path: root/textproc
diff options
authormatthew <matthew@FreeBSD.org>2013-04-28 00:46:31 +0800
committermatthew <matthew@FreeBSD.org>2013-04-28 00:46:31 +0800
commit3aefe0b24dd21ac7b316342b840349e66127dcd1 (patch)
tree00693290ee61d8fb169f32b2da45df39db64ede7 /textproc
parent2472eab5ad72f63b92bd727774b19a2dd341f907 (diff)
Update to 2.0.8
ChangeLog: Bug fixes --------- * fixed #1515, log strings over 2KB were clipped when query_log_format=plain * fixed #1514, RT index disk chunk lose attribute update on daemon restart * fixed #1512, crash while formatting log messages * fixed #1511, crash on indexing PostgreSQL data source with MVA attributes * fixed #1509, blend_chars vs incomplete multi-form and overshort * fixed #1504, RT binlog replay vs descending tid on update * fixed #1499, sql_field_str2wordcount actually is int, not string * fixed #1498, now working with exceptions starting with number too * fixed #1496, multiple destination keywords in wordform * fixed #1494, lost 'mod', '%' operations in select list. Also corrected few typers in the doc. * fixed #1490, expand_keywords vs prefix * fixed #1487, `id` in expression fixed * fixed #1483, snippets limits fix * fixed #1481, shebang config changes check on rotation * fixed #1479, port handling in PHP Sphinx API * fixed #1474, daemon crash at SphinxQL packet overflows max_packet_size * fixed #1472, crash on loading index to indextool for check * fixed #1465, expansion_limit got lost in index rotation * fixed #1427, #1506, utf8 3 and 4-bytes codepoints * fixed #1405, between with mixed int float values
Diffstat (limited to 'textproc')
2 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/textproc/sphinxsearch/Makefile b/textproc/sphinxsearch/Makefile
index 5992e7c762f0..9d98f9fd1c43 100644
--- a/textproc/sphinxsearch/Makefile
+++ b/textproc/sphinxsearch/Makefile
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# See http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/articles/sphinxse.html
PORTNAME= sphinxsearch
CATEGORIES= textproc databases
MASTER_SITES= http://sphinxsearch.com/files/
DISTNAME= sphinx-${PORTVERSION}-release
diff --git a/textproc/sphinxsearch/distinfo b/textproc/sphinxsearch/distinfo
index 5accc3e7ddc2..f40a3ccc64e8 100644
--- a/textproc/sphinxsearch/distinfo
+++ b/textproc/sphinxsearch/distinfo
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SHA256 (sphinx-2.0.7-release.tar.gz) = 668e7bd00ff30596581ef7a7f0a9bc591746f6a259e19e1346350c5efa857ef6
-SIZE (sphinx-2.0.7-release.tar.gz) = 1983132
+SHA256 (sphinx-2.0.8-release.tar.gz) = a3cde63ba77d97a3c75e30751a81da924de9f1609dd312d6c6f12b2a982d8714
+SIZE (sphinx-2.0.8-release.tar.gz) = 1988432
SHA256 (libstemmer_c.tgz) = 19f1ef2a7ee03246f10dd963bcaa5a401a10b7f85f7488415e309e5dbe9f4cf9
SIZE (libstemmer_c.tgz) = 129520