path: root/www
diff options
authortrevor <trevor@FreeBSD.org>2004-11-29 07:31:07 +0800
committertrevor <trevor@FreeBSD.org>2004-11-29 07:31:07 +0800
commit76cbfed1e88710b28d93d233225e5713e9e3a245 (patch)
treef9df3beeb4591a1c1b91f521b9f75b7c1ebc89f0 /www
parentd98b0fd728428defa90a5574a9069f694a698b8e (diff)
Update to 1.7.3. Make deflenus and psm components mandatory. Add
choices for Chatzilla and the spell-checker.
Diffstat (limited to 'www')
4 files changed, 31 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/www/linux-mozilla/Makefile b/www/linux-mozilla/Makefile
index e78b438f6bfe..aa01527563f2 100644
--- a/www/linux-mozilla/Makefile
+++ b/www/linux-mozilla/Makefile
@@ -7,20 +7,14 @@
PORTNAME= mozilla
CATEGORIES= www linux
MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= mozilla/releases/mozilla${PORTVERSION}/linux-xpi
-FORBIDDEN= "http://vuxml.freebsd.org/c1d97a8b-05ed-11d9-b45d-000c41e2cdad.html (security)"
-PATCHFILES= linux-mozilla-${PORTVERSION}-generated-files.tar.bz2
MAINTAINER= trevor@FreeBSD.org
COMMENT=Browser, HTML editor, MUA and newsreader for use with Linux plugins
@@ -52,6 +46,7 @@ pre-everything::
DISTFILES= browser.xpi \
+ chatzilla.xpi \
deflenus.xpi \
inspector.xpi \
langenus.xpi \
@@ -59,6 +54,7 @@ DISTFILES= browser.xpi \
psm.xpi \
regus.xpi \
talkback.xpi \
+ spellcheck.xpi \
venkman.xpi \
.if exists(${WRKDIRPREFIX}${.CURDIR}/work/xpi/components.conf)
@@ -71,27 +67,7 @@ do-extract:
unzip -qo ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${i} -d ${WRKSRC}
- ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/tmp
- ${TAR} -C ${WRKSRC}/bin -xf -
- ${TAR} -C ${WRKSRC}/tmp -xf -
- for j in chatzilla cookie inspector messenger pippki venkman; do \
- if [ ! -e ${WRKSRC}/bin/chrome/$$j.jar ]; then \
- for i in communicator editor messenger navigator; do \
- ${GREP} -v $$j ${WRKSRC}/tmp/chrome/overlayinfo/$$i/content/overlays.rdf > \
- ${WRKSRC}/bin/chrome/overlayinfo/$$i/content/overlays.rdf; \
- ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/bin/chrome/overlayinfo/$$i/content/overlays.rdf \
- ${WRKSRC}/tmp/chrome/overlayinfo/$$i/content/overlays.rdf; \
- done; \
- ${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/bin/chrome/overlayinfo/$$j/content/overlays.rdf; \
- fi; \
- done;
-# - kldload linux
-# ${SETENV} $DISPLAY="NONE" ${WRKSRC}/bin/mozilla file:///dev/null
${ECHO_CMD} "#!/bin/sh" >${WRKDIR}/${STARTUP_CMD}
${ECHO_CMD} -n "cd " >>${WRKDIR}/${STARTUP_CMD}
diff --git a/www/linux-mozilla/distinfo b/www/linux-mozilla/distinfo
index 879f00d81df0..84439e1a1603 100644
--- a/www/linux-mozilla/distinfo
+++ b/www/linux-mozilla/distinfo
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/browser.xpi) = 6f3104840e177c0a6af6e4a3f1488471
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/browser.xpi) = 9363161
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/deflenus.xpi) = ea12fe4ac6096fe5c44c0eaed74897db
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/deflenus.xpi) = 7606
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/inspector.xpi) = 3d2319dc7f9806b86e92d8eb436aaefe
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/inspector.xpi) = 126493
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/langenus.xpi) = f91a7cf743fbd27ec0b42d1e6c4568b2
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/langenus.xpi) = 568521
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/linux-mozilla-1.5-generated-files.tar.bz2) = bbc553cb9c6fdfd512f39df79ff0b549
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/linux-mozilla-1.5-generated-files.tar.bz2) = 58760
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/mail.xpi) = 81989b57d13d14df3379c301a9b65a4a
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/mail.xpi) = 1995618
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/psm.xpi) = ba5d124a7d5b891aa146d16a064c7b4a
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/psm.xpi) = 810140
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/regus.xpi) = 27dcbcca8a079cb41d0ac5e9bcda899a
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/regus.xpi) = 25648
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/talkback.xpi) = caa1b36a146a7d22fb7dc8d8429e1fe5
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/talkback.xpi) = 823986
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/venkman.xpi) = 00477fd8968eefbe850bf56a7f1d824a
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/venkman.xpi) = 211193
-MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.5/xpcom.xpi) = 45dde70e3a185f73bbd91257d549189c
-SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.5/xpcom.xpi) = 882025
