diff options
21 files changed, 3 insertions, 1030 deletions
diff --git a/CVSROOT/modules b/CVSROOT/modules
index 055b69a8fb08..89cf48465e50 100644
--- a/CVSROOT/modules
+++ b/CVSROOT/modules
@@ -1948,7 +1948,6 @@ dsnake ports/games/dsnake
dsniff ports/security/dsniff
dspam ports/mail/dspam
dspam-devel ports/mail/dspam-devel
-dspampd ports/mail/dspampd
dsssl-docbook-cygnus ports/textproc/dsssl-docbook-cygnus
dsssl-docbook-modular ports/textproc/dsssl-docbook-modular
dt ports/sysutils/dt
@@ -4536,7 +4535,6 @@ ja-dvipsk ports/japanese/dvipsk
ja-e2ps ports/japanese/e2ps
ja-easypr ports/japanese/easypr
ja-eb ports/japanese/eb
-ja-eb3 ports/japanese/eb3
ja-ebd-fpw ports/japanese/ebd-fpw
ja-eblook ports/japanese/eblook
ja-ebnetd ports/japanese/ebnetd
@@ -13346,7 +13344,6 @@ svg2png ports/graphics/svg2png
svg2swf ports/graphics/svg2swf
svgalib ports/graphics/svgalib
svk ports/devel/svk
-svnc ports/net/svnc
svnmailer ports/mail/svnmailer
svr4_base ports/emulators/svr4_base
sw-aspell ports/textproc/sw-aspell
diff --git a/MOVED b/MOVED
index 3eb60c114ea1..1457d9cf2446 100644
--- a/MOVED
+++ b/MOVED
@@ -2426,3 +2426,6 @@ lang/fpc-demo||2006-07-24|Removed because it's not necessary anymore
www/horde-php5||2006-07-24|Removed: this port is redundant now that php5 is the default
sysutils/e17-module-devian|x11/e17-module-devian|2006-07-26|Move e17-module-devian from sysutils to x11
devel/viewcvs|devel/viewvc|2006-07-26|Project name has changed
+japanese/eb3||2006-08-01|Has expired: please use a never version in japanese/eb
+mail/dspampd||2006-08-01|Has expired: Buggy with recent perl versions, not developed anymore, use mail/dspam[-devel] in --daemon mode instead
+net/svnc||2006-08-01|Has expired: mastersite gone, depends on unfetchable, antique version of vnc
diff --git a/japanese/Makefile b/japanese/Makefile
index bd415cfd7080..f4be00d68a59 100644
--- a/japanese/Makefile
+++ b/japanese/Makefile
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
SUBDIR += e2ps
SUBDIR += easypr
SUBDIR += eb
- SUBDIR += eb3
SUBDIR += ebd-fpw
SUBDIR += eblook
SUBDIR += ebnetd
diff --git a/japanese/eb3/Makefile b/japanese/eb3/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ec7f781a877f..000000000000
--- a/japanese/eb3/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: eb
-# Date created: 20 Jan 1999
-# Whom: Motoyuki Kasahara <m-kasahr@sra.co.jp>
-# $FreeBSD$
-CATEGORIES= japanese
-MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.sra.co.jp/pub/misc/eb/ \
- ftp://ftp.sra.co.jp/pub/misc/eb/old/eb-3.3/
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= C library for accessing EB, EBG, EBXA and EPWING CD-ROM dictionaries
-DEPRECATED= please use a never version in japanese/eb
-EXPIRATION_DATE= 2006-07-19
-LISTFILES= appendix/LIST \
- appendix/LIST-ja
-APPENDIXFILES= appendix/cencro-1.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/chujiten-2.3.tar.gz \
- appendix/chujiten2-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/chujiten6-2.3.tar.gz \
- appendix/colloc-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/crownfj-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/crownfj2-1.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/crowngj-1.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/daihyakka-1.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/daijirin-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/dd75-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/gendai2000-1.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/genius-1.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/genius2-1.1.tar.gz \
- appendix/global-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/heritage-2.2.tar.gz \
- appendix/izumi-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/jitenban-2.4.tar.gz \
- appendix/jitenban97-2.1.tar.gz \
- appendix/kanjigen-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/kanjigen2-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/kojien-2.3.tar.gz \
- appendix/kojien2-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/kojien4-2.2.tar.gz \
- appendix/oxford-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/plus-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/readers-2.2.tar.gz \
- appendix/readers2-2.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/ruigigo-1.0.tar.gz \
- appendix/superdic98-1.0.tar.gz
-USE_PERL5= yes
-CONFIGURE_TARGET= --build=${MACHINE_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL}
-CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-nls \
- --with-gettext-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \
- --with-gettext-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib \
- --with-iconv-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \
- --with-iconv-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib
-INFO= eb-ja ebfont-ja ebfont ebinfo-ja ebinfo ebrefile-ja \
- ebrefile ebzip-ja ebzip
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if ${ARCH} == "ia64"
-BROKEN= Configure fails on ia64
- ${RM} -fr ${WRKSRC}/zlib
- ${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/appendix
-.for file in ${APPENDIXFILES}
- ${TAR} --exclude CVS -C ${WRKDIR}/appendix -zxmf \
- ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${file}
