not
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwavheader.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwavheader.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 11b91b64cc3f..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwavheader.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qwavheader.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qwavheader.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
- # include "qwavheader.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
- # include "qmisc.hh"
-+# include "endian.hh"
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
-@@ -15,12 +16,13 @@
- #endif
--const u_int32_t qwavheader::HEADERSIZE = sizeof(struct header);
-+const u_int32_t qwavheader::HEADERSIZE = sizeof(struct wavheader);
--qwavheader::qwavheader (caddr_t p, u_int32_t wavlength=0) {
-+qwavheader::qwavheader (caddr_t p, u_int32_t wavlength) {
-- header = (struct header *)p;
-+ header = new wavheader(p);
-+ mappedheader = (struct wavheader *)p;
- valid();
-@@ -28,10 +30,14 @@
- validLength(wavlength);
- }
-+ delete header;
- void qwavheader::remap(caddr_t p) {
-- header = (struct header*)p;
-+ mappedheader = (struct wavheader *)p;
-+ header->headerCopy(p);
- }
-@@ -41,6 +47,9 @@
- header->datalength = n*header->bytespersample;
- header->rifflength = header->datalength+36;
-+ mappedheader->datalength = htolel(header->datalength);
-+ mappedheader->rifflength = htolel(header->rifflength);
- #ifdef QVERBOSE
- cerr << "sample number set to " << n << endl;
- #endif
-@@ -70,12 +79,6 @@
- }
--void qwavheader::write(caddr_t p) {
-- memmove(p,header,HEADERSIZE);
- bool qwavheader::valid () {
- if (!strcmpn(header->riff,"RIFF",4) ||
-@@ -164,4 +167,20 @@
- u_int32_t qwavheader::getBytesPerSample() { return header->bytespersample; }
- bool qwavheader::getStereo() { return header->channels==2; }
-+void qwavheader::wavheader::headerCopy(caddr_t p)
-+ memmove(this, p, HEADERSIZE);
-+ rifflength = letohl(rifflength);
-+ fmtlength = letohl(fmtlength);
-+ format = letohs(format);
-+ channels = letohs(channels);
-+ samplerate = letohl(samplerate);
-+ bytespersec = letohl(bytespersec);
-+ bytespersample = letohs(bytespersample);
-+ bitspersample = letohs(bitspersample);
-+ datalength = letohl(datalength);
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwavheader.hh b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwavheader.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index b96f41280404..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwavheader.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qwavheader.hh.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qwavheader.hh Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -20,9 +20,11 @@
- /*!
- * \brief struct for wav headers
- *
-- * this struct is defined to match exactly with a 'canonical' wav header with no change on a little-endian machine
-+ * this struct is defined to match exactly with a 'canonical' wav header with no
-+ * change on a little-endian machine; on other architectures the alignment will
-+ * match but int values will need conversion
- */
-- struct header {
-+ struct wavheader {
- // riff chunk
- char riff[4]; /*!< should be 'RIFF' */
-@@ -41,10 +43,19 @@
- char data[4]; /*!< should be 'data' */
- u_int32_t datalength; /*!< data block length (file size - 44) */
-- };
-+ wavheader(caddr_t p) { headerCopy(p); }
-+ /*!
-+ * Copies WAV header from little-endian to host order
-+ * \param p the memory address where the header is located
-+ * \param nativeendian whether the struct is already in native byte ordering
-+ */
-+ void headerCopy(caddr_t p);
-+ } __attribute__ ((__packed__));
- //! pointer to the header (memory location where it is located)
-- struct header *header;
-+ wavheader *header, *mappedheader;
- public:
-@@ -58,6 +69,15 @@
- */
- qwavheader (caddr_t p, u_int32_t length=0);
-+ /*! deep-copy */
-+ qwavheader (const qwavheader& qwh)
-+ :header(new wavheader(*qwh.header)), mappedheader(qwh.mappedheader) {}
-+ /*!
-+ * releases storage allocated for header
-+ */
-+ ~qwavheader();
- /*!
- * \brief gets the number of samples
- * \return the number of samples
-@@ -147,11 +167,6 @@
- * \return whether is valid or not
- */
- bool validLength(u_int32_t length);
-- /*!
