path: root/mail/mailscanner/files
diff options
authorsergei <sergei@FreeBSD.org>2004-03-03 15:07:48 +0800
committersergei <sergei@FreeBSD.org>2004-03-03 15:07:48 +0800
commit72f4c529fe7477f51baa62db6113b08e4a487f18 (patch)
tree2a7875f3733ac4f54ec9cde78f68d30fcec11bdd /mail/mailscanner/files
parentb324f34b7bec64f7116f21a36c8a4af1d97c80ff (diff)
- Update to 4.27.7
PR: ports/63632 Submitted by: maintainer
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/mailscanner/files')
5 files changed, 17 insertions, 335 deletions
diff --git a/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-docs:man:MailScanner.8 b/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-docs:man:MailScanner.8
index 9282f5bd15a6..84f75a783fbd 100644
--- a/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-docs:man:MailScanner.8
+++ b/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-docs:man:MailScanner.8
@@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
---- ../MailScanner-4.26.8.orig/docs/man/MailScanner.8 Fri Feb 13 09:31:30 2004
-+++ docs/man/MailScanner.8 Fri Feb 13 09:41:31 2004
+--- ../MailScanner-4.27.7.orig/docs/man/MailScanner.8 Mon Mar 1 15:25:07 2004
++++ docs/man/MailScanner.8 Mon Mar 1 15:27:56 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--.TH "MailScanner" "8" "4.26.6" "Julian Field" "Mail"
-+.TH "MailScanner" "8" "4.26.8" "Julian Field" "Mail"
+-.TH "MailScanner" "8" "4.27.4" "Julian Field" "Mail"
++.TH "MailScanner" "8" "4.27.7" "Julian Field" "Mail"
MailScanner \- Virus/Spam Scanner for Sendmail, Exim and Postfix
-@@ -100,4 +100,3 @@
- .LP
- MailScanner.conf(5)
diff --git a/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-docs:man:MailScanner.conf.5 b/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-docs:man:MailScanner.conf.5
index 13508ae0f696..ca5213888609 100644
--- a/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-docs:man:MailScanner.conf.5
+++ b/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-docs:man:MailScanner.conf.5
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
---- ../MailScanner-4.26.8.orig/docs/man/MailScanner.conf.5 Fri Feb 13 09:31:30 2004
-+++ docs/man/MailScanner.conf.5 Fri Feb 13 09:41:36 2004
+--- ../MailScanner-4.27.7.orig/docs/man/MailScanner.conf.5 Mon Mar 1 15:25:07 2004
++++ docs/man/MailScanner.conf.5 Mon Mar 1 15:28:04 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--.TH "MailScanner.conf" "5" "4.26.6" "Julian Field" "Mail"
-+.TH "MailScanner.conf" "5" "4.26.8" "Julian Field" "Mail"
+-.TH "MailScanner.conf" "5" "4.27.4" "Julian Field" "Mail"
++.TH "MailScanner.conf" "5" "4.27.7" "Julian Field" "Mail"
MailScanner.conf \- Main configuration for MailScanner
diff --git a/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-lib:MailScanner:Exim.pm b/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-lib:MailScanner:Exim.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 85fa67dffbaf..000000000000
--- a/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-lib:MailScanner:Exim.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
---- ../MailScanner-4.26.8.orig/lib/MailScanner/Exim.pm Fri Feb 13 10:16:22 2004
-+++ lib/MailScanner/Exim.pm Fri Feb 13 10:17:04 2004
-@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
- my($RQf) = $message->{store}{inhhandle};
- my %metadata;
-- my($InHeader, $InSubject, $InDel, @headers, $msginfo, $from, @to, $subject);
-+ my($InHeader, $InSubject, $InDel, @headers, $msginfo, $from, @to, $subject, @acl);
- my($ip, $sender);
- my($line);
-@@ -282,12 +282,34 @@
- # and tracking them in %{$metadata{dashvars}}
- while (chomp($line = <$RQf>)) {
- $line =~ s/^-(\w+) ?// or last;