-.for _file in ${LISTFILES}
- ${CP} -R ${WRKDIR}/appendix/ ${APPENDIXDIR}
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/japanese/eb3/distinfo b/japanese/eb3/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index bdc200df67a8..000000000000
--- a/japanese/eb3/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (eb/eb-3.3.4.tar.gz) = 3fdf36689bbab0e4febb53a7e128a13e
-SHA256 (eb/eb-3.3.4.tar.gz) = c8c1efea7c7fea7161fc7fff14c1dcb97b2385b0519e59a9f8fef78793359afb
-SIZE (eb/eb-3.3.4.tar.gz) = 1059932
-MD5 (eb/appendix/LIST) = 07bef37d1fbd4876077f95fe2ca630a1
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/LIST) = d274e194cab653f803c32bb9f5a13419d54ed6451d39709eb5883342cd4d9355
-SIZE (eb/appendix/LIST) = 11210
-MD5 (eb/appendix/LIST-ja) = ec3c7c980b131d1dcdbe9eddee62e2e1
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/LIST-ja) = fc126744c2dca0735193b15ccc805eeb75c3fb2ad5eeecc9eaefc029d9d06bc9
-SIZE (eb/appendix/LIST-ja) = 13396
-MD5 (eb/appendix/cencro-1.0.tar.gz) = 1c93a68fae90990b631bd5302349d199
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/cencro-1.0.tar.gz) = 02d7937f4cd0b3bebb23f9d5917a261d382b4f1004b3b49830c64762d58a02e5
-SIZE (eb/appendix/cencro-1.0.tar.gz) = 1666
-MD5 (eb/appendix/chujiten-2.3.tar.gz) = 750c15b8e94faca7cb4b15b98d1fbb19
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/chujiten-2.3.tar.gz) = 07bb4ae37b8e3bfaa219dc243b70db5ccce1e30a574f43e53c083c36f69090ba
-SIZE (eb/appendix/chujiten-2.3.tar.gz) = 2133
-MD5 (eb/appendix/chujiten2-2.0.tar.gz) = 62a86bdb51a38b554bc6c3bb40da443a
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/chujiten2-2.0.tar.gz) = d70e50f2881f6a3f8992f00fec394ef86c218bbb97d7cc32ba4b80390dbf7849
-SIZE (eb/appendix/chujiten2-2.0.tar.gz) = 2629
-MD5 (eb/appendix/chujiten6-2.3.tar.gz) = 76718d9ad23c75f0eb68f54222c6066d
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/chujiten6-2.3.tar.gz) = d1e9616fd903e9c7d91c0831095fff0656b2638add69d48a06ba7cab96c5cd1d
-SIZE (eb/appendix/chujiten6-2.3.tar.gz) = 2868
-MD5 (eb/appendix/colloc-2.0.tar.gz) = d8a4faa20b9ef4eca5d0a92aa1bfdad5
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/colloc-2.0.tar.gz) = 5d74cd1884e774d5bc2c4f96c798db9bf8d8651158d960042f89a3ea23011f14
-SIZE (eb/appendix/colloc-2.0.tar.gz) = 1313
-MD5 (eb/appendix/crownfj-2.0.tar.gz) = 7637ea60ee8bae58da1606ffba4c1815
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/crownfj-2.0.tar.gz) = 2f658e11cf3893a14b5a51af997fe56fbbf52e41bddca32c6d2a2108f4ac080e
-SIZE (eb/appendix/crownfj-2.0.tar.gz) = 4463
-MD5 (eb/appendix/crownfj2-1.0.tar.gz) = 14303dafe2c08657a67813774ca82087
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/crownfj2-1.0.tar.gz) = 2ff8ee0edd5e4683861122a0a06a353fb6299abf3770e6d6cea0d0267b547b5d
-SIZE (eb/appendix/crownfj2-1.0.tar.gz) = 2164
-MD5 (eb/appendix/crowngj-1.0.tar.gz) = b4e9388e6e687a2235a2b8c66fc43b3c
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/crowngj-1.0.tar.gz) = f8985fe12195acc0035043b5bd8954825e7663cb588c926148d0f38a598925f3
-SIZE (eb/appendix/crowngj-1.0.tar.gz) = 2155
-MD5 (eb/appendix/daihyakka-1.0.tar.gz) = 203a0a47b353c90ac16a04d847787913
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/daihyakka-1.0.tar.gz) = 855ebd849ef31f372a90d157cb3c5913717f0e139c1903d40011107dd783c1bf
-SIZE (eb/appendix/daihyakka-1.0.tar.gz) = 3748
-MD5 (eb/appendix/daijirin-2.0.tar.gz) = d56b2f50a2fd8a9dc49dcda2b075781c
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/daijirin-2.0.tar.gz) = 59e719629eec779b580ef901bacfee0ce70887083cb33e34982e7733c2a95b69
-SIZE (eb/appendix/daijirin-2.0.tar.gz) = 2095
-MD5 (eb/appendix/dd75-2.0.tar.gz) = 7979cfb612d8f2ab97fc1c3e7af5d653
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/dd75-2.0.tar.gz) = ea09002437f3ea046b15da853ee19098daf2c8995e781368d6508e4a7c318199
-SIZE (eb/appendix/dd75-2.0.tar.gz) = 4062
-MD5 (eb/appendix/gendai2000-1.0.tar.gz) = 26a018aec162c4f4250295da54d59262
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/gendai2000-1.0.tar.gz) = ade806888de8bf7f43df069f2dcca360a7806cbf089a03d476f0721c8cea6218
-SIZE (eb/appendix/gendai2000-1.0.tar.gz) = 1063
-MD5 (eb/appendix/genius-1.0.tar.gz) = 534571189137c7f508fdea767399d0f4
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/genius-1.0.tar.gz) = cf6d6e5f12d76525e6e615c9b350fc10e7f46c0c048cdcfd0af2de08d5afad58
-SIZE (eb/appendix/genius-1.0.tar.gz) = 2241
-MD5 (eb/appendix/genius2-1.1.tar.gz) = f0b22fa6b94214c56b068033e1730d13
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/genius2-1.1.tar.gz) = f953c781251ee30cf61a0eeb12a70f876a7dec3321924911fb58641ca360aa60
-SIZE (eb/appendix/genius2-1.1.tar.gz) = 887
-MD5 (eb/appendix/global-2.0.tar.gz) = 3750ea2d2c78ad786f1d2bc47a8c5b82
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/global-2.0.tar.gz) = 756310bc9434e20e8a5f7043f4acf7085ef8c2c2048af5a2917053d03ecd6c42
-SIZE (eb/appendix/global-2.0.tar.gz) = 4034
-MD5 (eb/appendix/heritage-2.2.tar.gz) = 71ef3b257474c83a0af385001eee3fbf
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/heritage-2.2.tar.gz) = 67974914e27c6874d7520b4c7ce90c56da959631d7edd602a29e902b2ee86997
-SIZE (eb/appendix/heritage-2.2.tar.gz) = 3968
-MD5 (eb/appendix/izumi-2.0.tar.gz) = 89a0d17f13c84c0aa0e57db434eb7462
