diff options
6 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sysutils/xloadface/Makefile b/sysutils/xloadface/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4ba6faf9f9e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/xloadface/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: xloadface
+# Version required: 1.6.1
+# Date created: 28 November 1996
+# Whom: FURUSAWA,Kazuhisa <furusawa@com.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp>
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1996/12/03 13:21:31 obrien Exp $
+DISTNAME= xloadface-1.6.1
+CATEGORIES= sysutils
+MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.waseda.ac.jp/pub/X11others/
+MAINTAINER= furusawa@com.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp
+BUILD_DEPENDS= nkf:${PORTSDIR}/japanese/nkf
+XLOADFACEDIR= $(X11BASE)/lib/X11/xloadface
+ @nkf -e ${WRKSRC}/xloadface.1 > ${WRKSRC}/xloadface.man
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/host_org.sample $(XLOADFACEDIR)
+ ${MKDIR} $(XLOADFACEDIR)/bigfaces
+ ${MKDIR} $(XLOADFACEDIR)/catfaces
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bigfaces/* $(XLOADFACEDIR)/bigfaces
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bitmap/* $(XLOADFACEDIR)/bitmap
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/catfaces/* $(XLOADFACEDIR)/catfaces
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/sysutils/xloadface/distinfo b/sysutils/xloadface/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e39d04fc1f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/xloadface/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 (xloadface-1.6.1.tar.gz) = 713905ddc339e09f485967b12dd3c23b
diff --git a/sysutils/xloadface/files/patch-01 b/sysutils/xloadface/files/patch-01
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9a5acf43e589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/xloadface/files/patch-01
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+diff -cr xloadface-1.6.1.org/ArrangeBox.c xloadface-1.6.1/ArrangeBox.c
+*** xloadface-1.6.1.org/ArrangeBox.c Tue Oct 29 23:39:53 1996
+--- xloadface-1.6.1/ArrangeBox.c Thu Nov 28 11:26:32 1996
+*** 69,75 ****
+ },
+ {
+ /* box_class fields */
+! /* empty */ NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ /* ArrangeBox class fields */
+--- 69,75 ----
+ },
+ {
+ /* box_class fields */
+! /* empty */ 0,
+ },
+ {
+ /* ArrangeBox class fields */
+*** 194,201 ****
+ w->core.parent->core.border_width);
+ XtResizeWindow(w->core.parent);
+ }
+! XtResizeWidget(w,width,height,w->core.border_width);
+! XtResizeWindow(w);
+ }
+ }
+--- 194,201 ----
+ w->core.parent->core.border_width);
+ XtResizeWindow(w->core.parent);
+ }
+! XtResizeWidget((Widget)w,width,height,w->core.border_width);
+! XtResizeWindow((Widget)w);
+ }
+ }
+*** 203,217 ****
+ * Insert child method
+ */
+ static void
+! InsertChild(w,arg,num_args)
+ Widget w;
+- ArgList arg;
+- Cardinal *num_args;
+ {
+ ArrangeBoxWidget ab;
+ ab = (ArrangeBoxWidget)w->core.parent;
+! (*((CompositeClassRec*)XtSuperclass(ab))->composite_class.insert_child)(w,arg,num_args);
+ RearrangeSize(ab);
+ }
+--- 203,215 ----
+ * Insert child method
+ */
+ static void
+! InsertChild(w)
+ Widget w;
+ {
+ ArrangeBoxWidget ab;
+ ab = (ArrangeBoxWidget)w->core.parent;
+! (*((CompositeClassRec*)XtSuperclass(ab))->composite_class.insert_child)(w);
+ RearrangeSize(ab);
+ }
+diff -cr xloadface-1.6.1.org/Imakefile xloadface-1.6.1/Imakefile
+*** xloadface-1.6.1.org/Imakefile Tue Oct 29 23:39:53 1996
+--- xloadface-1.6.1/Imakefile Thu Nov 28 11:26:32 1996
+*** 11,14 ****
+ ComplexProgramTarget(xloadface)
+- InstallManPage(xloadface.1,$(MANDIR)/xalive.n)
+--- 11,13 ----
+diff -cr xloadface-1.6.1.org/LabeledPicture.c xloadface-1.6.1/LabeledPicture.c
+*** xloadface-1.6.1.org/LabeledPicture.c Tue Oct 29 23:39:53 1996
