path: root/irc/rbot/files
diff options
authorclsung <clsung@FreeBSD.org>2005-11-22 16:13:30 +0800
committerclsung <clsung@FreeBSD.org>2005-11-22 16:13:30 +0800
commit806e302f2e83528ed9e7dd9325b614f20951e148 (patch)
treea15604c59efd6e87b2662d2608b3ee9ab1ea5cc9 /irc/rbot/files
parent9948a7669aa012d1569ed09034116c88c6a8e343 (diff)
- Update to 0.9.9
- add SHA256 checksum PR: 89351 Submitted by: clsung Approved by: David Bushong (maintainer)
Diffstat (limited to 'irc/rbot/files')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/irc/rbot/files/patch-18-syntax b/irc/rbot/files/patch-18-syntax
deleted file mode 100644
index 03800704f683..000000000000
--- a/irc/rbot/files/patch-18-syntax
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
---- rbot/ircbot.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 17:25:59 2004
-+++ rbot/ircbot.rb Thu Mar 25 17:26:12 2004
-@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
- when (/^(version)|(introduce yourself)$/)
- say m.replyto, "I'm a v. #{$version} rubybot, (c) Tom Gilbert - http://linuxbrit.co.uk/rbot/"
- when (/^help(?:\s+(.*))?$/)
-- say m.replyto, help $1
-+ say m.replyto, help($1)
- when (/^(botsnack|ciggie)$/)
- say m.replyto, @lang.get("thanks_X") % m.sourcenick if(m.public?)
- say m.replyto, @lang.get("thanks") if(m.private?)
---- rbot/dbhash.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 18:00:33 2004
-+++ rbot/dbhash.rb Thu Mar 25 18:03:58 2004
-@@ -63,17 +63,17 @@
- def DBHash.create_db(name)
- debug "DBHash: creating empty db #{name}"
-- return BDB::Hash.open name, nil,
-+ return BDB::Hash.open(name, nil,
- 0600, "set_pagesize" => 1024,
-- "set_cachesize" => [0, 32 * 1024, 0]
-+ "set_cachesize" => [0, 32 * 1024, 0])
- end
- def DBHash.open_db(name)
- debug "DBHash: opening existing db #{name}"
-- return BDB::Hash.open name, nil,
-+ return BDB::Hash.open(name, nil,
- "r+", 0600, "set_pagesize" => 1024,
-- "set_cachesize" => [0, 32 * 1024, 0]
-+ "set_cachesize" => [0, 32 * 1024, 0])
- end
- end
-@@ -108,17 +108,17 @@
- def DBTree.create_db(name)
- debug "DBTree: creating empty db #{name}"
-- return BDB::CIBtree.open name, nil,
-+ return BDB::CIBtree.open(name, nil,
- 0600, "set_pagesize" => 1024,
-- "set_cachesize" => [0, 32 * 1024, 0]
-+ "set_cachesize" => [0, 32 * 1024, 0])
- end
- def DBTree.open_db(name)
- debug "DBTree: opening existing db #{name}"
-- return BDB::CIBtree.open name, nil,
-+ return BDB::CIBtree.open(name, nil,
- "r+", 0600, "set_pagesize" => 1024,
-- "set_cachesize" => [0, 32 * 1024, 0]
-+ "set_cachesize" => [0, 32 * 1024, 0])
- end
- end
---- rbot/keywords.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 17:56:45 2004
-+++ rbot/keywords.rb Thu Mar 25 17:59:31 2004
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- # pick a random value for this keyword and return it
- def to_s
- if(@values.length > 1)
-- Keyword.unescape @values[rand @values.length]
-+ Keyword.unescape @values[rand(@values.length)]
- else
- Keyword.unescape @values[0]
- end
---- rbot/language.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 17:59:39 2004
-+++ rbot/language.rb Thu Mar 25 18:00:05 2004
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- def get(key)
- if(@strings.has_key?(key))
-- return @strings[key][rand @strings[key].length]
-+ return @strings[key][rand(@strings[key].length)]
- else
- raise "undefined language key"
- end
---- rbot/plugins.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 18:07:07 2004
-+++ rbot/plugins.rb Thu Mar 25 18:08:05 2004
-@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
- def initialize
- @bot = Plugins.bot
- @names = Array.new
-- @registry = BotRegistryAccessor.new(@bot, self.type.to_s.gsub(/^.*::/, ""))
-+ @registry = BotRegistryAccessor.new(@bot, self.class.to_s.gsub(/^.*::/, ""))
- end
- # return an identifier for this plugin, defaults to a list of the message
---- rbot/registry.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 18:04:02 2004
-+++ rbot/registry.rb Thu Mar 25 18:04:16 2004
-@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
- if @registry.has_key?(@prefix + key)
- return restore(@registry[@prefix + key])
- elsif @default != nil
-- return restore @default
-+ return restore(@default)
- else
- return nil
- end
---- rbot/utils.rb.orig Fri Mar 26 17:30:31 2004
-+++ rbot/utils.rb Fri Mar 26 17:31:09 2004
-@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
- http.start {|http|
- begin
-- resp , = http.get(query)
-+ resp = http.get(query)
- if resp.code == "200"
- return resp.body
- end
---- rbot/plugins/google.rb.orig Fri Mar 26 17:31:42 2004
-+++ rbot/plugins/google.rb Fri Mar 26 17:31:53 2004
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- http.start {|http|
- begin
-- resp , = http.get(query)
-+ resp = http.get(query)
- if resp.code == "302"
- result = resp['location']
- end
diff --git a/irc/rbot/files/patch-dice-roll b/irc/rbot/files/patch-dice-roll
deleted file mode 100644
index 10a9a1deafc0..000000000000
--- a/irc/rbot/files/patch-dice-roll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
---- rbot/plugins/dice.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 17:33:36 2004
-+++ rbot/plugins/dice.rb Mon Aug 5 14:58:04 2002
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- class DicePlugin < Plugin
- def help(plugin, topic="")
-- "dice <string> (where <string> is something like: d6 or 2d6 or 2d6+4 or 2d6+1d20 or 2d6+1d5+4d7-3d4-6) => Rolls that set of virtual dice"
-+ "#{plugin} <string> (where <string> is something like: d6 or 2d6 or 2d6+4 or 2d6+1d20 or 2d6+1d5+4d7-3d4-6) => Rolls that set of virtual dice"
- end
- def rolldice(d)
-@@ -77,5 +77,6 @@
- end
- plugin = DicePlugin.new
- plugin.register("dice")
- ##############################################
- #fin
diff --git a/irc/rbot/files/patch-karma b/irc/rbot/files/patch-karma
deleted file mode 100644
index 29690392db9d..000000000000
--- a/irc/rbot/files/patch-karma
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- rbot/plugins/karma.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 18:09:37 2004
-+++ rbot/plugins/karma.rb Thu Mar 25 18:11:01 2004
-@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
- if(m.kind_of?(PrivMessage) && m.public?)