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/izumi-2.0.tar.gz) = be358a301d4f4e51f0c97930baab80960ba84fc32ee3b06095d6b860bc43d0ce
-SIZE (eb/appendix/izumi-2.0.tar.gz) = 984
-MD5 (eb/appendix/jitenban-2.4.tar.gz) = 884c9a57aef50dc55c458d5b17c04d30
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/jitenban-2.4.tar.gz) = d02941a6991400bf0dfdb0b075ca0827a30147691347294b674ab7bdbbbd3204
-SIZE (eb/appendix/jitenban-2.4.tar.gz) = 7459
-MD5 (eb/appendix/jitenban97-2.1.tar.gz) = 3313235d76dbc57a2df29afd998a2894
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/jitenban97-2.1.tar.gz) = c2279b7de621d0a6a823163b5d4fad667cd1fe7852304d134f4ede0850bac22f
-SIZE (eb/appendix/jitenban97-2.1.tar.gz) = 6866
-MD5 (eb/appendix/kanjigen-2.0.tar.gz) = f023ec2e0772f3d2cf10972130971815
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/kanjigen-2.0.tar.gz) = f687e4f0f0b3c16d6b0c32758ac75bf88a94e0c9b997025984fbe7d083d14987
-SIZE (eb/appendix/kanjigen-2.0.tar.gz) = 2046
-MD5 (eb/appendix/kanjigen2-2.0.tar.gz) = dda824e8bfa5ee4cf64a2ed3d7da046d
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/kanjigen2-2.0.tar.gz) = acc52b1ce7e889c475f167d38731593fdc657d83c154eec63bc408b3c2a772d3
-SIZE (eb/appendix/kanjigen2-2.0.tar.gz) = 897
-MD5 (eb/appendix/kojien-2.3.tar.gz) = baf54b5fd33c1fc3ce53627fc1e80d98
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/kojien-2.3.tar.gz) = a24513660845d7b9aa8fc640f2e61a2df1852b035aa65588ff0b355a8c43926c
-SIZE (eb/appendix/kojien-2.3.tar.gz) = 2008
-MD5 (eb/appendix/kojien2-2.0.tar.gz) = 00ec924d7d52d145588bed26aa24a325
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/kojien2-2.0.tar.gz) = 892b6bd9091019992406af0dcc806d4c254ad1d4437b7222ae4e5f331e440259
-SIZE (eb/appendix/kojien2-2.0.tar.gz) = 4526
-MD5 (eb/appendix/kojien4-2.2.tar.gz) = b5cd05b34d24ec6c25c177550b66c787
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/kojien4-2.2.tar.gz) = ee1c694e2b9ad1fe09fe18b5f108721e985861e02c951097b5731bb88a609a67
-SIZE (eb/appendix/kojien4-2.2.tar.gz) = 2272
-MD5 (eb/appendix/oxford-2.0.tar.gz) = 381c35701de3c86da23922aa31337019
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/oxford-2.0.tar.gz) = 43d6295d3be13d0e9dedff5322eb97913760363096135b1d1fe40762bf37f1cd
-SIZE (eb/appendix/oxford-2.0.tar.gz) = 3849
-MD5 (eb/appendix/plus-2.0.tar.gz) = 4f03b6808fdd9032471b654b80e0c7a1
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/plus-2.0.tar.gz) = 05ff8d75c8221b366050e179406bbd34973fa1cf7b020e5bd4499d3dd4feebfe
-SIZE (eb/appendix/plus-2.0.tar.gz) = 3632
-MD5 (eb/appendix/readers-2.2.tar.gz) = 73e27f0f9727a9e225117f4611257fb3
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/readers-2.2.tar.gz) = bafecaffcafe61f833e09b7be6a594b849035299b3e63b37ac3899d506b85eb8
-SIZE (eb/appendix/readers-2.2.tar.gz) = 2194
-MD5 (eb/appendix/readers2-2.0.tar.gz) = 5125b2925c76291ee2c0c616a09217c4
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/readers2-2.0.tar.gz) = b1fb74d426529019120d2ed4a6ab6bf19d3d2284e16a9aa473b13438c1e574c6
-SIZE (eb/appendix/readers2-2.0.tar.gz) = 2698
-MD5 (eb/appendix/ruigigo-1.0.tar.gz) = 950096d9ffa4ca466f77d9b697127e88
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/ruigigo-1.0.tar.gz) = 269950213f0c02d6b3aac5f0a039bc0c104f468040a2bf61771dfaeb4659aeba
-SIZE (eb/appendix/ruigigo-1.0.tar.gz) = 1326
-MD5 (eb/appendix/superdic98-1.0.tar.gz) = cc38fde2e6d5b12dba6f494a8a979b03
-SHA256 (eb/appendix/superdic98-1.0.tar.gz) = 7ef10f9341c63fc28bf5ac16d9a8dd8eac712b19d3b6d4a2b43f0a9efbcf34b3
-SIZE (eb/appendix/superdic98-1.0.tar.gz) = 5252
diff --git a/japanese/eb3/files/patch-configure b/japanese/eb3/files/patch-configure
deleted file mode 100644
index fc4571016d48..000000000000
--- a/japanese/eb3/files/patch-configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- configure.orig Fri Feb 7 18:20:16 2003
-+++ configure Sun Feb 16 23:47:36 2003
-@@ -7535,6 +7535,7 @@
- # This can be used to rebuild libtool when needed
- LIBTOOL_DEPS="$ac_aux_dir/ltmain.sh"
-+$ac_aux_dir/ltconfig $LIBTOOL_DEPS
- # Always use our own libtool.
- LIBTOOL='$(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool'
diff --git a/japanese/eb3/pkg-descr b/japanese/eb3/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index c094b8bf7958..000000000000
--- a/japanese/eb3/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-EB Library is a C library for accessing CD-ROM books. EB Library
-supports to access CD-ROM books of EB, EBG, EBXA and EPWING formats.
-CD-ROM books of those formats are popular in Japan.
--- Motoyuki Kasahara <m-kasahr@sra.co.jp>
-You can get information about EB Library from their website.
-WWW: http://www.sra.co.jp/people/m-kasahr/eb/
--- Kazu TAKAMUNE <takamune2004@yahoo.co.jp>
diff --git a/japanese/eb3/pkg-plist b/japanese/eb3/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fc649375bc1..000000000000
--- a/japanese/eb3/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-@dirrm include/eb
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/cencro-1.0/cencro
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/cencro-1.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/chujiten-2.3/eiwa
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/chujiten-2.3/waei
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/chujiten-2.3
