path: root/www
diff options
authorrene <rene@FreeBSD.org>2014-04-04 07:01:30 +0800
committerrene <rene@FreeBSD.org>2014-04-04 07:01:30 +0800
commit3396f8b9cfdec34d875acee2cfa7c59fa6042507 (patch)
tree5dcbf753a19240c9c381efb0b94c1f76a32023c0 /www
parent7dd9ff1ea8c1e5c57e8b6eb578ddf002f95c1df2 (diff)
Remove expired ports:
2014-04-03 www/aolserver: abandonware, messing up on clusters 2014-04-03 www/openacs-dotlrn: Depends on expiring www/aolserver 2014-04-03 www/openacs: Depends on expiring www/aolserver 2014-04-03 security/aolserver-nsmcrypt: abandonware, messing up on clusters 2014-04-03 www/aolserver-xotcl: abandonware, messing up on clusters 2014-04-03 graphics/aolserver-nsgd: abandonware, messing up on clusters 2014-04-03 security/aolserver-nsencrypt: abandonware, messing up on clusters 2014-04-03 security/aolserver-nsmhash: abandonware, messing up on clusters 2014-04-03 archivers/aolserver-nszlib: abandonware, messing up on clusters 2014-04-03 security/aolserver-nsopenssl: abandonware, messing up on clusters 2014-04-03 databases/aolserver-nspostgres: abandonware, messing up on clusters 2014-04-03 databases/aolserver-nsmysql: abandonware, messing up on clusters 2014-04-03 security/aolserver-nssha1: abandonware, messing up on clusters
Diffstat (limited to 'www')
24 files changed, 0 insertions, 2376 deletions
diff --git a/www/Makefile b/www/Makefile
index 119d9ee2fb69..ade232b59d89 100644
--- a/www/Makefile
+++ b/www/Makefile
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
SUBDIR += analog
SUBDIR += anyremote2html
SUBDIR += anyterm
- SUBDIR += aolserver
- SUBDIR += aolserver-xotcl
SUBDIR += apache-forrest
SUBDIR += apache-mode.el
SUBDIR += apache22
@@ -582,8 +580,6 @@
SUBDIR += ojs2
SUBDIR += ompload
SUBDIR += oops
- SUBDIR += openacs
- SUBDIR += openacs-dotlrn
SUBDIR += opencart
SUBDIR += openx
SUBDIR += openxmldir
diff --git a/www/aolserver-xotcl/Makefile b/www/aolserver-xotcl/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ced59f052c44..000000000000
--- a/www/aolserver-xotcl/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Created by: Martin Matuska <mm@FreeBSD.org>
-# $FreeBSD$
-CATEGORIES= www tcl
-PKGNAMEPREFIX= aolserver-
-MASTERDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../lang/xotcl
-DEPRECATED= abandonware, messing up on clusters
-EXPIRATION_DATE= 2014-04-03
-NO_STAGE= yes
-.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"
diff --git a/www/aolserver/Makefile b/www/aolserver/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 94d97dd030ba..000000000000
--- a/www/aolserver/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,735 +0,0 @@
-# Created by: Matthew Braithwaite <mab@red-bean.com>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= aolserver
-DIST_SUBDIR= aolserver
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= A multithreaded web server with embedded TCL interpreter
-LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/license.terms
-DEPRECATED= abandonware, messing up on clusters
-EXPIRATION_DATE= 2014-04-03
-USES= gmake tcl:84,85
-PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
-PKGINSTALL= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-install
-PKGDEINSTALL= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-deinstall
-SUB_FILES= pkg-message aolserver pkg-install pkg-deinstall
-ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 amd64
-HTMLDOCS_DESC= Install HTML documentation
-MANPAGES_DESC= Install manpages
-TESTS_DESC= Install tests in example directory
-NO_STAGE= yes
-.include <bsd.port.options.mk>
- --with-tcl="${TCL_LIBDIR}"
-INSTALL_TARGET= install install-man
-MAN1= nsd.1
-MAN3= Ns_FreeConnInterp.3 Ns_ClsAlloc.3 Ns_GetMimeType.3 Ns_GetProcInfo.3 \
- Ns_IntPrint.3 Ns_SetUrlToFileProc.3 Ns_HttpTime.3 Ns_HtuuDecode.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_MasterLock.3 \
- Ns_ModuleGetSymbol.3 Ns_PoolAlloc.3 Ns_ServerSpecificAlloc.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_Main.3 Ns_PurgeFiles.3 Ns_HomePath.3 ns_calloc.3 \
- Ns_SemaDestroy.3 Ns_QuoteHtml.3 Ns_RWLockDestroy.3 Ns_RegisterAtExit.3 \
- Ns_SetConnLocationProc.3 Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SockRecv.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_TclEnterSet.3 Ns_CloseOnExec.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_GetAddrByHost.3 Ns_FreeRequest.3 Ns_TclDbGetHandle.3 \
- Ns_TclDetachedThread.3 Ns_ThreadAlloc.3 Ns_TclGetOpenChannel.3 \
- Ns_TclGetTimeFromObj.3 Ns_TclInitInterps.3 Ns_TclRegisterAtCleanup.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_TlsAlloc.3 Ns_AbsoluteUrl.3 Ns_ThreadCreate.3 \
- Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc.3 Ns_AdjTime.3 Ns_AdpRegisterParser.3 Ns_GetTemp.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnFile.3 Ns_ConnGetStatus.3 Ns_ConnGetType.3 \
- Ns_ConfigGetBool.3 Ns_DbDriverDbType.3 Ns_DbInterpretSqlFile.3 \
- Ns_CopyEnviron.3 Ns_ConnReturnOpenChannel.3 Ns_ExecArgblk.3 \
- Ns_ExtDbMsgCodeToName.3 Ns_FetchPage.3 Ns_Gzip.3 Ns_ConnFlush.3 \
- Ns_ConnDriverContext.3 Ns_ConnFlushHeaders.3 Ns_ClearSockErrno.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnGets.3 Ns_ConnClose.3 \
- Ns_After.3 ns_asctime.3 Ns_CsDestroy.3 Ns_ConnContent.3 Ns_DRand.3 \
- Ns_ConnCopyToChannel.3 Ns_ConnQueueHeaders.3 Ns_DbBouncePool.3 \
- Ns_DbSpExec.3 Ns_DecodeUrl.3 Ns_DriverInit.3 Ns_Encrypt.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetQuery.3 Ns_Fatal.3 Ns_ConnRedirect.3 Ns_ConnGetEncoding.3 \
- Ns_GetGid.3 ns_sigmask.3 Ns_SockCallback.3 Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_CondBroadcast.3 Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders.3 \
- Ns_ConnPrintfHeader.3 Ns_ConnReturnAdminNotice.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_RegisterCleanup.3 Ns_TclAllocateInterp.3
-MANN= ns_geturl.n ns_gifsize.n ns_headers.n ns_hrefs.n ns_ictl.n ns_info.n \
- ns_gmtime.n ns_kill.n ns_column.n ns_library.n ns_localtime.n ns_log.n \
- ns_logroll.n ns_modulepath.n ns_normalizepath.n ns_parseheader.n \
- ns_parsequery.n ns_register_adp.n ns_http.n ns_after.n ns_adp_stats.n \
- ns_atclose.n ns_cache.n ns_chan.n ns_job.n ns_adp_argc.n \
- ns_adp_registeradp.n ns_chmod.n ns_conn.n ns_connsendfp.n ns_eval.n \
- ns_for.n ns_fmttime.n ns_rollfile.n ns_addrbyhost.n ns_cleanup.n \
- ns_rand.n ns_register_filter.n ns_set.n ns_share.n ns_crypt.n \
- ns_shutdown.n ns_sleep.n ns_sockaccept.n ns_thread.n ns_time.n \
- ns_checkurl.n ns_purgefiles.n ns_adp_ctl.n ns_adp_mimetype.n ns_adp.n \
- ns_adp_abort.n ns_url2file.n ns_mktemp.n ns_urlencode.n ns_uudecode.n \
- ns_writefp.n env.n ns_adp_append.n ns_adp_debug.n ns_config.n \
- ns_getchannels.n ns_guesstype.n ns_module.n ns_cond.n ns_httptime.n \
- ns_markfordelete.n ns_requestauthorize.n
-MLINKS= Ns_AdpRegisterParser.3 Ns_AdpRequest.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_AllocThreadLocalStorage.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_AuthorizeUser.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_BeginDetachedThread.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_BeginThread.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_BroadcastEvent.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheCreate.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheCreateEntry.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheCreateSz.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheDeleteEntry.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheDestroy.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheFind.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheFindEntry.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheFirstEntry.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheFlush.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheFlushEntry.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheFree.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheGetValue.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheKey.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheLock.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheMalloc.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheName.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheNextEntry.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheSetValue.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheSetValueSz.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheSignal.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheTimedWait.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheTryLock.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheUnlock.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheUnsetValue.3 \
