path: root/CVSROOT
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* tulip --> ports/graphics/tulipijliao2003-02-081-0/+1
* Register myself as ports committer.nobutaka2003-02-081-0/+1
* MathPlanner --> ports/editors/MathPlannerijliao2003-02-081-0/+1
* terraform --> ports/misc/terraformijliao2003-02-081-0/+1
* meshviewer --> ports/graphics/meshviewerijliao2003-02-081-0/+1
* add preferences.appdinoex2003-02-081-0/+1
* I'm a port committermaho2003-02-081-0/+1
* kbarcode --> ports/graphics/kbarcodeedwin2003-02-081-0/+1
* libdvdplay --> ports/graphics/libdvdplaylioux2003-02-081-0/+1
* goggles --> ports/multimedia/goggleslioux2003-02-081-0/+1
* After repo copy from fox port:lioux2003-02-081-0/+1
* I'm here for ports.sf2003-02-081-0/+1
* quintuple-agent --> ports/security/quintuple-agentobraun2003-02-081-0/+1
* gtk-thinice-engine --> ports/x11-toolkits/gtk-thinice-enginemarcus2003-02-081-0/+1
* nautilus-media --> ports/multimedia/nautilus-mediamarcus2003-02-081-0/+1
* acme --> ports/multimedia/acmemarcus2003-02-081-0/+1
* ocaml-images --> ports/graphics/ocaml-imagesijliao2003-02-081-0/+1
* OK, I think it is safe to split out src, ports, doc mail now.nectar2003-02-081-1/+1
* register myself as src & ports committerjesper2003-02-081-0/+1
* ports-onlyskv2003-02-071-0/+1
* I lost interest in the cvs e-mailsmi2003-02-071-1/+1
* Register myself as a src & ports committer.sanpei2003-02-071-0/+1
* Add myself to the ports committersarved2003-02-071-0/+1
* Give myself the same access as now for the time being.paul2003-02-071-0/+1
* Add ports/databases/postgresql72seanc2003-02-071-0/+1
* I am a ports committer.roam2003-02-071-0/+1
* Adjust my committer character to the recent virtual reality changesyar2003-02-071-0/+1
* It's been a long time since 1997/09/26.hoek2003-02-071-0/+1
* register myself as src and ports committersuz2003-02-071-0/+1
* Ports and src.ambrisko2003-02-071-0/+1
* Move myself to src and ports committers.ume2003-02-071-0/+1
* sam2p --> ports/graphics/sam2pijliao2003-02-071-0/+1
* avinfo --> ports/graphics/avinfoijliao2003-02-071-0/+1
* Move myself.nyan2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move myself to the ports committer list.clive2003-02-061-0/+1
* ruby-rfilter --> ports/mail/ruby-rfilterknu2003-02-061-0/+1
* ruby-xtemplate --> ports/textproc/ruby-xtemplateknu2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move myself to access.portsjeh2003-02-061-0/+1
* xmms-audiofile --> ports/audio/xmms-audiofilelioux2003-02-061-0/+1
* With fingers crossed, upgrade myself from the ranks of legacymikeh2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move to my new home.olgeni2003-02-061-0/+1
* If this is the file where people who work in ports are listed,silby2003-02-061-0/+1
* Put myself in ports, remove from masteralane2003-02-061-0/+1
* I'm a ports committer.leeym2003-02-061-0/+1
* Update commit bits for new world order.steve2003-02-061-0/+1
* Sort out my own personal new world orderdougb2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move gnucash from ports/deskutils to ports/finance.marcus2003-02-061-1/+1
* psybnc --> ports/irc/psybncedwin2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move myself.jkoshy2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move myself to src and portssmace2003-02-061-0/+1
* wmshutdown --> ports/x11/wmshutdownedwin2003-02-061-0/+1
* zodb3 --> ports/databases/zodb3edwin2003-02-061-0/+1
* py-PySQLite --> ports/databases/py-PySQLiteedwin2003-02-061-0/+1
* linux-jigdo --> ports/net/linux-jigdoedwin2003-02-061-0/+1
* Successfully win the race against other commiters while on a link with >1 secondanholt2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move self from 'access.master' to 'access' and 'access.ports'.archie2003-02-061-0/+1
* Give up that nice rank #12 on the old access file, and claim all ofjoerg2003-02-061-0/+1
* Remove self from access.master; add self to doc, doc_src, and ports.gsutter2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move myself to lists of src and ports committers.sumikawa2003-02-061-0/+1
* nbm -> doc, ports, srcnbm2003-02-061-0/+1
* Drat. That didn't do what I expected. Send access.doc, access.ports tonectar2003-02-061-1/+1
* I don't understand/trust the Sender: headers for the moment, sonectar2003-02-061-1/+1
* register my commit bits with the FreeBSD Selective Servicebillf2003-02-061-0/+1
