path: root/mail/assp
diff options
authorjylefort <jylefort@FreeBSD.org>2005-05-28 17:56:27 +0800
committerjylefort <jylefort@FreeBSD.org>2005-05-28 17:56:27 +0800
commitbbe67b39f3f3316c90bee65ef690a5705b07bf89 (patch)
tree490e45b86e4ff1501d5001110bff6ad3ac15c152 /mail/assp
parent890147bc4e572d34a38ee57f1d6422c8bbf33949 (diff)
Add assp.
Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy is a spam filter that sits on port 25 in front of your regular SMTP server (sendmail, postfix, qmail, etc). ASSP performs a number of configurable spam checks, and on detecting a spam message, provides an immediate 5xx SMTP error code back to the client. Non-spam messages are passed to your regular SMTP server for further processing and delivery. ASSP offers: - a whitelist of known good senders - Bayesian checks on message headers and contents - recipient address validation using LDAP and RFC822 conformance - relay denial - HELO checking - SPF (Sender Policy Framework) checking - DNSBL (DNS Block List) checking using many DNSBL services - Virus detection ASSP is a single script with a web-based configuration tool. WWW: http://assp.sourceforge.net/ PR: ports/81570 Submitted by: J.R. Oldroyd <fbsd@opal.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/assp')
12 files changed, 834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mail/assp/Makefile b/mail/assp/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c52c711a360c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: assp
+# Date created: 16 May 2005
+# Whom: J.R. Oldroyd <fbsd@opal.com>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTVERSION= 1.1.1.b12
+MASTER_SITES= http://opal.com/freebsd/ports/mail/assp/
+MAINTAINER= fbsd@opal.com
+COMMENT= Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy
+# NB: for 1.1.1.b12 Net::DNS::Packet is required even if SPF and DNSBL not used
+USE_ZIP= yes
+NO_BUILD= yes
+MAN8= assp.8 assplog.8
+ASSP_USER= nobody
+ASSP_GROUP= nobody
+ASSP_HOME= /var/db/assp
+SUB_FILES= assp.8 assplog.8 assp.sh periodic-assp.sh pkg-install
+USE_RC_SUBR= assp.sh
+OPTIONS= EMVALID "RFC822 recipient address validator" on \
+ LDAP "LDAP validation of recipient addresses" on \
+ SPF "SPF validation of client IP" on \
+ CLAMAV "ClamAV virus scanner" on \
+ DNSBL "DNS block list checking" on
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if !defined(WITHOUT_EMVALID)
+RUN_DEPENDS+= ${SITE_PERL}/Email/Valid.pm:${PORTSDIR}/mail/p5-Email-Valid
+.if !defined(WITHOUT_LDAP)
+RUN_DEPENDS+= ${SITE_PERL}/Net/LDAP.pm:${PORTSDIR}/net/p5-perl-ldap
+.if !defined(WITHOUT_SPF)
+RUN_DEPENDS+= ${SITE_PERL}/Mail/SPF/Query.pm:${PORTSDIR}/mail/p5-Mail-SPF-Query
+.if !defined(WITHOUT_DNSBL)
+.if !defined(WITHOUT_CLAMAV)
+RUN_DEPENDS+= wget:${PORTSDIR}/ftp/wget
+PLIST_SUB+= ASSP_CLAMAV="@comment "
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/bin/perl|${PERL}|' ${WRKSRC}/*.pl
+ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/lib/assp
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/*.pl ${PREFIX}/lib/assp
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/stats.sh ${PREFIX}/lib/assp
+.if defined(WITH_CLAMAV)
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/freshclam.sh ${PREFIX}/lib/assp
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/*report.txt ${PREFIX}/lib/assp
+ ${LN} -s ${PREFIX}/lib/assp/assp.pl ${PREFIX}/sbin/assp
+ ${LN} -s ${PREFIX}/lib/assp/stats.sh ${PREFIX}/sbin/assplog
+ ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKDIR}/assp.8 ${MAN8PREFIX}/man/man8
+ ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKDIR}/assplog.8 ${MAN8PREFIX}/man/man8
+ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/etc/periodic/daily
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/periodic-assp.sh ${PREFIX}/etc/periodic/daily/510.assp
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/mail/assp/distinfo b/mail/assp/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f455446b4682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+MD5 (assp-1.1.1.b12.zip) = ccf11f30f7edbd05d1ab96d68dc5027d
