#! /usr/local/bin/perl
# $Id: logcheck,v 1.1 1997/06/08 02:18:37 peter Exp $
# This hack is to sanitise the results of what the user may have
# "done" while editing the commit log message.. :-)   Peter Wemm.
# Note: this uses an enhancement to cvs's verifymsg functionality.
# Normally, the check is advisory only, the FreeBSD version reads
# back the file after the verifymsg file so that this script can
# can make changes.

if (!@ARGV) {
	die "Usage: logcheck filename\n";
$filename = $ARGV[0];
$tmpfile = $filename . "tmp";

open(IN, "< $filename") ||
	die "cvsedit: Cannot open for reading: $filename: $!\n";

open(OUT, "> $tmpfile") ||
	die "cvsedit: Cannot open for writing: $tmpfile: $!\n";

# In-place edit the result of the user's edit on the file.
$blank = 0;	# true if the last line was blank
$first = 0;	# true if we have seen the first real text
while(<IN>) {

	# Dont let CVS: lines upset things, strip them out.
	if (/^CVS:/) {

	chop;		# strip trailing newline
	s/[\s]+$//;	# strip trailing whitespace

	# collapse multiple blank lines, and trailing blank lines.
	if (/^$/) {
		# Blank line. Remember in case more text follows.
		$blank = 1;
	} else {
		# Delete if they only have whitespace after them.
		if (/^Reviewed by:$/i ||
		    /^Submitted by:$/i ||
		    /^Obtained from:$/i ||
		    /^PR:$/i) {
		if ($blank && $first) {
			# Previous line(s) was blank, this isn't. Close the
			# collapsed section.
			print OUT "\n";
		$blank = 0;	# record non-blank
		$first = 1;	# record first line
		print OUT "$_\n";

unlink($filename . "~");	# Nuke likely editor backups..
unlink($filename . ".bak");	# Nuke likely editor backups..

rename("$tmpfile", "$filename") ||
	die("logcheck: Could not rename $tmpfile to $filename: $!");