-- * \brief write (copy) the header to the given address
-- * \param a the memory address where to write the header
-- */
-- void write(caddr_t );
- };
- # endif
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwavsample.cc b/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwavsample.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index e77a3cd2da75..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/files/patch-lib::qwavsample.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
---- lib/qwavsample.cc.orig Fri Feb 23 21:29:12 2001
-+++ lib/qwavsample.cc Fri Feb 13 19:17:38 2004
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- # include "qwavsample.hh"
- # include "qexception.hh"
-+# include "endian.hh"
- #ifdef NLS
- # include <locale.h>
-@@ -21,11 +21,14 @@
- #endif
--qwavsample::qwavsample (qwav *wav, u_int32_t s=1) {
-+qwavsample::qwavsample (qwav *wav, u_int32_t s) {
- sample = (union sample*) (wav->getMap()+wav->getOffset(s));
- if (wav->getBitsPerSample()==16) {
-+ if ((int)sample % sizeof(int16_t) != 0)
-+ throw qexception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _("misaligned 16-bit sample"));
- if (wav->getChannels()==2) {
- type = STEREO16;
- }
-@@ -60,6 +63,8 @@
- sample = (union sample*) pointer;
- if (bitspersample==16) {
-+ if ((int)sample % sizeof(int16_t) != 0)
-+ throw qexception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _("misaligned 16-bit sample"));
- if (channels==2) {
- type = STEREO16;
- return;
-@@ -88,7 +93,7 @@
- }
--qwavsample::qwavsample(caddr_t pointer, enum type t=STEREO16) {
-+qwavsample::qwavsample(caddr_t pointer, enum type t) {
- sample = (union sample*) pointer;
- type = t;
-@@ -99,9 +104,9 @@
- switch (type) {
- case MONO8: return sample->mono8;
-- case MONO16: return sample->mono16;
-+ case MONO16: return letohs_s(sample->mono16);
- case STEREO8: return sample->stereo8.left;
-- case STEREO16: return sample->stereo16.left;
-+ case STEREO16: return letohs_s(sample->stereo16.left);
- }
- throw qexception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("quelcom internal error"));
-@@ -112,36 +117,36 @@
- switch (type) {
- case MONO8: return sample->mono8;
-- case MONO16: return sample->mono16;
-+ case MONO16: return letohs_s(sample->mono16);
- case STEREO8: return sample->stereo8.right;
-- case STEREO16: return sample->stereo16.right;
-+ case STEREO16: return letohs_s(sample->stereo16.right);
- }
- throw qexception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("quelcom internal error"));
- }
--void qwavsample::set(int left, int right=0) {
-+void qwavsample::set(int left, int right) {
- switch (type) {
- case MONO8: sample->mono8=left; break;
-- case MONO16: sample->mono16=left; break;
-+ case MONO16: sample->mono16=htoles_s(left); break;
- case STEREO8: sample->stereo8.left=left;sample->stereo8.right=right; break;
-- case STEREO16: sample->stereo16.left=left;sample->stereo16.right=right; break;
-+ case STEREO16: sample->stereo16.left=htoles_s(left);sample->stereo16.right=htoles_s(right); break;
- default:
- throw qexception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("quelcom internal error"));
- }
- }
--bool qwavsample::isSilence(u_int32_t threshold=0) {
-+bool qwavsample::isSilence(u_int32_t threshold) {
- switch (type) {
- case MONO8: return (u_int32_t)abs(sample->mono8)<=threshold;
-- case MONO16: return (u_int32_t)abs(sample->mono16)<=threshold;
-+ case MONO16: return (u_int32_t)abs(letohs_s(sample->mono16))<=threshold;
- case STEREO8:
- return ((u_int32_t)abs(sample->stereo8.left)<=threshold) &&
- ((u_int32_t)abs(sample->stereo8.right)<=threshold);
- case STEREO16:
-- return ((u_int32_t)abs(sample->stereo16.left)<=threshold) &&
-- ((u_int32_t)abs(sample->stereo16.right)<=threshold);
-+ return ((u_int32_t)abs(letohs_s(sample->stereo16.left))<=threshold) &&
-+ ((u_int32_t)abs(letohs_s(sample->stereo16.right))<=threshold);
- }
- throw qexception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("quelcom internal error"));
- }
-@@ -173,10 +178,15 @@
- void qwavsample::print(ostream &os) {
- switch (type) {
-- case MONO8: os.form("(%d)",sample->mono8); break;
-- case MONO16: os.form("(%d)",sample->mono16); break;
-- case STEREO8: os.form("(%d,%d)",sample->stereo8.left,sample->stereo8.right); break;
-- case STEREO16: os.form("(%d,%d)",sample->stereo16.left,sample->stereo16.right); break;
-+ case MONO8: os << '(' << sample->mono8 << ')'; break;
-+ case MONO16: os << '(' << letohs_s(sample->mono16) << ')'; break;
-+ case STEREO8:
-+ os << '(' << sample->stereo8.left << ',' << sample->stereo8.right << ')';
-+ break;
-+ case STEREO16:
-+ os << '(' << letohs_s(sample->stereo16.left) << ',' << letohs_s(sample->stereo16.right) << ')';
-+ break;
- default:
- throw qexception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("quelcom internal error"));
- }
-@@ -184,12 +194,16 @@
- void qwavsample::prod(double d) {
- switch (type) {
- case MONO8: sample->mono8*=d; break;
-- case MONO16: sample->mono16*=d; break;
-+ case MONO16:
-+ sample->mono16 = htoles_s(short(letohs_s(sample->mono16)*d));
-+ break;
- case STEREO8: sample->stereo8.left*=d; sample->stereo8.right*=d; break;
-- case STEREO16: sample->stereo16.left*=d; sample->stereo16.right*=d; break;
-+ case STEREO16:
-+ sample->stereo16.left = htoles_s(short(letohs_s(sample->stereo16.left)*d));
-+ sample->stereo16.right = htoles_s(short(letohs_s(sample->stereo16.right)*d));
-+ break;
- default:
- throw qexception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,_("quelcom internal error"));
- }
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/pkg-descr b/audio/quelcom/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 4665d4db9833..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-quelcom is a set of command-line .wav and .mp3 tools including
-utilities to show information about a file, to join multiple files
-into one, to extract and/or delete fragments of a file, to detect
-silence sequences in wav files, and to check and clean mp3 streams.
-WWW: http://www.etse.urv.es/~dmanye/quelcom/quelcom.html
-- George Reid
diff --git a/audio/quelcom/pkg-plist b/audio/quelcom/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index ab2728c67d5f..000000000000
--- a/audio/quelcom/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
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