+SIZE (assp-1.1.1.b12.zip) = 183265
diff --git a/mail/assp/files/510.assp.in b/mail/assp/files/510.assp.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6b76b890ef29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/files/510.assp.in
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# Update ASSP Spam and ClamAV databases
+cd %%ASSP_HOME%%
+if [ ! -f %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/rebuildspamdb.pl ]
+ echo "%%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/rebuildspamdb.pl does not exist"
+ rc_spamdb=2
+ echo ""
+ echo "Running ASSP rebuildspamdb.pl:"
+ %%PERL%% %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/rebuildspamdb.pl && rc_spamdb=0 || rc_spamdb=3
+if [ ! -f %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/freshclam.sh ]
+ # existence of freshclam.sh is optional, dependent
+ # on the WITH_CLAMAV setting, so not an error if not there
+ rc_clamav=0
+ echo ""
+ echo "Fetching ASSP ClamAV virus database updates:"
+ export PATH=$PATH:%%LOCALBASE%%/bin
+ sh %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/freshclam.sh && rc_clamav=0 || rc_clamav=3
+exit $(($rc_spamdb|$rc_clamav))
diff --git a/mail/assp/files/assp.8.in b/mail/assp/files/assp.8.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..31a575c76bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/files/assp.8.in
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+.TH assp 8 "May 16, 2005" "" "ASSP"
+assp \- Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy
+assp [ base_dir [ admin_port ] ]
+%%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/assp.sh start|stop|restart|status
+.I "Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy"
+is a spam filter that sits on port 25 in front
+of your regular SMTP server
+.RI ( exim (8),
+.IR postfix (8),
+.IR qmail (8),
+.IR sendmail (8),
+relays the SMTP dialog between an incoming client and your SMTP
+server, intercepting the dialog as needed.
+performs a number of configurable spam checks and on detecting
+a spam message provides an immediate 5xx SMTP error code back to
+the client. Non-spam messages are passed to your regular SMTP server
+for further processing and delivery. Spam messages can be blocked
+from delivery or subject-tagged and delivered.
+.IP - 2m
+a whitelist of known good senders
+.IP -
+Bayesian checks on message headers and contents
+.IP -
+local user validation using RFC822 checks, flat lists or LDAP lookup
+.IP -
+relay denial
+.IP -
+HELO checking
+.IP -
+SPF (Sender Policy Framework) checking
+.IP -
+DNSBL (DNS Block List) checking using many block list services
+.IP -
+Virus detection
+is entirely administrator-managed and is almost totally
+transparent to users. In particular, users do not need to
+.IR procmail (1)
+spam filters or challenge-response systems of their own.
+.I base_dir
+argument gives the name of
+.IR ASSP 's
+working directory. If omitted
+it defaults to the current directory.
+is configured using a web interface.
+.I admin_port
+argument gives the network port for accessing
+.IR ASSP 's
+configuration menu. It defaults to 55555.
+To access the configuration menu, start
+and then point your browser at
+.IR http://localhost:55555 .
+The default admin password is
+.IR nospam4me .
+Initial setup of
+involves several steps:
+.IP 1.
+.IR ASSP 's
+configuration options and adjust as necessary. Be sure
+to change the admin password. By default
+.IR ASSP 's
+filters are all set to
+.I "Test Mode"
+which means all messages will be delivered to their recipients.
+Leave everything in Test Mode for now.
+.IP 2.
+Decide on which network port(s)
+will listen and on which your normal SMTP server will listen.
+will listen on port 25 and your SMTP server will be moved to
+something like port 125 or 587.
+.IP 3.
+Reconfigure your SMTP server to its new port.
+.IP 4.
+to port 25 and restart
+is in Test Mode, all messages will be delivered to their
+.IP 5.
+Arrange for all users' outbound email to be processed by
+This is necessary for
+to be able to automatically maintain its whitelist.
