path: root/portuguese
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'portuguese')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 3266 deletions
diff --git a/portuguese/Makefile b/portuguese/Makefile
index 2bc998182e44..af3d4c4347de 100644
--- a/portuguese/Makefile
+++ b/portuguese/Makefile
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
SUBDIR += koffice-kde4-l10n
SUBDIR += koffice-kde4-l10n-pt_BR
SUBDIR += php_doc-br
- SUBDIR += staroffice52
SUBDIR += webalizer-pt_BR
SUBDIR += webalizer-pt_PT
diff --git a/portuguese/staroffice52/Makefile b/portuguese/staroffice52/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d98e1e58d73b..000000000000
--- a/portuguese/staroffice52/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: StarOffice 5.2 for Portuguese
-# Date created: Wed Jan 2 22:02:53 BRST 2002
-# Whom: Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <lioux@FreeBSD.org>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= staroffice
-CATEGORIES= portuguese editors linux
-MASTER_SITES= http://ftp.ceat.net/pub/linux/text/office/star_office-5.2/ \
- ftp://ftp.puc-rio.br/pub/StarOffice52/ \
- http://ftp.linux.dct.ufms.br/software/office/staroffice/ \
- http://projecto-oasis.cx/ftp/linux/openoffice/ \
- ftp://sunsite.uio.no/pub/sun/sun-patches/ \
- ftp://ftp.hu-berlin.de/pub/mirrors/sunsolve.sun.com/pub/patches/
-DISTNAME= so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-pt.bin
-DISTFILES= 109939-03.tar.Z
-.if !defined(WITH_CDROM)
-DISTFILES+= so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-pt.bin
-.if defined(WITH_ADABAS)
-DISTFILES+= soa-5_2-ga-bin-linux-pt.bin
-EXTRACT_ONLY= 109939-03.tar.Z
-DEPRECATED= sources not available
-EXPIRATION_DATE= 2010-09-01
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= Sistema integrado de processador de texto/planilha/e muito mais
-USE_LINUX_APPS= xorglibs
-NO_CDROM= 'Deve ser obtido diretamente do site da Sun via interface www'
-CD_MOUNTPT= '/cdrom'
-NO_BUILD= yes
-DIST_SUBDIR= staroffice52
-WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/office52
-INSTDB.INS= ${PREFIX}/office52/program/instdb.ins
-SUNSOLVE= ${WRKDIR}/109939-03
-ADABAS_DIST= soa-5_2-ga-bin-linux-pt.bin
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-SIZE!= /bin/df -k . | ${TAIL} -n 1 | ${AWK} '{print $$4}'
-LINPROCFS!= /sbin/mount | ${GREP} linprocfs | ${AWK} '{print $1}'
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} Verifique se linprocfs está executando: SIM
- @${ECHO} -----------------------------------------------------------
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} O programa de instalação do Staroffice precisa de
- @${ECHO} um linprocfs executando, o qual não está ativo em
- @${ECHO} teu sistema. Por favor, leia a página de manual
- @${ECHO} linprocfs\(5\) e adicione a seguinte linha a /etc/fstab:
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} linproc /compat/linux/proc linprocfs rw 0 0
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} -----------------------------------------------------------
- @${FALSE}
-.if ${SIZE} < 250000
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} Há pouco espaço livre em disco em seu diretório
- @${ECHO} de ports. Staroffice necessita de, ao menos, 250MB
- @${ECHO} de espaço livre em disco para desempacotar.
- @${FALSE}
-.if !defined(WITH_ADABAS)
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} Caso deseje instalar Staroffice com suporte para
- @${ECHO} banco de dados ADABAS, cancele esta instalação
- @${ECHO} agora e inicie make novamente com WITH_ADABAS=SIM.
- @${ECHO}
-.if defined(WITH_CDROM)
-.if !exists(/cdrom/linux/office52/setup)
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} Por favor, monte o CDROM do Sun StarOffice 5.2
- @${ECHO} em ${CD_MOUNTPT} e execute make novamente.
- @${ECHO}
- @${FALSE}
-.if !defined(DISPLAY) || ${DISPLAY} == ""
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} Não posso mostrar a interface gráfica:
- @${ECHO} Por favor, verifique sua variável DISPLAY.
- @${ECHO}
- @${FALSE}
-.if defined(WITH_CDROM)
-.if !exists(${CD_MOUNTPT}/linux/office52/setup)
-.if defined(WITH_ADABAS)
- @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${LN} -s ${CD_MOUNTPT}/linux/adabas/adabas .
- @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${LN} -s ${CD_MOUNTPT}/linux/adabas/f_0000 .
