path: root/net-p2p
diff options
authorjbeich <jbeich@FreeBSD.org>2018-11-02 10:09:29 +0800
committerjbeich <jbeich@FreeBSD.org>2018-11-02 10:09:29 +0800
commit8f375f742e5b376a8f3d3ef20f19fc4995726cf6 (patch)
tree983997b315563c6eb9202adad48b655066e7e99b /net-p2p
parentec56c52c534157e74233c24bdf2137674a97826f (diff)
net-p2p/py-libtorrent-rasterbar: unbreak with boost 1.69
bindings/python/src/error_code.cpp:119:10: error: no matching member function for call to 'def' .def("message", &error_category::message) ~^~~ /usr/local/include/boost/python/class.hpp:229:11: note: candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'F' self& def(char const* name, F f) ^ /usr/local/include/boost/python/class.hpp:219:11: note: candidate function template not viable: requires single argument 'visitor', but 2 arguments were provided self& def(def_visitor<Derived> const& visitor) ^ /usr/local/include/boost/python/class.hpp:238:11: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 3 arguments, but 2 were provided self& def(char const* name, A1 a1, A2 const& a2) ^ /usr/local/include/boost/python/class.hpp:245:11: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 4 arguments, but 2 were provided self& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2) ^ /usr/local/include/boost/python/class.hpp:261:11: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 5 arguments, but 2 were provided self& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2, A3 const& a3) ^ bindings/python/src/error_code.cpp:127:10: error: no matching member function for call to 'def' .def("message", &error_code::message) ~^~~ /usr/local/include/boost/python/class.hpp:229:11: note: candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'F' self& def(char const* name, F f) ^ /usr/local/include/boost/python/class.hpp:219:11: note: candidate function template not viable: requires single argument 'visitor', but 2 arguments were provided self& def(def_visitor<Derived> const& visitor) ^ /usr/local/include/boost/python/class.hpp:238:11: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 3 arguments, but 2 were provided self& def(char const* name, A1 a1, A2 const& a2) ^ /usr/local/include/boost/python/class.hpp:245:11: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 4 arguments, but 2 were provided self& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2) ^ /usr/local/include/boost/python/class.hpp:261:11: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 5 arguments, but 2 were provided self& def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2, A3 const& a3) ^ PR: 232525 Obtained from: upstream (libtorrent 1.1.11)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-p2p')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-p2p/py-libtorrent-rasterbar/files/patch-boost-1.69 b/net-p2p/py-libtorrent-rasterbar/files/patch-boost-1.69
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5c3142e597f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/py-libtorrent-rasterbar/files/patch-boost-1.69
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+--- Jamfile.orig 2018-10-05 09:19:18 UTC
++++ Jamfile
+@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ BOOST_ROOT = [ modules.peek : BOOST_ROOT ] ;
+ # this is used to make bjam use the same version of python which is executing setup.py
+-feature visibility : default hidden : composite ;
+-feature.compose <visibility>hidden : <cflags>-fvisibility=hidden <cxxflags>-fvisibility-inlines-hidden ;
++feature lt-visibility : default hidden : composite ;
++feature.compose <lt-visibility>hidden : <cflags>-fvisibility=hidden <cxxflags>-fvisibility-inlines-hidden ;
+ feature libtorrent-link : shared static : composite propagated ;
+ feature libtorrent-python-pic : off on : composite propagated link-incompatible ;
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ rule libtorrent_linking ( properties * )
+ || <toolset>clang in $(properties)
+ || <toolset>clang-darwin in $(properties)
+ {
+- result += <visibility>hidden ;
++ result += <lt-visibility>hidden ;
+ if ( <toolset>gcc in $(properties) )
+ {
+--- src/error_code.cpp.orig 2018-10-05 09:19:18 UTC
++++ src/error_code.cpp
+@@ -112,11 +112,58 @@ namespace {
+ };
+ }
++struct category_holder
++ category_holder(boost::system::error_category const& cat) : m_cat(&cat) {}
++ char const* name() const { return m_cat->name(); }
++ std::string message(int const v) const { return m_cat->message(v); }
++ friend bool operator==(category_holder const lhs, category_holder const rhs)
++ { return *lhs.m_cat == *rhs.m_cat; }
++ friend bool operator!=(category_holder const lhs, category_holder const rhs)
++ { return *lhs.m_cat != *rhs.m_cat; }
++ friend bool operator<(category_holder const lhs, category_holder const rhs)
++ { return *lhs.m_cat < *rhs.m_cat; }
++ boost::system::error_category const& ref() const { return *m_cat; }
++ operator boost::system::error_category const&() const { return *m_cat; }
++ boost::system::error_category const* m_cat;
++void error_code_assign(boost::system::error_code& self, int const v, category_holder const cat)
++ self.assign(v, cat.ref());
++category_holder error_code_category(boost::system::error_code const& self)