+--- xloadface-1.6.1/LabeledPicture.c Thu Nov 28 11:26:32 1996
+*** 153,159 ****
+ Window rootwin;
+ lp->label_width = XTextWidth(lp->font,lp->label,strlen(lp->label));
+! if (lp->pixmap != NULL && lp->pixmap != AiNullPixmap) {
+ XGetGeometry(XtDisplay(w),lp->pixmap,
+ &rootwin,
+ &x,
+--- 153,159 ----
+ Window rootwin;
+ lp->label_width = XTextWidth(lp->font,lp->label,strlen(lp->label));
+! if (lp->pixmap != 0 && lp->pixmap != AiNullPixmap) {
+ XGetGeometry(XtDisplay(w),lp->pixmap,
+ &rootwin,
+ &x,
+*** 355,361 ****
+ {
+ UnSelectIt(w);
+ if (w->labeled_picture.sensitive) {
+! XtCallCallbacks(w, AiNcallback, (caddr_t)event);
+ }
+ }
+--- 355,361 ----
+ {
+ UnSelectIt(w);
+ if (w->labeled_picture.sensitive) {
+! XtCallCallbacks((Widget)w, AiNcallback, (caddr_t)event);
+ }
+ }
+*** 391,397 ****
+ AdjustSize(w,True);
+ if (width != w->core.width || height != w->core.height) {
+! XtResizeWidget(w,
+ w->core.width,
+ w->core.height,
+ w->core.border_width);
+--- 391,397 ----
+ AdjustSize(w,True);
+ if (width != w->core.width || height != w->core.height) {
+! XtResizeWidget((Widget)w,
+ w->core.width,
+ w->core.height,
+ w->core.border_width);
+diff -cr xloadface-1.6.1.org/LoadFace.c xloadface-1.6.1/LoadFace.c
+*** xloadface-1.6.1.org/LoadFace.c Tue Oct 29 23:39:53 1996
+--- xloadface-1.6.1/LoadFace.c Thu Nov 28 11:26:32 1996
+*** 2,7 ****
+--- 2,8 ----
+ #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
+ #include "LoadFaceP.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
++ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <netinet/in.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+*** 166,172 ****
+ {
+ LoadFaceWidget w = (LoadFaceWidget)new;
+! CALL_SUPER(w,expose,(new));
+ }
+ #define HERE(w,tag) (w)->core_class.tag
+--- 167,173 ----
+ {
+ LoadFaceWidget w = (LoadFaceWidget)new;
+! CALL_SUPER(w,expose,(new,NULL,NULL));
+ }
+ #define HERE(w,tag) (w)->core_class.tag
+*** 208,221 ****
+ picture = class->faces_data[0].pixmap;
+ }
+ AiChangePixmap(w,picture,False,True);
+! CALL_SUPER(new,initialize,(request,new));
+ if (w->load_face.interval > 0) {
+ if (w->load_face.shuffle)
+ firstInterval = random()%(w->load_face.interval*2000);
+ else
+ firstInterval = w->load_face.interval*1000;
+ w->load_face.interval_id =
+! XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w),
+ firstInterval,
+ updateLoad,
+ (caddr_t)w);
+--- 209,222 ----
+ picture = class->faces_data[0].pixmap;
+ }
+ AiChangePixmap(w,picture,False,True);
+! CALL_SUPER(new,initialize,(request,new,NULL,NULL));
+ if (w->load_face.interval > 0) {
+ if (w->load_face.shuffle)
+ firstInterval = random()%(w->load_face.interval*2000);
+ else
+ firstInterval = w->load_face.interval*1000;
+ w->load_face.interval_id =
+! XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget)w),
+ firstInterval,
+ updateLoad,
+ (caddr_t)w);
+*** 262,268 ****
+ wd.wd_sendtime = wd.wd_recvtime = 0;
+ AiChangeLoad(w,&wd);
+ w->load_face.interval_id =
+! XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w),
+ w->load_face.interval*1000,
+ updateLoad,
+ (caddr_t)w);
+--- 263,269 ----
+ wd.wd_sendtime = wd.wd_recvtime = 0;
+ AiChangeLoad(w,&wd);
+ w->load_face.interval_id =
+! XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget)w),
+ w->load_face.interval*1000,
+ updateLoad,
+ (caddr_t)w);
+*** 290,297 ****
+ newFace = FACE(w,newload);
+ AiChangePixmap(w,newFace->pixmap,False,False);
+! if (XtIsRealized(w) && oldload != newload)
+! CALL_SELF(w, expose, (w));
+ }
+ static void
+--- 291,298 ----
+ newFace = FACE(w,newload);
+ AiChangePixmap(w,newFace->pixmap,False,False);
+! if (XtIsRealized((Widget)w) && oldload != newload)
+! CALL_SELF(w, expose, (w,NULL,NULL));
+ }
+ static void
+diff -cr xloadface-1.6.1.org/MachineInfo.c xloadface-1.6.1/MachineInfo.c
+*** xloadface-1.6.1.org/MachineInfo.c Tue Oct 29 23:39:53 1996
