path: root/www/ismail
diff options
authoredwin <edwin@FreeBSD.org>2004-12-22 07:34:57 +0800
committeredwin <edwin@FreeBSD.org>2004-12-22 07:34:57 +0800
commiteee1efdfd8d0f9c19801193ccccbc714bed1ce1f (patch)
treec3eac3644c056f4b5f7be6a1b89f14d5a0c87ed9 /www/ismail
parenteec64e13fbf6696ccfb5fd425a9d6b663da01214 (diff)
New Port: mail/ismail PHP-based webmail client
Inside Systems Mail is a web mail client that makes heavy use of JS, CSS, and DOM to create a snappy, easily configurable and familiar mail interface. PR: ports/68205 Submitted by: Kelley Reynolds <kelley@insidesystems.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'www/ismail')
6 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/ismail/Makefile b/www/ismail/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..68a736e41a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/ismail/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: ismail
+# Date created: 18 June 2004
+# Whom: Kelley Reynolds <kelley@insidesystems.net>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= ismail
+CATEGORIES= www mail
+MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.verbotenplanet.net/ISMail/
+MAINTAINER= kelley@insidesystems.net
+COMMENT= PHP-based webmail client
+USE_BZIP2= yes
+ISMAILDIR?= www/data/ismail
+NO_BUILD= yes
+USE_PHP= yes
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+PORTDOC_FILES= docs.html
+PORT_EXAMPLES= mysql4.schema pgsql.schema
+LIB_DEPENDS+= c-client4.8:${PORTSDIR}/mail/cclient
+ -e 's,%%MKDIR%%,${MKDIR},g' \
+ -e 's,%%WRKSRC%%,${WRKSRC},g' \
+ -e 's,%%ISMAILDIR%%,${ISMAILDIR},g' \
+ -e 's,%%DOCSDIR%%,${DOCSDIR},g' \
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "Inside Systems Mail will be installed to "
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "To change it, set the following:"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} ""
+ @${ECHO_MSG} ""
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "Inside Systems Mail requires that mod_php4 be build with"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "IMAP support. To enable IMAP support, you must set"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} ""
+ @${ECHO_MSG} " WITH_IMAP=yes"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} ""
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "One of the following mod_php4 extensions are required to"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "use the provided dastores:"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "
+ @${ECHO_MSG} " WITH_MYSQL=yes"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "Hit Ctrl-C now to cancel the installation"
+ @sleep 7
+ @${SED} ${SED_SCRIPT} ${FILESDIR}/install.sh > ${WRKDIR}/install.sh
+ @${SED} ${SED_SCRIPT} pkg-message > ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
+ ${SH} ${WRKDIR}/install.sh
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+.for docfile in ${PORTDOC_FILES}
+ @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${docfile} ${DOCSDIR}
+.for example in ${PORT_EXAMPLES}
+ @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/examples/${example} ${EXAMPLESDIR}
+ @${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/www/ismail/distinfo b/www/ismail/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb8271f13bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/ismail/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+MD5 (ismail-2.0pre4.tar.bz2) = 6896aa031c3f2bf21ee88be8d1e9cc39
+SIZE (ismail-2.0pre4.tar.bz2) = 135465
diff --git a/www/ismail/files/install.sh b/www/ismail/files/install.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ee5c2f6422d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/ismail/files/install.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# install.sh v0.1
+# Install script which reads files from the plist and copies them to the appropriate
+# location and makes directories for them if necessary
+# Install the required files
+for file in `cat pkg-plist | grep -v @ | grep ISMAILDIR | sed 's,%%[A-Z]*%%,,g'`; do
+ dir=`echo "${file}" | sed 's,/[^/]*$,/,g'`
+ if [ -d %%WRKSRC%%/ISMail/${dir} ]; then
+ %%MKDIR%% %%INSTALLDIR%%/${dir}
+ fi
+ %%INSTALL_DATA%% %%WRKSRC%%/ISMail/${file} %%INSTALLDIR%%/${file}
diff --git a/www/ismail/pkg-descr b/www/ismail/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3035a6b0ce68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/ismail/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Inside Systems Mail is a web mail client that makes heavy use of
+JS, CSS, and DOM to create a snappy, easily configurable and
+familiar mail interface.
+WWW: http://www.insidesystems.net/projects/project.php?projectid=4
+- Kelley Reynolds
diff --git a/www/ismail/pkg-message b/www/ismail/pkg-message
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..23973b6ab8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/ismail/pkg-message
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Before Inside Systems Mail will work!!
+An ismail.conf file must be created and placed in
+A reference ismail.conf has been provided at
+but requires modification to work. Please check the
+provided HTML documentation in %%DOCSDIR%% or browse
+for configuration help.
+Note: The default configuration data store requires domxml
+to be compiled in to to mod_php4. For alternate datastores,
+check %%EXAMPLESDIR%% for sample postgresql and mysql
+schemas and set the ismail.conf file accordingly.
diff --git a/www/ismail/pkg-plist b/www/ismail/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d0a8020c22d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/ismail/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%xtree
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%themes/swarthy/xtree
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%themes/swarthy/css
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%themes/swarthy
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%themes
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%locale/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%locale/it_IT
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%locale/en_US
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%locale/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%locale/da_DK
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%locale/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%locale/cs_CZ
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%locale
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%include/datastores
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%include
+@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%
+@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
+@dirrm %%ISMAILDIR%%