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/chujiten2-2.0/chujiten/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/chujiten2-2.0/chujiten
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/chujiten2-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/chujiten6-2.3/chujiten
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/chujiten6-2.3
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/colloc-2.0/colloc/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/colloc-2.0/colloc
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/colloc-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/crownfj-2.0/crown_fj/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/crownfj-2.0/crown_fj
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/crownfj-2.0/daily_ei/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/crownfj-2.0/daily_ei
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/crownfj-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/crownfj2-1.0/crfre
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/crownfj2-1.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/crowngj-1.0/crger
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/crowngj-1.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/daihyakka-1.0/dhk01
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/daihyakka-1.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/daijirin-2.0/dgx01/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/daijirin-2.0/dgx01
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/daijirin-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/dd75-2.0/chujiten
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/dd75-2.0/koujien
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/dd75-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/gendai2000-1.0/gn00eb01
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/gendai2000-1.0/gn00eb02
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/gendai2000-1.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/genius-1.0/genius
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/genius-1.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/genius2-1.1/genius/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/genius2-1.1/genius
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/genius2-1.1
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/global-2.0/gejcje/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/global-2.0/gejcje
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/global-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/heritage-2.2/abbrev
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/heritage-2.2/bioentry
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/heritage-2.2/colleges
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/heritage-2.2/dict
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/heritage-2.2/geoentry
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/heritage-2.2/info
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/heritage-2.2/roget
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/heritage-2.2/root
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/heritage-2.2
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/izumi-2.0/file1
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/izumi-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban-2.4/chiezo/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban-2.4/chiezo
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban-2.4/chujiten/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban-2.4/chujiten
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban-2.4/iwakoku/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban-2.4/iwakoku
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban-2.4/mypaedia/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban-2.4/mypaedia
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban-2.4
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban97-2.1/chiezo/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban97-2.1/chiezo
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban97-2.1/chujiten/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban97-2.1/chujiten
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban97-2.1/iwakoku/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban97-2.1/iwakoku
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban97-2.1/mypaedia/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban97-2.1/mypaedia
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/jitenban97-2.1
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kanjigen-2.0/gdd01
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kanjigen-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kanjigen2-2.0/kanjigen/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kanjigen2-2.0/kanjigen
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kanjigen2-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kojien-2.3/kojien
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kojien-2.3
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kojien2-2.0/furoku/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kojien2-2.0/furoku