- Ns_CacheBroadcast.3 Ns_CacheWait.3 \
- Ns_After.3 Ns_Cancel.3 \
- Ns_ClsAlloc.3 Ns_ClsGet.3 \
- Ns_ClsAlloc.3 Ns_ClsSet.3 \
- Ns_CondBroadcast.3 Ns_CondDestroy.3 \
- Ns_CondBroadcast.3 Ns_CondInit.3 \
- Ns_CondBroadcast.3 Ns_CondSignal.3 \
- Ns_CondBroadcast.3 Ns_CondTimedWait.3 \
- Ns_CondBroadcast.3 Ns_CondWait.3 \
- Ns_ConfigGetBool.3 Ns_ConfigGetInt.3 \
- Ns_ConfigGetBool.3 Ns_ConfigGetInt64.3 \
- Ns_ConfigGetBool.3 Ns_ConfigGetPath.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnAuthUser.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetQuery.3 Ns_ConnClearQuery.3 \
- Ns_ConnContent.3 Ns_ConnContentFd.3 \
- Ns_ConnContent.3 Ns_ConnContentLength.3 \
- Ns_ConnContent.3 Ns_ConnContentOnDisk.3 \
- Ns_ConnCopyToChannel.3 Ns_ConnCopyToDString.3 \
- Ns_ConnCopyToChannel.3 Ns_ConnCopyToFd.3 \
- Ns_ConnCopyToChannel.3 Ns_ConnCopyToFile.3 \
- Ns_ConnDriverContext.3 Ns_ConnDriverName.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetQuery.3 Ns_ConnFirstFile.3 \
- Ns_ConnFlush.3 Ns_ConnFlushDirect.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetQuery.3 Ns_ConnGetFile.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnHeaders.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnHost.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnId.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnLocation.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetQuery.3 Ns_ConnNextFile.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnOutputHeaders.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnPeer.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnPeerPort.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnPort.3 \
- Ns_ConnPrintfHeader.3 Ns_ConnPuts.3 \
- Ns_ConnGets.3 Ns_ConnRead.3 \
- Ns_ConnGets.3 Ns_ConnReadHeaders.3 \
- Ns_ConnGets.3 Ns_ConnReadLine.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnResponseLength.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnResponseStatus.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnAdminNotice.3 Ns_ConnReturnData.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnOpenChannel.3 Ns_ConnReturnFdEx.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_ConnReturnForbidden.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnAdminNotice.3 Ns_ConnReturnHtml.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_ConnReturnInternalError.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_ConnReturnNoResponse.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_ConnReturnNotFound.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_ConnReturnNotImplemented.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_ConnReturnNotModified.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnAdminNotice.3 Ns_ConnReturnNotice.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_ConnReturnOk.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnOpenChannel.3 Ns_ConnReturnOpenFd.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnOpenChannel.3 Ns_ConnReturnOpenFile.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_ConnReturnStatus.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_ConnReturnUnauthorized.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_ConnRunRequest.3 \
- Ns_ConnPrintfHeader.3 Ns_ConnSend.3 \
- Ns_ConnPrintfHeader.3 Ns_ConnSendChannel.3 \
- Ns_ConnPrintfHeader.3 Ns_ConnSendDString.3 \
- Ns_ConnPrintfHeader.3 Ns_ConnSendFd.3 \
- Ns_ConnPrintfHeader.3 Ns_ConnSendFdEx.3 \
- Ns_ConnPrintfHeader.3 Ns_ConnSendFp.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnServer.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetEncoding.3 Ns_ConnSetEncoding.3 \
- Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders.3 Ns_ConnSetExpiresHeader.3 \
- Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders.3 Ns_ConnSetHeaders.3 \
- Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders.3 Ns_ConnSetLastModifiedHeader.3 \
- Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders.3 Ns_ConnSetLengthHeader.3 \
- Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders.3 Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetStatus.3 Ns_ConnSetStatus.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetType.3 Ns_ConnSetType.3 \
- Ns_ConnAuthPasswd.3 Ns_ConnSock.3 \
- Ns_ConnPrintfHeader.3 Ns_ConnWrite.3 \
- Ns_CsDestroy.3 Ns_CsEnter.3 \
- Ns_CsDestroy.3 Ns_CsInit.3 \
- Ns_CsDestroy.3 Ns_CsLeave.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringAppendArg.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringAppendElement.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringExport.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringFree.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringInit.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringLength.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringNAppend.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringPop.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringPrintf.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringPush.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringSetLength.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringTrunc.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringValue.3 \
- Ns_DStringAppend.3 Ns_DStringVarAppend.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_Db1Row.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_DbBindRow.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_DbCancel.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_DbDML.3 \
- Ns_DbDriverDbType.3 Ns_DbDriverName.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_DbExec.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_DbFlush.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_DbGetRow.3 \
- Ns_DbBouncePool.3 Ns_DbPoolAllowable.3 \
- Ns_DbBouncePool.3 Ns_DbPoolDefault.3 \
- Ns_DbBouncePool.3 Ns_DbPoolDescription.3 \
- Ns_DbBouncePool.3 Ns_DbPoolGetHandle.3 \
- Ns_DbBouncePool.3 Ns_DbPoolGetMultipleHandles.3 \
- Ns_DbBouncePool.3 Ns_DbPoolList.3 \
- Ns_DbBouncePool.3 Ns_DbPoolPutHandle.3 \
- Ns_DbBouncePool.3 Ns_DbPoolTimedGetHandle.3 \
- Ns_DbBouncePool.3 Ns_DbPoolTimedGetMultipleHandles.3 \
- Ns_DbInterpretSqlFile.3 Ns_DbQuoteValue.3 \
- Ns_DbDriverDbType.3 Ns_DbRegisterDriver.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_DbResetHandle.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_DbSelect.3 \
- Ns_Db0or1Row.3 Ns_DbSetException.3 \
- Ns_DbSpExec.3 Ns_DbSpGetParams.3 \
- Ns_DbSpExec.3 Ns_DbSpReturnCode.3 \
- Ns_DbSpExec.3 Ns_DbSpSetParam.3 \
- Ns_DbSpExec.3 Ns_DbSpStart.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_DestroyCriticalSection.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_DestroyEvent.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_DestroyMutex.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_DestroyRWLock.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_DestroySemaphore.3 \
