From 1085fd1ba932fcab619cf862d71e259f4430e016 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: krion <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 09:14:26 +0000
Subject: Change sprintf()/vsprintf() to snprintf()/vsnprintf() to prevent
 vulnerability for buffer overflow exploits. Bump PORTREVISION.

Submitted by:	azhe
Obtained from:	nasm CVS
 devel/nasm/Makefile              |   2 +-
 devel/nasm/files/patch-disasm.c  | 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 devel/nasm/files/patch-disasm.h  |  17 +++
 devel/nasm/files/patch-labels.c  |  23 ++++
 devel/nasm/files/patch-listing.c |  14 +++
 devel/nasm/files/patch-nasm.c    |  14 +++
 devel/nasm/files/patch-ndisasm.c |  18 ++++
 devel/nasm/files/patch-preproc.c | 223 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 504 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 devel/nasm/files/patch-disasm.c
 create mode 100644 devel/nasm/files/patch-disasm.h
 create mode 100644 devel/nasm/files/patch-labels.c
 create mode 100644 devel/nasm/files/patch-listing.c
 create mode 100644 devel/nasm/files/patch-nasm.c
 create mode 100644 devel/nasm/files/patch-ndisasm.c
 create mode 100644 devel/nasm/files/patch-preproc.c

diff --git a/devel/nasm/Makefile b/devel/nasm/Makefile
index de050e1020ba..4c92b7bc0818 100644
--- a/devel/nasm/Makefile
+++ b/devel/nasm/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 CATEGORIES=	devel lang
diff --git a/devel/nasm/files/patch-disasm.c b/devel/nasm/files/patch-disasm.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cb014628b0df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/nasm/files/patch-disasm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+--- disasm.c.orig
++++ disasm.c
+@@ -484,8 +484,8 @@
+     return data - origdata;
+ }
+-long disasm (unsigned char *data, char *output, int segsize, long offset,
+-	     int autosync, unsigned long prefer)
++long disasm (unsigned char *data, char *output, int outbufsize, int segsize, 
++	     long offset, int autosync, unsigned long prefer)
+ {
+     struct itemplate **p, **best_p;
+     int length, best_length = 0;
+@@ -582,27 +582,34 @@
+     slen = 0;
++    /* TODO: snprintf returns the value that the string would have if
++    *	    the buffer were long enough, and not the actual length of 
++    *	    the returned string, so each instance of using the return
++    *	    value of snprintf should actually be checked to assure that
++    *	    the return value is "sane."  Maybe a macro wrapper could
++    *	    be used for that purpose.
++    */
+     if (lock)
+-	slen += sprintf(output+slen, "lock ");
++	slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "lock ");
+     for (i = 0; i < ins.nprefix; i++)
+ 	switch (ins.prefixes[i]) {
+-	  case P_REP:   slen += sprintf(output+slen, "rep "); break;
+-	  case P_REPE:  slen += sprintf(output+slen, "repe "); break;
+-	  case P_REPNE: slen += sprintf(output+slen, "repne "); break;
+-	  case P_A16:   slen += sprintf(output+slen, "a16 "); break;
+-	  case P_A32:   slen += sprintf(output+slen, "a32 "); break;
+-	  case P_O16:   slen += sprintf(output+slen, "o16 "); break;
+-	  case P_O32:   slen += sprintf(output+slen, "o32 "); break;
++	  case P_REP:   slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "rep "); break;
++	  case P_REPE:  slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "repe "); break;
++	  case P_REPNE: slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "repne "); break;
++	  case P_A16:   slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "a16 "); break;
++	  case P_A32:   slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "a32 "); break;
++	  case P_O16:   slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "o16 "); break;
++	  case P_O32:   slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "o32 "); break;
+ 	}
+     for (i = 0; i < elements(ico); i++)
+ 	if ((*p)->opcode == ico[i]) {
+-	    slen += sprintf(output+slen, "%s%s", icn[i],
++	    slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "%s%s", icn[i],
+ 			    whichcond(ins.condition));
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     if (i >= elements(ico))
+-	slen += sprintf(output+slen, "%s", insn_names[(*p)->opcode]);
++	slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "%s", insn_names[(*p)->opcode]);
