diff options
2 files changed, 281 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/multimedia/mplayer/Makefile b/multimedia/mplayer/Makefile
index b153f56da19e..0f60b8c3be8c 100644
--- a/multimedia/mplayer/Makefile
+++ b/multimedia/mplayer/Makefile
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
PORTNAME= mplayer
CATEGORIES= multimedia audio ipv6
MASTER_SITES= http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/ \
http://www2.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/ \
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ WITH_SVGALIB= yes
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libx264.so.0)
+.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libx264.so.1)
WITH_X264= yes
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-theora
.if defined(WITH_X264)
-LIB_DEPENDS+= x264.0:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/x264
+LIB_DEPENDS+= x264.1:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/x264
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-x264
diff --git a/multimedia/mplayer/files/patch-libmpcodecs-ve_x264.c b/multimedia/mplayer/files/patch-libmpcodecs-ve_x264.c
index f80da0fecb51..e5ce4ad872a8 100644
--- a/multimedia/mplayer/files/patch-libmpcodecs-ve_x264.c
+++ b/multimedia/mplayer/files/patch-libmpcodecs-ve_x264.c
@@ -1,22 +1,291 @@
---- libmpcodecs/ve_x264.c Sun Mar 13 13:05:54 2005
-+++ libmpcodecs/ve_x264.c.orig Sun Mar 13 13:05:35 2005
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
+--- libmpcodecs/ve_x264.c.orig Tue Nov 23 19:54:20 2004
++++ libmpcodecs/ve_x264.c Thu Apr 21 08:31:22 2005
+@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@
#include <x264.h>
-#if X264_BUILD < 0x000c
-+#if X264_BUILD < 0x000e
- #error We do not support old versions of x264. Get the latest from SVN.
- #endif
+-#error We do not support old versions of x264. Get the latest from SVN.
+ typedef struct _h264_module_t {
+ muxer_stream_t *mux;
+ x264_param_t param;
+@@ -65,20 +61,28 @@
+ static int bitrate = -1;
+ static int qp_constant = 26;
+ static int frame_ref = 1;
+-static int iframe = 250;
+-static int idrframe = 2;
++static int keyint_max = 250;
++static int keyint_min = -1;
+ static int scenecut_threshold = 40;
+ static int bframe = 0;
++static int bframe_adaptive = 1;
++static int bframe_bias = 0;
++static int bframe_pyramid = 0;
+ static int deblock = 1;
+ static int deblockalpha = 0;
+ static int deblockbeta = 0;
+ static int cabac = 1;
+-static int cabacidc = -1;
+ static int p4x4mv = 0;
++static int p8x8mv = 1;
++static int b8x8mv = 1;
++static int direct_pred = X264_DIRECT_PRED_TEMPORAL;
++static int weight_b = 0;
++static int chroma_me = 1;
++static int chroma_qp_offset = 0;
+ static float ip_factor = 1.4;
+-static float pb_factor = 1.4;
++static float pb_factor = 1.3;
+ static int rc_buffer_size = -1;
+-static int rc_init_buffer = -1;
++static float rc_init_buffer = 0.25;
+ static int rc_sens = 4;
+ static int qp_min = 10;
+ static int qp_max = 51;
+@@ -87,48 +91,66 @@
+ static float qcomp = 0.6;
+ static float qblur = 0.5;
+ static float complexity_blur = 20;
+-static char *rc_eq = "tex*blurTex^(qComp-1)";
+-static int subq = 1;
++static char *rc_eq = "blurCplx^(1-qComp)";
++static int subq = 5;
++static int level_idc = 40;
+ static int psnr = 0;
+ static int log_level = 2;
-@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@
+ m_option_t x264encopts_conf[] = {
+ {"bitrate", &bitrate, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 24000000, NULL},
+ {"qp_constant", &qp_constant, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 51, NULL},
+- {"frameref", &frame_ref, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 15, NULL},
+- {"keyint", &iframe, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 24000000, NULL},
+- {"idrint", &idrframe, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 24000000, NULL},
++ {"frameref", &frame_ref, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 16, NULL},
++ {"keyint", &keyint_max, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 24000000, NULL},
++ {"keyint_min", &keyint_min, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 24000000, NULL},
+ {"scenecut", &scenecut_threshold, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, -1, 100, NULL},
+ {"bframes", &bframe, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 16, NULL},
++ {"b_adapt", &bframe_adaptive, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
++ {"nob_adapt", &bframe_adaptive, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 1, 0, NULL},
++ {"b_bias", &bframe_bias, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, -100, 100, NULL},
++ {"b_pyramid", &bframe_pyramid, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