+If a user's MUA uses SMTP to port 25, this will happen
+without further intervention. If an MUA invokes
+.I /usr/sbin/sendmail
+and you're using the default
+.IR sendmail (8)
+configuration with submit queues, this will also happen
+without further intervention. Otherwise, you need to take
+whatever steps are necessary for each MUA that's being used.
+.IP 6.
+Optionally, send a message containing a list of email addresses
+that you want to receive email from to
+.IR assp-white@yourdomain.com .
+Have all your users do this. This will seed
+.IR ASSP 's
+whitelist. Messages from senders on the whitelist will
+never be blocked.
+.IP 7.
+To set up the Bayesian word list filtering, do the following:
+.IP 7a.
+Ensure some senders' addresses are in the whitelist, either
+by sending email to them or by seeding the whilelist as described
+.IP 7b.
+Allow some time (could be hours or days, depending on the
+volume of email you receive) for enough email to collect.
+Mesages from senders on the whitelist will be copied in the
+.I notspam
+directory. Other messages will either be passed or be copied
+in the
+.I spam
+directory based on word scores in the initial greylist.
+.IP 7c.
+Periodically examine the messages in
+.IR ASSP 's
+.IR notspam
+.I spam
+directories to make sure they're sorted correctly. Move
+any to the other directory as needed. If you're unsure about
+a particular message, just delete it.
+Also, examine
+.I maillog.txt
+for information about what
+is doing.
+.IP 7d.
+After about 400 messages have collected, filtering mode can
+be enabled.
+In the
+directory, run the
+.I %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/rebuildspamdb.pl
+script to create the spam database from the logged messages.
+This is the part where the Bayesian filter ``learns'' about
+the words in your
+.I spam
+.I notspam
+.IP 7e.
+Uncheck the appropriate Test Mode box in
+.IR ASSP 's
+configuration menu to enable message blocking.
+.IP 7f.
+It is recommended that the
+.I UseSubjectsAsMaillogNames
+configuration option is eventually unchecked and that the
+.I %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/move2num.pl
+is run in the
+directory. This causes messages to be stored with numeric
+filenames, and overwritten after some time. The benefits
+of this are that the size of the stored messages will
+be limited and that older messages are removed from the
+collection. This keeps the Bayesian word list current.
+This need not be done immediately; you can do this once
+you no longer feel the need to examine the spam messages
+in detail.
+.IP 8.
+.IR ASSP 's
+other filtering options (local user validation, RFC822
+conformance, client HELO validation, SPF validation,
+the use of DNSBLs and the ClamAV virus checker)
+can be enabled by examining and adjusting their
+configuration options as needed and then unchecking the
+appropriate Test Mode boxes.
+is live, users should forward a copy of any spam message that
+still gets through to
+.I assp-spam@yourdomain.com
+in order to add it to
+.IR ASSP 's
+spam database. Any non-spam that was mis-classified as spam
+can be copied to
+.IR assp-notspam@yourdomain.com .
+.I rebuildspamdb.pl
+script needs to be re-run periodically to update the spam database
+from the latest logged messages. There is a
+.IR periodic (8)
+script that will do this overnight.
+For full details of using
+see the
+website and documentation.
+.I /usr/local/etc/rc.d/assp.sh
+script is run automatically at system boot time.
+Several variables can be set in
+.I /etc/rc.conf
+to control the behavior.
+.IP assp_enable
+set to
+.I "YES"
+to start ASSP at boot time
+.IP assp_args
+passed to the ASSP client, default is
+.I assp_args="%%ASSP_HOME%%"
+location of ASSP config file, log file and spam databases
+.IP %%ASSP_HOME%%/notspam
+copies of non-spam messages received
+.IP %%ASSP_HOME%%/spam
+copies of spam messages received
+.IP %%ASSP_HOME%%/errors/{notspam,spam}
+messages forwarded to assp-notspam@ and assp-spam@ addresses
+.IP %%ASSP_HOME%%/maillog.txt
+.IR ASSP 's
+log file
+.IP %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/freshclam.sh
+script to update virus definitions
+.IP %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/move2num.pl
+script to rename stored messages to numeric filenames
+.IP %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/rebuildspamdb.pl
+script to update spam database
+.IP %%PREFIX%%/etc/periodic/daily/510.assp
+nightly script to invoke
+.I rebuildspamdb.pl
+.IR freshclam.sh .