+     colon = FALSE;
+     length += data - origdata;	       /* fix up for prefixes */
+     for (i=0; i<(*p)->operands; i++) {
+@@ -633,14 +640,14 @@
+ 	    ins.oprs[i].basereg = whichreg ((*p)->opd[i],
+ 					    ins.oprs[i].basereg);
+ 	    if ( (*p)->opd[i] & TO )
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "to ");
+-	    slen += sprintf(output+slen, "%s",
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "to ");
++	    slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "%s",
+ 			    reg_names[ins.oprs[i].basereg-EXPR_REG_START]);
+ 	} else if (!(UNITY & ~(*p)->opd[i])) {
+ 	    output[slen++] = '1';
+ 	} else if ( (*p)->opd[i] & IMMEDIATE ) {
+ 	    if ( (*p)->opd[i] & BITS8 ) {
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "byte ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "byte ");
+ 		if (ins.oprs[i].segment & SEG_SIGNED) {
+ 		    if (ins.oprs[i].offset < 0) {
+ 			ins.oprs[i].offset *= -1;
+@@ -649,17 +656,17 @@
+ 			output[slen++] = '+';
+ 		}
+ 	    } else if ( (*p)->opd[i] & BITS16 ) {
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "word ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "word ");
+ 	    } else if ( (*p)->opd[i] & BITS32 ) {
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "dword ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "dword ");
+ 	    } else if ( (*p)->opd[i] & NEAR ) {
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "near ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "near ");
+ 	    } else if ( (*p)->opd[i] & SHORT ) {
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "short ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "short ");
+ 	    }
+-	    slen += sprintf(output+slen, "0x%lx", ins.oprs[i].offset);
++	    slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "0x%lx", ins.oprs[i].offset);
+ 	} else if ( !(MEM_OFFS & ~(*p)->opd[i]) ) {
+-	    slen += sprintf(output+slen, "[%s%s%s0x%lx]",
++	    slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "[%s%s%s0x%lx]",
+ 			    (segover ? segover : ""),
+ 			    (segover ? ":" : ""),
+ 			    (ins.oprs[i].addr_size == 32 ? "dword " :
+@@ -669,30 +676,30 @@
+ 	} else if ( !(REGMEM & ~(*p)->opd[i]) ) {
+ 	    int started = FALSE;
+ 	    if ( (*p)->opd[i] & BITS8 )
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "byte ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "byte ");
+ 	    if ( (*p)->opd[i] & BITS16 )
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "word ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "word ");
+ 	    if ( (*p)->opd[i] & BITS32 )
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "dword ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "dword ");
+ 	    if ( (*p)->opd[i] & BITS64 )
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "qword ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "qword ");
+ 	    if ( (*p)->opd[i] & BITS80 )
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "tword ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "tword ");
+ 	    if ( (*p)->opd[i] & FAR )
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "far ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "far ");
+ 	    if ( (*p)->opd[i] & NEAR )
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "near ");
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "near ");
+ 	    output[slen++] = '[';
+ 	    if (ins.oprs[i].addr_size)
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "%s",
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "%s",
+ 				(ins.oprs[i].addr_size == 32 ? "dword " :
+ 				 ins.oprs[i].addr_size == 16 ? "word " : ""));
+ 	    if (segover) {
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "%s:", segover);
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "%s:", segover);
+ 		segover = NULL;
+ 	    }
+ 	    if (ins.oprs[i].basereg != -1) {
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "%s",
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "%s",
+ 				reg_names[(ins.oprs[i].basereg -
+ 					   EXPR_REG_START)]);
+ 		started = TRUE;
+@@ -700,11 +707,11 @@
+ 	    if (ins.oprs[i].indexreg != -1) {
+ 		if (started)
+ 		    output[slen++] = '+';
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "%s",
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "%s",
