path: root/games
diff options
authorlinimon <linimon@FreeBSD.org>2004-10-23 14:26:52 +0800
committerlinimon <linimon@FreeBSD.org>2004-10-23 14:26:52 +0800
commit6bfde74ef2deb2353ce38a47e4ce7d4a042c8ec2 (patch)
tree2d4a4d3b40bc3d9073f408354c45e8d8d063aaa1 /games
parentaaa30256e231dd144dfb59fc9d623c2a0545e540 (diff)
As previously announced, remove games/utserver-asu (checksum failure).
Diffstat (limited to 'games')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/games/Makefile b/games/Makefile
index 52a0cc706688..9950b0b497ef 100644
--- a/games/Makefile
+++ b/games/Makefile
@@ -476,7 +476,6 @@
SUBDIR += urban
SUBDIR += urban-sounds
SUBDIR += utserver
- SUBDIR += utserver-asu
SUBDIR += utserver-to
SUBDIR += vamos
SUBDIR += vavoom
diff --git a/games/utserver-asu/Makefile b/games/utserver-asu/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index cb86c3c5e625..000000000000
--- a/games/utserver-asu/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: abfackelns Server Utilities for UT
-# Date created: Thu Oct 4 23:38:00 CEST 2001
-# Whom: Martin Matuska <martin@tradex.sk>
-# $FreeBSD$
-MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.abfackeln.com/pub/linux/ut/asu/
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= Abfackelns Server Utilities (ASU) for Unreal Tournament Server (Linux)
-RUN_DEPENDS= unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip
-BROKEN= "Checksum mismatch"
- @${GZIP_CMD} -c ${FILESDIR}/ucc.init > ${WRKSRC}/ASU/ucc.init.gz
- @${SED} -e "s|%%LINUXBASE%%|${LINUXBASE}|" \
- -e "s|%%UTDIR%%|${UTDIR}|" \
- ${FILESDIR}/template-settings.ini > ${WRKSRC}/ASU/settings.ini
-UT_MASTER_PORT= ${.CURDIR}/../utserver-to
-.include "${UT_MASTER_PORT}/Makefile"
diff --git a/games/utserver-asu/distinfo b/games/utserver-asu/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d9463db4b7d..000000000000
--- a/games/utserver-asu/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (asu-0.5.tar.gz) = 9bd0fbb3afe57c4f94af1688a80f3d40
diff --git a/games/utserver-asu/files/template-settings.ini b/games/utserver-asu/files/template-settings.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 47fe668560fb..000000000000
--- a/games/utserver-asu/files/template-settings.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/games/utserver-asu/files/ucc.init b/games/utserver-asu/files/ucc.init
deleted file mode 100644
index eca6ff670817..000000000000
--- a/games/utserver-asu/files/ucc.init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# standard format startup script for unreal tournament
-# written by abfackeln@abfackeln.com
-# 2001-02-19
-# modified (FreeBSD) by matuska@wu-wien.ac.at
-# 2001-10-20
-# no user servicable parts beyond this point
-if [ -z "$MYMODS" ]; then
- TMP="$MYMAP""\?game=$MYGAME"
- TMP="$MYMAP""\?game=$MYGAME""\?mutator=$MYMODS"
-if [ -n "$MYIP" ]; then
- TMP="$TMP multihome=$MYIP"
-MYEXECMD="./ucc server $TMP -nohomedir ini=$MYINI log=$MYLOGFILE"
-if [ `whoami` = "root" ]; then
- SUID="/usr/bin/su $MYUSERID -c"
-ulimit -c 0
-case "$1" in
- start)
- echo -n "Starting Unreal Tournament: "
- if [ -f $MYLOCKFILE ]; then
- echo "already running according to $MYLOCKFILE. Not started."
- else
- cd $MYDIR
- if [ -n "$SUID" ]; then
- $SUID "$MYEXECMD > /dev/null & echo \$! > $MYLOCKFILE" > /dev/null &
- else
- /bin/sh -c "$MYEXECMD & echo \$! > $MYLOCKFILE" > /dev/null &
- fi
- echo "$MYNAME"
- fi
- ;;
- stop)
- echo -n "Stopping Unreal Tournament: "
- if [ ! -f $MYLOCKFILE ]; then
- echo "not found"
- exit 2
- fi
- kill -TERM `cat $MYLOCKFILE`
- echo "$MYNAME"
- ;;
- restart)
- if [ -f $MYLOCKFILE ]; then
- $0 stop
- fi
- $0 start
- ;;
- check)
- ## the next condition was devised by Chris Weiss for his ut-check script
- ## ftp://xplug.sourceforge.net/pub/xplug/ut-check.tar.gz
- ## i have slightly modified it and integrated it here
- ## usage: call "ucc.init check" from a cron task every 5 minutes or so
- ## output will be nothing if it was running
- ## else output will be a start message and the server will restart
- if [ -z "$(ps --no-headers -p $(cat $MYLOCKFILE 2>/dev/null) 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- $0 restart
- fi
- ;;
- infinity)
- ## infinite loop to ensure that server is always up without use of cron
- echo $$ > $MYLOCKFILE.8
- ## the number 8 is the infinity symbol sideways ;) -abf.
- while [ 1 ]; do
- $0 check
- sleep 60
- done
- ;;
- die)
- $0 stop
- ## break infinity
- kill -TERM `cat $MYLOCKFILE.8`
- rm -f $MYLOCKFILE.8
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|check|infinity|die}"
- exit 1
-exit 0
diff --git a/games/utserver-asu/pkg-descr b/games/utserver-asu/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index a58b2f5644b9..000000000000
--- a/games/utserver-asu/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-abfackelns Server Utilities (ASU) for Unreal Tournament
-Key features of abfackelns UT installer package:
-Easy-access to modify most of the common ini settings.
-Umod installation and removal.
-Intelligent patching system with patches for CSHP and ngWorldStats.
-Custom "rc.d" style init scripts to start and stop the server.
-Init script options to ensure that the server stays up!
-Configurable number of bots to be in each game by default.
-Map or skin download redirection of files larger than 100k.
-Visit the following web page for more information:
-WWW: http://ut.abfackeln.com/asu.html
diff --git a/games/utserver-asu/pkg-message b/games/utserver-asu/pkg-message
deleted file mode 100644
index 72678245a934..000000000000
--- a/games/utserver-asu/pkg-message
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-For configuration options:
-Execute the menu script "asu.sh" in your UT main directory.
-- If you intend to start ucc.init as root, the user account
- you specify in the configuration requires a valid login shell and
- a valid home directory.
diff --git a/games/utserver-asu/pkg-plist b/games/utserver-asu/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 82e6efad0a0f..000000000000
--- a/games/utserver-asu/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-@dirrm %%UTDIR%%Patches
-@dirrm %%UTDIR%%ASU/umodasu
-@unexec rmdir %D/%%UTDIR%%ASU/umodasu 2>/dev/null || echo "If you are permanently removing this port, you should do a ``rm -rf ${PKG_PREFIX}/%%UTDIR%%ASU/umodasu`` to remove any configuration files and logs left." | fmt
-@unexec rmdir %D/%%UTDIR%%ASU 2>/dev/null || true