- @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${LN} -s ${CD_MOUNTPT}/linux/adabas/f_0001 .
- @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${LN} -s ${CD_MOUNTPT}/linux/office52/* .
-.if defined(WITH_ADABAS)
- @cd ${WRKSRC}
- @cd ../../
- @for file in ${EXTRACT_ONLY}; do \
- then \
- exit 1; \
- fi \
- done
- @${PERL} -pi -e 's|\r\n|\n|; \
- s|DefaultDestPath = "office52";|DefaultDestPath = "${PREFIX}/office52";|' \
- ${WRKSRC}/setup.ins
-.if !defined(DISPLAY) || ${DISPLAY} == ""
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO_MSG} "Não posso mostrar a interface gráfica:"
- @${ECHO_MSG} "Por favor, verifique sua variável DISPLAY."
- @${ECHO}
- @${FALSE}
-.if exists(${LINUXBASE}/${PREFIX})
- @ ${LN} -fs ${LINUXBASE}/${PREFIX}/office52 ${PREFIX}/office52
- @if [ -f ${PREFIX}/office52/program/setup ]; then \
- ${ECHO_MSG} ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} Ignore a mensagem de erro. StarOffice5.2 foi instalado ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} com sucesso em seu sistema. ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} ; \
- else \
- ${ECHO_MSG} ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "Um erro ocorreu durante a instalação do StarOffice5.2. Por favor, envie e-mail" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "(em inglês) com a saída de depuração e algumas informações sobre" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} seu ambiente FreeBSD para mb@imp.ch. Obrigado. ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} ; \
- ${FALSE} ; \
- fi
- @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Aplicando correções sunsolve a ${PKGNAME}"
- @for file in ${SUNSOLVE}/* ; do \
- ${CP} -Rv $$file ${PREFIX}/office52/ ; \
- done
-# XXX: This is missing a "${BRANDELF} -t Linux <executables>".
-.for file in setup soffice
- @${PERL} -pi -e 's|(/bin/sh)|${LINUXBASE}/\1|; \
- s|^(# \(c\).+?Sun Microsystems,? Inc\.)$$|\1\n#fix coredump on remote DISPLAY (IRIX)\nexport SAL_IGNOREXERRORS=1\n|' ${PREFIX}/office52/program/${file}
- @${CP} ${INSTDB.INS} ${INSTDB.INS}.orig
- @${SED} -e 's%DefaultDestPath = "${PREFIX}/office52%DefaultDestPath = "office52%' \
- < ${INSTDB.INS}.orig > ${INSTDB.INS}
- @${RM} ${INSTDB.INS}.orig
- @-SAL_IGNOREXERRORS=1 PATH="/bin:${PATH}" ${LINUXBASE}/bin/sh -c \
- ${LOCALBASE}/office52/program/setup
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/portuguese/staroffice52/distinfo b/portuguese/staroffice52/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 25bfbfae5994..000000000000
--- a/portuguese/staroffice52/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (staroffice52/109939-03.tar.Z) = 86af927a33ba32e9faa3f26170c6fe9c
-MD5 (staroffice52/so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-pt.bin) = 9f6c058a769fb3b8353919b8de2a9aea
-MD5 (staroffice52/soa-5_2-ga-bin-linux-pt.bin) = 8a23eaee43dbd8fb8576cdcfa922a9d5
diff --git a/portuguese/staroffice52/pkg-descr b/portuguese/staroffice52/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 758565469eaf..000000000000
--- a/portuguese/staroffice52/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-StarOffice 5.2 is a suite of office productivity applications containing
-a word processor, spreadsheet, graphics and presentation, image
-manipulation, and charting. StarOffice offers the ability to read and
-write Microsoft Office files.
diff --git a/portuguese/staroffice52/pkg-message b/portuguese/staroffice52/pkg-message
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1a0b496832..000000000000
--- a/portuguese/staroffice52/pkg-message
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Guia de Instalação do StarOffice 5.2 edição Pessoal
-Escrito por: Darren Wiebe <dkwiebe@hagenhomes.com>
- e Martin Blapp <mb@imp.ch>
-Você em breve terá terminado uma instalação de rede do
-StarOffice 5.2. Assim que esta estiver terminada, saia do X11 e
-execute-o novamente como o usuário que utiliza normalmente.
-Então, execute "make install-user" e realize uma instalação
-padrão para estação de trabalho. Substitua o diretório de
-instalação para $HOME/office52. Então, adicione $HOME/office52/
-à sua variável PATH.
-StarOffice estará pronto para ser usado.