+currently has no IPv6 support.
+.IR procmail (1),
+.IR assplog (8),
+.IR exim (8),
+.IR postfix (8),
+.IR qmail (8),
+.IR sendmail (8),
+%%PREFIX%%/share/doc/assp/ASSP Documentation.htm
diff --git a/mail/assp/files/assp.sh.in b/mail/assp/files/assp.sh.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8443f5b70999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/files/assp.sh.in
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# PROVIDE: assp
+. %%RC_SUBR%%
+load_rc_config $name
+: ${assp_enable="NO"}
+: ${assp_flags="%%ASSP_HOME%%"}
+run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/mail/assp/files/assplog.8.in b/mail/assp/files/assplog.8.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..126e2d8127f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/files/assplog.8.in
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+.TH assplog 8 "May 16, 2005" "" "ASSP"
+assplog \- display colorized ASSP log
+.I assplog
+.B "tail -f"
+to monitor the ASSP Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy log and then displays
+logged messages using ANSI color sequences for easy reading.
+The colors have the following meaning:
+1. Messages that were delivered
+Sender was on whitelist (or was added to whitelist)
+Message passed all checks and was delivered
+2. Messages that were blocked
+Recipient unknown (failed flat list or LDAP check)
+Message failed any of the other checks
+Message failed Bayesian spam check
+3. Administrative messages
+Message to assp-{notspam,spam,white}@ address
+Admin change from web interface
+Entries from the log are reformatted to a consistent format and
+classified with one of the following tags:
+Bad attachement rejected
+DNSBL check failed
+Bayesian spam check failed
+Bad HELO greeting
+Invalid recipient, failed LDAP or flat list test
+Local or Whitelisted emails
+Malformed RFC822 recipient address
+assp-notspam@ report submission
+Email that fully passed all tests
+Blocked Relay attempt
+SPF check failed
+Whitelist addition by local user
+Whitelist addition of address CC'd in whitelisted email
+assp-spam@ report submission
+.I assplog
+does not display all log messages; for a complete view of
+the log, use
+.B "tail -f"
+directly on the log file.
+.IP %%ASSP_HOME%%/maillog.txt
+location of ASSP log file
+.IR assp (8),
+.IR tail (1)
diff --git a/mail/assp/files/patch-assp.pl b/mail/assp/files/patch-assp.pl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..596aa937fd61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/files/patch-assp.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+--- assp.pl.orig Tue Mar 15 06:41:24 2005
++++ assp.pl Wed May 18 11:33:35 2005
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
+ 'The address:port of your message handling system\'s smtp server. For example:'],
+ [AsAService,'As a Service',0,checkbox,'','(\S*)',undef,
+ 'In Windows 2000 / NT you can run it as a service; requires <a href="http://www.roth.net/perl/Daemon/" rel="external">win32::daemon</a>. Requires start from the service control panel.'],
+- [AsADaemon,'As a Daemon',0,checkbox,'','(\S*)',undef,
++ [AsADaemon,'As a Daemon',0,checkbox,1,'(\S*)',undef,
+ 'In Linux/BSD/Unix/OSX fork and close file handles, kinda like "perl assp.pl &amp;" but better. Requires restart.'],
+ [myName,'My Name',20,textinput,'ASSP-nospam','(\S+)',undef,
+ 'What the program calls itself in the email "received by" header. Usually ASSP-nospam.'],
+@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
+ No mail is delivered! For example: assp-notspam'],
+ [EmailWhitelist,'Add to Whitelist Address',20,textinput,'assp-white','(.*)',undef,