+ 				reg_names[(ins.oprs[i].indexreg -
+ 					   EXPR_REG_START)]);
+ 		if (ins.oprs[i].scale > 1)
+-		    slen += sprintf(output+slen, "*%d", ins.oprs[i].scale);
++		    slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "*%d", ins.oprs[i].scale);
+ 		started = TRUE;
+ 	    }
+ 	    if (ins.oprs[i].segment & SEG_DISP8) {
+@@ -713,20 +720,20 @@
+ 		    ins.oprs[i].offset = - (signed char) ins.oprs[i].offset;
+ 		    sign = '-';
+ 		}
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "%c0x%lx", sign,
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "%c0x%lx", sign,
+ 				ins.oprs[i].offset);
+ 	    } else if (ins.oprs[i].segment & SEG_DISP16) {
+ 		if (started)
+ 		    output[slen++] = '+';
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "0x%lx", ins.oprs[i].offset);
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "0x%lx", ins.oprs[i].offset);
+ 	    } else if (ins.oprs[i].segment & SEG_DISP32) {
+ 		if (started)
+ 		    output[slen++] = '+';
+-		slen += sprintf(output+slen, "0x%lx", ins.oprs[i].offset);
++		slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "0x%lx", ins.oprs[i].offset);
+ 	    }
+ 	    output[slen++] = ']';
+ 	} else {
+-	    slen += sprintf(output+slen, "<operand%d>", i);
++	    slen += snprintf(output+slen, outbufsize-slen, "<operand%d>", i);
+ 	}
+     }
+     output[slen] = '\0';
+@@ -741,8 +748,8 @@
+     return length;
+ }
+-long eatbyte (unsigned char *data, char *output) 
++long eatbyte (unsigned char *data, char *output, int outbufsize) 
+ {
+-    sprintf(output, "db 0x%02X", *data);
++    snprintf(output, outbufsize, "db 0x%02X", *data);
+     return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/devel/nasm/files/patch-disasm.h b/devel/nasm/files/patch-disasm.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3a1fd91bc294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/nasm/files/patch-disasm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+--- disasm.h.orig
++++ disasm.h
+@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
+ #define INSN_MAX 32	/* one instruction can't be longer than this */
+-long disasm (unsigned char *data, char *output, int segsize, long offset,
+-	     int autosync, unsigned long prefer);
+-long eatbyte (unsigned char *data, char *output);
++long disasm (unsigned char *data, char *output, int outbufsize, int segsize, 
++	     long offset, int autosync, unsigned long prefer);
++long eatbyte (unsigned char *data, char *output, int outbufsize);
+ #endif
diff --git a/devel/nasm/files/patch-labels.c b/devel/nasm/files/patch-labels.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f11aca39ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/nasm/files/patch-labels.c
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+--- labels.c.orig
++++ labels.c
+@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
+ 	slen += strlen(lpostfix);
+ 	slen++; /* room for that null char */
+ 	xsymbol = nasm_malloc(slen);
+-	sprintf(xsymbol,"%s%s%s",lprefix,lptr->defn.label,lpostfix);
++	snprintf(xsymbol,slen,"%s%s%s",lprefix,lptr->defn.label,lpostfix);
+ 	ofmt->symdef (xsymbol, segment, offset, exi, 
+ 		special ? special : lptr->defn.special);
+@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
+ 	slen += strlen(lpostfix);
+ 	slen++; /* room for that null char */
+ 	xsymbol = nasm_malloc(slen);
+-	sprintf(xsymbol,"%s%s%s",lprefix,lptr->defn.label,lpostfix);
++	snprintf(xsymbol,slen,"%s%s%s",lprefix,lptr->defn.label,lpostfix);
+ 	ofmt->symdef (xsymbol, segment, offset, exi, 
+ 		special ? special : lptr->defn.special);
diff --git a/devel/nasm/files/patch-listing.c b/devel/nasm/files/patch-listing.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f36d99db2a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/nasm/files/patch-listing.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- listing.c.orig
++++ listing.c
+@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
+     else if (typ == OUT_RESERVE) 
+     {
+ 	char q[20];
+-	sprintf(q, "<res %08lX>", size);
++	snprintf(q, sizeof(q), "<res %08lX>", size);
+ 	list_out (offset, q);
+     }
+ }
diff --git a/devel/nasm/files/patch-nasm.c b/devel/nasm/files/patch-nasm.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fd1ac27c84f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/nasm/files/patch-nasm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- nasm.c.orig
