# $FreeBSD$

# This file contains local configuration for the CVSROOT perl
# scripts.  It is loaded by cfg.pm and overrides the default
# configuration in that file.
# It is advised that you test it with
#     'env CVSROOT=/path/to/cvsroot perl -cw cfg.pm'
# before you commit any changes.  The check is to cfg.pm which
# loads this file.

$TZ = 'Etc/UTC';

	"Reviewed by"		=> '.*',
	"Submitted by"		=> '.*',
	"Obtained from"		=> '.*',
	"Approved by"		=> '.*',
	"PR"			=> '.*',
	"MFC after"		=> '\d+(\s+(days?|weeks?|months?))?'

$MAILCMD = "/usr/local/bin/mailsend -H";
$MAILBANNER = "FreeBSD ports repository";
if (defined $ENV{'CVS_COMMIT_ATTRIB'}) {
  my $attrib = $ENV{'CVS_COMMIT_ATTRIB'};
  $MAILBANNER .= " ($attrib committer)";

# Sanity check to make sure we've been run through the wrapper and are
# now primary group 'pcvs'.
	my $GRP=`/usr/bin/id -gn`;
	chomp $GRP;
	unless ( $GRP =~ /^pcvs$/ ) {
		print "You do not have group pcvs (commitcheck)!\n";
		exit 1;	# We could return false here.  But there's
			# nothing to stop us taking action here instead.
	return 1;

# Wrap this in a hostname check to prevent mail to the FreeBSD
# list if someone borrows this file and forgets to change it.
my $hostname = `/bin/hostname`;
die "Can't determine hostname!\n" if $? >> 8;
chomp $hostname;
if ($hostname =~ /^repoman\.freebsd\.org$/i) {
	$MAILADDRS='ports-committers@FreeBSD.org cvs-ports@FreeBSD.org cvs-all@FreeBSD.org';
	$MAILADDRS = 'cvs@FreeBSD.org' if $DEBUG;

	@COMMIT_HOSTS = qw(repoman.freebsd.org);

	'ports'		=> '^ports/',
	'other'		=> '.*'

1; # Perl requires all modules to return true.  Don't delete!!!!
<title>Update to 1.2.3</title>
<name>Sam Lawrance</name>
<link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='http://tfcis.org/~lantw44/cgit/cgit.cgi/freebsd-ports-gnome/commit/?id=9969531d0929fa07ff7dd61b0378659f4cf39564'/>
<content type='text'>
PR:		ports/88260
Submitted by:	Serge Maslov &lt;serge@maslov.biz&gt;
Approved by:	Oleg M. Golovanov &lt;olmi@rentech.ru&gt; (maintainer, timeout 26 days)
<content type='xhtml'>
<div xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>
PR:		ports/88260
Submitted by:	Serge Maslov &lt;serge@maslov.biz&gt;
Approved by:	Oleg M. Golovanov &lt;olmi@rentech.ru&gt; (maintainer, timeout 26 days)
<title>- Update to 1.2.1</title>
<name>Sergey Matveychuk</name>
<link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='http://tfcis.org/~lantw44/cgit/cgit.cgi/freebsd-ports-gnome/commit/?id=ea9c48b7a59c0e09ed9df194c6e835e356e3e141'/>
<content type='text'>
- Grant maintainership to submitter

PR:		ports/87891
Submitted by:	Oleg M. Golovanov &lt;olmi@rentech.ru&gt;
<content type='xhtml'>
<div xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>
- Grant maintainership to submitter

PR:		ports/87891
Submitted by:	Oleg M. Golovanov &lt;olmi@rentech.ru&gt;