path: root/net-mgmt
diff options
authordemon <demon@FreeBSD.org>2011-12-07 22:24:20 +0800
committerdemon <demon@FreeBSD.org>2011-12-07 22:24:20 +0800
commit4e2a2b004052a6f46c37d8125670a77e84561bf6 (patch)
tree9a382dcbced492cd22eb486b5a3ce563e39c389f /net-mgmt
parent3324381ce10bcf51ed56357736124f9cf9d24487 (diff)
A plugin for Nagios to query common NetSNMP-exported information:
-- disk status; -- processes status; -- swap status; -- load averages; -- anything else exported via NetSNMP's exec or extend directives. Feature safe: yes
Diffstat (limited to 'net-mgmt')
5 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-mgmt/Makefile b/net-mgmt/Makefile
index 70076ad3f268..b22edcd159b6 100644
--- a/net-mgmt/Makefile
+++ b/net-mgmt/Makefile
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
SUBDIR += nagios-check_kumofs
SUBDIR += nagios-check_memcached_paranoid
SUBDIR += nagios-check_mysql_slave
+ SUBDIR += nagios-check_netsnmp
SUBDIR += nagios-check_nick
SUBDIR += nagios-check_ports
SUBDIR += nagios-check_puppet
diff --git a/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/Makefile b/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3a45d16ace4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: nagios-check_netsnmp
+# Date created: 7 December 2011
+# Whom: Dmitry Sivachenko <demon@FreeBSD.org>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= check_netsnmp
+CATEGORIES= net-mgmt
+DISTFILES= # none
+MAINTAINER= demon@FreeBSD.org
+COMMENT= Nagios plug-in to get some common NetSNMP-exported information
+RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/libexec/nagios/utils.pm:${PORTSDIR}/net-mgmt/nagios-plugins \
+ ${SITE_PERL}/Net/SNMP.pm:${PORTSDIR}/net-mgmt/p5-Net-SNMP
+NO_BUILD= yes
+PLIST_FILES= libexec/nagios/check_netsnmp %%DOCSDIR%%/check_netsnmp.html
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${FILESDIR}/check_netsnmp ${PREFIX}/libexec/nagios
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/check_netsnmp.html ${DOCSDIR}
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/files/check_netsnmp b/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/files/check_netsnmp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..42f6eb250b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/files/check_netsnmp
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42, (c) Poul-Henning Kamp):
+# Dmitry Sivachenko <mitya@cavia.pp.ru> wrote this file. As long as you
+# retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we
+# meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a
+# beer in return.
+# Dmitry Sivachenko
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Net::SNMP;
+use lib "/usr/local/libexec/nagios";
+use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS);
+my $load = '.';
+my $proc = '.';
+my $disk = '.';
+my $file = '.';
+my $swap = '.';
+my $exec = '.';
+my $errorFlag = '100';
+my $errorMsg = '101';
+my $TotalSwap = '.';
+my $AvailSwap = '.';
+my $laLoad1 = '.';
+my $laLoad5 = '.';
+my $laLoad15 = '.';
+my $errflag = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+my ($opt_h, $opt_C, $opt_H, $opt_o, $opt_p, $opt_t);
+ "h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
+ "C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C,
+ "H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H,
+ "o=s" => \$opt_o, "oid=s" => \$opt_o,
+ "p=i" => \$opt_p, "port=i" => \$opt_p,
+ "t=i" => \$opt_t, "timeout=i" => \$opt_t
+if ($opt_h) {
+ print_help();
+ exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
+if (! utils::is_hostname($opt_H)){
+ print_help();
+ exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
+if ($opt_o ne 'disk' && $opt_o ne 'swap' && $opt_o ne 'proc' &&
+ $opt_o ne 'load' && $opt_o ne 'file' &&
+ $opt_o !~ /^\d+$/ && $opt_o !~ /^(\.\d+)+\.$/) {
+ print_help();
+ exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
+# Just in case of problems, let's not hang Nagios
+$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
+ print ("ERROR: No response from SNMP server (alarm)\n");
+ exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
+alarm($TIMEOUT * 6); # 1.5 minutes