++ {"nob_pyramid", &bframe_pyramid, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 1, 0, NULL},
+ {"deblock", &deblock, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
+ {"nodeblock", &deblock, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 1, 0, NULL},
+ {"deblockalpha", &deblockalpha, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, -6, 6, NULL},
+ {"deblockbeta", &deblockbeta, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, -6, 6, NULL},
+ {"cabac", &cabac, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
+ {"nocabac", &cabac, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 1, 0, NULL},
+- {"cabacidc", &cabacidc, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, -1, 2, NULL},
+ {"4x4mv", &p4x4mv, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
+ {"no4x4mv", &p4x4mv, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 1, 0, NULL},
++ {"8x8mv", &p8x8mv, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
++ {"no8x8mv", &p8x8mv, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 1, 0, NULL},
++ {"b8x8mv", &b8x8mv, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
++ {"nob8x8mv", &b8x8mv, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 1, 0, NULL},
++ {"direct_pred", &direct_pred, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 2, NULL},
++ {"weight_b", &weight_b, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
++ {"noweight_b", &weight_b, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 1, 0, NULL},
++ {"chroma_me", &chroma_me, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
++ {"nochroma_me", &chroma_me, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 1, 0, NULL},
++ {"chroma_qp_offset", &chroma_qp_offset, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, -12, 12, NULL},
+ {"ip_factor", &ip_factor, CONF_TYPE_FLOAT, CONF_RANGE, -10.0, 10.0, NULL},
+ {"pb_factor", &pb_factor, CONF_TYPE_FLOAT, CONF_RANGE, -10.0, 10.0, NULL},
+ {"rc_buffer_size", &rc_buffer_size, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 24000000, NULL},
+- {"rc_init_buffer", &rc_init_buffer, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 24000000, NULL},
++ {"rc_init_buffer", &rc_init_buffer, CONF_TYPE_FLOAT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 24000000, NULL},
+ {"rc_sens", &rc_sens, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 100, NULL},
+ {"qp_min", &qp_min, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 51, NULL},
+ {"qp_max", &qp_max, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 51, NULL},
+- {"qp_step", &qp_step, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 50, NULL},
++ {"qp_step", &qp_step, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 50, NULL},
+ {"pass", &pass, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 3, NULL},
+ {"rc_eq", &rc_eq, CONF_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, NULL},
+ {"qcomp", &qcomp, CONF_TYPE_FLOAT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 1, NULL},
+ {"qblur", &qblur, CONF_TYPE_FLOAT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 99, NULL},
+ {"cplx_blur", &complexity_blur, CONF_TYPE_FLOAT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 999, NULL},
+- {"subq", &subq, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 5, NULL},
++ {"subq", &subq, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 1, 5, NULL},
++ {"level_idc", &level_idc, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 10, 51, NULL},
+ {"psnr", &psnr, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
+ {"nopsnr", &psnr, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 1, 0, NULL},
+ {"log", &log_level, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, -1, 3, NULL},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}
+ };
++static int put_image(struct vf_instance_s *vf, mp_image_t *mpi);
++static int encode_frame(struct vf_instance_s *vf, x264_picture_t *pic_in);
+ static int config(struct vf_instance_s* vf, int width, int height, int d_width, int d_height, unsigned int flags, unsigned int outfmt) {
+ h264_module_t *mod=(h264_module_t*)vf->priv;
+@@ -138,15 +160,17 @@
mod->param.i_frame_reference = frame_ref;
- mod->param.i_idrframe = idrframe;
- mod->param.i_iframe = iframe;
-+ mod->param.i_keyint_max = idrframe;
-+ mod->param.i_keyint_min = iframe;
++ mod->param.i_keyint_max = keyint_max;
++ mod->param.i_keyint_min = keyint_min > 0 ? keyint_min : keyint_max * 2 / 5;
mod->param.i_scenecut_threshold = scenecut_threshold;
mod->param.i_bframe = bframe;
++ mod->param.b_bframe_adaptive = bframe_adaptive;
++ mod->param.i_bframe_bias = bframe_bias;
++ mod->param.b_bframe_pyramid = bframe_pyramid;
mod->param.b_deblocking_filter = deblock;
