path: root/sysutils/getdelta
diff options
authorrafan <rafan@FreeBSD.org>2008-03-19 21:28:58 +0800
committerrafan <rafan@FreeBSD.org>2008-03-19 21:28:58 +0800
commitec592dde95f2fb90c151c9225615a2c73cfc4ae0 (patch)
treec8f03c3d841928df284d581f266803ac52d1e8aa /sysutils/getdelta
parent8f5e520d9cbc126b836f6f529e360373f6865d2f (diff)
This is port of Gentoo getdelta.sh.
Getdelta uses Deltup to reduce bandwidth load while upgrading ports distfiles. WWW: http://linux01.gwdg.de/~nlissne/ - Anton Statutov astatutov@gmail.com PR: ports/121828 Submitted by: Anton Statutov <astatutov at gmail.com>, Andrew R. Muhametshin
Diffstat (limited to 'sysutils/getdelta')
5 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sysutils/getdelta/Makefile b/sysutils/getdelta/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ab7b40d358b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/getdelta/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Ports collection makefile for: getdelta
+# Date created: 15 December 2007
+# Whom: Anton Statutov <astatutov@gmail.com>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= getdelta
+CATEGORIES= sysutils
+ \
+ http://distfiles.gentoo.org/distfiles/ \
+ http://linux01.gwdg.de/~nlissne/
+MAINTAINER= astatutov@gmail.com
+COMMENT= Script for reducing bandwidth load while upgrading ports disfiles
+RUN_DEPENDS= deltup>=0.4.4:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/deltup \
+ wget:${PORTSDIR}/ftp/wget \
+ bash:${PORTSDIR}/shells/bash
+USE_BZIP2= yes
+NO_BUILD= yes
+PLIST_FILES= bin/getdelta.sh
+SUB_FILES= pkg-message
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+ s,%%PREFIX%%,${PREFIX},' \
+ ${WRKSRC}/getdelta.sh
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/getdelta.sh ${PREFIX}/bin/getdelta.sh
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/sysutils/getdelta/distinfo b/sysutils/getdelta/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a9e01925cd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/getdelta/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 (getdelta-0.7.8.tar.bz2) = e6feab0fe6a71f63e5a693c67ef7fd1e
+SHA256 (getdelta-0.7.8.tar.bz2) = 72bd5dac59e86a5c78217a15e3198df513152dc784a8685b1a8c2c5efdb34217
+SIZE (getdelta-0.7.8.tar.bz2) = 10335
diff --git a/sysutils/getdelta/files/patch-getdelta.sh b/sysutils/getdelta/files/patch-getdelta.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1e48a1bf7943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/getdelta/files/patch-getdelta.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+--- ./getdelta.sh.orig 2008-03-15 23:50:36.000000000 +0300
++++ ./getdelta.sh 2008-03-15 23:50:04.000000000 +0300
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # getdelta.sh
+ # A download-wrapper script for gentoo that tries to get dtu files
+ # created by deltup instead of downloading complete source-files
+@@ -22,9 +22,35 @@
+ # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330
+ # Boston, MA 02111, USA.
+ VERSION="0.7"
+ # Changelog
++# version 0.7.8-freebsd_4 2008/03/15
++# Anton Statutov:
++# - version revision
++# version 0.7.8-freebsd_3 2008/03/11
++# Andrew R. Muhametshin:
++# - fixed litte bug
++# - fixed 'handled situation when required file already exists' - added the real check.