- Ns_AdjTime.3 Ns_DiffTime.3 \
- Ns_CloseOnExec.3 Ns_DupHigh.3 \
- Ns_DecodeUrl.3 Ns_EncodeUrl.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_EnterCriticalSection.3 \
- Ns_ExecArgblk.3 Ns_ExecArgv.3 \
- Ns_ExecArgblk.3 Ns_ExecProc.3 \
- Ns_ExecArgblk.3 Ns_ExecProcess.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_ExitThread.3 \
- Ns_ExtDbMsgCodeToName.3 Ns_ExtDbMsgNameToCode.3 \
- Ns_ExtDbMsgCodeToName.3 Ns_ExtDbMsgRequiresArg.3 \
- Ns_FetchPage.3 Ns_FetchURL.3 \
- Ns_ExecArgblk.3 Ns_Fork.3 \
- Ns_DRand.3 Ns_GenSeeds.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetEncoding.3 Ns_GetCharsetEncoding.3 \
- Ns_FreeConnInterp.3 Ns_GetConnInterp.3 \
- Ns_DriverInit.3 Ns_GetDriverContext.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetEncoding.3 Ns_GetEncoding.3 \
- Ns_ExecArgblk.3 Ns_GetEnviron.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetEncoding.3 Ns_GetFileEncoding.3 \
- Ns_GetAddrByHost.3 Ns_GetHostByAddr.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_GetRequest.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_GetSockAddr.3 \
- Ns_ClearSockErrno.3 Ns_GetSockErrno.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_GetThread.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_GetThreadId.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_GetThreadServer.3 \
- Ns_AdjTime.3 Ns_GetTime.3 \
- Ns_ConnGetEncoding.3 Ns_GetTypeEncoding.3 \
- Ns_GetGid.3 Ns_GetUid.3 \
- Ns_GetGid.3 Ns_GetUserGid.3 \
- Ns_GetGid.3 Ns_GetUserHome.3 \
- Ns_HtuuDecode.3 Ns_HtuuEncode.3 \
- Ns_AdjTime.3 Ns_IncrTime.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexDel.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexDestroy.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexDup.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexEl.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexFind.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexFindInf.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexFindMultiple.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexInit.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexIntInit.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexStringAppend.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexStringDestroy.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexStringDup.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexStringInit.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexStringTrunc.3 \
- Ns_IndexAdd.3 Ns_IndexTrunc.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoBootTime.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoBuildDate.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoConfigFile.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoErrorLog.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoHomePath.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoHostname.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoLabel.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoNameOfExecutable.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoPid.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoPlatform.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoServerName.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoServerVersion.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoServersStarted.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoShutdownPending.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoStarted.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoTag.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_InfoUptime.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_InitializeCriticalSection.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_InitializeEvent.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_InitializeMutex.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_InitializeRWLock.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_InitializeSemaphore.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_LeaveCriticalSection.3 \
- Ns_HomePath.3 Ns_LibPath.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListCopy.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListDeleteDuplicates.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListDeleteIf.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListDeleteLowElements.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListDeleteWithTest.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListFree.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListLast.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListLength.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListMapcar.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListNconc.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListNmapcar.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListNreverse.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListPrint.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListSort.3 \
- Ns_ListCons.3 Ns_ListWeightSort.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_LockMutex.3 \
- Ns_Fatal.3 Ns_Log.3 \
- Ns_Fatal.3 Ns_LogRoll.3 \
- Ns_Fatal.3 Ns_LogTime.3 \
- Ns_Fatal.3 Ns_LogTime2.3 \
- Ns_HomePath.3 Ns_MakePath.3 \
- Ns_MasterLock.3 Ns_MasterUnlock.3 \
- Ns_ModuleGetSymbol.3 Ns_ModuleLoad.3 \
- Ns_HomePath.3 Ns_ModulePath.3 \
- Ns_ModuleGetSymbol.3 Ns_ModuleSymbol.3 \
- Ns_DestroyMutex.3 Ns_MutexDestroy.3 \
- Ns_DestroyMutex.3 Ns_MutexInit.3 \
- Ns_DestroyMutex.3 Ns_MutexList.3 \
- Ns_DestroyMutex.3 Ns_MutexLock.3 \
- Ns_DestroyMutex.3 Ns_MutexSetName.3 \
- Ns_DestroyMutex.3 Ns_MutexSetName2.3 \
- Ns_DestroyMutex.3 Ns_MutexTryLock.3 \
- Ns_DestroyMutex.3 Ns_MutexUnlock.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_NextWord.3 \
- Ns_CloseOnExec.3 Ns_NoCloseOnExec.3 \
- Ns_HomePath.3 Ns_NormalizePath.3 \
- Ns_InfoAddress.3 Ns_PageRoot.3 \
- Ns_FreeRequest.3 Ns_ParseHeader.3 \
- Ns_HttpTime.3 Ns_ParseHttpTime.3 \
- Ns_FreeRequest.3 Ns_ParseRequest.3 \
- Ns_AbsoluteUrl.3 Ns_ParseUrl.3 \
- Ns_HomePath.3 Ns_PathIsAbsolute.3 \
- Ns_After.3 Ns_Pause.3 \
- Ns_PoolAlloc.3 Ns_PoolBlockSize.3 \
- Ns_PoolAlloc.3 Ns_PoolCalloc.3 \
- Ns_PoolAlloc.3 Ns_PoolCreate.3 \
- Ns_PoolAlloc.3 Ns_PoolDestroy.3 \
- Ns_PoolAlloc.3 Ns_PoolFlush.3 \
- Ns_PoolAlloc.3 Ns_PoolFree.3 \
- Ns_PoolAlloc.3 Ns_PoolRealloc.3 \
- Ns_PoolAlloc.3 Ns_PoolStrCopy.3 \
- Ns_PoolAlloc.3 Ns_PoolStrDup.3 \
- Ns_FreeRequest.3 Ns_QueryToSet.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_QueueConn.3 \
- Ns_RWLockDestroy.3 Ns_RWLockInit.3 \
- Ns_RWLockDestroy.3 Ns_RWLockRdLock.3 \
- Ns_RWLockDestroy.3 Ns_RWLockUnlock.3 \
- Ns_RWLockDestroy.3 Ns_RWLockWrLock.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_ReadLockRWLock.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_ReadUnlockRWLock.3 \
- Ns_RegisterAtExit.3 Ns_RegisterAtPreStartup.3 \
- Ns_RegisterAtExit.3 Ns_RegisterAtReady.3 \
- Ns_RegisterAtExit.3 Ns_RegisterAtServerShutdown.3 \
- Ns_RegisterAtExit.3 Ns_RegisterAtShutdown.3 \
- Ns_RegisterAtExit.3 Ns_RegisterAtSignal.3 \
- Ns_RegisterAtExit.3 Ns_RegisterAtStartup.3 \
- Ns_RegisterCleanup.3 Ns_RegisterConnCleanup.3 \
- Ns_DriverInit.3 Ns_RegisterDriver.3 \
- Ns_RegisterCleanup.3 Ns_RegisterFilter.3 \
- Ns_ModuleGetSymbol.3 Ns_RegisterModule.3 \
- Ns_GetProcInfo.3 Ns_RegisterProcInfo.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_RegisterProxyRequest.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_RegisterRequest.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_RegisterRedirect.3 \
- Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest.3 Ns_RegisterReturn.3 \
- Ns_RegisterAtExit.3 Ns_RegisterServerShutdown.3 \
- Ns_RegisterCleanup.3 Ns_RegisterServerTrace.3 \
- Ns_RegisterAtExit.3 Ns_RegisterShutdown.3 \
