diff options
3 files changed, 306 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 52da0634d070..febb49624492 100644
@@ -11,6 +11,20 @@ in the release notes and/or placed into UPDATING.
All ports committers are allowed to commit to this file.
+AUTHOR: mat@FreeBSD.org
+ A new stage-qa test has been added, it reports all shared libraries
+ dependencies that are not part of the port list of dependencies. It help
+ finds what is called proxy dependencies.
+ A is needed by B, and B is needed by C. If C also needs A, then it needs to
+ be registered, and this check will tell you to do so.
+ Right now, it is only reporting the problems, but if you add
+ PROXYDEPS_FATAL=yes to your environment, it will give an error and will force
+ you to fix the dependencies.
AUTHOR: bapt@FreeBSD.org
New keyword @xmlcatmgr has been added, to handle the XML and SGML catalog
diff --git a/Mk/Scripts/qa.sh b/Mk/Scripts/qa.sh
index fdd30b662a1e..19dc5795f148 100644
--- a/Mk/Scripts/qa.sh
+++ b/Mk/Scripts/qa.sh
@@ -313,7 +313,296 @@ terminfo() {
return 0
-checks="shebang symlinks paths stripped desktopfileutils sharedmimeinfo suidfiles libtool libperl prefixvar baselibs terminfo"
+listcontains() {
+ local str lst elt
+ str=$1
+ lst=$2
+ for elt in ${lst} ; do
+ if [ ${elt} = ${str} ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+proxydeps_suggest_uses() {
+ local pkg=$1
+ local lib_file=$2
+ # miscellaneous USE clauses
+ if [ ${pkg} = 'devel/gettext-runtime' ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=gettext"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'databases/sqlite3' ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=sqlite"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'databases/sqlite2' ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=sqlite:2"
+ # Gnome -> same as port
+ # grep LIB_DEPENDS= Mk/Uses/gnome.mk |sed -e 's|\(.*\)_LIB_DEPENDS.*:\(.*\)\/\(.*\)|[ "\1" = "\3" ] \&\& echo "\\${pkg} = \\\"\2/\3\\\" -o \\\\"|'|sort|sh
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "accessibility/atk" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "accessibility/atkmm" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "graphics/cairo" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "graphics/cairomm" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/dconf" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "audio/esound" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gal2" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/gconf2" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/gconfmm26" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/glib12" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/glib20" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/glibmm" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "audio/gsound" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gtk12" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gtk20" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gtk30" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "www/gtkhtml3" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "www/gtkhtml4" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gtkmm20" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gtkmm24" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gtkmm30" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gtksourceview" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gtksourceview2" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gtksourceview3" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gtksourceviewmm3" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/libbonobo" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/libbonoboui" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "databases/libgda4" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "databases/libgda5" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "databases/libgda5-ui" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "databases/libgdamm" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "databases/libgdamm5" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/libglade2" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11/libgnome" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "graphics/libgnomecanvas" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11/libgnomekbd" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "print/libgnomeprint" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/libgnomeprintui" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/libgnomeui" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/libgsf" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "www/libgtkhtml" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/libgtksourceviewmm" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "graphics/librsvg2" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/libsigc++12" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "devel/libsigc++20" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/libwnck" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/libwnck3" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "textproc/libxml++26" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "textproc/libxml2" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "textproc/libxslt" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-wm/metacity" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/pango" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/pangomm" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/pangox-compat" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/vte" -o \
+ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/vte3" ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_GNOME+=${pkg#*/}"
+ # Gnome different as port
+ # grep LIB_DEPENDS= Mk/Uses/gnome.mk |sed -e 's|\(.*\)_LIB_DEPENDS.*:\(.*\)\/\(.*\)|[ "\1" = "\3" ] \|\| echo "elif [ \\${pkg} = \\\"\2/\3\\\" ]; then; warn \\\"you need USE_GNOME+=\1\\\""|'|sort|sh