++# version 0.7.8-freebsd_2 2008/03/11
++# Andrew R. Muhametshin:
++# - added refetch feature
++# - added 'tgz' mask
++# - added check of FETCH_CMD parameters
++# - distfiles path fixed
++# - fixed 'date' calls
++# - some work on CHECK_OLD_FILE
++# Anton Statutov:
++# - fixed litte ouput bug
++# version 0.7.8-freebsd_1 2008/02/12
++# - handled situation when required file already exists in distfiles
++# version 0.7.8-freebsd 2008/02/09 by Anton Statutov stant@bestyle.ru
++# - replaced "stat -c %s" to "stat -f "%z"
++# - replaced "/etc/deltup" to "/usr/local/etc/deltup"
++# - replaced $1 to $2 because $1 is the size of file on freebsd
++# - some minor changes
+ # version 0.7.8 2007/07/13
+ # - added option -O to call of emerge when finding mirrors
+ # - replaced some calls of coreutils with bash-internals
+@@ -63,7 +89,7 @@
+ # instead of asking the server - the server does not use this parameter - it just
+ # exists to create unique request-URLS (as proposed by bodo "bothie" thiesen)
+ # version 0.6.9 2005/03/11
+-# ­ exit with exitcode of wget to signal to portage if
++# - exit with exitcode of wget to signal to portage if
+ # download was successful
+ # - handle metadata.dtd as exception (repoman uses FETCHCOMMAND)
+ # - you can disable fetching of dtu-files now by setting
+@@ -208,7 +234,9 @@
+ # This file: #
+ ####################################################
+ #
+ splitversion(){
+@@ -368,6 +396,7 @@
+ # ignore some strings in any filename
+ echo $(sed -e "s/\.bz2$//g" \
+ -e "s/\.gz$//g" \
++ -e "s/\.tgz$//g" \
+ -e "s/[0-9]//g" \
+ -e "s/pre//g" \
+ -e "s/preview//g" \
+@@ -378,18 +407,34 @@
+ -e "s/ //g" <<< $MASK_FILENAME)
+ }
++ _return=0
++ _sfx1="$(rev <<< $1 | cut -d. -f1 | rev)"
++ _sfx2="$(rev <<< $1 | cut -d. -f2 | rev)"
++ if [ ${_sfx2} = "tar" -o ${_sfx1} = "tgz" -o ${_sfx1} = "tbz" ]
++ then
++ output "Testing file integrity with tar.\n"
++ if ! tar -tf $1 >/dev/null
++ then
++ output "${RED}reported an error while testing ${CYAN}$1${RED} - so this file is unusable.\n"
++ _return=1
++ fi
++ fi
++ return ${_return}
+ # create or update a config-file
+ add_to_configfile KDE_MIRROR "ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable" "we de not get kde-deltas from a delta-up-server, since kde provides own xdelta-files"
+ add_to_configfile LOCAL_MIRROR "" "set this to one or more (space separated) URI ending with '/' if you want to check one or more local mirror(s) first\n# most people just leave it empty."
+ add_to_configfile DELTUP_SERVER "http://linux01.gwdg.de/~nlissne/deltup.php" "deltup-server to use"
+-add_to_configfile FETCH "/usr/bin/wget -t 1 --passive-ftp" "command to use for downloading"
++add_to_configfile FETCH "${PREFIX}/bin/wget -t 1 --passive-ftp" "command to use for downloading"
+ add_to_configfile QUEUERETRY 15 "number of seconds to wait before a queued request is retried"
+ add_to_configfile MAXIMUM_ACCEPTABLE_QUEUEPOS "15" "the maximum queuepos you would accept (if higher download full archive instead)"
+ add_to_configfile QUEUETIMEOUT 900 "when a dtu-request is queued - how long should we wait max. before downloading the original archive instead (in seconds)"
+ add_to_configfile CHECK_OLD_FILE "false" "set to \"true\", if you want getdelta.sh to use Pkunk's integrity check for the old file before downloading dtu-files"
+ add_to_configfile REMOVE_OLD "false" "set to \"true\", if you want getdelta.sh to delete the old file, if patch was succesful"
+-add_to_configfile DO_NOT_REMOVE "/etc/deltup/do_not_remove" "a list of files not to be removed by REMOVE_OLD feature"
++add_to_configfile DO_NOT_REMOVE "${PREFIX}/etc/deltup/do_not_remove" "a list of files not to be removed by REMOVE_OLD feature"
+ add_to_configfile REMOVE_INCOMPLETE_OLD_FILES "false" "set this to \"true\" if you want getdelta.sh to delete old versions that seems to be corrupt,\n# or to \"false\" if you want to delete them manually\n# note: getdelta.sh will not use these files anyway"
+ add_to_configfile VERBOSITY true "set to \"true\", if you want verbose outputs (later to be set to a level [0-3])"
+ add_to_configfile COLOR true "set to \"true\", if you want colorful messages, \"false\" if not."
+@@ -424,23 +469,6 @@
+ add_to_donotremove "^rp-pppoe"
+-if [ -z $1 ]
+- COLOR=true
+- echo -e "${YELLOW}getdelta.sh version ${VERSION}"
+- echo "This script has to be called like this:"
+- echo -e "${CYAN}$0 <URI>"
+- echo -e "\n${YELLOW}To use it, you should just put the following line into your /etc/make.conf"
+- echo -e "${GREEN}FETCHCOMMAND=\"$0 \\\${URI}\""
+- echo -e "\n${YELLOW}There is a config-file ${CYAN}${GETDELTA_CONFIGFILE}${YELLOW} with some variables to control the behaviour of this script."