++++ nasm.c
+@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
+     /* define some macros dependent of command-line */
+     {
+ 	char temp [64];
+-	sprintf (temp, "__OUTPUT_FORMAT__=%s\n", ofmt->shortname);
++	snprintf (temp, sizeof(temp), "__OUTPUT_FORMAT__=%s\n", ofmt->shortname);
+ 	pp_pre_define (temp);
+     }
diff --git a/devel/nasm/files/patch-ndisasm.c b/devel/nasm/files/patch-ndisasm.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f714fb8c3c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/nasm/files/patch-ndisasm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- ndisasm.c.orig
++++ ndisasm.c
+@@ -243,10 +243,10 @@
+ 	    nextsync = next_sync (offset, &synclen);
+ 	}
+ 	while (p > q && (p - q >= INSN_MAX || lenread == 0)) {
+-	    lendis = disasm (q, outbuf, bits, offset, autosync, prefer);
++	    lendis = disasm (q, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), bits, offset, autosync, prefer);
+ 	    if (!lendis || lendis > (p - q) ||
+ 		(unsigned long)lendis > nextsync-offset)
+-		lendis = eatbyte (q, outbuf);
++		lendis = eatbyte (q, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf));
+ 	    output_ins (offset, q, lendis, outbuf);
+ 	    q += lendis;
+ 	    offset += lendis;
diff --git a/devel/nasm/files/patch-preproc.c b/devel/nasm/files/patch-preproc.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d75b4ccdb763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/nasm/files/patch-preproc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+--- preproc.c.orig
++++ preproc.c
+@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@
+ 	    fname++;
+ 	fnlen = strcspn(fname, "\"");
+ 	line = nasm_malloc(20 + fnlen);
+-	sprintf(line, "%%line %d %.*s", lineno, fnlen, fname);
++	snprintf(line, 20+fnlen,"%%line %d %.*s", lineno, fnlen, fname);
+ 	nasm_free(oldline);
+     }
+     if (tasm_compatible_mode)
+@@ -833,6 +833,7 @@
+ 	    type = TOK_STRING;
+ 	    while (*p && *p != c)
+ 		p++;
+ 	    if (*p)
+ 	    {
+ 		p++;
+@@ -840,6 +841,8 @@
+ 	    else
+ 	    {
+ 		error(ERR_WARNING, "unterminated string");
++		/* Handling unterminated strings by UNV */
++		/* type = -1; */
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	else if (isnumstart(*p))
+@@ -901,6 +904,15 @@
+ 	    }
+ 	    p++;
+ 	}
++	/* Handling unterminated string by UNV */
++	/*if (type == -1)
++	{
++	    *tail = t = new_Token(NULL, TOK_STRING, line, p-line+1);
++	    t->text[p-line] = *line;
++	    tail = &t->next;
++	}
++	else*/
+ 	if (type != TOK_COMMENT)
+ 	{
+ 	    *tail = t = new_Token(NULL, type, line, p - line);
+@@ -919,20 +931,20 @@
+ static void *
+ new_Block(size_t size)
+ {
+-	Blocks *b = &blocks;
++    Blocks *b = &blocks;
+-	/* first, get to the end of the linked list	 */
+-	while (b->next)
+-		b = b->next;
+-	/* now allocate the requested chunk */
+-	b->chunk = nasm_malloc(size);
++    /* first, get to the end of the linked list */
++    while (b->next)
++	b = b->next;
++    /* now allocate the requested chunk */
++    b->chunk = nasm_malloc(size);
+-	/* now allocate a new block for the next request */
+-	b->next = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Blocks));
+-	/* and initialize the contents of the new block */
+-	b->next->next = NULL;
+-	b->next->chunk = NULL;
+-	return b->chunk;
++    /* now allocate a new block for the next request */
++    b->next = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Blocks));
++    /* and initialize the contents of the new block */
++    b->next->next = NULL;
++    b->next->chunk = NULL;
++    return b->chunk;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -941,22 +953,22 @@
+ static void
+ delete_Blocks(void)
+ {
+-	Blocks *a,*b = &blocks;
++    Blocks *a,*b = &blocks;
+-	/* 
+-	 * keep in mind that the first block, pointed to by blocks
+-	 * is a static and not dynamically allocated, so we don't 
+-	 * free it.
+-	 */
+-	while (b)
+-	{
+-		if (b->chunk)
+-			nasm_free(b->chunk);
+-		a = b;
+-		b = b->next;
+-                if (a != &blocks)
+-			nasm_free(a);
+-	}
++    /* 
++     * keep in mind that the first block, pointed to by blocks
++     * is a static and not dynamically allocated, so we don't 
++     * free it.