* Prays to the (necessarily) dark demigod of remote cvs operations thatnectar2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move into the new home.netchild2003-02-061-0/+1
* Everybody does it today, so why shouldn't I???sobomax2003-02-061-0/+1
* The port is gone. Point the `pam_krb5' module to the one included innectar2003-02-061-1/+1
* Follow the other lemmings over the cliff.jdp2003-02-061-0/+1
* move myself to lists of src and ports committersfjoe2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move myself away from access.masterade2003-02-061-0/+1
* sheldonh -> ports, srcsheldonh2003-02-061-0/+1
* Move myself to portsmarkp2003-02-061-0/+1
* Follow the crowd in hope to prevent any more duplicate commitmi2003-02-061-0/+1
* I'm ports-onlyijliao2003-02-061-0/+1
* Add sys_dev_randomache2003-02-051-0/+1
* Add sys_netipsecache2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move to the land of ports.petef2003-02-051-0/+1
* Treat myself as a ports committer.okazaki2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as a ports committer.cy2003-02-051-0/+1
* Me, ports monkey.naddy2003-02-051-0/+1
* Join the party.alex2003-02-051-0/+1
* I am primarily ports committer. I might be touching parts of src astobez2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move myself to src and ports.hosokawa2003-02-051-0/+1
* Add myself to ports committing.green2003-02-051-0/+1
* pike73 --> ports/lang/pike73edwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* Enough with the dups, move myself.jedgar2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move myself.patrick2003-02-051-0/+1
* I am a ports committer and will also be touching some portions of srcknu2003-02-051-1/+2
* bpft --> ports/net/bpftedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* Split "myself" into three "entities"phantom2003-02-051-0/+1
* p5-Class-Hook --> ports/devel/p5-Class-Hookedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as ports commiter.shige2003-02-051-0/+1
* whatpix --> ports/sysutils/whatpixedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* Send commitmessages about ports to devnullphk2003-02-051-1/+1
* Register myself as doc and ports committer.lioux2003-02-051-0/+1
* TNW: The New Wayjwd2003-02-051-0/+1
* Contribute a bit into "access" duplication efforts.ru2003-02-051-1/+2
* Add myself to src and ports.gj2003-02-051-0/+1
* move me to src and portsrse2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move myself to ports.obraun2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move myself to src and ports.mr2003-02-051-0/+1
* p5-Test-Class --> ports/devel/p5-Test-Classedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as an src/ports/doc committer.roberto2003-02-051-0/+1
* add my entry to src and portsmbr2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move myself to ports.yoichi2003-02-051-0/+1
* I am ports committer.nork2003-02-051-0/+1
* Add myself to ports.flathill2003-02-051-0/+1
* add my entry to src and portsikob2003-02-051-0/+1
* I was watching for Peter to taste first before eating.hsu2003-02-051-0/+1
* Relocate. I hadn't intended to move just yet, but I figured it would bepeter2003-02-051-0/+1
* Climb on the bandwagon and register my committer status.markm2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move myself to ports.demon2003-02-051-0/+1
* ports and doc for me.anders2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move myself to the appropriate access files. All the cool kids are doing it.jkh2003-02-051-0/+1
* Sync with new world order.sos2003-02-051-0/+1
* Src plus one or two ports.phk2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as ports/doc committer.vanilla2003-02-051-0/+1
* src, ports committercwt2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move those I sponsored into the Project to the places I got them into:obrien2003-02-051-0/+2
* Add myself.jim2003-02-051-0/+1
* Add myself.motoyuki2003-02-051-0/+1
* master->doc+ports+srcmarcel2003-02-051-0/+1
* What a way to wake up, seeing everyting in duplicate and some even injhay2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as a src and ports committer.mjacob2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as a src and ports committer.simokawa2003-02-051-0/+1
* Add myself to src and ports.deischen2003-02-051-0/+1