-- $metadata{dashvars}{$1} = 0;
-- $line eq "" and $metadata{"dv_$1"} = 1, next;
-- $metadata{"dv_$1"} = $line;
-- $metadata{dashvars}{$1} = 1;
-+ if($1 eq "acl") {
-+ # we need to handle acl vars differently
-+ if($line =~ /^(\d+) (\d+)$/) {
-+ my $buf;
-+ my $pos=$1;
-+ my $len=$2;
-+ $acl[$pos]=[];
-+ (read($RQf, $buf, $len + 1)==$len+1) or last;
-+ if($buf=~/\n$/) {
-+ chomp $buf;
-+ } else {
-+ # invalid format
-+ last;
-+ }
-+ $acl[$pos]->[0]=$buf;
-+ } else {
-+ # this is a weird format, and we're not sure how to handle it
-+ last;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ $metadata{dashvars}{$1} = 0;
-+ $line eq "" and $metadata{"dv_$1"} = 1, next;
-+ $metadata{"dv_$1"} = $line;
-+ $metadata{dashvars}{$1} = 1;
-+ }
- next;
- }
-+ $metadata{aclvars}=\@acl;
- # If it was an invalid queue file, log a warning and tell caller
- unless (defined $line) {
-@@ -965,6 +987,7 @@
- sub CreateQf {
- my($message) = @_;
-+ my $i;
- my $Qfile = "";
- my $metadata = $message->{metadata};
-@@ -992,6 +1015,15 @@
- $Qfile .= "\n";
- }
-+ # Add the separate ACL Vars
-+ my @acl=@{$metadata->{aclvars}};
-+ for($i=0; $i<=$#acl; $i++) {
-+ if($acl[$i]) {
-+ $Qfile .= "-acl " . $i . " " . length($acl[$i]->[0]) . "\n";
-+ $Qfile .= $acl[$i]->[0] . "\n";
-+ }
-+ }
- # Add non-recipients
- $Qfile .= BTreeString($metadata->{nonrcpts});
diff --git a/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-lib:MailScanner:Message.pm b/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-lib:MailScanner:Message.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index b02e4b64fec9..000000000000
--- a/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-lib:MailScanner:Message.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
---- ../MailScanner-4.26.8.orig/lib/MailScanner/Message.pm Mon Feb 23 17:37:26 2004
-+++ lib/MailScanner/Message.pm Mon Feb 23 17:38:33 2004
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- # MailScanner - SMTP E-Mail Virus Scanner
- # Copyright (C) 2002 Julian Field
- #
--# $Id: Message.pm,v 2004/01/27 15:20:58 jkf Exp $
-+# $Id: Message.pm,v 2004/02/11 12:10:08 jkf Exp $
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
- use vars qw($VERSION);
- ### The package version, both in 1.23 style *and* usable by MakeMaker:
--$VERSION = substr q$Revision: $, 10;
-+$VERSION = substr q$Revision: $, 10;
- # Attributes are
- #
-@@ -548,8 +548,13 @@
- if ($HamSpam eq 'nonspam') {
- MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Does not make sense to bounce non-spam");
- } else {
-- MailScanner::Log::WarnLog('The "bounce" Spam Action no longer exists');
-- # Do not uncomment this $this->HandleSpamBounce();
-+ #MailScanner::Log::WarnLog('The "bounce" Spam Action no longer exists');
-+ if ($this->{ishigh}) {
-+ MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Will not bounce high-scoring spam")
-+ } else {
-+ $this->HandleSpamBounce()
-+ if MailScanner::Config::Value('enablespambounce', $this);
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -684,7 +689,7 @@
- $messagefh->open($filename)
- or MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Cannot open message file %s, %s",
- $filename, $!);
-- $emailmsg = "";
-+ $emailmsg = "X-MailScanner-Bounce: yes\n";
- while(<$messagefh>) {
- chomp;
- s#"#\\"#g;
-@@ -1007,11 +1012,80 @@
- }
- }
-+ $this->ExplodePart($explodeinto);
- # Set the owner and group on all the extracted files
- chown $workarea->{uid}, $workarea->{gid}, glob "$explodeinto/*"
- if $workarea->{changeowner};
- }
-+# Try to parse all the text bits of each message, looking to see if they
-+# can be parsed into files which might be infected.