+ 'Any mail sent by local/authenticated users to this username will be interpreted as a request to add addresses to the whitelist.<br /> No mail is delivered! For example: assp-white'],
+- [EmailFrom,'From Address for Email',20,textinput,'ASSP <>','(.+)',undef,
++ [EmailFrom,'From Address for Email',20,textinput,'ASSP <postmaster@yourdomain.com>','(.+)',undef,
+ 'Email sent from ASSP acknowledging your submissions will be sent from this address.<br />
+ Some mailers don\'t like the default setting. For example: ASSP &lt;&gt; or Mail Administrator
+ &lt;mailadmin@mydomain.com&gt;'],
+@@ -423,9 +423,9 @@
+ 'ASSP closes and renames the log file after this number of days. Decimals are ok. For example: 14 or 0.5'],
+ [0,0,0,heading,'Security'],
+- [runAsUser,'Run as UID',20,textinput,'','(\S*)',undef,
++ [runAsUser,'Run as UID',20,textinput,'nobody','(\S*)',undef,
+ 'The *nix user name to assume after startup: assp or nobody -- requires ASSP restart.'],
+- [runAsGroup,'Run as GID',20,textinput,'','(\S*)',undef,
++ [runAsGroup,'Run as GID',20,textinput,'nobody','(\S*)',undef,
+ 'The *nix group to assume after startup: assp or nogroup -- requires ASSP restart.'],
+ [ChangeRoot,'Change Root',60,textinput,'','(.*)',undef,
+ 'Non-blank means to run in chroot jail in *nix. You need an etc/protocols file to make this work<br />
+@@ -4462,4 +4462,4 @@
+ dynablock.njabl.org
+ );
+ }
+\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mail/assp/files/patch-stats.sh b/mail/assp/files/patch-stats.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..060ae1688feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/files/patch-stats.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+--- stats.sh.orig Fri Aug 6 20:26:26 2004
++++ stats.sh Thu May 26 22:24:20 2005
+@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
+ # copy of your standard Unix shell, the 'tail' utility and a working 'awk'
+ # interpreter.
+-# I use the default location for ASSP's maillog file, and the 'maillog.log'
++# I use the default location for ASSP's maillog file, and the 'maillog.txt'
+ # name (in assp.cfg) to keep ASSP from changing it on me.
+-# This script attempts to go back at least 300 lines in your maillog.log
++# This script attempts to go back at least 300 lines in your maillog.txt
+ # file to give you a nice screenful of goodies to review when it
+-# first starts. If your maillog.log is nearly empty, then just
++# first starts. If your maillog.txt is nearly empty, then just
+ # be patient. As things happen - the logger will reveal it in COLOR!
+ # ------------------------------------ KRL -------------------------
+@@ -30,8 +30,11 @@
+ # BS (in Red) lines are those caught by the Bayesian filter !!
+ # LW (in White .. mostly) are those Local or Whitelisted eMails
+ # Ok (in Green) are eMail that fully pass alltests without exceptions.
+-# RB (in Cyan) .. Blocked Relay attempt
+-# WL+ Whitelist ADDITION by an authorized local user
++# RB (in Magenta) .. Blocked Relay attempt
++# HL (in Magenta) .. Blocked due to spam HELO
++# SP (in Magenta) .. Blocked by failed SPF lookup
++# WA+ Whitelist ADDITION by an authorized local user
++# WL+ Whitelist ADDITION of address CC'd in whitelisted email
+ # BA (in Cyan) .. Bad ATTACHEMENT rejected
+ # SR (in Cyan) .. spam@ report submission
+ # NS (in Cyan) .. notspam@ report submission
+@@ -46,32 +49,32 @@
+ # Some fields are truncated (with a hard-coded length value, usually 40)
+ # to keep each line more or less intact on your screen as things scroll by
+ # Colors are coded with ANSI Color coding, your mileage may vary ...