+my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
+ -timeout => $opt_t || $TIMEOUT,
+ -hostname => $opt_H,
+ -community => $opt_C || 'public',
+ -port => $opt_p || 161
+if (!defined($session)) {
+ printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $error);
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+if (!defined($opt_o)) {
+ print("Please specify OID to query (-c).\n");
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+exit $errflag;
+sub getOID {
+ my $result = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$_[0]]);
+ if (defined($result)) {
+ return $result->{$_[0]};
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub checkOID {
+ my $baseOID; my $i; my $first_query = 1; my $first_error = 1;
+ if ($_[0] eq 'swap') {
+ $i = 0;
+ } else {
+ $i = 1;
+ }
+ if ($_[0] eq 'load') {
+ $baseOID = $load;
+ } elsif ($_[0] eq 'proc') {
+ $baseOID = $proc;
+ } elsif ($_[0] eq 'disk') {
+ $baseOID = $disk;
+ } elsif ($_[0] eq 'swap') {
+ $baseOID = $swap;
+ } elsif ($_[0] eq 'file') {
+ $baseOID = $file;
+ } else {
+ if ($_[0] =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $baseOID = $exec . $_[0] . '.';
+ } else {
+ $baseOID = $_[0];
+ }
+ }
+ my $tmpOID = $baseOID . $errorFlag . ".$i";
+ my $res = getOID($tmpOID);
+ while (defined($res)) {
+ if ($res != 0) {
+ $errflag = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ $tmpOID = $baseOID . $errorMsg . ".$i";
+ my $res1 = getOID($tmpOID);
+ if (defined($res1)) {
+ if (!$first_error) {
+ print ", ";
+ }
+ print $res1;
+ } else {
+ print 'Unable to get error message!';
+ }
+ $first_error = 0;
+ }
+ $first_query = 0;
+ $i++; $tmpOID = $baseOID . $errorFlag . ".$i";
+ $res = getOID($tmpOID);
+ }
+ if ($errflag == $ERRORS{'OK'} && !$first_query) {
+ if ($_[0] eq 'load') {
+ my $tmp;
+ $tmp = getOID($laLoad1);
+ if (defined($tmp)) {
+ print "Load-1: $tmp, ";
+ } else {
+ $errflag = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ print "Error obtaining OID $laLoad1!";
+ }
+ $tmp = getOID($laLoad5);
+ if (defined($tmp)) {
+ print "Load-5: $tmp, ";
+ } else {
+ $errflag = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ print "Error obtaining OID $laLoad5!";
+ }
+ $tmp = getOID($laLoad15);
+ if (defined($tmp)) {
+ print "Load-15: $tmp";
+ } else {
+ $errflag = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ print "Error obtaining OID $laLoad15!";
+ }
+ } elsif ($_[0] eq 'proc') {
+ print "Processes ok";
+ } elsif ($_[0] eq 'disk') {
+ print "Disks ok";
+ } elsif ($_[0] eq 'file') {
+ print "File sizes ok";
+ } elsif ($_[0] eq 'swap') {
+ my $tmp;
+ $tmp = getOID($TotalSwap);
+ if (defined($tmp)) {
+ my $tmp1 = int($tmp/1024);
+ print "Total: $tmp1" . "Mb, ";
+ } else {
+ $errflag = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ print "Error obtaining OID $TotalSwap!";
+ }
+ $tmp = getOID($AvailSwap);
+ if (defined($tmp)) {
+ my $tmp1 = int($tmp/1024);
+ print "Free: $tmp1" . "Mb";
+ } else {
+ $errflag = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ print "Error obtaining OID $AvailSwap!";
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $tmp = getOID("$baseOID$errorMsg.1");
+ if (defined($tmp)) {
+ print $tmp;
+ } else {
+ $errflag = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ print "Error obtaining OID $baseOID$errorMsg.1!";
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($first_query) {
+ print "Error obtaining OID $tmpOID! (no response?)";
+ $errflag = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+sub print_help {
+ print "Usage: $0 [-C COMMUNITY] [-p port] -H HOSTNAME -o swap|proc|load|disk|file|<OID>|<exec num>\n";
+ print "
+-C, --community
+ Community name to use in queries. (default: public)
+-H, --hostname
+ Hostname to send SNMP queries to.
+-p, --port
+ Port number to send SNMP requests to. (default: 161)
+-t, --timeout=INTEGER
+ Seconds before connection times out (default: 15)
+-o, --oid
+ OID to query. $errorFlag is queried to check for errors and $errorMsg
+ is queried for error message set by snmpd. Shortcuts are:
+ swap (. For use in conjunction with
+ 'swap' keyword in snmpd.conf.