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/browser.xpi) = 325f65002b09e618b5b41b2a149d31f6
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/browser.xpi) = 7881703
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/langenus.xpi) = e5c6d355c93238680410bc0717851760
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/langenus.xpi) = 500086
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/regus.xpi) = 48b41482c3227877b45b52b949ad35f9
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/regus.xpi) = 21051
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/xpcom.xpi) = 09d231ca6594f9a17bfd2b3f24b08bd2
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/xpcom.xpi) = 850154
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/chatzilla.xpi) = 6a84972f6f67ef3a55732bf85187db75
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/chatzilla.xpi) = 163263
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/deflenus.xpi) = c4c7c3e74920f522ab7c03f340053a34
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/deflenus.xpi) = 7202
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/inspector.xpi) = 5880bb0ad21ee04264af0b87350aa453
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/inspector.xpi) = 125184
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/mail.xpi) = d16268243d47395b7b51b23c32f8878b
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/mail.xpi) = 1933029
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/psm.xpi) = 020d652b6fd42a7e4aabf4d1a011e314
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/psm.xpi) = 819817
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/spellcheck.xpi) = 28e2bc6a87143535717b3a6914d4b146
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/spellcheck.xpi) = 279232
+MD5 (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/venkman.xpi) = 4b451134e948648dcf78a7698f4c3ee0
+SIZE (linux-mozilla/1.7.3/venkman.xpi) = 211964
diff --git a/www/linux-mozilla/pkg-descr b/www/linux-mozilla/pkg-descr
index 6569b28efeb5..0ca399c12f0e 100644
--- a/www/linux-mozilla/pkg-descr
+++ b/www/linux-mozilla/pkg-descr
@@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
This is the Mozilla suite (Web browser, HTML editor, mail user
-agent, news reader, and address book) pre-compiled for Linux. The
-Linux version is necessary for running plugins which are only
-available as Linux binaries.
+agent, news reader, and IRC client) pre-compiled for Linux. Instead
+of using this port, another way to run plugins which are only
+available as Linux binaries is to install the linuxpluginwrapper
-The Chatzilla IRC client is not installed by this port, due to a
-security bug.
-This port is compatible with the www/linuxflashplugin port and with
-the Flash and Java plugins from the www/linux-netscape6 port.
-For the maintainer, the Java plugin from Netscape 6 does not work
-when linux_base-7 is installed, but does work under linux_base-61
-or linux_base-62. Your mileage may vary.
+If you find a Java plugin which works with this port, please tell
+the maintainer.
WWW: http://mozilla.org/
diff --git a/www/linux-mozilla/scripts/configure b/www/linux-mozilla/scripts/configure
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e7d35bb0c13..000000000000
--- a/www/linux-mozilla/scripts/configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-echo ${WRKSRC}/components.conf
-if [ -f ${WRKSRC}/components.conf ]; then
- exit
-tempfile=`/usr/bin/mktemp -t checklist`
-echo "browser langenus regus xpcom" > /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$;
-/usr/bin/dialog --title "Mozilla component selection" --clear \
- --checklist "\n\
-Choose which components of Mozilla to download and install. \n\
-Press the space bar to toggle selections." -1 -1 6 \
-"deflenus" "American English profile defaults (8 kB)" ON \
-"inspector" "DOM inspector (124 kB)" ON \
-"mail" "Mozilla Mail and News (1968 kB)" ON \
-"psm" "Personal Security Manager--recommended (816 kB)" ON \
-"talkback" "sends crash logs to Mozilla staff (832 kB)" ON \
-"venkman" "JavaScript debugger (224 kB)" ON \
-2>> /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-case $retval in
- 1) echo "Cancel pressed."
- exit 1
- ;;
-choice=`cat /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$`
-rm -f /tmp/checklist.tmp.$$
-echo "$choice"
-echo "$choice" \
- | sed -e "s/\"//g" \
- | sort -u \
- | sed -e "s/ /.xpi /g" \
- | sed -e "s/$/.xpi/g" \
- | perl -pi -e "s/ /\n/g" \
- > ${WRKSRC}/components.conf
-echo "* Your choices are saved. You must run the \"make\" command again to"
-echo "* complete the build. Ignore the \"Error code 1\" below."
-exit 1