- Ns_AbsoluteUrl.3 Ns_RelativeUrl.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_ReleaseSemaphore.3 \
- Ns_GetTemp.3 Ns_ReleaseTemp.3 \
- Ns_After.3 Ns_Resume.3 \
- Ns_PurgeFiles.3 Ns_RollFile.3 \
- Ns_PurgeFiles.3 Ns_RollFileByDate.3 \
- Ns_After.3 Ns_ScheduleDaily.3 \
- Ns_After.3 Ns_ScheduleProc.3 \
- Ns_After.3 Ns_ScheduleProcEx.3 \
- Ns_After.3 Ns_ScheduleWeekly.3 \
- Ns_SemaDestroy.3 Ns_SemaInit.3 \
- Ns_SemaDestroy.3 Ns_SemaPost.3 \
- Ns_SemaDestroy.3 Ns_SemaWait.3 \
- Ns_ServerSpecificAlloc.3 Ns_ServerSpecificDestroy.3 \
- Ns_ServerSpecificAlloc.3 Ns_ServerSpecificGet.3 \
- Ns_ServerSpecificAlloc.3 Ns_ServerSpecificSet.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetCreate.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetDelete.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetDeleteKey.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_SetEvent.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetFind.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetFindCmp.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetFree.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetGet.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetGetCmp.3 \
- Ns_Gzip.3 Ns_SetGzipProc.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetIDeleteKey.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetIFind.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetIGet.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetIUnique.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetListFind.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetListFree.3 \
- Ns_SetConnLocationProc.3 Ns_SetLocationProc.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetMerge.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetMove.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetPrint.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetPut.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetPutValue.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_SetRequestAuthorizeProc.3 \
- Ns_FreeRequest.3 Ns_SetRequestUrl.3 \
- Ns_ClearSockErrno.3 Ns_SetSockErrno.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetSplit.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_SetThreadServer.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetTrunc.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetUnique.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetUniqueCmp.3 \
- Ns_SetCopy.3 Ns_SetUpdate.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_SetUserAuthorizeProc.3 \
- Ns_AbsoluteUrl.3 Ns_SkipUrl.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockAccept.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockAsyncConnect.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockAsyncConnect2.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockBind.3 \
- Ns_SockCallback.3 Ns_SockCancelCallback.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockCloseLater.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockConnect.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockConnect2.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockListen.3 \
- Ns_SockCallback.3 Ns_SockListenCallback.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockListenEx.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockPipe.3 \
- Ns_SockCallback.3 Ns_SockPortBound.3 \
- Ns_SockRecv.3 Ns_SockSend.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockSetBlocking.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockSetNonBlocking.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockStrError.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockTimedConnect.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 Ns_SockTimedConnect2.3 \
- Ns_SockRecv.3 Ns_SockWait.3 \
- Ns_Main.3 Ns_StopServer.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_StrCaseFind.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_StrCopy.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_StrDup.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_StrNStr.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_StrToLower.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_StrToUpper.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_StrTrim.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_StrTrimLeft.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_StrTrimRight.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 Ns_StringPrint.3 \
- Ns_TclAllocateInterp.3 Ns_TclCreateInterp.3 \
- Ns_TclAllocateInterp.3 Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp.3 \
- Ns_TclAllocateInterp.3 Ns_TclDestroyInterp.3 \
- Ns_TclAllocateInterp.3 Ns_TclEval.3 \
- Ns_TclEnterSet.3 Ns_TclFreeSet.3 \
- Ns_FreeConnInterp.3 Ns_TclGetConn.3 \
- Ns_TclGetOpenChannel.3 Ns_TclGetOpenFd.3 \
- Ns_TclEnterSet.3 Ns_TclGetSet.3 \
- Ns_TclEnterSet.3 Ns_TclGetSet2.3 \
- Ns_TclInitInterps.3 Ns_TclInitModule.3 \
- Ns_TclInitInterps.3 Ns_TclInterpServer.3 \
- Ns_TclInitInterps.3 Ns_TclLibrary.3 \
- Ns_Fatal.3 Ns_TclLogError.3 \
- Ns_Fatal.3 Ns_TclLogErrorRequest.3 \
- Ns_TclAllocateInterp.3 Ns_TclMarkForDelete.3 \
- Ns_TclRegisterAtCleanup.3 Ns_TclRegisterAtCreate.3 \
- Ns_TclRegisterAtCleanup.3 Ns_TclRegisterAtDelete.3 \
- Ns_TclRegisterAtCleanup.3 Ns_TclRegisterDeferred.3 \
- Ns_FreeConnInterp.3 Ns_TclRequest.3 \
- Ns_TclGetTimeFromObj.3 Ns_TclSetTimeObj.3 \
- Ns_TclDetachedThread.3 Ns_TclThread.3 \
- Ns_ThreadAlloc.3 Ns_ThreadCalloc.3 \
- Ns_ThreadCreate.3 Ns_ThreadExit.3 \
- Ns_ThreadAlloc.3 Ns_ThreadFree.3 \
- Ns_ThreadCreate.3 Ns_ThreadGetName.3 \
- Ns_ThreadCreate.3 Ns_ThreadGetParent.3 \
- Ns_ThreadCreate.3 Ns_ThreadId.3 \
- Ns_ThreadCreate.3 Ns_ThreadJoin.3 \
- Ns_ThreadCreate.3 Ns_ThreadList.3 \
- Ns_ThreadAlloc.3 Ns_ThreadMalloc.3 \
- Ns_ThreadAlloc.3 Ns_ThreadPool.3 \
- Ns_ThreadAlloc.3 Ns_ThreadRealloc.3 \
- Ns_ThreadCreate.3 Ns_ThreadSelf.3 \
- Ns_ThreadCreate.3 Ns_ThreadSetName.3 \
- Ns_ThreadCreate.3 Ns_ThreadStackSize.3 \
- Ns_ThreadAlloc.3 Ns_ThreadStrCopy.3 \
- Ns_ThreadAlloc.3 Ns_ThreadStrDup.3 \
- Ns_ThreadCreate.3 Ns_ThreadYield.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_TimedWaitForEvent.3 \
- Ns_TlsAlloc.3 Ns_TlsGet.3 \
- Ns_TlsAlloc.3 Ns_TlsSet.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_UTimedWaitForEvent.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_UnRegisterProxyRequest.3 \
- Ns_AuthorizeRequest.3 Ns_UnRegisterRequest.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_UnlockMutex.3 \
- Ns_After.3 Ns_UnscheduleProc.3 \
- Ns_SetUrlToFileProc.3 Ns_UrlIsDir.3 \
- Ns_SetUrlToFileProc.3 Ns_UrlIsFile.3 \
- Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc.3 Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy.3 \
- Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc.3 Ns_UrlSpecificGet.3 \
- Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc.3 Ns_UrlSpecificGetExact.3 \
- Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc.3 Ns_UrlSpecificGetFast.3 \
- Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc.3 Ns_UrlSpecificSet.3 \
- Ns_SetUrlToFileProc.3 Ns_UrlToFile.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_WaitForEvent.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_WaitForSemaphore.3 \
- Ns_Main.3 Ns_WaitForStartup.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_WaitForThread.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_WaitThread.3 \
- Ns_ConnPrintfHeader.3 Ns_WriteConn.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_WriteLockRWLock.3 \
- Ns_AbsTimedWaitForEvent.3 Ns_WriteUnlockRWLock.3 \
- Ns_CloseOnExec.3 ns_closeonexec.3 \
- ns_asctime.3 ns_ctime.3 \
- Ns_CloseOnExec.3 ns_duphigh.3 \
- ns_calloc.3 ns_free.3 \
- ns_asctime.3 ns_gmtime.3 \
- ns_asctime.3 ns_inet_ntoa.3 \
- ns_asctime.3 ns_localtime.3 \