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kojien2-2.0/koujien/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kojien2-2.0/koujien
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kojien2-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kojien4-2.2/furoku
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kojien4-2.2/koujien
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/kojien4-2.2
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/oxford-2.0/about
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/oxford-2.0/oxford
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/oxford-2.0/quick
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/oxford-2.0/user
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/oxford-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/plus-2.0/plus/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/plus-2.0/plus
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/plus-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/readers-2.2/readers
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/readers-2.2
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/readers2-2.0/readers/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/readers2-2.0/readers
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/readers2-2.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/ruigigo-1.0/ruigigo/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/ruigigo-1.0/ruigigo
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/ruigigo-1.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/chujiten/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/chujiten
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/furoku/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/furoku
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/gn98ep01/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/gn98ep01
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/gn98ep02/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/gn98ep02
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/gn98ep03/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/gn98ep03
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/kanjigen/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/kanjigen
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/koujien/data
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0/koujien
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix/superdic98-1.0
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/appendix
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%
diff --git a/mail/Makefile b/mail/Makefile
index a2eb55238c74..31bedba5c100 100644
--- a/mail/Makefile
+++ b/mail/Makefile
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
SUBDIR += dsbl-testers
SUBDIR += dspam
SUBDIR += dspam-devel
- SUBDIR += dspampd
SUBDIR += ecartis
SUBDIR += elm
SUBDIR += elm+ME
diff --git a/mail/dspampd/Makefile b/mail/dspampd/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 415a0cb168cc..000000000000
--- a/mail/dspampd/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: mail/dspampd
-# Date created: 21 July 2004
-# Whom: Ion-Mihai "IOnut" Tetcu <itetcu@people.tecnik93.com>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= dspampd
-CATEGORIES= mail perl5
-MASTER_SITES= http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/DspamPD/ \
- http://people.tecnik93.com/~itetcu/FreeBSD/ports/dspampd/sources/
-DISTNAME= dspampd-v2.00-rc2-with-patches-kurt-pinboard
-MAINTAINER= itetcu@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= Transparent smtp proxy - scans mail through DSPAM and/or ClamAV
-DEPRECATED= Buggy with recent perl versions, not developed anymore, use mail/dspam[-devel] in --daemon mode instead
-EXPIRATION_DATE= 2006-07-30
-WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/dspampd-v2.00-rc2
-OPTIONS= DSPAM "Use stable dspam as anti-spam module" on
-OPTIONS+= DSPAM_DEVEL "Use devel dspam as antispam module" off
-OPTIONS+= DSPAM_VIRT_USERS "Non-system users in dspam" off
-OPTIONS+= CLAMAV "Use clamav as antivir module" on
-OPTIONS+= CLAMAV_DEVEL "Use clamav as antivir module" off
-CONF_DIR= ${PREFIX}/etc/dspampd
-RC_DIR= ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d
-RC_SUFX= .sh
-_VAR_DIR= /var
-ARCHIVE_DIR?= ${_VAR_DIR}/spool/dspampd-archive
-PLIST_FILES+= etc/rc.d/dspampd${RC_SUFX}
-SED_SCRIPT= -e "s,/etc/,${CONF_DIR}/,g" \
- -e "s,/usr/bin/,${LOCALBASE}/bin/,g" \
- -e "s,/var/spool/dspam-archive,${ARCHIVE_DIR},g" \
- -e "s,/usr/bin/perl,${PERL},g"
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-RUN_DEPENDS+= dspam:${PORTSDIR}/mail/dspam
-# for now dspamc exists only in -devel
-RUN_DEPENDS+= dspamc:${PORTSDIR}/mail/dspam-devel
-SED_CONF_SCRIPT+= -e "s,%%DSPAM%%,dspam,"
-EXTRA_PATCHES= ${FILESDIR}/lpatch-dspampd_system_users.diff
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/etc/clamd.conf:${PORTSDIR}/security/clamav
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/etc/clamd.conf:${PORTSDIR}/security/clamav-devel
-.ifdef(WITH_CLAMAV) || defined(WITH_CLAMAV_DEVEL)
-SED_CONF_SCRIPT+= -e "s,%%CLAMAV%%,clamd,"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "##########################################################"
- @${ECHO_CMD} " Please use mail/dsapm-devel, it's better."