-Boa Sorte
diff --git a/portuguese/staroffice52/pkg-plist b/portuguese/staroffice52/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index ae28d2e6930c..000000000000
--- a/portuguese/staroffice52/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3051 +0,0 @@
-office52/share/bookmark/portuguese/StarOffice API/objects.url
-office52/share/bookmark/portuguese/StarOffice API/overview.url
-office52/share/bookmark/portuguese/StarOffice API/specs.url
-@dirrm office52/user/work
-@dirrm office52/user/wordbook
-@dirrm office52/user/template
-@dirrm office52/user/store
-@dirrm office52/user/plugin
-@dirrm office52/user/gallery
-@dirrm office52/user/explorer
-@dirrm office52/user/download
-@dirrm office52/user/desktop
-@dirrm office52/user/database/biblio
-@dirrm office52/user/database/address
-@dirrm office52/user/database
-@dirrm office52/user/config/startup
-@dirrm office52/user/config/quickstart
-@dirrm office52/user/config/help
-@dirrm office52/user/config/groups
-@dirrm office52/user/config/folders
-@dirrm office52/user/config
-@dirrm office52/user/bookmark
-@dirrm office52/user/basic
-@dirrm office52/user/backup
-@dirrm office52/user/autotext/portuguese
-@dirrm office52/user/autotext
-@dirrm office52/user/autocorr
-@dirrm office52/user
-@dirrm office52/share/xp3/pssoftfonts
-@dirrm office52/share/xp3/ppds
-@dirrm office52/share/xp3/fontmetrics/tfm
-@dirrm office52/share/xp3/fontmetrics/afm
-@dirrm office52/share/xp3/fontmetrics
-@dirrm office52/share/xp3
-@dirrm office52/share/wordbook/portuguese
-@dirrm office52/share/wordbook
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/wizard/web
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/wizard/styles
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/wizard/bitmap
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/wizard
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/presnt
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/personal
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/offimisc
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/officorr
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/misc
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/layout
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/internal
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/forms
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/finance
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese/educate
-@dirrm office52/share/template/portuguese
-@dirrm office52/share/template
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese/texts/Homepage
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese/texts/Capitulo
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese/texts
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese/spreadsheets
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese/presentations
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese/menu
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese/formulas
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese/drawings
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese/databases/Ficheiros
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese/databases
-@dirrm office52/share/samples/portuguese
-@dirrm office52/share/samples
-@dirrm office52/share/plugin
-@dirrm office52/share/kde/mimelnk/text
-@dirrm office52/share/kde/mimelnk/application
-@dirrm office52/share/kde/mimelnk
-@dirrm office52/share/kde/icons/mini
-@dirrm office52/share/kde/icons
-@dirrm office52/share/kde/applnk
-@dirrm office52/share/kde
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/www-graf
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/www-back
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/www-anim
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/symbols
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/surface
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/sounds
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/rulers
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/photos
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/htmlexpo
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/flags
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/clipart
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery/bullets
-@dirrm office52/share/gallery
-@dirrm office52/share/fonts/type1
-@dirrm office52/share/fonts/75dpi/bdf
-@dirrm office52/share/fonts/75dpi
-@dirrm office52/share/fonts
-@dirrm office52/share/dict
-@dirrm office52/share/database/portuguese
-@dirrm office52/share/database
-@dirrm office52/share/config/wizard
-@dirrm office52/share/config/webcast
-@dirrm office52/share/config/tasks
-@dirrm office52/share/config/symbol
-@dirrm office52/share/config/start
-@dirrm office52/share/config/settings
-@dirrm office52/share/config/portuguese
-@dirrm office52/share/config/new
-@dirrm office52/share/config/more
-@dirrm office52/share/config/helpmenu
-@dirrm office52/share/config/help
-@dirrm office52/share/config
-@dirrm office52/share/bookmark/portuguese/Viagens
-@dirrm office52/share/bookmark/portuguese/StarOffice API
-@dirrm office52/share/bookmark/portuguese/Lazer
-@dirrm office52/share/bookmark/portuguese/Java
-@dirrm office52/share/bookmark/portuguese/Internet
-@dirrm office52/share/bookmark/portuguese/Info
-@dirrm office52/share/bookmark/portuguese
-@dirrm office52/share/bookmark
-@dirrm office52/share/basic
-@dirrm office52/share/autotext/portuguese
-@dirrm office52/share/autotext
-@dirrm office52/share
-@dirrm office52/program/resource
-@dirrm office52/program/filter
-@dirrm office52/program/classes
-@dirrm office52/program
-@dirrm office52/help/03
-@dirrm office52/help
-@dirrm office52