* bmah has his grubby little fingers all over the place (src, doc, ports).bmah2003-02-051-0/+1
* Real committers do it in all the repos.eric2003-02-051-0/+1
* src/doc/ports committerkeichii2003-02-051-0/+1
* Re-create my access to FreeBSD.wes2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as ports committer.perky2003-02-051-0/+1
* fingers everwherealfred2003-02-051-0/+1
* Classify myself as src+ports committer.bp2003-02-051-0/+1
* I'm src/ports committer approved by core/portmgr, both mentored by kuriyama.matusita2003-02-051-0/+1
* Shift my bit to portsdinoex2003-02-051-0/+1
* Pretend that I'm a src + ports committer.fenner2003-02-051-0/+1
* Add myself to portspat2003-02-051-0/+1
* Add myself to src, ports, doc.kuriyama2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move myself to src, ports, doc. These are the areas I've committed changesmax2003-02-051-0/+1
* src+doc+ports is what I've committed to in the last yearimp2003-02-051-0/+1
* hope this goes wel...edwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* Add myself to src, doc, and ports. I've been committing to all thedd2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register as src, doc, ports committer.murray2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myselfache2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register me in ports/doc/src.will2003-02-051-0/+1
* The penance for my wickedne^Wbeing committer #7 is that I must receive allwollman2003-02-051-0/+1
* Somebody stop me!des2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as a src and ports committer.orion2003-02-051-0/+1
* Quickly update my access before the lock gets taken again.mp2003-02-051-0/+1
* Prepare for repo split.tegge2003-02-051-0/+1
* Duplicate mails are annoying.mux2003-02-051-0/+1
* Migrate my commit bit to src/ and ports/.joe2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as ports and src committer.kan2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as a src and ports committer.jmz2003-02-051-0/+1
* p5-Net-RawSock --> ports/net/p5-Net-RawSockedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* p5-Net-Divert --> ports/net/p5-Net-Divertedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* You put your ID in, you take your ID out, in, out, in, out, youfanf2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as a src and ports committer.adrian2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move mdodd at his request.obrien2003-02-051-0/+1
* Sort.obrien2003-02-051-5/+9
* p5-DBIx-Tree --> ports/databases/p5-DBIx-Treeedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* Split myself up into 3 separate personalitiesobrien2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move myself to ports-only world.cjh2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as a src and a ports committer.bsd2003-02-051-0/+1
* Add myself as a ports committer.marcus2003-02-051-0/+1
* Move. Would like to keep access to src unless manpages move...dannyboy2003-02-051-0/+1
* p5-DBIx-Browse --> ports/databases/p5-DBIx-Browseedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* Out of .master, and into .ports.adamw2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as a src and ports committer.greid2003-02-051-0/+1
* Register myself as a src and ports committer.jmallett2003-02-051-0/+2
* msgconvert --> ports/mail/msgconvertedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* Look out the window!! The black helicopters have arrived! :-)peter2003-02-051-332/+0
* p5-Roman --> ports/math/p5-Romanedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* p5-Sys-CpuLoad --> ports/sysutils/p5-Sys-CpuLoadedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* p5-Log-Log4perl --> ports/devel/p5-Log-Log4perledwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* p5-Net-Services --> ports/net/p5-Net-Servicesedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* p5-SHA --> ports/security/p5-SHAedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* p5-Crypt-Blowfish_PP --> ports/security/p5-Crypt-Blowfish_PPedwin2003-02-051-0/+1
* hs-HOpenGL --> ports/graphics/hs-HOpenGLobraun2003-02-051-0/+1
* On request of Jim to core.wilko2003-02-051-1/+0
* p5-Log-Agent-Logger --> ports/devel/p5-Log-Agent-Loggeredwin2003-02-041-0/+1
* p5-Locale-Msgcat --> ports/misc/p5-Locale-Msgcatedwin2003-02-041-0/+1
* p5-Apache-ConfigFile --> ports/www/p5-Apache-ConfigFileedwin2003-02-041-0/+1