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "accessibility/at-spi" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=atspi"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "databases/evolution-data-server" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=evolutiondataserver3"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "graphics/gdk-pixbuf" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=gdkpixbuf"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "graphics/gdk-pixbuf2" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=gdkpixbuf2"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11/gnome-desktop" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=gnomedesktop3"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "accessibility/gnome-speech" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=gnomespeech"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "devel/gnome-vfs" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=gnomevfs2"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "devel/gobject-introspection" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=introspection"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "graphics/libart_lgpl" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=libartlgpl2"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "devel/libIDL" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=libidl"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11-fm/nautilus" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=nautilus3"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "devel/ORBit2" ]; then warn "you need USE_GNOME+=orbit2"
+ # mate
+ # grep LIB_DEPENDS= Mk/Uses/mate.mk |sed -e 's|\(.*\)_LIB_DEPENDS.*:\(.*\)\/\(.*\)|elif [ ${pkg} = "\2/\3" ]; then warn "you need USE_MATE+=\1"|'
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11-fm/caja" ]; then warn "you need USE_MATE+=caja"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "sysutils/mate-control-center" ]; then warn "you need USE_MATE+=controlcenter"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11/mate-desktop" ]; then warn "you need USE_MATE+=desktop"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11/libmatekbd" ]; then warn "you need USE_MATE+=libmatekbd"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "net/libmateweather" ]; then warn "you need USE_MATE+=libmateweather"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11-wm/marco" ]; then warn "you need USE_MATE+=marco"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11/mate-menus" ]; then warn "you need USE_MATE+=menus"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11/mate-panel" ]; then warn "you need USE_MATE+=panel"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "sysutils/mate-polkit" ]; then warn "you need USE_MATE+=polkit"
+ # sdl-related
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'devel/sdl12' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_SDL+=sdl"
+ elif echo ${pkg} | grep -E '/sdl_(console|gfx|image|mixer|mm|net|pango|sound|ttf)$' > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USE_SDL+=$(echo ${pkg} | sed -E 's|.*/sdl_||')"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'devel/sdl20' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_SDL+=sdl2"
+ elif echo ${pkg} | grep -E '/sdl2_(gfx|image|mixer|net|ttf)$' > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USE_SDL+=$(echo ${pkg} | sed -E 's|.*/sdl2_||')2"
+ # gl-related
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'graphics/libGL' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_GL+=gl"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'graphics/gbm' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_GL+=gbm"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'graphics/libglesv2' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_GL+=glesv2"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'graphics/libEGL' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_GL+=egl"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'graphics/glew' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_GL+=glew"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'graphics/libGLU' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_GL+=glu"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'graphics/libGLw' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_GL+=glw"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'graphics/freeglut' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_GL+=glut"
+ # Xorg-libraries: this should be by XORG_MODULES @ bsd.xorg.mk
+ elif echo ${pkg} | grep -E '/lib(X11|Xau|Xdmcp|Xext|SM|ICE|Xfixes|Xft|Xdamage|Xcomposite|Xcursor|Xinerama|Xmu|Xmuu|Xpm|Xt|Xtst|Xi|Xrandr|Xrender|Xres|XScrnSaver|Xv|Xxf86vm|Xxf86dga|Xxf86misc|xcb)$' > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USE_XORG+=$(echo ${pkg} | sed -E 's|.*/lib//' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = 'x11/pixman' ]; then
+ warn "you need USE_XORG+=pixman"
+ # Qt4
+ elif expr ${pkg} : '.*/qt4-.*' > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USE_QT4+=$(echo ${pkg} | sed -E 's|.*/qt4-||')"
+ # Qt5
+ elif expr ${pkg} : '.*/qt5-.*' > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USE_QT5+=$(echo ${pkg} | sed -E 's|.*/qt5-||')"
+ # MySQL
+ elif expr ${lib_file} : "${LOCALBASE}/lib/mysql/[^/]*$" > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USES+=mysql"
+ # postgresql
+ elif expr ${pkg} : "^databases/postgresql.*-client" > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USES+=pgsql"
+ # bdb
+ elif expr ${pkg} : "^databases/db[456]" > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USES+=bdb"
+ # execinfo
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "devel/libexecinfo" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=execinfo"
+ # fam/gamin
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "devel/fam" -o ${pkg} = "devel/gamin" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=fam"