- ns_calloc.3 ns_malloc.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 ns_pipe.3 \
- ns_asctime.3 ns_readdir.3 \
- ns_calloc.3 ns_realloc.3 \
- Ns_Fatal.3 ns_serverLog.3 \
- ns_sigmask.3 ns_signal.3 \
- ns_sigmask.3 ns_sigwait.3 \
- Ns_BindSock.3 ns_sockpair.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 ns_strcopy.3 \
- Ns_Match.3 ns_strdup.3 \
- ns_asctime.3 ns_strtok.3 \
- ns_adp_argc.n ns_adp_argv.n \
- ns_adp_argc.n ns_adp_bind_args.n \
- ns_adp_abort.n ns_adp_break.n \
- ns_adp_append.n ns_adp_close.n \
- ns_adp_argc.n ns_adp_dir.n \
- ns_adp_append.n ns_adp_dump.n \
- ns_adp_argc.n ns_adp_eval.n \
- ns_adp_abort.n ns_adp_exception.n \
- ns_adp_append.n ns_adp_flush.n \
- ns_adp_argc.n ns_adp_ident.n \
- ns_adp_argc.n ns_adp_include.n \
- ns_adp_argc.n ns_adp_parse.n \
- ns_adp_append.n ns_adp_puts.n \
- ns_adp_registeradp.n ns_adp_registerproc.n \
- ns_adp_registeradp.n ns_adp_registerscript.n \
- ns_adp_registeradp.n ns_adp_registertag.n \
- ns_adp_abort.n ns_adp_return.n \
- ns_adp_argc.n ns_adp_safeeval.n \
- ns_adp_append.n ns_adp_stream.n \
- ns_adp_append.n ns_adp_tell.n \
- ns_adp_append.n ns_adp_trunc.n \
- ns_atclose.n ns_atexit.n \
- ns_atclose.n ns_atshutdown.n \
- ns_atclose.n ns_atsignal.n \
- ns_after.n ns_cancel.n \
- ns_config.n ns_configsection.n \
- ns_config.n ns_configsections.n \
- ns_conn.n ns_conncptofp.n \
- ns_chmod.n ns_cp.n \
- ns_chmod.n ns_cpfp.n \
- ns_cond.n ns_critsec.n \
- ns_column.n ns_db.n \
- ns_column.n ns_dbconfigpath.n \
- ns_column.n ns_dberrorcode.n \
- ns_column.n ns_dberrormsg.n \
- ns_column.n ns_dbreturnerror.n \
- env.n ns_env.n \
- ns_cond.n ns_event.n \
- ns_for.n ns_foreach.n \
- ns_chmod.n ns_ftruncate.n \
- ns_conn.n ns_get_multipart_formdata.n \
- ns_column.n ns_getcsv.n \
- ns_addrbyhost.n ns_hostbyaddr.n \
- ns_cleanup.n ns_init.n \
- ns_gifsize.n ns_jpegsize.n \
- ns_for.n ns_lctl.n \
- ns_chmod.n ns_link.n \
- ns_log.n ns_logctl.n \
- ns_chmod.n ns_mkdir.n \
- ns_cond.n ns_mutex.n \
- ns_config.n ns_param.n \
- ns_httptime.n ns_parsehttptime.n \
- ns_after.n ns_pause.n \
- ns_gifsize.n ns_pngsize.n \
- ns_column.n ns_pooldescription.n \
- ns_adp_append.n ns_puts.n \
- ns_hrefs.n ns_quotehtml.n \
- ns_column.n ns_quotelisttolist.n \
- ns_adp_registeradp.n ns_register_adptag.n \
- ns_register_adp.n ns_register_proc.n \
- ns_register_filter.n ns_register_trace.n \
- ns_chmod.n ns_rename.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_respond.n \
- ns_after.n ns_resume.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_return.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_returnadminnotice.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_returnbadrequest.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_returnerror.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_returnfile.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_returnforbidden.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_returnfp.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_returnnotfound.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_returnnotice.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_returnredirect.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_returnunauthorized.n \
- ns_chmod.n ns_rmdir.n \
- ns_cond.n ns_rwlock.n \
- ns_after.n ns_schedule_daily.n \
- ns_after.n ns_schedule_proc.n \
- ns_after.n ns_schedule_weekly.n \
- ns_config.n ns_section.n \
- ns_cond.n ns_sema.n \
- ns_info.n ns_server.n \
- ns_sockaccept.n ns_sockblocking.n \
- ns_sockaccept.n ns_sockcallback.n \
- ns_sockaccept.n ns_sockcheck.n \
- ns_sockaccept.n ns_socketpair.n \
- ns_sockaccept.n ns_socklisten.n \
- ns_sockaccept.n ns_socklistencallback.n \
- ns_sockaccept.n ns_socknonblocking.n \
- ns_sockaccept.n ns_socknread.n \
- ns_sockaccept.n ns_sockopen.n \
- ns_sockaccept.n ns_sockselect.n \
- ns_info.n ns_stats.n \
- ns_hrefs.n ns_striphtml.n \
- ns_chmod.n ns_symlink.n \
- ns_column.n ns_table.n \
- ns_mktemp.n ns_tmpnam.n \
- ns_chmod.n ns_truncate.n \
- ns_chmod.n ns_unlink.n \
- ns_register_adp.n ns_unregister_adp.n \
- ns_register_adp.n ns_unregister_proc.n \
- ns_after.n ns_unschedule_proc.n \
- ns_uudecode.n ns_uuencode.n \
- ns_share.n ns_var.n \
- ns_for.n ns_while.n \
- ns_connsendfp.n ns_write.n \
- ns_conn.n ns_writecontent.n \
- ns_share.n nsv_append.n \
- ns_share.n nsv_array.n \
- ns_share.n nsv_exists.n \
- ns_share.n nsv_get.n \
- ns_share.n nsv_incr.n \
- ns_share.n nsv_lappend.n \
- ns_share.n nsv_names.n \
- ns_share.n nsv_set.n \
- ns_share.n nsv_unset.n
-PLIST_SUB+= MANPAGES="@comment "
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-PORTDOCS= ChangeLog README RELEASE license.terms
-INSTALL_TARGET+= install install-html
-PLIST_SUB+= HTMLDOCS="@comment "
-PLIST_SUB+= TESTS="@comment "
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's| _init| _ns_init|' ${WRKSRC}/include/ns.mak.in
- @ ${ECHO_MSG} "Installing tests"
- @ ${MKDIR} ${EXAMPLESDIR}/tests
- @ ${TAR} -C ${WRKSRC}/tests -c -f - . | ${TAR} -C ${EXAMPLESDIR}/tests -x -f -
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
- @ ${ECHO_MSG} "Installing docs"
-.for FILE in ${PORTDOCS}
- @ ${ECHO_MSG} "Installing sample configuration file"
- @ ${SED} -e 's|\[ns_info address\]||' \
- ${WRKSRC}/examples/config/base.tcl > \
- ${PREFIX}/${AOLSERVERBASE}/sample-config.tcl
-# post-install script
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/www/aolserver/distinfo b/www/aolserver/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 888946f69f34..000000000000
--- a/www/aolserver/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (aolserver/aolserver-4.5.1-src.tar.gz) = 182e97656e65f87f172cd45b2a3f72546f82d942259b35c5851885fe750052dd
-SIZE (aolserver/aolserver-4.5.1-src.tar.gz) = 724648
diff --git a/www/aolserver/files/aolserver.in b/www/aolserver/files/aolserver.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 408b33629b27..000000000000
--- a/www/aolserver/files/aolserver.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $FreeBSD$
-# PROVIDE: aolserver
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable aolserver:
-# aolserver_enable="YES"
-# Tweakable parameters for users to override in rc.conf
-. /etc/rc.subr
-load_rc_config ${name}
-: ${aolserver_enable="NO"}
-: ${aolserver_user="%%AOLSERVERUSER%%"}
-: ${aolserver_group="%%AOLSERVERGROUP%%"}
-: ${aolserver_home=%%AOLSERVERBASE%%}
-: ${aolserver_conf=${aolserver_home}/sample-config.tcl}
-: ${aolserver_flags="-u ${aolserver_user} -g ${aolserver_group}"}
-: ${aolserver_prog=${aolserver_home}/bin/nsd}
-: ${aolserver_pidfile=/var/run/aolserver.pid}
-command_args="-t ${aolserver_conf}"
- PID=`pgrep -U ${aolserver_user} -f ${aolserver_conf}`
- [ -n "${PID}" ] && echo ${PID} > ${pidfile}
- [ -f "${pidfile}" ] && rm ${pidfile}
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/www/aolserver/files/patch-Makefile b/www/aolserver/files/patch-Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ab8023cd8234..000000000000
--- a/www/aolserver/files/patch-Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.orig Thu Oct 12 12:41:17 2006
-+++ Makefile Thu Oct 12 12:45:08 2006
-@@ -75,6 +75,12 @@
- install-docs:
- $(MAKEALL) install doc
-+ $(MAKEALL) install-html doc
-+ $(MAKEALL) install-man doc
- distclean: clean
- $(RM) include/ns.mak include/ns.bak \
- config.status config.log config.cache
diff --git a/www/aolserver/files/pkg-deinstall.in b/www/aolserver/files/pkg-deinstall.in
deleted file mode 100644
index d5c9952f72ac..000000000000
--- a/www/aolserver/files/pkg-deinstall.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-post-deinstall() {
- [ -d ${AOLSERVERBASE} ] && {
- echo ""
- echo "******** NOTICE ********"
- echo "AOLserver has beed deinstalled."
- echo "You may need to remove ${AOLSERVERBASE} manually."
