path: root/deskutils
diff options
authorrakuco <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>2016-04-17 00:45:27 +0800
committerrakuco <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>2016-04-17 00:45:27 +0800
commit6d1ab8fde103f095cf3b60ae79450f25b5c7e367 (patch)
tree1033e7d45534e1a1fb9eabc643c51ebc80ef94b9 /deskutils
parentac8c5c0d33695d17926a568400133c217f1c4646 (diff)
Add a patch from Debian to make the port build with FFMPEG 3.x.
The patch is backwards compatible with FFMPEG 2, so add it now to prepare the ground for FFMPEG 3. PR: 208816 Submitted by: Ben Woods <woodsb02@gmail.com> Obtained from: Debian
Diffstat (limited to 'deskutils')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deskutils/libstreamanalyzer/files/patch-ffmpeg30 b/deskutils/libstreamanalyzer/files/patch-ffmpeg30
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bfde67a0ec27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deskutils/libstreamanalyzer/files/patch-ffmpeg30
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Make the port build with FFMPEG 3.x.
+Obtained from: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-kde/kde-extras/strigi/trunk/debian/patches/ffmpeg_2.9.patch?view=markup&pathrev=20374
+Description: Replace deprecated FFmpeg API
+Author: Andreas Cadhalpun <Andreas.Cadhalpun@googlemail.com>
+Last-Update: <2015-11-02>
+--- libstreamanalyzer/plugins/endplugins/ffmpegendanalyzer.cpp.orig
++++ libstreamanalyzer/plugins/endplugins/ffmpegendanalyzer.cpp
+@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ FFMPEGEndAnalyzer::analyze(AnalysisResul
+ #endif
+ if(fc->bit_rate)
+- ar.addValue(factory->bitrateProperty, fc->bit_rate);
++ ar.addValue(factory->bitrateProperty, (uint32_t)fc->bit_rate);
+ else if (fc->duration!= no_bitrate && fc->duration > 0) {
+ cout<<"Trying to estimate bitrate\n";
+ int64_t size;
+@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@ FFMPEGEndAnalyzer::analyze(AnalysisResul
+ if (size_t len = strlen(p->name)) {
+ ar.addTriplet(streamuri, codecPropertyName, string(p->name, len));
+ }
+- } else if (size_t len = strlen(codec.codec_name)) {
+- ar.addTriplet(streamuri, codecPropertyName, string(codec.codec_name, len));
++ } else if (size_t len = strlen(avcodec_get_name(codec.codec_id))) {
++ ar.addTriplet(streamuri, codecPropertyName, string(avcodec_get_name(codec.codec_id), len));
+ }
+ /*
+ 00792 } else if (enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MPEG2TS) {
+@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ FFMPEGEndAnalyzer::analyze(AnalysisResul
+ outs << stream.avg_frame_rate.num / stream.avg_frame_rate.den;
+ ar.addTriplet(streamuri, frameRatePropertyName, outs.str());
+ }
+- if (codec.pix_fmt != PIX_FMT_NONE) {}//FIXME pixel format
++ if (codec.pix_fmt != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) {}//FIXME pixel format
+ }
+ }