+- echo -e "Edit it to your needs.${NORMAL}"
+- exit 1
+-# include variables from gentoo make.globals and make.conf
+-source /etc/make.globals
+-source /etc/make.conf
+ if ${COLOR}
+ then
+ RED="\033[01;31m"
+@@ -459,14 +487,32 @@
+ CYAN=""
+ fi
+ grep -q "getdelta.sh" <<< "${RESUMECOMMAND}" &&
+ output "${RED}do NOT set RESUMECOMMAND to use getdelta.sh" &&
+ output "use getdelta.sh for your FETCHCOMMAND, only." &&
+ sleep 5 && exit 1
+-pushd $DISTDIR >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
++if [[ "${1%%-S*}" ]] ; then ORIG_URI=$1 ; else ORIG_URI=$2 ; fi
+ NEW_FILE=$(basename $ORIG_URI)
++if [ -z "${ORIG_URI}" -a -z "${NEW_FILE}" ]
++ COLOR=true
++ echo -e "${YELLOW}getdelta.sh version ${VERSION}"
++ echo "This script has to be called like this:"
++ echo -e "${CYAN}$0 <URI>"
++ echo -e "\n${YELLOW}To use it, you should just put the following line into your /etc/make.conf"
++ echo -e "${GREEN}FETCH_CMD=\"$0\""
++ echo -e "\n${YELLOW}There is a config-file ${CYAN}${GETDELTA_CONFIGFILE}${YELLOW} with some variables to control the behaviour of this script."
++ echo -e "Edit it to your needs.${NORMAL}"
++ exit 1
++pushd $DISTDIR >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ # repoman downloads metadata.dtd with FETCHCOMMAND
+ # this should not be done with getdelta - so just fetch the file and exit
+@@ -578,7 +624,12 @@
+ if ! [ -z "$filelist" ]
+ then
+ # we have got a list of candidates in $filelist now. find the best match .
+- output "${GREEN}We have the following candidates to choose from \n${YELLOW}`sed -e \"s/\ /\\n/g\" <<< $filelist` \n"
++ output "${GREEN}We have the following candidates to choose from:"
++ for _name in $filelist
++ do
++ output "${YELLOW}${_name}"
++ done
++ output ""
+ # find matching part of filename - first: frontmatch
+ x=0;
+@@ -588,7 +639,7 @@
+ do
+ for ((i=0;i<${#a[@]};i++))
+ do
+- [ ${a[0]:${x}:1} != ${a[$i]:${x}:1} ] && match=$x
++ [[ ${a[0]:${x}:1} != ${a[$i]:${x}:1} ]] && match=$x
+ done
+ ((x++))
+ done
+@@ -601,7 +652,7 @@
+ do
+ for ((i=0;i<${#a[@]};i++))
+ do
+- [ ${a[0]:${#a[0]}-${x}:1} != ${a[$i]:${#a[$i]}-${x}:1} ] && match=$x
++ [[ ${a[0]:${#a[0]}-${x}:1} != ${a[$i]:${#a[$i]}-${x}:1} ]] && match=$x
+ done
+ ((x++))
+ done
+@@ -652,31 +703,23 @@
+ output "${GREEN}The best of all is ... ${CYAN}${best_candidate}\n"
+ output "${YELLOW}Checking if this file is OK.\n"
+- # this part is based on Pkunk's code posted on http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63525
+- # but with some changes
+- then
+- file_digest=$(grep -h ${best_candidate} ${FILESDIR}/digest-* | sed -n 1p)
+- if [ "$file_digest" ]
++ if [ "${best_candidate}" = "${NEW_FILE}" ]
+ then
+- file_md5=$(cut -d ' ' -f2 <<< "$file_digest")
+- file_origsize=$(cut -d ' ' -f4 <<< "$file_digest")
+- file_currentsize=$(stat -c %s ${best_candidate})
+- if [ $file_currentsize -ne $file_origsize ]
++ output "${RED}Required file already exists... \n"
++ if ! check_file "${best_candidate}"
+ then
+- output "${RED}Found ${best_candidate}, but filesize ${CYAN}${file_currentsize} ${RED} does not match ${CYAN}${file_origsize} (found in digest-file)\n"
+- fi
++ exit 1
+ else
+- if [ $(rev <<< ${best_candidate} | cut -d. -f2 | rev) = "tar" ]
+- then
+- output "${YELLOW}Could not find a digest-file for ${CYAN}${best_candidate}${YELLOW}. Testing file integrity with tar.\n"
+- if ! tar -tf ${best_candidate} >/dev/null
+- then
