diff options
4 files changed, 246 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/www/swiggle/Makefile b/www/swiggle/Makefile
index 9d9718aab08f..38d41c8670c2 100644
--- a/www/swiggle/Makefile
+++ b/www/swiggle/Makefile
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
PORTNAME= swiggle
MASTER_SITES= http://homepage.univie.ac.at/l.ertl/swiggle/files/ \
diff --git a/www/swiggle/files/patch-html.c b/www/swiggle/files/patch-html.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2a0a8bfbdc26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/swiggle/files/patch-html.c
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+--- html.c.orig Sat Oct 23 22:57:02 2004
++++ html.c Wed Nov 1 15:45:01 2006
+@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
+ #define MAX_PER_PAGE (cols*rows)
+ extern int cols;
++extern int exif_display;
+ extern int rows;
+ extern char generated[];
+ extern char *albumdesc;
+@@ -115,37 +116,66 @@
+ imglist[x].width,
+ imglist[x].height,
+ (int) (imglist[x].filesize/1024));
+- fprintf(html, "<table width=\"100%%\" border=\"1\">\n");
+- if (imglist[x].datetime != NULL) {
+- fprintf(html, "<tr>\n<td><small>Taken:</small></td>"
+- "<td><small>%s</small></td>\n</tr>\n",
+- imglist[x].datetime);
+- }
+- if (imglist[x].aperture != NULL) {
+- fprintf(html, "<tr>\n<td><small>Aperture:</small></td>"
+- "<td><small>%s</small></td>\n</tr>\n",
+- imglist[x].aperture);
+- }
+- if (imglist[x].exposuretime != NULL) {
+- fprintf(html, "<tr>\n<td><small>Exposure Time</small>:"
+- "</td><td><small>%s</small></td>\n</tr>\n",
+- imglist[x].exposuretime);
+- }
+- if (imglist[x].flash != NULL) {
+- fprintf(html, "<tr>\n<td><small>Flash:</small></td>"
+- "<td><small>%s</small></td>\n</tr>\n",
+- imglist[x].flash);
+- }
+- if (imglist[x].model != NULL) {
+- fprintf(html, "<tr>\n<td><small>Model:</small></td>"
+- "<td><small>%s</small></td>\n</tr>\n",
+- imglist[x].model);
++ /* Display by default */
++ if (exif_display == 1) {
++ fprintf(html, "<table width=\"100%%\" border=\"1\">\n");
++ if (imglist[x].datetime != NULL) {
++ fprintf(html, "<tr>\n<td><small>Taken:</small></td>"
++ "<td><small>%s</small></td>\n</tr>\n",
++ imglist[x].datetime);
++ }
++ if (imglist[x].aperture != NULL) {
++ fprintf(html, "<tr>\n<td><small>Aperture:</small></td>"
++ "<td><small>%s</small></td>\n</tr>\n",
++ imglist[x].aperture);
++ }
++ if (imglist[x].exposuretime != NULL) {
++ fprintf(html, "<tr>\n<td><small>Exposure Time:</small>"
++ "</td><td><small>%s</small></td>\n</tr>\n",
++ imglist[x].exposuretime);
++ }
++ if (imglist[x].flash != NULL) {
++ fprintf(html, "<tr>\n<td><small>Flash:</small></td>"
++ "<td><small>%s</small></td>\n</tr>\n",
++ imglist[x].flash);
++ }
++ if (imglist[x].model != NULL) {
++ fprintf(html, "<tr>\n<td><small>Model:</small></td>"
++ "<td><small>%s</small></td>\n</tr>\n",
++ imglist[x].model);
++ }
++ fprintf(html, "</table>\n<p>\n<small>\n");
++ /* Hide in comments if user requests */
++ } else if (exif_display == 2) {
++ fprintf(html, "<!-- Begin EXIF data\n");
++ if (imglist[x].datetime != NULL) {
++ fprintf(html, "Taken: %s\n",
++ imglist[x].datetime);
++ }
++ if (imglist[x].aperture != NULL) {
++ fprintf(html, "Aperture: %s\n",
++ imglist[x].aperture);
++ }
++ if (imglist[x].exposuretime != NULL) {
++ fprintf(html, "Exposure Time: %s\n",
++ imglist[x].exposuretime);
++ }
++ if (imglist[x].flash != NULL) {
++ fprintf(html, "Flash: %s\n",
++ imglist[x].flash);
++ }
++ if (imglist[x].model != NULL) {
++ fprintf(html, "Model: %s\n",
++ imglist[x].model);
++ }
++ fprintf(html, "End EXIF data -->\n");
+ }
+- fprintf(html, "</table>\n<p>\n<small>\n");
+ if (offset == 1) {
+ fprintf(html, "<a href=\"index.html\">"
+ "Back to thumbnails</a>\n");
+@@ -197,7 +227,7 @@
+ * Returns the number of thumbnail index pages created.