+--- xloadface-1.6.1/MachineInfo.c Thu Nov 28 11:26:32 1996
+*** 295,299 ****
+ LINE_SKIP(w->machine_info.title_font)+
+ LINE_SKIP(w->machine_info.load_info_font)*3+
+ LINE_SKIP(w->machine_info.user_info_font)*nusers(wd);
+! XtResizeWidget(w, w->core.width, h, w->core.border_width);
+ }
+--- 295,299 ----
+ LINE_SKIP(w->machine_info.title_font)+
+ LINE_SKIP(w->machine_info.load_info_font)*3+
+ LINE_SKIP(w->machine_info.user_info_font)*nusers(wd);
+! XtResizeWidget((Widget)w, w->core.width, h, w->core.border_width);
+ }
+diff -cr xloadface-1.6.1.org/alive.h xloadface-1.6.1/alive.h
+*** xloadface-1.6.1.org/alive.h Tue Oct 29 23:39:53 1996
+--- xloadface-1.6.1/alive.h Thu Nov 28 11:27:09 1996
+*** 31,37 ****
+ #define SSIZE sizeof(u_short)
+ #define LSIZE sizeof(u_long)
+! #define SPOOLDIR "/usr/spool/rwho"
+ #define ORGAN_FILE "/etc/host_org"
+ typedef char bool;
+--- 31,37 ----
+ #define SSIZE sizeof(u_short)
+ #define LSIZE sizeof(u_long)
+! #define SPOOLDIR "/var/rwho"
+ #define ORGAN_FILE "/etc/host_org"
+ typedef char bool;
+diff -cr xloadface-1.6.1.org/widgets.c xloadface-1.6.1/widgets.c
+*** xloadface-1.6.1.org/widgets.c Tue Oct 29 23:39:53 1996
+--- xloadface-1.6.1/widgets.c Thu Nov 28 11:26:32 1996
+*** 224,230 ****
+ /***** Popup Info *****/
+ PopupInfo = XtCreatePopupShell("PopupInfo",transientShellWidgetClass,
+! Toplevel,NULL,NULL);
+ PopupPane = mkWidget("InfoPane",arrangeBoxWidgetClass,PopupInfo,
+ AiNvertNum, 1,
+ AiNresizeParent, True,
+--- 224,230 ----
+ /***** Popup Info *****/
+ PopupInfo = XtCreatePopupShell("PopupInfo",transientShellWidgetClass,
+! Toplevel,NULL,0);
+ PopupPane = mkWidget("InfoPane",arrangeBoxWidgetClass,PopupInfo,
+ AiNvertNum, 1,
+ AiNresizeParent, True,
+*** 236,242 ****
+ /***** Popup Help *****/
+ helpScreen = XtCreatePopupShell("Help",transientShellWidgetClass,
+! Toplevel,NULL,NULL);
+ addFaces();
+ adjustWindowSize();
+--- 236,242 ----
+ /***** Popup Help *****/
+ helpScreen = XtCreatePopupShell("Help",transientShellWidgetClass,
+! Toplevel,NULL,0);
+ addFaces();
+ adjustWindowSize();
+diff -cr xloadface-1.6.1.org/xloadface.1 xloadface-1.6.1/xloadface.1
+*** xloadface-1.6.1.org/xloadface.1 Tue Oct 29 23:39:53 1996
+--- xloadface-1.6.1/xloadface.1 Thu Nov 28 11:26:51 1996
+*** 104,110 ****
+ $@%0%k!<%WL>$r>JN,$7$?>l9g$K$O$3$N%0%k!<%W$,I=<($5$l$k!%(J
+ .TP
+! .IR /usr/spool/rwho/whod.* $@3F%[%9%H$N>pJs(J
+ .TP
+ .IR /etc/host_org $@%0%k!<%W5-=R%U%!%$%k(J
+--- 104,110 ----
+ $@%0%k!<%WL>$r>JN,$7$?>l9g$K$O$3$N%0%k!<%W$,I=<($5$l$k!%(J
+ .TP
+! .IR /var/rwho/whod.* $@3F%[%9%H$N>pJs(J
+ .TP
+ .IR /etc/host_org $@%0%k!<%W5-=R%U%!%$%k(J
diff --git a/sysutils/xloadface/pkg-comment b/sysutils/xloadface/pkg-comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4287ec156187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/xloadface/pkg-comment
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+network load monitor for X11
diff --git a/sysutils/xloadface/pkg-descr b/sysutils/xloadface/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..350105fd8ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/xloadface/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+`xloadface' is a network load monitor for X11. This program use the rwhod
+database for display `user' and `CPU load'.
+See README and man page for details. The man page and README are only in
+Japanese for now, but it is easy to use none the less..
+Orignal xloadface written by aito@rcais.tohoku.ac.jp.
+This port is done by furusawa@com.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp.
diff --git a/sysutils/xloadface/pkg-plist b/sysutils/xloadface/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f9f203de272f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/xloadface/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@