+-# I assume the naming convention of 'maillog.log' so ASSP won't munge
++# I assume the naming convention of 'maillog.txt' so ASSP won't munge
+ # each current log into some difficult-to-grok name. You should try
+ # to use this feature - and perhaps roll the log periodically with
+ # your system's 'newsyslog' functionality. You can send a SIGHUP to
+ # ASSP when you roll the log so it starts afresh..KRL
+-tail -300 -f /usr/local/assp/maillog.log | \
++tail -300 -f /var/db/assp/maillog.txt | \
+ awk ' \
+ /whitelisted/ { \
+- printf("%s %s \033[1;32m%-15s L\033[0mW %s \033[1;32m->\033[0m %s\n", \
++ printf("%s %s \033[1;32m%-15s\033[0m \033[1;37mLW %s\033[0m \033[1;32m->\033[0m \033[1;37m%s\033[0m\n", \
+ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
+ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
+ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
+ substr($4,1,40), \
+ substr($6,1,length($6)) )\
+ } \
+- /email/ && /whitelist addition/ { \
+- printf("%s %s \033[1;32m%-15s W\033[0mA+ %s \033[1;32m->\033[0m %s\n", \
++ /whitelist addition/ && /email new/ { \
++ printf("%s %s \033[1;36m%-15s WA+ %s\033[0m \033[1;37m%s\033[0m\n", \
+ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
+ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
+ "+email address+", \
+- substr($4,1,40), \
+- substr($6,1,length($6)) )\
++ "-adds-", \
++ substr($7,1,length($7)) )\
+ } \
+ /whitelist addition/ && !/email/ { \
+- printf("%s %s \033[1;32m%-15s W\033[0mL+ %s \033[1;32m %s %s\033[0m\n", \
++ printf("%s %s \033[1;32m%-15s\033[0m \033[1;37mWL+ %s\033[0m \033[1;32m%s\033[0m \033[1;37m%s\033[0m\n", \
+ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
+ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
+ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
+@@ -79,12 +82,12 @@
+ "-adds-", \
+ substr($9,1,length($9)) )\
+ } \
+- /Bayesian spam/ { \
++ /Bayesian Spam/ { \
+ printf("%s %s \033[1;31m%-15s BS %s -> %s\033[0m\n", \
+- substr($1,1,length($1)), \
+- substr($2,1,length($2)), \
+- substr($3,1,length($3)), \
+- substr($4,1,40), \
++ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
++ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
++ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
++ substr($4,1,40), \
+ substr($6,1,length($6)) )\
+ } \
+ /message ok/ { \
+@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@
+ substr($4,1,40), \
+ substr($6,1,length($6)) )\
+ } \
+- /bad attachment/ { \
++ /bad attachment/ && !/no bad/ { \
+ printf("%s %s \033[1;35m%-15s BA %s -> %s\033[0m\n", \
+ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
+ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
+@@ -104,29 +107,66 @@
+ substr($6,1,length($6)) )\
+ } \
+ /relay attempt blocked/ { \
+- printf("%s %s \033[1;35m%-15s RB %s -> %s %s %s %s %s\033[0m\n", \
++ printf("%s %s \033[1;35m%-15s RB %s -> %s\033[0m\n", \
+ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
+ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
+ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
+- substr($4,1,length($4)), \
+- substr($5,1,length($5)), \
+- substr($6,1,length($6)), \
+- substr($7,1,length($7)), \
+- substr($8,1,length($8)), \
++ substr($4,1,40), \
+ substr($9,1,length($9)) )\
+ } \
++ /Invalid address rejected/ { \
++ printf("%s %s \033[1;34m%-15s IR %s -> %s\033[0m\n", \
++ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
++ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
++ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
++ substr($4,1,40), \
++ substr($NF,1,length($NF)) )\
++ } \
++ /malformed address/ { \
++ printf("%s %s \033[1;35m%-15s MA %s -> %s\033[0m\n", \
++ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
++ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
++ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
++ substr($4,1,40), \
++ substr($7,1,length($7)) )\
++ } \
++ /failed RBL checks/ { \
++ printf("%s %s \033[1;35m%-15s BL %s -> %s\033[0m\n", \
++ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
++ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
++ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
++ substr($4,1,40), \
++ substr($6,1,length($6)) )\
++ } \
++ /failed SPF checks/ { \
++ printf("%s %s \033[1;35m%-15s SP %s -> %s\033[0m\n", \
++ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
++ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
++ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
++ substr($4,1,40), \