- @${ECHO_CMD} "There are reports of an infinite cycle with newer perl"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "versions; please send a mail with your working/non-working"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "perl version so that this port can be marked accordingly;"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "or send a patch ;)"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "##########################################################"
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "Define, if you need:"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "ARCHIVE_DIR=${ARCHIVE_DIR} (default ${_VAR_DIR}/spool/dspampd-archive)."
- @${ECHO_CMD}
-.if defined(WITH_DSPAM) && defined(WITH_DSPAM_DEVEL)
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "DSPAM and DSPAM_DEVEL are mutually exclusive."
- @${ECHO_CMD} "Do a \"make rmconfig\" and start over."
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${FALSE}
-.if (defined(WITH_CLAMAV) && defined(WITH_CLAMAV_DEVEL))
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "CLAMAV and CLAMAV_DEVEL are mutually exclusive."
- @${ECHO_CMD} "Do a \"make rmconfig\" and start over."
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${FALSE}
-.for _file in ${SED_FILES}
- @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/dspampd.rc ${WRKSRC}/dspampd.rc
- @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/dspampd ${PREFIX}/sbin/
-.for _conf_file in dspampd.conf dspampd.applyto dspampd.relaycontrol
- @${CP} ${WRKSRC}/${_conf_file} ${WRKSRC}/${_conf_file}.sample
- @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${_conf_file}.sample ${CONF_DIR}/
- @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/dspampd.rc ${RC_DIR}/dspampd${RC_SUFX}
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
- ${DO_NADA}
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "------------------------------------------------------"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "Copy"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "${PREFIX}/etc/dspampd.conf.sample"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "to"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "${PREFIX}/etc/dspampd.conf"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "and edit it to your needs."
- @${ECHO_CMD} "Add dspampd_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf to start dspampd on boot"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "-------------------------------------------------------"
- @${ECHO_CMD}
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/mail/dspampd/distinfo b/mail/dspampd/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b9dbcb8ea8..000000000000
--- a/mail/dspampd/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (dspampd-v2.00-rc2-with-patches-kurt-pinboard.tar.gz) = de35e2e7027e5a51413598945d92e72e
-SHA256 (dspampd-v2.00-rc2-with-patches-kurt-pinboard.tar.gz) = 6082b3afbaf6c17d55427657c1acf4f18c591526ad2919f818a2acc585b9aca2
-SIZE (dspampd-v2.00-rc2-with-patches-kurt-pinboard.tar.gz) = 66326
diff --git a/mail/dspampd/files/dspampd.rc b/mail/dspampd/files/dspampd.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 842b7a58335e..000000000000
--- a/mail/dspampd/files/dspampd.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-# PROVIDE: dspampd
-# BEFORE: mail
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf[.local] to enable dspampd:
-. /etc/rc.subr
-command=%%PREFIX%%/sbin/dspampd > /dev/null 2>&1
- rm -f $pidfile
-# set defaults
-load_rc_config $name
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/mail/dspampd/files/lpatch-dspampd_system_users.diff b/mail/dspampd/files/lpatch-dspampd_system_users.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 297c3b227e8c..000000000000
--- a/mail/dspampd/files/lpatch-dspampd_system_users.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- dspampd.dist Sun Jan 2 00:05:34 2005
-+++ dspampd Sun Jan 2 00:40:10 2005
-@@ -2017,6 +2017,11 @@
- $dspam{'dspam-user'} = ${applytoList}[0];
- ## Remove angled arrows on addresses like: <caspian@dotconf.net>
- $dspam{'dspam-user'} =~ s/^<|>$//go;
-+ ## FreeBSD-local patch if port built with WITHOUT_DSPAM_VIRT_USERS= on
-+ ## This works if you relay mail for system users ONLY
-+ $dspam{'dspam-user'} =~ s/@.*$//go;
-+ ## FreeBSD-local patch WITHOUT_DSPAM_VIRT_USERS= on
-+ ## end
- $dspam{'dspam-user'} =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # convert to lower case
- }
- else {
diff --git a/mail/dspampd/files/patch-dspampd.conf b/mail/dspampd/files/patch-dspampd.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index d3801f817e25..000000000000
--- a/mail/dspampd/files/patch-dspampd.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
---- dspampd.conf.dist Sat Jan 1 16:33:38 2005
-+++ dspampd.conf Sat Jan 1 16:37:41 2005
-@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
- ## Directory to store quarantined messages in. (/var/spool/dspam-archive)
- ## This needs to be defined even if you don't archive anything,
- ## it is used for temporary file storage.
-- archive-dir => /var/spool/dspam-archive
-+ archive-dir => %%ARCHIVE_DIR%%
- ## Comma separated list of modules to pass email through.
- ## Modules will be run in the order listed.
-@@ -52,16 +52,16 @@
- ## Path to a file with entries that control what messages can be
- ## relayed through us.
-- ## Default: /etc/dspampd.relaycontrol
-- //relaycontrolfile => /etc/dspampd.relaycontrol
-+ ## Default: /usr/local/etc/dspampd/dspampd.relaycontrol
-+ relaycontrolfile => %%CONF_DIR%%/dspampd.relaycontrol
- ## Path to a file with entries that control what recipient domains
- ## and/or recipient addresses the checks are applied to. No entry
- ## at all causes all messages to be checked, otherwise only if at
- ## least one of the recipients is configured, the messae is
- ## checked (with the settings of the first matching recipient).