+- output "${RED}reported an error while testing ${CYAN}${best_candidate}${RED} - so this file is unusable.\n"
++ output "${RED}md5 checksum is not correct ${CYAN}\"$DISTDIR/${best_candidate}\"${RED} - but this file is usable.\n"
++ exit 0
+ fi
++ fi
++ then
++ check_file "${best_candidate}" || FILE_IS_CORRUPT=true
+ then
+@@ -684,27 +727,24 @@
+ remove ${best_candidate}
+ fi
+ fi
+- fi
+- fi
+ # end of file-corruption check for $best_candidate found in distfiles
+ then
+- QUERY_URL=$(GENTOO_MIRRORS="" emerge -fOp =${CATEGORY}/${PF} 2>&1 |
+- sed -e "s/ /\\n/g" | egrep "(http|ftp)://" |
+- grep "${NEW_FILE}" | tail -n 1)
+ query="?have=${best_candidate}&want=${NEW_FILE}&url=${QUERY_URL}&version=${VERSION}&time=$(date +%s)"
+ output "${GREEN}Trying to download ${YELLOW}${best_candidate}-${NEW_FILE}.dtu\n"
+ # Remember where we are, and go to a new dir there we can work
+- tmp_dwn_dest="${DISTDIR}/.getdelta-`date +%N`-tmp"
++ tmp_dwn_dest="${DISTDIR}/.getdelta-`date +%s`_${RANDOM}-tmp"
+ mkdir ${tmp_dwn_dest}
+ # If user abort Ctrl+C (signal 2), remove tmp-dir; enabable trap again and send it again to stop wget
+ trap "rm -r ${tmp_dwn_dest}; trap 2; kill -2 $$" 2
+ pushd ${tmp_dwn_dest} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ # thanks to MATSUI Fe2+ Tetsushi for idea and patch
+- FILESIZE=$(stat -c %s "${DISTDIR}/${best_candidate}")
++ FILESIZE=$(stat -f "%z" "${DISTDIR}/${best_candidate}")
+@@ -771,10 +811,10 @@
+ if [ -f ${best_candidate}-${NEW_FILE}.dtu ]
+ then
+ output "${GREEN}Successfully fetched the dtu-file - let's build ${NEW_FILE}...\n"
+- downloadsize=$(stat -c %s ${best_candidate}-${NEW_FILE}.dtu)
++ downloadsize=$(stat -f "%z" ${best_candidate}-${NEW_FILE}.dtu)
+ if deltup -p -v -D ${DISTDIR} ${best_candidate}-${NEW_FILE}.dtu
+ then
+- newsize=$(stat -c %s ${NEW_FILE})
++ newsize=$(stat -f "%z" ${NEW_FILE})
+ let savedsize=${newsize}-${downloadsize}
+ let percent=${savedsize}*100/${newsize}
+ unit="bytes"
+@@ -824,12 +864,22 @@
+ # Ok, once we are here, we should have got the delta (and used it)
+ # or we still have to download the full file
+ if ! [ -f ${DISTDIR}/${NEW_FILE} ]
+ then
+ output "${RED}The dtu could not be fetched,${YELLOW} downloading full file from original URL\n"
+ # remember we had a fallback to use correct exitcode for portage
++ if [ $FALLBACK = 0 ] ; then
++ output "${YELOW}Download complete\n"
++ mv "${TMP_DWN_FILE}" "${DISTDIR}/${NEW_FILE}"
++ fi
++ [ -f "${TMP_DWN_FILE}" ] && rm "${TMP_DWN_FILE}"
+ fi
diff --git a/sysutils/getdelta/files/pkg-message.in b/sysutils/getdelta/files/pkg-message.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..568341e2dd1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/getdelta/files/pkg-message.in
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+To use Getdelta for upgrading ports you need to add the following string into /etc/make.conf:
+To do this you can simply run the following command:
+echo "FETCH_CMD=%%PREFIX%%/bin/getdelta.sh" >> /etc/make.conf
diff --git a/sysutils/getdelta/pkg-descr b/sysutils/getdelta/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8e80e4304eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/getdelta/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+This is port of Gentoo getdelta.sh.
+Getdelta uses Deltup to reduce bandwidth load while upgrading ports distfiles.
+WWW: http://linux01.gwdg.de/~nlissne/
+- Anton Statutov