++ substr($6,1,length($6)) )\
++ } \
++ /has spam helo/ { \
++ printf("%s %s \033[1;35m%-15s HL %s -> %s %s\033[0m\n", \
++ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
++ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
++ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
++ substr($4,1,40), \
++ substr($6,1,length($6)), \
++ substr($10,1,length($10)) )\
++ } \
+ /Admin update:/ { \
+- printf("\033[1;33m%s %s %s %s %s %s \033[0m\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) \
++ printf("\033[1;33m%s\033[0m\n", $0) \
+ } \
+ /Email spamreport/ { \
+- printf("%s %s\033[0;36m %-15s SR %s Email SPAM Submission\033[0m\n", \
++ printf("%s %s\033[1;36m %-15s SR %s\033[0m\n", \
+ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
+ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
+ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
+ substr($4,1,length($4)) ) \
+ } \
+ /Email hamreport/ { \
+- printf("%s %s\033[0;36m %-15s NS %s Email NOTSPAM Submission\033[0m\n", \
++ printf("%s %s\033[1;36m %-15s NS %s\033[0m\n", \
+ substr($1,1,length($1)), \
+ substr($2,1,length($2)), \
+ substr($3,1,length($3)), \
diff --git a/mail/assp/files/periodic-assp.sh.in b/mail/assp/files/periodic-assp.sh.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6b76b890ef29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/files/periodic-assp.sh.in
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# Update ASSP Spam and ClamAV databases
+cd %%ASSP_HOME%%
+if [ ! -f %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/rebuildspamdb.pl ]
+ echo "%%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/rebuildspamdb.pl does not exist"
+ rc_spamdb=2
+ echo ""
+ echo "Running ASSP rebuildspamdb.pl:"
+ %%PERL%% %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/rebuildspamdb.pl && rc_spamdb=0 || rc_spamdb=3
+if [ ! -f %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/freshclam.sh ]
+ # existence of freshclam.sh is optional, dependent
+ # on the WITH_CLAMAV setting, so not an error if not there
+ rc_clamav=0
+ echo ""
+ echo "Fetching ASSP ClamAV virus database updates:"
+ export PATH=$PATH:%%LOCALBASE%%/bin
+ sh %%PREFIX%%/lib/assp/freshclam.sh && rc_clamav=0 || rc_clamav=3
+exit $(($rc_spamdb|$rc_clamav))
diff --git a/mail/assp/files/pkg-install.in b/mail/assp/files/pkg-install.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b264dbe864f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/files/pkg-install.in
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+if [ "$2" = "POST-INSTALL" ]; then
+ install -d -m 0700 -o %%ASSP_USER%% -g %%ASSP_GROUP%% %%ASSP_HOME%%
+ ln -s $PKG_PREFIX/lib/assp/*.txt %%ASSP_HOME%%
diff --git a/mail/assp/pkg-descr b/mail/assp/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..161c43fc31dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy is a spam filter that sits on port 25 in front of your
+regular SMTP server (sendmail, postfix, qmail, etc).
+ASSP performs a number of configurable spam checks, and on detecting a spam
+message, provides an immediate 5xx SMTP error code back to the client.
+Non-spam messages are passed to your regular SMTP server for further
+processing and delivery.
+ASSP offers:
+ - a whitelist of known good senders
+ - Bayesian checks on message headers and contents
+ - recipient address validation using LDAP and RFC822 conformance
+ - relay denial
+ - HELO checking
+ - SPF (Sender Policy Framework) checking
+ - DNSBL (DNS Block List) checking using many DNSBL services
+ - Virus detection
+ASSP is a single script with a web-based configuration tool.
+WWW: http://assp.sourceforge.net/
diff --git a/mail/assp/pkg-plist b/mail/assp/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6da2c5fed99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/assp/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+@unexec rmdir %D/etc/periodic/daily 2>/dev/null || true
+@unexec rmdir %D/etc/periodic 2>/dev/null || true
+@dirrm lib/assp
+%%PORTDOCS%%%%DOCSDIR%%/ASSP Documentation.htm
+%%PORTDOCS%%%%DOCSDIR%%/Regular Expression Tutorial.htm
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
+@unexec rm -f %%ASSP_HOME%%/notspamreport.txt 2>/dev/null || true
+@unexec rm -f %%ASSP_HOME%%/spamreport.txt 2>/dev/null || true
+@unexec rm -f %%ASSP_HOME%%/whitereport.txt 2>/dev/null || true
+@unexec rmdir %%ASSP_HOME%% 2>/dev/null || true
+@unexec if [ -d %%ASSP_HOME%% ]; then echo "If you are deinstalling ASSP completely, remove the %%ASSP_HOME%% directory."; fi