- echo ""
- }
- return 0
-case $2 in
- post-deinstall
- ;;
- ;;
diff --git a/www/aolserver/files/pkg-install.in b/www/aolserver/files/pkg-install.in
deleted file mode 100644
index e77b789c4e74..000000000000
--- a/www/aolserver/files/pkg-install.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-post-install() {
- ${ECHO_CMD} "Running post-install script"
- ${ECHO_CMD} "Setting file permissions"
- ${MKDIR} -p ${AOLSERVERBASE}/servers/server1/pages
- ${MKDIR} -p ${AOLSERVERBASE}/servers/server1/modules/nslog
- [ -f ${AOLSERVERBASE}/servers/server1/pages/index.html ] || \
- ${ECHO_CMD} "Welcome. You have made it. Aolserver has started." > ${AOLSERVERBASE}/servers/server1/pages/index.html
- ${CHOWN} ${AOLSERVERUSER}:${AOLSERVERGROUP} ${AOLSERVERBASE}/servers/server1/modules/nslog
-case $2 in
- post-install
- ;;
- ;;
diff --git a/www/aolserver/files/pkg-message.in b/www/aolserver/files/pkg-message.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 76fda8d4eaee..000000000000
--- a/www/aolserver/files/pkg-message.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-******** NOTICE ********
-Congratulations! You have installed the web application server, AOLserver.
-A start/stop script has been installed into %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/aolserver
-To enable aolserver, set aolserver_enable="YES" in your rc.conf.
-See %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/aolserver for various configuration options like
-chosing a different configuration file.
--Martin Matuska
diff --git a/www/aolserver/pkg-descr b/www/aolserver/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 27476684b6ee..000000000000
--- a/www/aolserver/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-AOLserver is a highly-optimized multi-threaded web server.
-It is used by America Online to power the busiest sites on the internet
-such as AOL.com, Netscape.com, Mapquest.com and Moviefone.com.
-AOLserver is similar in scope to servers such as BEA Weblogic,
-IBM's Websphere and Apache's Tomcat.
-The features that make it a strong server include
-- a multi-threaded architecture for extremely efficient performance
- in high demand environments
-- native database APIs for simplified database access
-- pooled database connections for fast, readily available database connectivity
-- an embedded scripting language (Tcl) for rapid development of business logic.
-AOLserver is also open source and freely available.
-WWW: http://www.aolserver.com
diff --git a/www/aolserver/pkg-plist b/www/aolserver/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 873ec9752cb5..000000000000
--- a/www/aolserver/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,881 +0,0 @@
-@dirrm %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/bin
-@dirrm %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/include
-%%HTMLDOCS%%@dirrm %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/html
-@dirrm %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/lib
-@dirrmtry %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/log
-%%MANPAGES%%@dirrm %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/man/man1
-%%MANPAGES%%@dirrm %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/man/man3
-%%MANPAGES%%@dirrm %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/man/mann
-@dirrm %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/modules/tcl/nsperm
-@dirrm %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/modules/tcl
-@dirrm %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/modules
-@dirrmtry %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/servers/server1/modules/nslog
-@dirrmtry %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/servers/server1/modules/nsperm
-@dirrmtry %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/servers/server1/modules
-@dirrmtry %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/servers/server1/pages
-@dirrmtry %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/servers/server1
-@dirrmtry %%AOLSERVERBASE%%/servers
-@dirrmtry %%AOLSERVERBASE%%
-@exec mkdir -p %D/%%AOLSERVERBASE%%/log
-@exec mkdir -p %D/%%AOLSERVERBASE%%/servers/server1/modules/nslog
-%%TESTS%%@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/tests/tcl
-%%TESTS%%@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/tests/sec
-%%TESTS%%@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/tests/new
-%%TESTS%%@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/tests/dbase
-%%TESTS%%@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/tests/cdev
-%%TESTS%%@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/tests/api
-%%TESTS%%@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/tests/adp
-%%TESTS%%@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/tests
-%%TESTS%%@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%
diff --git a/www/openacs-dotlrn/Makefile b/www/openacs-dotlrn/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6692dbf073e7..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs-dotlrn/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Created by: Aldert Nooitgedagt <nooitgedagt.net>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= dotlrn
-MASTER_SITES= http://openacs.org/projects/dotlrn/download/download/
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= OpenACS-based e-learning platform
-DIST_REV_ID= 2984410
-OPENACS_USER?= dotlrn
-OPENACS_DB?= dotlrn
-BASE_INSTALL= bin content-repository-content-files log packages tcl www install.xml
-DESCR= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-descr
-MASTERDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../openacs
-NO_STAGE= yes
-.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"
diff --git a/www/openacs-dotlrn/distinfo b/www/openacs-dotlrn/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index d47bf801eff0..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs-dotlrn/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (dotlrn-2.5.0.tgz?revision_id=2984410) = 5347c62cc95d1d768185e99e7324c1f8062e4aee0e0c88cef6e021b107f72b0e
-SIZE (dotlrn-2.5.0.tgz?revision_id=2984410) = 25768696
diff --git a/www/openacs-dotlrn/pkg-descr b/www/openacs-dotlrn/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index bed8adb11ea1..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs-dotlrn/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-.LRN (dotLRN) is an e-learning platform built upon openACS core. It includes
-modules and configurations that are specific for learning communities.
-OpenACS (Open Architecture Community System) is a web application platform
-designed for high traffic community websites. It is built on a free and
-open source foundation. OpenACS is the foundation for many products
-and websites including the (www.dotlrn.org).
-OpenACS runs on AOLserver and uses either the PostgreSQL or Oracle (which is
-not open-source) relational databases. It uses TCL as its main language.
-AOLserver, postgresql and Oracle are used in some of the most demanding,
-high-traffic web applications in the world.
-WWW: http://dotlrn.org
diff --git a/www/openacs/Makefile b/www/openacs/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f8eeb7afac3..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# Created by: Aldert Nooitgedagt <aldert@nooitgedagt.net>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME?= openacs
-MASTER_SITES?= http://openacs.org/projects/openacs/download/download/
-EXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz?revision_id=${DIST_REV_ID}
-MAINTAINER?= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT?= A modular web application platform for communities
-DEPRECATED= Depends on expiring www/aolserver
-EXPIRATION_DATE= 2014-04-03
-DIST_REV_ID?= 3646409
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${AOLSERVERBASE}/bin/nsopenssl.so:${PORTSDIR}/security/aolserver-nsopenssl \
- ${AOLSERVERBASE}/bin/nssha1.so:${PORTSDIR}/security/aolserver-nssha1 \