-- ## Default: /etc/dspampd.applyto
-- //applytocontrolfile => /etc/dspampd.applyto
-+ ## Default: /usr/local/etc/dspampd/dspampd.applyto
-+ applytocontrolfile => %%CONF_DIR%%/dspampd.applyto
-@@ -92,17 +92,19 @@
- listenHost =>
- ## Port to accept smtp connections on. ex. 25 or 10025
-- listenPort => 10025
-+ listenPort => 20024
- ## Fixme, this needs way more options ;)
- ## Address to proxy mail to. ex: or mail.isp.net
- relayHost =>
- ## Port to on relayHost to proxy mail to. ex. 25 or 10125
-- relayPort => 10125
-+ relayPort => 20025
- ## maximum number of concurrent connections allowed
-- concurrentConnections => 128
-+ # this is just a safe-belt, you should enforce this from your MTA
-+ # and play with it until you get optimum performance for your site
-+ concurrentConnections => 10
- ## timeouts for any/all connections (360 seconds)
- timeout => 360
-@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@
- [module:dspam]
- ## Full path to dspam binary (/usr/bin/dspam)
-- dspam-command => /usr/bin/dspam
-+ dspam-command => /usr/local/bin/dspam
- ## DSPAM training mode [toe|tum|teft]
- training-mode => tum
-@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@
- // dspam-user => spamfilter
- ## Additional command line arguments for dspam
-- additional-arguments => --feature=chained,noise
-+ additional-arguments => --feature=ch,no,wh,tb=4
- ## Write DSPAM headers into email header
- ## 1 writes DSPAM headers in email, 0 leaves email untouched.
-@@ -134,17 +136,17 @@
- ## Maximum size (in KB) of mail to scan. Use 0 to scan all mail.
- ## Messages larger than this are considered "unscanned" mail in the
- ## next few options.
-- max-size => 0
-+ max-size => 250
- ## Deliver specified message types. (ham)
- ## Note: "unscanned" is considered a subset of "ham"
- ## Can be one of: all, ham, spam, unscanned, none
-- deliver => ham
-+ deliver => all
- ## archive a copy of specified message types. (spam)
- ## Note: "unscanned" is considered a subset of "ham"
- ## Can be one of: all, ham, spam, unscanned, none
-- archive => spam
-+ archive => none
- ## The following options are for advanced users only. By default
- ## if a message is NOT delivered it is bounced.
-@@ -193,7 +195,7 @@
- ## Full path to clamav's configuration file
- ## This is used for determining how to connect to the clamd daemon.
- ## Not yet implemented, use the following parameters instead.
-- config-file => /etc/clamav.conf
-+ config-file => /usr/local/etc/clamav.conf
- ## This is the socket type to use for connecting to clamd.
- ## Possible values: TCP UNIX
-@@ -214,7 +216,7 @@
- ## When using a socktype of UNIX, this is the full path of the
- ## socket where clamd should be contacted.
-- ## Default: /tmp/clamd
-- peersocket => /tmp/clamd
-+ ## Default: /var/run/clamav/clamd
-+ peersocket => /var/run/clamav/clamd
- ## Write ClamAV headers into email header.
- ## Example header entries:
-@@ -230,11 +232,11 @@
- ## deliver specified message types. (clean)
- ## devliver => <all | clean | infected | unscanned | none>
-- deliver => clean
-+ deliver => all
- ## archive a copy of specified message types. (infected)
- ## archive => <all | clean | infected | unscanned | none>
-- archive => infected
-+ archive => none
- ## The following options are for advanced users only. By default
- ## if a message is NOT delivered it is bounced.
-@@ -272,5 +274,5 @@
- // clean-custom-response => 220 Message is clean
- // unscanned-custom-response => 220 Large message was not scanned by clamav
-- infected-custom-response => 220 Virus infected message will be quarantined
-+ // infected-custom-response => 220 Virus infected message will be quarantined
diff --git a/mail/dspampd/files/patch-dspampd.relaycontrol b/mail/dspampd/files/patch-dspampd.relaycontrol
deleted file mode 100644
index 73bf94c99079..000000000000
--- a/mail/dspampd/files/patch-dspampd.relaycontrol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- dspampd.relaycontrol.dist Sun Jan 2 02:12:40 2005
-+++ dspampd.relaycontrol Sat Jan 1 17:34:25 2005
-@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
- ## relayed. Subdomains are included.
- ## The only supported key type at the moment is 'allow'.
- //allow => my.domain
-+ allow =>
- [relay OK to Address]
diff --git a/mail/dspampd/pkg-descr b/mail/dspampd/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index d96cf284c8e0..000000000000
--- a/mail/dspampd/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-DspamPD is a GPL'ed transparent smtp proxy written in perl
-which can do content scanning through DSPAM and/or ClamAV.
-DspamPD version v2.00 supports DSPAM version 3.x, both stable and -devel ports
-and both clamav ports.
