path: root/net-mgmt/smokeping
diff options
authorkuriyama <kuriyama@FreeBSD.org>2002-04-01 18:46:58 +0800
committerkuriyama <kuriyama@FreeBSD.org>2002-04-01 18:46:58 +0800
commit3b677189c4f72973b36631756d2c178ac7f8572a (patch)
tree7a1ddbcabdc908d8aaef36e44ecbe0c45089ce50 /net-mgmt/smokeping
parent5a2415d0ff5db80cdea99258e2f9d389f8f6ed35 (diff)
Add smokeping 1.5, latency logging and graphing system.
This port is heavily modified by kuriyama: o Use BSD'ish directory hierarchy (imcomplete) TODO for this port (will be done by kuriyama) o Upgrade to 1.6 (see follow-up of this PR) o Use non-privileged UID for smokeping o Move *.pm to $PREFIX/lib/perl5/site_perl PR: ports/36006 Submitted by: Lars Thegler <lars@thegler.dk>
Diffstat (limited to 'net-mgmt/smokeping')
8 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-mgmt/smokeping/Makefile b/net-mgmt/smokeping/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4ce250fc8537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/smokeping/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: SmokePing
+# Date created: Tue Feb 12 22:17:40 CET 2002
+# Whom: Lars Thegler <lars@thegler.dk>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= smokeping
+CATEGORIES= net www
+MASTER_SITES= http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/smokeping/pub/
+MAINTAINER= lars@thegler.dk
+BUILD_DEPENDS= rrdtool:${PORTSDIR}/net/rrdtool \
+ ${SITE_PERL}/CGI/SpeedyCGI.pm:${PORTSDIR}/www/p5-CGI-SpeedyCGI \
+ ${SITE_PERL}/BER.pm:${PORTSDIR}/net/p5-SNMP_Session \
+ ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/fping:${PORTSDIR}/net/fping
+USE_PERL5= yes
+MAN1= EchoPing.pm.1 EchoPingChargen.pm.1 EchoPingDiscard.pm.1 \
+ EchoPingHttp.pm.1 EchoPingHttps.pm.1 \
+ EchoPingIcp.pm.1 EchoPingSmtp.pm.1 \
+ FPing.pm.1 ParseConfig.pm.1 Smokeping.pm.1 \
+ base.pm.1 basefork.pm.1 basevars.pm.1 \
+ smokeping.1 smokeping.cgi.1 \
+ smokeping_config.1 smokeping_install.1
+PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
+SITE_PERL= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/perl5/site_perl/${PERL_VER}
+DOCDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/smokeping
+DOC2= EchoPing.pm EchoPingChargen.pm EchoPingDiscard.pm \
+ EchoPingHttp.pm EchoPingHttps.pm \
+ EchoPingIcp.pm EchoPingSmtp.pm \
+ FPing.pm ParseConfig.pm Smokeping.pm \
+ base.pm basefork.pm basevars.pm smokeping.cgi \
+ smokeping smokeping_config smokeping_install
+ @${MV} ${WRKSRC}/bin/smokeping.dist ${WRKSRC}/bin/smokeping
+ @${MV} ${WRKSRC}/htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist ${WRKSRC}/htdocs/smokeping.cgi
+ @${PERL} -pi -e ' \
+ s|/usr/sepp/bin/perl|${PERL}|; \
+ s|/usr/sepp/bin/speedy|${PREFIX}/bin/speedy|; \
+ s|use lib qw\(/usr/pack/rrdtool-1.0.33-to/lib/perl\);\n||; \
+ s|/home/oetiker/data/projects/AADJ-smokeping/dist|${PREFIX}/smokeping|; \
+ s|/home/oetiker/.smokeping/config|${PREFIX}/smokeping/etc/config|; \
+ s|/usr/lib/sendmail|/usr/sbin/sendmail|; \
+ s|/usr/sepp/bin/fping|${PREFIX}/sbin/fping|; \
+ s|piddir = /usr/local/smokeping/var|piddir = /var/run|; \
+ s|imgcache = /home/oetiker/public_html/.simg|imgcache = ${PREFIX}/smokeping/htdocs/img|; \
+ s|imgurl = ../.simg|imgurl = /smokeimg|; \
+ ' \
+ ${WRKSRC}/bin/smokeping ${WRKSRC}/htdocs/smokeping.cgi ${WRKSRC}/etc/config.dist
+ @${PERL} -p -e ' \
+ s|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|g; \
+ ' \
+ ${PKGDIR}/pkg-message > ${PKGMESSAGE}
+ @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/doc/.cvsignore
+ @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/lib/BER.pm
+ @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/lib/SNMP_*.pm
+ @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/doc/*.pod
+ @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/Makefile
+ @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/bin/smokeping ${PREFIX}/bin
+.for file in ${MAN1}
+ @${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/${file} ${PREFIX}/man/man1
+ @${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/doc/${file}
+.for file in ${DOC1}
+ @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${file} ${DOCDIR}
+.for file in ${DOC2}
+ @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/${file}.html ${DOCDIR}
+ @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/${file}.txt ${DOCDIR}
+ @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/smokeping
+ @${CP} -Rp ${WRKSRC}/[e-l]* ${PREFIX}/smokeping/
+.for file in config smokemail basepage.html config-echoping
+ @if [ ! -f ${PREFIX}/smokeping/etc/${file} ]; then \
+ ${CP} ${PREFIX}/smokeping/etc/${file}.dist ${PREFIX}/smokeping/etc/${file} ; \
+ fi
+ @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/smokeping/var
+ @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/smokeping/htdocs/img
+ @${CHOWN} www:www ${PREFIX}/smokeping/htdocs/img
+ @if [ ! -f ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/smokeping.sh ]; then \
+ ${ECHO} "Installing ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/smokeping.sh startup file."; \
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${FILESDIR}/smokeping.sh ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/smokeping.sh; \
+ fi