- ${AOLSERVERBASE}/bin/nspostgres.so:${PORTSDIR}/databases/aolserver-nspostgres \
- ${AOLSERVERBASE}/modules/tcl/xotcl.tcl:${PORTSDIR}/www/aolserver-xotcl \
- dtplite:${PORTSDIR}/devel/tcllib \
- ${LOCALBASE}/lib/tdomConfig.sh:${PORTSDIR}/www/tdom
-NO_BUILD= yes
-PGUSER?= pgsql
-SU?= /usr/bin/su
-PGREP?= /usr/bin/pgrep
-PW?= /usr/sbin/pw
-BASE_INSTALL?= bin content-repository-content-files log packages tcl www
-PLIST= ${WRKDIR}/plist.tmp
-SUB_FILES+= pkg-install pkg-deinstall pkg-message ${PORTNAME} \
- create_sampledb.sh adjust_pgsql_conf.sh
-PKGINSTALL= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-install
-PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
-PKGDEINSTALL= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-deinstall
-TCLTHREAD_DESC= Depend on tclthread
-TCLWEBTEST_DESC=Depend on tclwebtest
-NO_STAGE= yes
-.include <bsd.port.options.mk>
-# Parse ${PORTSDIR}/UIDs and GIDs for the defaults
- ${SED} -Ee 's/^([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*)::0:0:([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*)$$/USER="\1" UID="\3" GECOS="\5" HOME="\6" SHELL="\7"/'
- ${SED} -Ee 's/^([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):$$/GROUP="\1" GID="\3"/'
-# Apply the defaults where necessary
-OPENACS_USER?= ${USER:MUSER*:C/^[^=]*=\"([^\"]*)\"$/\1/}
-OPENACS_UID?= ${USER:MUID*:C/^[^=]*=\"([^\"]*)\"$/\1/}
-OPENACS_GECOS?= ${USER:MGECOS*:C/^[^=]*=\"([^\"]*)\"$/\1/}
-OPENACS_HOME?= ${USER:MHOME*:C/^[^=]*=\"([^\"]*)\"$/\1/}
-OPENACS_SHELL?= ${USER:MSHELL*:C/^[^=]*=\"([^\"]*)\"$/\1/}
-OPENACS_GROUP?= ${GROUP:MGROUP*:C/^[^=]*=\"([^\"]*)\"$/\1/}
-OPENACS_GID?= ${GROUP:MGID*:C/^[^=]*=\"([^\"]*)\"$/\1/}
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/thread${TCLTHREAD_VER}/libthread.so.1:${PORTSDIR}/devel/tclthread
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclwebtest:${PORTSDIR}/www/tclwebtest
- @${SED} -e 's|service0|${OPENACS_USER}|' \
- -e 's|/var/www/$${server}|${OPENACSBASE}|' \
- -e 's|/usr/lib/aolserver4|${AOLSERVERBASE}|' \
- -e 's|||' \
- ${WRKSRC}/etc/config.tcl > ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-config.tcl
- @ ${ECHO} "Generating plist"
- @ ${FIND} ${WRKSRC} ! -type d ! -path '${WRKSRC}/etc*' \
- ! -path '${WRKSRC}/readme.txt' ! -path '${WRKSRC}/license.txt' \
- ! -path '${WRKSRC}/ChangeLog' | \
- ${SED} 's|${WRKSRC}|${OPENACSBASE:S/${PREFIX}\///}|' > ${PLIST}
- @ ${ECHO} @unexec if cmp -hsz %D/%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/config.tcl %D/${OPENACSBASE:S/${PREFIX}\///}/etc/${PORTNAME}-config.tcl \; then ${RM} %D/${OPENACSBASE:S/${PREFIX}\///}/etc/${PORTNAME}-config.tcl \; fi >> ${PLIST}
- @ ${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/etc ! -type d | \
- ${SED} 's|${WRKSRC}/etc|%%EXAMPLESDIR%%|' >> ${PLIST}
- @ ${ECHO} @exec if ! [ -f ${OPENACSBASE:S/%D\///}/etc/${PORTNAME}-config.tcl ] \; then ${MKDIR} %D/${OPENACSBASE:S/${PREFIX}\///}/etc \; ${CP} %D/%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/config.tcl %D/${OPENACSBASE:S/${PREFIX}\///}/etc/${PORTNAME}-config.tcl \; fi >> ${PLIST}
- @ ${ECHO} @dirrmtry ${OPENACSBASE:S/${PREFIX}\///}/etc >> ${PLIST}
- @ ${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -type d ! -path '${WRKSRC}/etc*' | \
- ${SORT} -r | \
- ${SED} 's|${WRKSRC}|@dirrmtry ${OPENACSBASE:S/${PREFIX}\///}|' >> ${PLIST}
- @ ${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/etc -type d | \
- ${SED} 's|${WRKSRC}/etc|@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%|' | \
- ${SORT} -r >> ${PLIST}
- @ ${ECHO} "Installing base files"
- @ ${TAR} -c -C ${WRKSRC} -f - ${BASE_INSTALL} | \
- ${TAR} -x -C ${OPENACSBASE} -f -
- @ ${ECHO} "Installing examples"
- @ ${TAR} -c -C ${WRKSRC}/etc -f - . | ${TAR} -x -C ${EXAMPLESDIR} -f -
- @ ${ECHO} "Installing sample configuration file"
- @ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-config.tcl ${EXAMPLESDIR}/config.tcl
- @ if ! [ -f ${OPENACSBASE}/etc/${PORTNAME}-config.tcl ]; then \
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-config.tcl ${OPENACSBASE}/etc/${PORTNAME}-config.tcl ; \
- fi
- @ ${ECHO} "Installing docs"
-.for FILE in ChangeLog readme.txt license.txt
-.for FILE in create_sampledb.sh adjust_pgsql_conf.sh
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/www/openacs/distinfo b/www/openacs/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index e35c6ab3afdf..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (openacs-5.7.0.tgz?revision_id=3646409) = bd8280437c9869dbf7e1c7b74a90cb0e496a4cd9c529605d1206b81d9c3ef105
-SIZE (openacs-5.7.0.tgz?revision_id=3646409) = 11547530
diff --git a/www/openacs/files/adjust_pgsql_conf.sh.in b/www/openacs/files/adjust_pgsql_conf.sh.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 8674e5b9a034..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs/files/adjust_pgsql_conf.sh.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-# This script modifies the default "postgresql.conf" in PostgreSQL 8.1 and 8.2
-# installations, to suit the needs of OpenACS / .LRN
-# Manual instructions:
-# http://openacs.org/xowiki/How_to_install_in_Postgres_8.x
-# Usage: adjust_pgsql_conf.sh [path_to_postgresql.conf]
-# Check if PostgreSQL version is >= 8.1.0
-if ! `${LOCALBASE}/bin/postmaster -V | ${AWK} -F '[ .]' '{if ($3==8 && $4>=1) {exit 0} else {exit 1}}'`; then
- echo "You need PostgreSQL server 8.1 or higher installed."
- exit 1
-# Check if user supplied a path or look for default postgresql.conf
-if [ "x${1}" = "x" ]; then
- PGCONF=`${PW} usershow ${PGUSER} | ${AWK} -F: '{ print $9 }'`/data/postgresql.conf
- PGCONF=${1}
-if ! [ -f "${PGCONF}" ]; then
- echo "ERROR: no such file: ${PGCONF}"; echo ""
- echo "Maybe you use a different datadir or your database is not yet initialized"
- echo "You can initialize your database with:"
- echo "${LOCALBASE}/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb"; echo ""
- echo "Usage: $0 [path_to_postgresql.conf]"
- exit 1
-# Very simple check if the file is a standard PostgreSQL configuration file
-if ! `${GREP} -qe '^# PostgreSQL configuration file' ${PGCONF}`; then
- echo "ERROR: ${PGCONF} doesn't appear to be a default PostgreSQL database configuration file"
- exit 1
-echo "Found ${PGCONF}"
-echo -n "Checking ... "
-# Check if we need to add anything
-if ! `${GREP} -qe '^add_missing_from = on' ${PGCONF}`; then MISSING_FROM=yes; MODIFY=yes; fi
-if ! `${GREP} -qe '^regex_flavor = extended' ${PGCONF}`; then REGEX_FLAVOR=yes; MODIFY=yes; fi
-if ! `${GREP} -qe '^default_with_oids = on' ${PGCONF}`; then WITH_OIDS=yes; MODIFY=yes; fi
-# Backup file and add configuration lines, if necessary
-if [ ${MODIFY} = "no" ]; then
- echo "no modifications necessary"
- echo "needs to be modified"
- echo "Backing up old configuration file to ${PGCONF}.bak"
- ${CP} -p ${PGCONF} ${PGCONF}.bak
- if [ ${MISSING_FROM} = "yes" ]; then echo "add_missing_from = on" >> ${PGCONF}; fi
- if [ ${REGEX_FLAVOR} = "yes" ]; then echo "regex_flavor = extended" >> ${PGCONF}; fi
- if [ ${WITH_OIDS} = "yes" ]; then echo "default_with_oids = on" >> ${PGCONF}; fi
- echo "File successfully modified."
- echo "Please restart your PostgreSQL server (if running)."
diff --git a/www/openacs/files/create_sampledb.sh.in b/www/openacs/files/create_sampledb.sh.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 390071e350a1..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs/files/create_sampledb.sh.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-# This script prepares a sample PostgreSQL database
-# for use by OpenACS
-# Check if PostgreSQL version is >= 8.1.0
-if `${LOCALBASE}/bin/postmaster -V | ${AWK} -F '[ .]' '{if ($3==8 && $4>=1) {exit 0} else {exit 1}}'`; then
-if ! `${PGREP} -U ${PGUSER} postgres > /dev/null`; then
- echo "You need PostgreSQL server installed and running."
- echo "After a fresh install, you need to initialize the database with:"
- echo "${LOCALBASE}/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb"
- echo "Exiting ..."