++ return category_holder(self.category());
++#define WRAP_CAT(name) \
++ category_holder wrap_ ##name## _category() { return category_holder(name## _category()); }
++#undef WRAP_CAT
+ void bind_error_code()
+ {
+- class_<boost::system::error_category, boost::noncopyable>("error_category", no_init)
+- .def("name", &error_category::name)
+- .def("message", &error_category::message)
++ class_<category_holder>("error_category", no_init)
++ .def("name", &category_holder::name)
++ .def("message", &category_holder::message)
+ .def(self == self)
+ .def(self < self)
+ .def(self != self)
+@@ -124,39 +171,37 @@ void bind_error_code()
+ class_<error_code>("error_code")
+ .def(init<>())
+- .def("message", &error_code::message)
++ .def(init<int, category_holder>())
++ .def("message", static_cast<std::string (error_code::*)() const>(&error_code::message))
+ .def("value", &error_code::value)
+ .def("clear", &error_code::clear)
+- .def("category", &error_code::category
+- , return_internal_reference<>())
+- .def("assign", &error_code::assign)
++ .def("category", &error_code_category)
++ .def("assign", &error_code_assign)
+ .def_pickle(ec_pickle_suite())
+ ;
+-typedef return_value_policy<reference_existing_object> return_existing;
+- def("libtorrent_category", &libtorrent_category, return_existing());
+- def("upnp_category", &upnp_category, return_existing());
+- def("http_category", &http_category, return_existing());
+- def("socks_category", &socks_category, return_existing());
+- def("bdecode_category", &bdecode_category, return_existing());
++ def("libtorrent_category", &wrap_libtorrent_category);
++ def("upnp_category", &wrap_upnp_category);
++ def("http_category", &wrap_http_category);
++ def("socks_category", &wrap_socks_category);
++ def("bdecode_category", &wrap_bdecode_category);
+- def("i2p_category", &i2p_category, return_existing());
++ def("i2p_category", &wrap_i2p_category);
+ #endif
+- def("get_libtorrent_category", &libtorrent_category, return_existing());
+- def("get_upnp_category", &upnp_category, return_existing());
+- def("get_http_category", &http_category, return_existing());
+- def("get_socks_category", &socks_category, return_existing());
+- def("get_bdecode_category", &bdecode_category, return_existing());
++ def("get_libtorrent_category", &wrap_libtorrent_category);
++ def("get_upnp_category", &wrap_upnp_category);
++ def("get_http_category", &wrap_http_category);
++ def("get_socks_category", &wrap_socks_category);
++ def("get_bdecode_category", &wrap_bdecode_category);
+- def("get_i2p_category", &i2p_category, return_existing());
++ def("get_i2p_category", &wrap_i2p_category);
+ #endif
+- def("generic_category", &boost::system::generic_category, return_existing());
++ def("generic_category", &wrap_generic_category);
+- def("system_category", &boost::system::system_category, return_existing());
++ def("system_category", &wrap_system_category);
+ }
+--- ../../src/bdecode.cpp.orig 2018-10-05 09:19:18 UTC
++++ ../../src/bdecode.cpp
+@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
+ const char* bdecode_error_category::name() const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+- return "bdecode error";
++ return "bdecode";
+ }
+ std::string bdecode_error_category::message(int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT
+--- ../../src/error_code.cpp.orig 2018-10-05 09:19:18 UTC
++++ ../../src/error_code.cpp
+@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
+ struct TORRENT_EXPORT http_error_category : boost::system::error_category
+ {
+ virtual const char* name() const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT
+- { return "http error"; }
++ { return "http"; }
+ virtual std::string message(int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ std::string ret;
+--- ../../src/socks5_stream.cpp.orig 2018-10-05 09:19:18 UTC
++++ ../../src/socks5_stream.cpp
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
+ struct socks_error_category : boost::system::error_category
+ {
+ virtual const char* name() const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT
+- { return "socks error"; }
++ { return "socks"; }
+ virtual std::string message(int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ static char const* messages[] =
+--- ../../src/upnp.cpp.orig 2018-10-05 09:19:18 UTC
++++ ../../src/upnp.cpp
+@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ struct upnp_error_category : boost::system::error_cate
+ {
+ virtual const char* name() const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+- return "UPnP error";
++ return "upnp";
+ }
+ virtual std::string message(int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT
+--- ../../test/test_bdecode.cpp.orig 2018-10-05 09:19:18 UTC
++++ ../../test/test_bdecode.cpp
+@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ TORRENT_TEST(bdecode_error)
+ {
+ error_code ec(bdecode_errors::overflow);
+ TEST_EQUAL(ec.message(), "integer overflow");
+- TEST_EQUAL(ec.category().name(), std::string("bdecode error"));
++ TEST_EQUAL(ec.category().name(), std::string("bdecode"));
+ ec.assign(5434, get_bdecode_category());
+ TEST_EQUAL(ec.message(), "Unknown error");
+ }