-+# How I treat these in the MIME structure is anyone's guess!
-+sub ExplodePart {
-+ my($this, $explodeinto) = @_;
-+ my($dir, $part);
-+ $dir = new DirHandle;
-+ $dir->open($explodeinto);
-+ while($part = $dir->read) {
-+ #print STDERR "Reading $part\n";
-+ next unless $part =~ /^msg.*txt/;
-+ # Try and find hidden messages in the text files
-+ my $file = new FileHandle;
-+ #print STDERR "About to read $explodeinto/$part\n";
-+ $file->open("$explodeinto/$part") or next;
-+ # Try reading the first few lines to see if they look like mail headers
-+ my($linenum, $foundheader, $prevline, $line, $position, $prevpos);
-+ $foundheader = 0;
-+ $prevpos = 0;
-+ for ($linenum=0; $linenum<100 && !$file->eof(); $linenum++) {
-+ $position = $file->getpos();
-+ $line = <$file>;
-+ # Must have 2 lines of header
-+ if ($prevline =~ /^[^:]+: / && $line =~ /(^\s+)|(^[^:]+ )|(^\s+.*=)/) {
-+ #print STDERR "Found start of a header at \"$prevline\"\n and \"$line\"\n";
-+ $foundheader = 1;
-+ last;
-+ }
-+ $prevline = $line;
-+ $prevpos = $position;
-+ }
-+ unless ($foundheader) {
-+ $file->close();
-+ $dir->close();
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ # Rewind to the start of the header
-+ $file->setpos($prevpos);
-+ # Setup everything for the MIME parser
-+ my $parser = MIME::Parser->new;
-+ my $filer = MIME::Parser::FileInto::MailScanner->new($explodeinto);
-+ # Over-ride the default default character set handler so it does it
-+ # much better than the MIME-tools default handling.
-+ MIME::WordDecoder->default->handler('*' => \&WordDecoderKeep7Bit);
-+ #print STDERR "Exploding message " . $this->{id} . " into " .
-+ # $explodeinto . "\n";
-+ $parser->filer($filer);
-+ $parser->extract_uuencode(1); # uue is off by default
-+ $parser->output_to_core('NONE'); # everything into files
-+ # Do the actual parsing
-+ my $entity = eval { $parser->parse($file) };
-+ $file->close;
-+ }
- # Print the infection reports for this message
- sub PrintInfections {
-@@ -1167,10 +1241,13 @@
- # them some time later, but I wanted to keep them separate if possible
- # in case anyone wanted a feature in the future which would be easier
- # with separate reports.
-+# If safefile2file does not map for a filename, ban the whole message
-+# to be on the safe side.