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/net-mgmt/smokeping/distinfo b/net-mgmt/smokeping/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c32a06e5abab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/smokeping/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 (smokeping-1.5.tar.gz) = 06313500d18199d36a5e2d3fa61d40b0
diff --git a/net-mgmt/smokeping/files/smokeping.sh b/net-mgmt/smokeping/files/smokeping.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..44e3bd0309f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/smokeping/files/smokeping.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+if ! PREFIX=$(expr $0 : "\(/.*\)/etc/rc\.d/$(basename $0)\$"); then
+ echo "$0: Cannot determine the PREFIX" >&2
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ [ -r ${PREFIX}/smokeping/etc/config ] && ${PREFIX}/bin/smokeping > /dev/null && echo -n ' smokeping'
+ ;;
+ [ -r ${PREFIX}/smokeping/etc/config ] && ${PREFIX}/bin/smokeping --restart > /dev/null && echo -n ' smokeping'
+ ;;
+ [ -r /var/run/smokeping.pid ] && kill `cat /var/run/smokeping.pid` > /dev/null && echo -n ' smokeping'
+ ;;
+ echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|restart|stop}" >&2
+ ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-comment b/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5a62f946a7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-comment
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Latency logging and graphing system
diff --git a/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-deinstall b/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-deinstall
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..65f707cb86d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-deinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+if [ -f /var/run/smokeping.pid ]; then
+ if [ -x ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/smokeping.sh ]; then
+ ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/smokeping.sh stop > /dev/null
+ fi
+ rm /var/run/smokeping.pid
+if [ "$2" != "POST-DEINSTALL" ]; then
+ exit 0
+if [ -d ${PKG_PREFIX}/smokeping ]; then
+ echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "To delete your custom SmokePing configuration and all collected"
+ echo "data permanently, use 'rm -R ${PKG_PREFIX}/smokeping'"
+ echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
+exit 0
diff --git a/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-descr b/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4dabde0428dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+SmokePing is a latency logging and graphing system. It consists of a
+daemon process which organizes the latency measurements and a CGI
+which presents the graphs.
+WWW: http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/smokeping
diff --git a/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-message b/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-message
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..77c6243373dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-message
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+SmokePing has now been installed in %%PREFIX%%/smokeping/.
+NOTE: A set of sample configuration files have been installed:
+ %%PREFIX%%/smokeping/etc/config
+ %%PREFIX%%/smokeping/etc/smokemail
+ %%PREFIX%%/smokeping/etc/basepage.html
+ %%PREFIX%%/smokeping/etc/config-echoping
+You need edit these to suit your requirements. Please refer to
+%%PREFIX%%/share/doc/smokeping/smokeping_install.txt and
+%%PREFIX%%/share/doc/smokeping/smokeping_config.txt for further
+details on installation and configuration.
+Once configured, you can start SmokePing data collection by running:
+ %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/smokeping.sh start
+To enable Apache web access, add the following to your
+ ScriptAlias /smokeping.cgi %%PREFIX%%/smokeping/htdocs/smokeping.cgi
+ Alias /smokeimg/ %%PREFIX%%/smokeping/htdocs/img/
diff --git a/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-plist b/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9bc8806023c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/smokeping/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+@unexec if cmp -s %D/smokeping/etc/basepage.html %D/smokeping/etc/basepage.html.dist; then rm -f %D/smokeping/etc/basepage.html; fi
+@exec [ -f %B/basepage.html ] || cp %B/%f %B/basepage.html
+@unexec if cmp -s %D/smokeping/etc/config %D/smokeping/etc/config.dist; then rm -f %D/smokeping/etc/config; fi
+@exec [ -f %B/config ] || cp %B/%f %B/config
+@unexec if cmp -s %D/smokeping/etc/smokemail %D/smokeping/etc/smokemail.dist; then rm -f %D/smokeping/etc/smokemail; fi
+@exec [ -f %B/smokemail ] || cp %B/%f %B/smokemail
+@unexec if cmp -s %D/smokeping/etc/config-echoping %D/smokeping/etc/config-echoping.dist; then rm -f %D/smokeping/etc/config-echoping; fi
+@exec [ -f %B/config-echoping ] || cp %B/%f %B/config-echoping
+@exec mkdir -p %D/smokeping/htdocs/img; chown www:www %D/smokeping/htdocs/img
+@unexec rm -rf %D/smokeping/htdocs/img
+@exec mkdir -p %D/smokeping/var
+@unexec rmdir %D/smokeping/var || true
+@unexec rmdir %D/smokeping/etc || true
+@dirrm smokeping/htdocs
+@dirrm smokeping/lib/probes
+@dirrm smokeping/lib/ISG
+@dirrm smokeping/lib
+@dirrm share/doc/smokeping
+@unexec rmdir %D/smokeping || true