-WWW: http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/DspamPD/
diff --git a/mail/dspampd/pkg-plist b/mail/dspampd/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index da200ac11963..000000000000
--- a/mail/dspampd/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-@dirrm etc/dspampd
-@unexec if cmp -s %D/etc/dspampd/dspampd.conf %D/etc/dspampd/dspampd.conf.sample; then rm -f %D/etc/dspampd/dspampd.conf; fi
-@exec echo "eeeee" ; %B
-@exec [-f %B/dspampd.conf] || cp %B/%f %B/dspampd.conf
-@cwd /
-@dirrm %%ARCHIVE_DIR%%
diff --git a/net/Makefile b/net/Makefile
index a687b9e368a5..cf6415d4fce0 100644
--- a/net/Makefile
+++ b/net/Makefile
@@ -728,7 +728,6 @@
SUBDIR += stund
SUBDIR += suckblow
SUBDIR += sup
- SUBDIR += svnc
SUBDIR += tableutil
SUBDIR += tac_plus-libradius
SUBDIR += tac_plus4
diff --git a/net/svnc/Makefile b/net/svnc/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index cbd6191ffc08..000000000000
--- a/net/svnc/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: svnc
-# Date created: 2000-10-22
-# Whom: trevor
-# $FreeBSD$
-MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= ./:vnc trevor/:svnc
- vnc-3.3.3r1_unixsrc.tgz:vnc
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= VNC viewer for SVGAlib
-DEPRECATED= mastersite gone, depends on unfetchable, antique version of vnc
-EXPIRATION_DATE= 2006-07-28
-BUILD_DEPENDS= ${X11BASE}/include/X11/keysym.h:${PORTSDIR}/x11/XFree86
-LIB_DEPENDS= vga.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/svgalib
-DOCDIR= share/doc/${PORTNAME}/
-PLIST= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-plist
-WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/svncviewer
-.for ii in args kbd listen rfbproto sockets svga svncviewer vncviewer
- @${MV} ${WRKSRC}/${ii}.c ${WRKSRC}/${ii}.c.orig
- @${SED} -e "s:include <vncviewer.h>:include \"vncviewer.h\":g" \
- < ${WRKSRC}/${ii}.c.orig > ${WRKSRC}/${ii}.c
- cd ${WRKDIR}/vnc_unixsrc/libvncauth && \
- ${CC} -I. -I../include -c vncauth.c && \
- ${CC} -I. -I../include -c d3des.c && \
- ar clq libvncauth.a *.o && \
- ranlib libvncauth.a
- cd ${WRKSRC} && \
- ${CC} -Wall -L${PREFIX}/lib \
- -I${X11BASE}/include -I${PREFIX}/include \
- -I${WRKSRC} -I${WRKSRC}/../vnc_unixsrc/include/ \
- -I${WRKSRC}/../vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/ \
- -lvga -lvgagl \
- -o svncviewer \
- args.c rfbproto.c sockets.c svncviewer.c svga.c kbd.c \
- ${WRKDIR}/vnc_unixsrc/libvncauth/libvncauth.a
- ${ECHO_CMD} "bin/svncviewer" > ${PLIST}
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-.for i in ${DOCFILES}
- ${ECHO_CMD} -n ${DOCDIR} >> ${PLIST}
- ${ECHO_CMD} ${i} >> ${PLIST}
- ${ECHO_CMD} -n "@dirrm " >> ${PLIST}
- ${INSTALL} -c -g wheel -o root -m 4755 ${WRKSRC}/svncviewer ${PREFIX}/bin
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-.for i in ${DOCFILES}
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/net/svnc/distinfo b/net/svnc/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 1568e74c6223..000000000000
--- a/net/svnc/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (svnc-0.1.tgz) = ff918b3e1d77c45e33248c8753723443
-SHA256 (svnc-0.1.tgz) = 99626d70fbba5e50ec2177d511024c57d474d07c3b4c469289ae89a56559df69
-SIZE (svnc-0.1.tgz) = 17692
-MD5 (vnc-3.3.3r1_unixsrc.tgz) = 55ec5c073ca63068a68f5d3957cd024e
-SHA256 (vnc-3.3.3r1_unixsrc.tgz) = 9bd18ea6b32e6995ddd05c27969329c60b9800a73834c870273686a450da11ea
-SIZE (vnc-3.3.3r1_unixsrc.tgz) = 2068810
diff --git a/net/svnc/pkg-descr b/net/svnc/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 01517abafb60..000000000000
--- a/net/svnc/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-This is a VNC viewer for SVGAlib.
-from the Web page:
- The viewer doesn't do any scaling or scrolling, so the desktop you
- connect to must be of a resolution supported by your SVGALIB setup.
- Try creating servers of different geometries and connecting to them -
- if your svgalib setup doesn't work for one resolution it may work for
- another. Persevere - this has a lot of potential. You can use it to
- make a very lightweight graphics terminal with reasonable performance
- on low-end hardware.
- The current version will not generally be able to connect to Windows
- servers, because it requests a palette-based display which the Windows
- server cannot generate.
-If you have problems, press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, or log in over the network and
-kill the svncviewer process.
-WWW: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/platforms.html#svgalib
-Trevor Johnson