- sub CombineReports {
- my $this = shift;
- my($file, $text, $Name);
-+ my(%reports, %types);
- #print STDERR "Combining reports for " . $this->{id} . "\n";
- # If they want to include the scanner name in the reports, then also
-@@ -1191,29 +1268,48 @@
- while (($file, $text) = each %{$this->{virusreports}}) {
- #print STDERR "Adding file $file report $text\n";
- $this->{allreports}{$file} .= $text;
-+ $reports{$file} .= $text;
- }
- while (($file, $text) = each %{$this->{virustypes}}) {
- #print STDERR "Adding file $file type $text\n";
- $this->{alltypes}{$file} .= $text;
-+ $types{$file} .= $text;
- }
- while (($file, $text) = each %{$this->{namereports}}) {
- #print STDERR "Adding file \"$file\" report \"$text\"\n";
- $text =~ s/\n(.)/\n$Name: $1/g; # Make sure name is at the front of this
- #print STDERR "report is now \"$text\"\n";
- $this->{allreports}{$file} .= $Name . $text;
-+ $reports{$file} .= $Name . $text;
- }
- while (($file, $text) = each %{$this->{nametypes}}) {
- #print STDERR "Adding file $file type $text\n";
- $this->{alltypes}{$file} .= $text;
-+ $types{$file} .= $text;
- }
- while (($file, $text) = each %{$this->{otherreports}}) {
- #print STDERR "Adding file $file report $text\n";
- $this->{allreports}{$file} .= $Name . $text;
-+ $reports{$file} .= $Name . $text;
- }
- while (($file, $text) = each %{$this->{othertypes}}) {
- #print STDERR "Adding file $file type $text\n";
- $this->{alltypes}{$file} .= $text;
-+ $types{$file} .= $text;
-+ }
-+ # Now look for the reports we can't match anywhere and make them
-+ # map to the entire message.
-+ my($key, $value);
-+ while(($key, $value) = each %reports) {
-+ if (!exists($this->{safefile2file}{$key})) {
-+ delete $this->{allreports}{$key};
-+ delete $this->{alltypes}{$key};
-+ $this->{allreports}{""} .= $value;
-+ $this->{alltypes}{""} .= $types{$key};
-+ }
- }
- #print STDERR "Finished combining reports\n";
- }
-@@ -3309,6 +3405,50 @@
- $index = $#{$self->{ME_Parts}} + 2 + $index if ($index < 0);
- splice(@{$self->{ME_Parts}}, $index, 0, $part);
- $part;
-+# Over-ride a function in Mail::Header that parses the block of headers
-+# at the top of each MIME section. My improvement allows the first line
-+# of the header block to be missing, which breaks the original parser
-+# though the filename is still there.
-+package Mail::Header;
-+sub extract
-+ my $me = shift;
-+ my $arr = shift;
-+ my $line;
-+ $me->empty;
-+ # JKF Make this more robust by allowing first line of header to be missing
-+ shift @{$arr} while scalar(@{$arr}) &&
-+ $arr->[0] =~ /\A[ \t]+/o &&
-+ $arr->[1] =~ /\A$FIELD_NAME/o;
-+ # JKF End mod here
-+ while(scalar(@{$arr}) && $arr->[0] =~ /\A($FIELD_NAME|From )/o)
-+ {
-+ my $tag = $1;
-+ $line = shift @{$arr};
-+ $line .= shift @{$arr}
-+ while(scalar(@{$arr}) && $arr->[0] =~ /\A[ \t]+/o);
-+ ($tag,$line) = _fmt_line($me,$tag,$line);
-+ _insert($me,$tag,$line,-1)
-+ if defined $line;
-+ }
-+ shift @{$arr}
-+ if(scalar(@{$arr}) && $arr->[0] =~ /\A\s*\Z/o);
-+ $me;
- }
diff --git a/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-lib:clamav-wrapper b/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-lib:clamav-wrapper
index 5e47421a06a4..4f54e9227bac 100644
--- a/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-lib:clamav-wrapper
+++ b/mail/mailscanner/files/patch-lib:clamav-wrapper
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
---- ../MailScanner-4.26.8.orig/lib/clamav-wrapper Fri Feb 13 09:31:30 2004
-+++ lib/clamav-wrapper Fri Feb 13 09:40:30 2004
-@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
- #
- #
-+export PATH
+--- ../MailScanner-4.27.7.orig/lib/clamav-wrapper Mon Mar 1 15:28:58 2004
++++ lib/clamav-wrapper Mon Mar 1 15:30:00 2004
+@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
# You may want to check this script for bash-isms
++export PATH
+ TempDir="/tmp/clamav.$$"
+ ClamUser="clamav"
+ ClamGroup="clamav"