+ */
+ int
+-create_thumbindex(char *dir, struct imginfo *imglist, int imgcount)
++create_thumbindex(char *dir, struct imginfo *imglist, int imgcount, int show_descr)
+ {
+ char *desc, final[MAXPATHLEN], tmp[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int pages, offset, x, y;
+@@ -277,21 +307,33 @@
+ while (x < y) {
+ if (x % cols == 0)
+ fprintf(html, "<tr>\n");
+- fprintf(html, "<td align=\"center\">\n"
+- "<a href=\"%s.html\"><img src=\".thumbs/%s\" "
+- "border=\"0\" alt=\"%s\" width=\"%d\" "
+- "height=\"%d\"></a><br>\n<small>%d x %d, %d KB"
+- "</small>\n<br><br>\n</td>\n",
+- imglist[x].filename,
+- imglist[x].filename,
+- imglist[x].filename,
+- imglist[x].thumbwidth,
+- imglist[x].thumbheight,
+- imglist[x].width,
+- imglist[x].height,
+- (int)(imglist[x].filesize / 1024));
++ if (show_descr) {
++ fprintf(html, "<td align=\"center\">\n"
++ "<a href=\"%s.html\"><img src=\".thumbs/%s\" "
++ "border=\"0\" alt=\"%s\" width=\"%d\" "
++ "height=\"%d\"></a><br>\n<small>%s"
++ "</small>\n<br><br>\n</td>\n",
++ imglist[x].filename,
++ imglist[x].filename,
++ imglist[x].filename,
++ imglist[x].thumbwidth,
++ imglist[x].thumbheight,
++ imglist[x].description);
++ } else {
++ fprintf(html, "<td align=\"center\">\n"
++ "<a href=\"%s.html\"><img src=\".thumbs/%s\" "
++ "border=\"0\" alt=\"%s\" width=\"%d\" "
++ "height=\"%d\"></a><br>\n<small>%d x %d, %d KB"
++ "</small>\n<br><br>\n</td>\n",
++ imglist[x].filename,
++ imglist[x].filename,
++ imglist[x].filename,
++ imglist[x].thumbwidth,
++ imglist[x].thumbheight,
++ imglist[x].width,
++ imglist[x].height,
++ (int)(imglist[x].filesize / 1024));
++ }
+ if ((x % cols == cols - 1) || (x + 1 == imgcount))
+ fprintf(html, "</tr>\n");
diff --git a/www/swiggle/files/patch-swiggle.c b/www/swiggle/files/patch-swiggle.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..96b6bfc52380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/swiggle/files/patch-swiggle.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+--- swiggle.c.orig Sat Oct 23 22:58:37 2004
++++ swiggle.c Wed Nov 1 16:34:10 2006
+@@ -66,12 +66,14 @@
+ char generated[1024];
+ char *progname = "";
+ int cols = 5;
++int exif_display = 1; /* By default, display the exif data */
+ int rows = 3;
+ int scaleheight = 480;
+ int thumbheight = 96;
+ int force = 0;
+ int bilinear = 0;
+ int rm_orphans = 1;
++int show_descr = 0;
+ int (*sort_func)();
+ #define MAX_PER_PAGE (cols*rows)
+@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@
+ progname = argv[0];
+ sort_func = sort_by_filename;
+- while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:h:H:r:s:flov")) != -1) {
++ while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:h:H:r:s:DeEflov")) != -1) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case 'c':
+ cols = (int) strtol(optarg, &eptr, 10);
+@@ -163,6 +165,12 @@
+ usage();
+ }
+ break;
++ case 'e':
++ exif_display = 2;
++ break;
++ case 'E':
++ exif_display = 0;
++ break;
+ case 'f':
+ force = 1;
+ break;
+@@ -172,6 +180,9 @@
+ case 'o':
+ rm_orphans = 0;
+ break;
++ case 'D':
++ show_descr = 1;
++ break;
+ case 'v':
+ version();
+ break;
+@@ -353,7 +364,7 @@
+ qsort(imglist, imgcount, sizeof(struct imginfo), sort_func);
+ create_html(dir, imglist, imgcount);
+- x = create_thumbindex(dir, imglist, imgcount);
++ x = create_thumbindex(dir, imglist, imgcount, show_descr);
+ printf("%d thumbnail index pages created.\n", x);
+ }
+@@ -1040,6 +1051,11 @@
+ "(default: %d)\n", thumbheight);
+ fprintf(stderr, " -H <j> ... height of the scaled images in pixel "
+ "(default: %d)\n", scaleheight);
++ fprintf(stderr, " -e ... don't display exif data on the page, "
++ "insert it in html comments\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, " -E ... don't display exif data at all\n");
++ fprintf(stderr, " -D ... display filename instead of size on "
++ "index page\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -f ... force rebuild of everything; ignore "
+ "cache\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -o ... don't remove orphaned files\n");
diff --git a/www/swiggle/files/patch-swiggle.h b/www/swiggle/files/patch-swiggle.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b1a72c2e85ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/swiggle/files/patch-swiggle.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- swiggle.h.orig Sat Oct 23 22:58:37 2004
++++ swiggle.h Wed Nov 1 15:43:27 2006
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
+ };
+ void create_html(char *, struct imginfo *, int);
+-int create_thumbindex(char *, struct imginfo *, int);
++int create_thumbindex(char *, struct imginfo *, int, int);
+ int resize_bicubic(struct jpeg_decompress_struct *,
+ struct jpeg_compress_struct *, const unsigned char *, unsigned char **);