- exit 1
-echo "Creating PostgreSQL user ${OPENACS_USER} ..."
-${SU} -l ${PGUSER} -c "${LOCALBASE}/bin/createuser ${CREATEUSERFLAGS} ${OPENACS_USER}"
-echo "Creating PostgreSQL database ${OPENACS_DB} ..."
-${SU} -m ${OPENACS_USER} -c "${LOCALBASE}/bin/createdb -E UNICODE ${OPENACS_DB}"
-echo "Registering language plpgsql for database ${OPENACS_DB} ..."
-${SU} -l ${PGUSER} -c "${LOCALBASE}/bin/createlang plpgsql ${OPENACS_DB}"
-if [ "x${POSTGRESQL81}" = "xYES" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "**************************** NOTICE ****************************"
- echo "You have PostgreSQL 8.1 or greater installed."
- echo "Your may need to alter your PostgreSQL configuration."
- echo "You can do this by running the supplied script:"
- echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/adjust_pgsql_conf.sh"; echo ""
- echo "Alternatively you can follow the instructions at:"
- echo "http://openacs.org/xowiki/How_to_install_in_Postgres_8.x"
- echo "****************************************************************"
diff --git a/www/openacs/files/dotlrn.in b/www/openacs/files/dotlrn.in
deleted file mode 100644
index ffc7ec120485..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs/files/dotlrn.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $FreeBSD$
-# PROVIDE: dotlrn
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable dotlrn:
-# dotlrn_enable="YES"
-# Tweakable parameters for users to override in rc.conf
-. /etc/rc.subr
-load_rc_config ${name}
-: ${dotlrn_enable="NO"}
-: ${dotlrn_user="%%OPENACS_USER%%"}
-: ${dotlrn_group="%%OPENACS_GROUP%%"}
-: ${dotlrn_conf=%%OPENACSBASE%%/etc/dotlrn-config.tcl}
-: ${dotlrn_flags="-u ${dotlrn_user} -g ${dotlrn_group}"}
-: ${dotlrn_prog=%%AOLSERVERBASE%%/bin/nsd}
-: ${dotlrn_pidfile=/var/run/dotlrn.pid}
-command_args="-t ${dotlrn_conf}"
- PID=`pgrep -U ${dotlrn_user} -f ${dotlrn_conf}`
- [ -n "${PID}" ] && echo ${PID} > ${pidfile}
- [ -f "${pidfile}" ] && rm ${pidfile}
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/www/openacs/files/openacs.in b/www/openacs/files/openacs.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 61b2b83a4199..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs/files/openacs.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $FreeBSD$
-# PROVIDE: openacs
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable openacs:
-# openacs_enable="YES"
-# Tweakable parameters for users to override in rc.conf
-. /etc/rc.subr
-load_rc_config ${name}
-: ${openacs_enable="NO"}
-: ${openacs_user="%%OPENACS_USER%%"}
-: ${openacs_group="%%OPENACS_GROUP%%"}
-: ${openacs_conf=%%OPENACSBASE%%/etc/openacs-config.tcl}
-: ${openacs_flags="-u ${openacs_user} -g ${openacs_group}"}
-: ${openacs_prog=%%AOLSERVERBASE%%/bin/nsd}
-: ${openacs_pidfile=/var/run/openacs.pid}
-command_args="-t ${openacs_conf}"
- PID=`pgrep -U ${openacs_user} -f ${openacs_conf}`
- [ -n "${PID}" ] && echo ${PID} > ${pidfile}
- [ -f "${pidfile}" ] && rm ${pidfile}
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/www/openacs/files/pkg-deinstall.in b/www/openacs/files/pkg-deinstall.in
deleted file mode 100644
index f3a321c4cd3b..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs/files/pkg-deinstall.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $FreeBSD$
-if [ "$2" != "POST-DEINSTALL" ]; then
- exit 0
-if ${PW} usershow "${OPENACS_USER}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
- echo ""
- echo "To delete ${OPENACS_USER} user permanently, use the following command:"
- echo "${PW} userdel \"${OPENACS_USER}\""
-if ${PW} groupshow "${OPENACS_GROUP}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
- echo ""
- echo "To delete ${OPENACS_GROUP} group permanently, use the following command:"
- echo "${PW} groupdel \"${OPENACS_GROUP}\""
-if test -d "${OPENACSBASE}"; then
- echo ""
- echo "Directory ${OPENACSBASE} is not empty, you may want to check its contents"
- echo "and remove it manually."
-exit 0
diff --git a/www/openacs/files/pkg-install.in b/www/openacs/files/pkg-install.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cce0bc9d8a7..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs/files/pkg-install.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $FreeBSD$
-if [ "$2" != "POST-INSTALL" ]; then
- exit 0
-create_group() {
- local group gid
- group=$1
- gid=$2
- if ${PW} group show -n $group >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "===> Using existing group $group"
- else
- if ${PW} groupadd -n $group -g $gid ; then
- echo "===> Created group $group"
- else
-*** Failed to create group $group.
-Please add user $user and group $group
-manually with the following commands:
- ${PW} groupadd -n $group -g $gid
- ${PW} useradd -n $user -u $uid -g $group -c "$gecos" \\
- -d $home -s $shell -h -
-and retry installing this package.
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
-create_user() {
- local user uid group gecos home shell
- user=$1
- uid=$2
- group=$3
- gecos=$4
- home=$5
- shell=$6
- if ${PW} user show -n $user >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "===> Using existing user $user"
- else
- if ${PW} useradd -n $user -u $uid -g $group -c "$gecos" \
- -d "$home" -s "$shell" -h - ; then
- echo "===> Created user $user"
- else
-*** Failed to create user $user.
-Please add user $user manually with the following command:
- ${PW} useradd -n $user -u $uid -g $group -c "$gecos" \\
- -d $home -s $shell -h -
-and retry installing this package.
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
-create_group $openacs_group $openacs_gid
-create_user $openacs_user $openacs_uid $openacs_group \
- "$openacs_gecos" "$openacs_home" "$openacs_shell"
-echo "===> Changing ownership of ${OPENACSBASE}"
-${CHOWN} -R ${openacs_user}:${openacs_group} ${OPENACSBASE}
-echo "===> Changing permissions of ${OPENACSBASE}"
diff --git a/www/openacs/files/pkg-message.in b/www/openacs/files/pkg-message.in
deleted file mode 100644
index ba6e712f5b9c..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs/files/pkg-message.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Congratulations! You have just installed %%OPENACSNAME%%
-You need a PostgreSQL server installed and configured on your (or a on remote)
-system. We recommend using the PostgreSQL 8.2.x port located in:
-You may need to adjust your PostgreSQL database configuration (for servers
-v 8.1.x and higher). This can be done with the following script:
-If you want adjust the database configuration manually, please visit:
-After your local PostgreSQL server is configured and running, you can create
-a default database by running the following script:
-You can start %%OPENACSNAME%% with the startup script:
-If you are using another AOLserver on the default port 8000,
-please change the port number in the configuration file.
-Default config: %%OPENACSBASE%%/etc/%%PORTNAME%%-config.tcl
-Then use your web browser to view the welcome page and follow the instructions.
-http://<your-ip>:<port> (default port is 8000)
-Errors, if any, are in:
-If you want to use keepalive via cron, you might want to look here:
-Please visit the following webpage for more information:
--Martin Matuska
diff --git a/www/openacs/pkg-descr b/www/openacs/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a0b55aa80d8..000000000000
--- a/www/openacs/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-OpenACS (Open Architecture Community System) is a web application platform
-designed for high traffic community websites. It is built on a free and
-open source foundation. OpenACS is the foundation for many products
-and websites including the .LRN e-learning platform (www.dotlrn.org).
-OpenACS runs on AOLserver and uses either the PostgreSQL or Oracle (which is
-not open-source) relational databases. It uses TCL as its main language.
-AOLserver, postgresql and Oracle are used in some of the most demanding,
-high-traffic web applications in the world.
-DotLRN (.LRN) is built upon openACS core, but includes extra modules and
-configurations. DotLRN has its own tarball and port (openacs-dotlrn).
-WWW: http://openacs.org