+ # firebird
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "databases/firebird25-client" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=firebird"
+ # fuse
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "sysutils/fusefs-libs" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=fuse"
+ # gnustep
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "lang/gnustep-base" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=gnustep and USE_GNUSTEP+=base"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/gnustep-gui" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=gnustep and USE_GNUSTEP+=gui"
+ # iconv
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "converters/libiconv" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=iconv"
+ # jpeg
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "graphics/jpeg" -o ${pkg} = "graphics/jpeg-turbo" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=jpeg"
+ # libarchive
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "archivers/libarchive" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=libarchive"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "devel/libedit" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=libedit"
+ # lua
+ elif expr ${pkg} : "^lang/lua" > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USES+=lua"
+ # motif
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/lesstif" -o ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/open-motif" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=motif"
+ # objc
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "lang/libobjc2" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=objc"
+ # openal
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "audio/openal" -o ${pkg} = "audio/openal-soft" -o ${pkg} = "audio/freealut" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=openal"
+ # pure
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "lang/pure" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=pure"
+ # readline
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "devel/readline" ]; then
+ warn "you need USES+=readline"
+ # Tcl
+ elif expr ${pkg} : "^lang/tcl" > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USES+=tcl"
+ # Tk
+ elif expr ${pkg} : "^x11-toolkits/tk" > /dev/null; then
+ warn "you need USES+=tk"
+ # Xfce
+ # grep LIB_DEPENDS= Mk/Uses/xfce.mk |sed -e 's|\(.*\)_LIB_DEPENDS.*:\(.*\)\/\(.*\)|elif [ ${pkg} = "\2/\3" ]; then warn "you need USE_XFCE+=\1"|'
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "sysutils/garcon" ]; then warn "you need USE_XFCE+=garcon"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11/libexo" ]; then warn "you need USE_XFCE+=libexo"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11-toolkits/libxfce4gui" ]; then warn "you need USE_XFCE+=libgui"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11/libxfce4menu" ]; then warn "you need USE_XFCE+=libmenu"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11/libxfce4util" ]; then warn "you need USE_XFCE+=libutil"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11-wm/xfce4-panel" ]; then warn "you need USE_XFCE+=panel"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11-fm/thunar" ]; then warn "you need USE_XFCE+=thunar"
+ elif [ ${pkg} = "x11/xfce4-conf" ]; then warn "you need USE_XFCE+=xfconf"
+ # default
+ elif expr ${lib_file} : "${LOCALBASE}/lib/[^/]*$" > /dev/null; then
+ lib_file=${lib_file#${LOCALBASE}/lib/}
+ lib_file=${lib_file%.so*}.so
+ warn "you need LIB_DEPENDS+=${lib_file}:${pkg}"
+ fi
+subst_dep_file() {
+ local dep_file=$1
+ if expr ${dep_file} : "${LOCALBASE}/lib/libGL.so.[0-9]$" > /dev/null; then
+ if [ -f ${LOCALBASE}/lib/.mesa/libGL.so ]; then
+ echo ${LOCALBASE}/lib/.mesa/libGL.so
+ return
+ fi
+ elif expr ${dep_file} : "${LOCALBASE}/lib/libEGL.so.[0-9]$" > /dev/null; then
+ if [ -f ${LOCALBASE}/lib/.mesa/libEGL.so ]; then
+ echo ${LOCALBASE}/lib/.mesa/libEGL.so
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo ${dep_file}
+proxydeps() {
+ local file dep_file dep_file_pkg already rc
+ rc=0
+ # Check all dynamicaly linked ELF files
+ # Some .so are not executable, but we want to check them too.
+ while read file; do
+ # No results presents a blank line from heredoc.
+ [ -z "${file}" ] && continue
+ while read dep_file; do
+ # No results presents a blank line from heredoc.
+ [ -z "${dep_file}" ] && continue
+ dep_file=$(subst_dep_file ${dep_file})
+ if listcontains ${dep_file} "${already}"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if $(pkg which -q ${dep_file} > /dev/null 2>&1); then
+ dep_file_pkg=$(pkg which -qo ${dep_file})
+ if ! listcontains ${dep_file_pkg} "${LIB_RUN_DEPENDS} ${PKGORIGIN}"; then
+ err "${file} is linked to ${dep_file} from ${dep_file_pkg} but it is not declared as a dependency"
+ proxydeps_suggest_uses ${dep_file_pkg} ${dep_file}
+ rc=1
+ fi
+ else
+ err "${file} is linked to ${dep_file} that does not belong to any package"
+ rc=1
+ fi
+ already="${already} ${dep_file}"
+ done <<-EOT
+ $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LOCALBASE}/lib ldd -a "${STAGEDIR}${file}" | \
+ awk '\
+ BEGIN {section=0}\
+ /^\// {section++}\
+ !/^\// && section<=1 && ($3 ~ "^'${PREFIX}'" || $3 ~ "^'${LOCALBASE}'") {print $3}')
+ done <<-EOT
+ $(cd ${STAGEDIR} && find -s . -type f \( -perm +111 -o -name '*.so*' \) | \
+ file -F $'\1' -f - | \
+ grep -a 'ELF.*dynamically linked' | \
+ cut -f 1 -d $'\1'| \
+ sed -e 's/^\.//')
+ [ -z "${PROXYDEPS_FATAL}" ] && return 0
+ return ${rc}
+checks="shebang symlinks paths stripped desktopfileutils sharedmimeinfo suidfiles libtool libperl prefixvar baselibs terminfo proxydeps"
diff --git a/Mk/bsd.port.mk b/Mk/bsd.port.mk
index dc8768285184..9933a849a5c4 100644
--- a/Mk/bsd.port.mk
+++ b/Mk/bsd.port.mk
@@ -1521,6 +1521,8 @@ QA_ENV+= STAGEDIR=${STAGEDIR} \
+ LIB_RUN_DEPENDS='${_LIB_RUN_DEPENDS:C,[^:]*:([^:]*):?.*,\1,}' \
.if !empty(USES:Mdesktop-file-utils)