+ mod->param.i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 = deblockalpha;
+ mod->param.i_deblocking_filter_beta = deblockbeta;
+ mod->param.b_cabac = cabac;
+- mod->param.i_cabac_init_idc = cabacidc;
+ mod->param.rc.i_qp_constant = qp_constant;
+ if(qp_min > qp_constant)
+@@ -190,23 +214,34 @@
+ if(bitrate > 0) {
+ if(rc_buffer_size <= 0)
+ rc_buffer_size = bitrate;
+- if(rc_init_buffer < 0)
+- rc_init_buffer = rc_buffer_size/4;
+ mod->param.rc.b_cbr = 1;
+ mod->param.rc.i_bitrate = bitrate;
+ mod->param.rc.i_rc_buffer_size = rc_buffer_size;
+- mod->param.rc.i_rc_init_buffer = rc_init_buffer;
++ if(rc_init_buffer > 1)
++ mod->param.rc.i_rc_init_buffer = rc_init_buffer;
++ else
++ mod->param.rc.i_rc_init_buffer = rc_buffer_size * rc_init_buffer;
+ mod->param.rc.i_rc_sens = rc_sens;
+ }
+- if(p4x4mv)
+- mod->param.analyse.inter = X264_ANALYSE_I4x4 | X264_ANALYSE_PSUB16x16 | X264_ANALYSE_PSUB8x8;
+ mod->param.rc.f_ip_factor = ip_factor;
+ mod->param.rc.f_pb_factor = pb_factor;
++ mod->param.analyse.inter = X264_ANALYSE_I4x4;
++ if(p4x4mv)
++ mod->param.analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_PSUB8x8;
++ if(p8x8mv)
++ mod->param.analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_PSUB16x16;
++ if(b8x8mv)
++ mod->param.analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_BSUB16x16;
++ mod->param.analyse.i_direct_mv_pred = direct_pred;
++ mod->param.analyse.b_weighted_bipred = weight_b;
++ mod->param.analyse.i_chroma_qp_offset = chroma_qp_offset;
++ mod->param.analyse.b_chroma_me = chroma_me;
+ mod->param.i_width = width;
+ mod->param.i_height = height;
+ mod->param.i_fps_num = mod->mux->h.dwRate;
+ mod->param.i_fps_den = mod->mux->h.dwScale;
++ mod->param.i_level_idc = level_idc;
+ mod->param.analyse.b_psnr = psnr;
+ mod->param.i_log_level = log_level;
+ mod->param.vui.i_sar_width = d_width*height;
+@@ -256,13 +291,19 @@
+ return 0;
+ }
+- x264_picture_alloc(&mod->pic, mod->param.i_csp, mod->param.i_width, mod->param.i_height);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ static int control(struct vf_instance_s* vf, int request, void *data)
+ {
++ switch(request){
++ if(bframe)
++ while(encode_frame(vf, NULL) > 0);
++ return CONTROL_TRUE;
++ default:
++ }
+ }
+ static int query_format(struct vf_instance_s* vf, unsigned int fmt)
+@@ -277,9 +318,8 @@
+ case IMGFMT_RGB:
+ case IMGFMT_BGR:
+ case IMGFMT_BGR32:
+- /* 2004/08/05: There seems to be some, but not complete,
+- support for these colorspaces in X264. Better to stay
+- on the safe side for now. */
++ /* These colorspaces are supported, but they'll just have
++ * to be converted to I420 internally */
+ return 0; /* VFCAP_CSP_SUPPORTED */
+ }
+ return 0;
+@@ -288,14 +328,10 @@
+ static int put_image(struct vf_instance_s *vf, mp_image_t *mpi)
+ {
+ h264_module_t *mod=(h264_module_t*)vf->priv;
+- int i_nal;
+- x264_nal_t *nal;
+ int i;
+- int i_size = 0;
+- int csp=mod->pic.img.i_csp;
+ memset(&mod->pic, 0, sizeof(x264_picture_t));
+- mod->pic.img.i_csp=csp;
++ mod->pic.img.i_csp=mod->param.i_csp;
+ mod->pic.img.i_plane=3;
+ for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ mod->pic.img.plane[i] = mpi->planes[i];
+@@ -303,9 +339,22 @@
+ }
+ mod->pic.i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
+- if(x264_encoder_encode(mod->x264, &nal, &i_nal, &mod->pic) < 0) {
++ return encode_frame(vf, &mod->pic) >= 0;
++static int encode_frame(struct vf_instance_s *vf, x264_picture_t *pic_in)
++ h264_module_t *mod=(h264_module_t*)vf->priv;
++ x264_picture_t pic_out;
++ x264_nal_t *nal;
++ int i_nal;
++ int i_size = 0;
++ int i;
++ if(x264_encoder_encode(mod->x264, &nal, &i_nal, pic_in, &pic_out) < 0) {
+ mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_ERR, "x264_encoder_encode failed\n");
+- return 0;
++ return -1;
+ }
+ for(i=0; i < i_nal; i++) {
+@@ -313,25 +362,25 @@
+ i_size += x264_nal_encode(mod->mux->buffer + i_size, &i_data, 1, &nal[i]);
+ }
+ if(i_size>0) {
+- int keyframe = (mod->pic.i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR) ||
+- (mod->pic.i_type == X264_TYPE_I && frame_ref == 1);
++ int keyframe = (pic_out.i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR) ||
++ (pic_out.i_type == X264_TYPE_I
++ && frame_ref == 1 && !bframe);
+ muxer_write_chunk(mod->mux, i_size, keyframe?0x10:0);
+ }
+- return 1;
++ return i_size;
+ }
+ static void uninit(struct vf_instance_s *vf)
+ {
+- // FIXME: flush delayed frames
+ h264_module_t *mod=(h264_module_t*)vf->priv;
+ x264_encoder_close(mod->x264);
+- //x264_picture_clean(&mod->pic);
+ }
+ static int vf_open(vf_instance_t *vf, char *args) {
+ h264_module_t *mod;
+ vf->config = config;
+ vf->control = control;
+ vf->query_format = query_format;
+ vf->put_image = put_image;