- # in channel message, the kind we are interested in
- if(m.message =~ /(\+\+|--)/)
-- string = m.message.sub(/\W(--|\+\+)(\(.*?\)|[^(++)(--)\s]+)/, "\2\1")
-+ string = m.message.sub(/\W(--|\+\+)(\(.*?\)|[^-+\s]+)/, "\2\1")
- seen = Hash.new
-- while(string.sub!(/(\(.*?\)|[^(++)(--)\s]+)(\+\+|--)/, ""))
-+ while(string.sub!(/(\(.*?\)|[^-+\s]+)(\+\+|--)/, ""))
- key = $1
- change = $2
- next if seen[key]
diff --git a/irc/rbot/files/patch-lart-suth b/irc/rbot/files/patch-lart-suth
deleted file mode 100644
index 27c61016d807..000000000000
--- a/irc/rbot/files/patch-lart-suth
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
---- rbot/plugins/lart.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 17:33:36 2004
-+++ rbot/plugins/lart.rb Wed Aug 7 12:59:24 2002
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
- # Keep a 1:1 relation between commands and handlers
- @@handlers = {
- "lart" => "handle_lart",
-+ "suth" => "handle_lart",
- "praise" => "handle_praise",
- "addlart" => "handle_addlart",
- "rmlart" => "handle_rmlart",
-@@ -152,6 +153,7 @@
- end
- plugin = LartPlugin.new
- plugin.register("lart")
- plugin.register("praise")
- plugin.register("addlart")
diff --git a/irc/rbot/files/patch-math b/irc/rbot/files/patch-math
deleted file mode 100644
index 87dd66063e2c..000000000000
--- a/irc/rbot/files/patch-math
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---- rbot/plugins/math.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 17:33:36 2004
-+++ rbot/plugins/math.rb Mon Jan 27 11:52:37 2003
-@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@
- expr.gsub!(/\bover /, "/ ")
- expr.gsub!(/\bsquared/, "**2 ")
- expr.gsub!(/\bcubed/, "**3 ")
-- expr.gsub!(/\bto\s+(\d+)(r?st|nd|rd|th)?( power)?/, "**#$1 ")
-+ expr.gsub!(/\bto\s+(\d+)(r?st|nd|rd|th)?( power)?/, '**\1 ')
- expr.gsub!(/\bpercent of/, "*0.01*")
- expr.gsub!(/\bpercent/, "*0.01")
- expr.gsub!(/\% of\b/, "*0.01*")
- expr.gsub!(/\%/, "*0.01")
-- expr.gsub!(/\bsquare root of (\d+)/, "#$1 ** 0.5 ")
-- expr.gsub!(/\bcubed? root of (\d+)/, "#$1 **(1.0/3.0) ")
-+ expr.gsub!(/\bsquare root of (\d+)/, '\1 ** 0.5 ')
-+ expr.gsub!(/\bcubed? root of (\d+)/, '\1 **(1.0/3.0) ')
- expr.gsub!(/ of /, " * ")
- expr.gsub!(/(bit(-| )?)?xor(\'?e?d( with))?/, "^")
- expr.gsub!(/(bit(-| )?)?or(\'?e?d( with))?/, "|")
-@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
- if answer =~ /^[-+\de\.]+$/
- answer = sprintf("%1.12f", answer)
- answer.gsub!(/\.?0+$/, "")
-- answer.gsub!(/(\.\d+)000\d+/, $1)
-+ answer.gsub!(/(\.\d+)000\d+/, '\1')
- if (answer.length > 30)
- answer = "a number with >30 digits..."
- end
diff --git a/irc/rbot/files/patch-url b/irc/rbot/files/patch-url
deleted file mode 100644
index af080e725ea6..000000000000
--- a/irc/rbot/files/patch-url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- rbot/plugins/url.rb.orig Thu Mar 25 17:33:36 2004
-+++ rbot/plugins/url.rb Wed Aug 21 11:58:41 2002
-@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- else
- m.reply "in a private message, you need to specify a channel name for urls"
- end
-- when (/^(#.*?)\s+\d+$/)
-+ when (/^(#.*?)\s+(\d+)$/)
- channel = $1
- max = $2.to_i
- urls m, channel, max