++     */
++    while (b)
++    {
++	if (b->chunk)
++	    nasm_free(b->chunk);
++	a = b;
++	b = b->next;
++	if (a != &blocks)
++	    nasm_free(a);
++    }
+ }	
+ /*
+@@ -1043,7 +1055,7 @@
+ 		char *p, *q = t->text + 2;
+ 		q += strspn(q, "$");
+-		sprintf(buffer, "..@%lu.", ctx->number);
++		snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "..@%lu.", ctx->number);
+ 		p = nasm_strcat(buffer, q);
+ 		nasm_free(t->text);
+ 		t->text = p;
+@@ -1520,23 +1532,30 @@
+ 		    t = t->next;
+ 		    continue;
+ 		}
+-		else if (tt->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
++		if (tt->type == TOK_WHITESPACE)
+ 		{
+ 		    tt = tt->next;
+ 		    continue;
+ 		}
+-		else if (tt->type != t->type ||
+-			mstrcmp(tt->text, t->text, casesense))
++		if (tt->type != t->type)
+ 		{
+ 		    j = FALSE;	/* found mismatching tokens */
+ 		    break;
+ 		}
+-		else
++		/* Unify surrounding quotes for strings */
++		if (t->type == TOK_STRING)
+ 		{
+-		    t = t->next;
+-		    tt = tt->next;
+-		    continue;
++		    tt->text[0] = t->text[0];
++		    tt->text[strlen(tt->text) - 1] = t->text[0];
+ 		}
++		if (mstrcmp(tt->text, t->text, casesense) != 0)
++		{
++		    j = FALSE;	/* found mismatching tokens */
++		    break;
++		}
++		t = t->next;
++		tt = tt->next;
+ 	    }
+ 	    if ((t->type != TOK_OTHER || strcmp(t->text, ",")) || tt)
+ 		j = FALSE;	/* trailing gunk on one end or other */
+@@ -1954,7 +1973,7 @@
+ 		free_tlist(tt);
+ 		/* Now define the macro for the argument */
+-		sprintf(directive, "%%define %s (%s+%d)", arg, StackPointer,
++		snprintf(directive, sizeof(directive), "%%define %s (%s+%d)", arg, StackPointer,
+ 			offset);
+ 		do_directive(tokenise(directive));
+ 		offset += size;
+@@ -2051,13 +2070,13 @@
+ 		free_tlist(tt);
+ 		/* Now define the macro for the argument */
+-		sprintf(directive, "%%define %s (%s-%d)", local, StackPointer,
++		snprintf(directive, sizeof(directive), "%%define %s (%s-%d)", local, StackPointer,
+ 			offset);
+ 		do_directive(tokenise(directive));
+ 		offset += size;
+ 		/* Now define the assign to setup the enter_c macro correctly */
+-		sprintf(directive, "%%assign %%$localsize %%$localsize+%d",
++		snprintf(directive, sizeof(directive), "%%assign %%$localsize %%$localsize+%d",
+ 			size);
+ 		do_directive(tokenise(directive));
+@@ -3182,12 +3201,12 @@
+ 			 */
+ 		    case '0':
+ 			type = TOK_NUMBER;
+-			sprintf(tmpbuf, "%d", mac->nparam);
++			snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "%d", mac->nparam);
+ 			text = nasm_strdup(tmpbuf);
+ 			break;
+ 		    case '%':
+ 			type = TOK_ID;
+-			sprintf(tmpbuf, "..@%lu.", mac->unique);
++			snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "..@%lu.", mac->unique);
+ 			text = nasm_strcat(tmpbuf, t->text + 2);
+ 			break;
+ 		    case '-':
+@@ -4067,7 +4086,7 @@
+ 	return;
+     va_start(arg, fmt);
+-    vsprintf(buff, fmt, arg);
++    vsnprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), fmt, arg);
+     va_end(arg);
+     if (istk && istk->mstk && istk->mstk->name)
+@@ -4530,7 +4549,7 @@
+ make_tok_num(Token * tok, long val)
+ {
+     char numbuf[20];
+-    sprintf(numbuf, "%ld", val);
++    snprintf(numbuf, sizeof(numbuf), "%ld", val);
+     tok->text = nasm_strdup(numbuf);
+     tok->type = TOK_NUMBER;
+ }