+ proc (. For use in conjunction with
+ 'proc' keyword in snmpd.conf.
+ load (. For use in conjunction with
+ 'load' keyword in snmpd.conf.
+ disk (. For use in conjunction with
+ 'disk' keyword in snmpd.conf.
+ <OID>. Query the specified OID. For use in conjunction with
+ 'exec' keyword in snmpd.conf.
+ file (. For use in conjunction with
+ 'file' keyword in snmpd.conf.
+ <exec num>. Query the specified number in the 'exec' OID tree.
+ Equivalent to '.<exec num>'.
diff --git a/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/files/check_netsnmp.html b/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/files/check_netsnmp.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..23128f830008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/files/check_netsnmp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+<head><title>check_netsnmp plugin for Nagios</title>
+<center><h1>check_netsnmp plugin for Nagios</h1>(<a
+<p><b>Motivation.</b> There are several common parameters we want to
+monitor for (almost) every computer in our network:
+<li>Free disk space
+<li>Free swap space
+<li>Average loads
+<li>That important processes are running on the machine
+<li>Total number of processes and a number of processes in
+<em>zombie</em> state
+<li>A number of free mbuf clusters available (most our servers run
+FreeBSD, thus the notion of mbuf clusters)
+<code>snmpd</code>, provided by free <a
+href="http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/">net-snmp</a> package, provides
+a convenient way to collect this information and export it by means of
+SNMP protocol. It also allows one to specify the critical values for
+the above parameters and automatically sets error flag to indicate the
+error occured and provides error message which describes it.
+Using <code>snmpd</code> it is also possible to execute custom scripts
+which allows to monitor parameters which are not available in standard
+<p>check_netsnmp plugin for <a
+href="http://www.nagios.org/">Nagios</a> is written in perl, uses no
+external commands and
+requires <code>utils</code> module, available from <a
+distribution, and <code>Net::SNMP</code> module, available from <a
+<p><b>Usage.</b> Put <code>check_netsnmp</code> plugin to the
+directory in which you installed nagios-plugins (typically $USER1$
+variable points to it).
+<li><b>Monitoring free disk space.</b> Used in conjunction with
+<code>disk</code> keyword in <code>snmpd.conf</code>. Imagine that
+you have two mount points on the monitored machine: <code>/</code> and
+<code>/var</code> and you want to be sure <code>/</code> has more than
+<code>20%</code> free space and <code>/var</code> has more that
+<code>30%</code> free space. Put the following lines to the
+disk / 20%
+disk /var 30%
+Next, define the following command in your Nagios configuration:
+define command{
+ command_name check_disk
+ command_line $USER1$/check_netsnmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -o disk
+and add the relevant service:
+define service{
+ use generic-service
+ host_name host.name.ru
+ service_description disks
+ check_command check_disk
+The same procedure applies to checking swap, processes and load averages
+(use with <code>swap</code>, <code>proc</code> and <code>load</code>
+keywords in <code>snmpd.conf</code>).
+<li><b>Monitoring free mbuf clusters.</b> This is a bit harder since
+there are no corresponding mibs in snmpd. Here is where snmpd's
+<code>exec</code> keyword may be used. Write your own script which
+checks for mbuf clusters and returns 0 if there are enough of them
+free, and 1 if there are not. An example may be found <a
+href="mbufmon.sh">here</a>. Then put the folowing line in your
+exec . MBufMon /usr/local/share/snmp/exec/mbufmon.sh
+Define the following command in your Nagios configuration:
+define command{
+ command_name check_mbufmon
+ command_line $USER1$/check_netsnmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -o 3
+You may use the full OID instead of just 3 here, if you export the
+result of mbufmon.sh under nonstandard OID.
+<code>.</code> is prepended to 3 in this example
+automatically. Finally, add the service to check for mbufs:
+define service{
+ use generic-service
+ host_name host.name.ru
+ service_description MBufMon
+ check_command check_mbufmon
+Please send your comments and suggestions to <a
diff --git a/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/pkg-descr b/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..624e5e087b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+A plugin for Nagios to query common NetSNMP-exported information:
+-- disk status;
+-- processes status;
+-- swap status;
+-- load averages;
+-- anything else exported via NetSNMP's exec or extend directives.
+Author: trtrmitya@gmail.com