* p5-Cache-Mmap --> ports/devel/p5-Cache-Mmapedwin2003-02-041-0/+1
* p5-Test-Differences --> ports/devel/p5-Test-Differencesedwin2003-02-041-0/+1
* streamtuner-local --> ports/audio/streamtuner-localedwin2003-02-041-0/+1
* streamtuner-live365 --> ports/audio/streamtuner-live365edwin2003-02-041-0/+1
* streamtuner --> ports/audio/streamtuneredwin2003-02-041-0/+1
* Add access.master to the checkoutlistpeter2003-02-041-0/+1
* ossp-cfg --> ports/devel/ossp-cfgalane2003-02-041-0/+1
* p5-PostScript-Simple --> ports/print/p5-PostScript-Simpletobez2003-02-041-0/+1
* purge archivers/linux_rar.sf2003-02-041-1/+0
* renderpark --> ports/graphics/renderparkmaho2003-02-031-0/+1
* xrml --> ports/graphics/xrmlmaho2003-02-031-0/+1
* linux-nwserver --> ports/games/linux-nwserveredwin2003-02-031-0/+1
* gmt --> ports/graphics/gmtedwin2003-02-031-0/+1
* Add module after repo copy from mldonkey port:lioux2003-02-031-0/+1
* py-spambayes --> ports/mail/py-spambayeslioux2003-02-031-0/+1
* See mail sent to developers@freebsd.orgmarkm2003-02-021-1/+0
* gaim-snapshot --> ports/net/gaim-snapshotmarcus2003-02-021-0/+1
* blackjack --> ports/games/blackjackarved2003-02-021-0/+1
* xlines --> ports/games/xlinesarved2003-02-021-0/+1
* tidy-devel --> ports/www/tidy-develarved2003-02-021-0/+1
* mod_bunzip2 --> ports/www/mod_bunzip2arved2003-02-021-0/+1
* Duplicated existing port. I *do* need some time off.alane2003-02-021-1/+0
* add amsn manually, because addport failed to do thisandreas2003-02-021-0/+1
* Remove graphics/xine_dvdnav_plugin. It is integrated into graphics/libxine.nobutaka2003-02-021-1/+0
* Add src/lib/libz into the list of dirs where it is not necessary to performsobomax2003-02-011-0/+1
* ossp-val --> ports/devel/ossp-valalane2003-02-011-0/+1
* ossp-al --> ports/devel/ossp-alalane2003-02-011-0/+1
* ossp-var --> ports/devel/ossp-varalane2003-02-011-0/+1
* ossp-l2 --> ports/devel/ossp-l2alane2003-02-011-0/+1
* Delete biology/gaussian98. Maintain is too hard andmaho2003-02-011-1/+0
* hs-alex --> ports/devel/hs-alexobraun2003-02-011-0/+1
* ruby-xmlscan-old -> ports/textproc/ruby-xmlscan-oldknu2003-02-011-0/+1
* ossp-ex --> ports/devel/ossp-exalane2003-02-011-0/+1
* ossp-mm --> ports/devel/ossp-mmalane2003-02-011-0/+1
* ossp-sa --> ports/net/ossp-saalane2003-02-011-0/+1
* mysql40-client -> ports/databases/mysql40-clientroam2003-02-011-0/+2
* oniguruma --> ports/devel/onigurumaknu2003-01-311-0/+1
* py-ltxml --> ports/textproc/py-ltxmlwjv2003-01-311-0/+1
* quake2forge --> ports/games/quake2forgenetchild2003-01-311-0/+1
* Add ports/devel/ruby-inlineseanc2003-01-311-0/+1
* cryptplug --> ports/security/cryptplugwill2003-01-311-0/+1
* newpg --> ports/security/newpgwill2003-01-311-0/+1
* pinentry --> ports/security/pinentrywill2003-01-311-0/+1
* newfile --> ports/devel/newfilealane2003-01-311-0/+1
* Add ports/astro/roadmap.seanc2003-01-311-0/+1
* spiralsynthmodular --> ports/audio/spiralsynthmodularlioux2003-01-311-0/+1
* gtk-qnxtheme --> ports/x11-toolkits/gtk-qnxthememarcus2003-01-311-0/+1
* ruby-borges --> ports/www/ruby-borgesknu2003-01-311-0/+1
* pear-HTML_Common --> ports/devel/pear-HTML_Commondirk2003-01-301-0/+4
* pear-Date --> ports/devel/pear-Datedirk2003-01-301-0/+1
* Now we have a new doc committer, Hideyuki KURASHINA (rushani@FreeBSD.org).hrs2003-01-301-0/+1
* Welcome Harti Brandt (harti) as a src committer. I will be his mentor.jake2003-01-301-0/+1
* ruby-strongtyping --> ports/devel/ruby-strongtypingknu2003-01-291-0/+1
* gspoof --> ports/net/gspoofijliao2003-01-291-0/+1
* chipvault --> ports/cad/chipvaultijliao2003-01-291-0/+1
* Generated manpages need to be VCS tag protected.markm2003-01-291-0/+5
* Cleanup done.markm2003-01-291-3/+0
* Big OpenSSL vendor-code reversion coming. Protect against $FreeBSD$markm2003-01-291-0/+3
* Update modules after repo copylioux2003-01-291-2/+2
* hs-buddha --> ports/devel/hs-buddhaobraun2003-01-291-0/+1
* Replaced by qt31.alane2003-01-291-1/+0
* dwcjr asked portmgr@ to suspend his commit bit for a while, because hesobomax2003-01-291-1/+0
* oinkmaster --> ports/security/oinkmasterijliao2003-01-291-0/+1
* p5-Test-Exception --> ports/devel/p5-Test-Exceptiontobez2003-01-281-0/+1
* p5-Sub-Uplevel --> ports/devel/p5-Sub-Upleveltobez2003-01-281-0/+1
* helium --> ports/lang/heliumobraun2003-01-281-0/+1
* tinderbox -> src/tools/tools/tinderboxdes2003-01-281-0/+2