diff options
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackagestats b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackagestats
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..c420f832d97c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackagestats
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# $FreeBSD#
+# create HTML showing numbers of packages vs errors. Run this in a directory
+# accessible to the web server.
+# alpha is obsolete
+SUPPORTED_ARCHS="amd64 i386 ia64 sparc64"
+echo "<html>" > ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<head>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<title>FreeBSD package building statistics</title>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "</head>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<body>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<h1>FreeBSD package building statistics</h1>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<p>as of `date`</p>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+for arch in ${SUPPORTED_ARCHS}; do
+ # begin table
+ echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='4' bgcolor='#F2F2F2'>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<tr>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<td align='left' width='80'>&nbsp;</td>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<th align='left'>INDEX</th>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<th align='left'>packages</th>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<th align='left'>errors</th>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<th align='left'>skipped</th>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<th align='left'>missing</th>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<th align='left'>done?</th>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "</tr>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ # begin row
+ branches=`ls ${ROOT_DIRECTORY}/${arch} | grep '^[1-9]$' | sort`
+ for branch in ${branches}; do
+ directory=${ROOT_DIRECTORY}/${arch}/${branch}
+ if [ "$branch" = "4" ]; then
+ indexfile=$directory/ports/INDEX
+ else
+ indexfile=$directory/ports/INDEX-$branch
+ fi
+ echo "<tr>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ # column: ARCH
+ echo "<th align='left'>$arch-$branch</th>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ # column: INDEX count
+ n_index=0
+ if [ -f $indexfile ]; then
+ n_index=`cat $indexfile | wc -l`
+ fi
+ echo "<td align='right'>$n_index</td>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ # column: package count
+ n_packages=0
+ if [ -d $directory/packages/All ]; then
+ n_packages=`find $directory/packages/All -name \*.tbz -o -name \*.tgz |wc -l`
+ fi
+ echo "<td align='right'>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<a href='http://pointyhat.freebsd.org/errorlogs/$arch-$branch-latest-logs'>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "$n_packages</a></td>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ # column: error count
+ n_errors=0
+ if [ -d $directory/errors ]; then
+ # XXX MCL why doesn't this work???
+ #n_errors=`find $directory/errors -name \*.log -o -name \*.log.bz2 |wc -l`
+ n_errors=`ls $directory/errors | grep '.log' | wc -l`
+ fi
+ echo "<td align='right'>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<a href='http://pointyhat.freebsd.org/errorlogs/$arch-$branch-latest'>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "$n_errors</a></td>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ # column: duds count
+ n_duds=0
+ if [ -f $directory/duds ]; then
+ n_duds=`cat $directory/duds | wc -l`
+ fi
+ echo "<td align='right'>$n_duds</td>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ # column: missing count
+ n_missing=`expr $n_index - $n_packages - $n_errors - $n_duds`
+ echo "<td align='right'>$n_missing</td>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ # column: done flag
+ done_flag="N"
+ if [ -f $directory/build.log ]; then
+ if [ ! -z "`grep 'all done at ' $directory/build.log`" ]; then
+ done_flag="Y"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "<td align='right'>$done_flag</td>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "</tr>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ done
+ echo "</table>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+ echo "<br>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<p>explanation of columns:</p>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<ul>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<li><b>INDEX</b> is number of ports in the INDEX file built from the latest cvs checkout.</li>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<li><b>packages</b> is number of packages successfully built.</li>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<li><b>errors</b> is number of packages that failed.</li>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<li><b>skipped</b> is number of packages that were skipped due to NO_PACKAGE, IGNORE, BROKEN, FORBIDDEN, and so forth (\"duds\" file).</li>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<li><b>missing</b> is the INDEX column minus anothers. These are packages that have not been built for one reason or the other.</li>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "<li><b>done</b> is whether that run terminated normally or not.</li>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "</ul>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "</body>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+echo "</html>" >> ${TMPFILE}
+mv -f ${TMPFILE} ${OUTFILE}