# $FreeBSD$ # # MAINTAINER: portmgr@FreeBSD.org # # This file handles converting keywords to pkg_install compatible format. # It will be removed once pkg_install is EOL. # # @sample somefile.conf.sample # -> # @comment begin @sample somefile.conf.sample # @unexec if cmp -s %D/etc/somefile.conf %D/etc/somefile.conf.sample; then rm -f %D/etc/somefile.conf; fi # etc/somefile.conf.sample # @exec if ! [ -f %D/etc/somefile.conf ]; then cp %D/etc/somefile.conf.sample %D/etc/somefile.conf; fi # @comment end @sample somefile.conf.sample # ## # @shell bin/shell # -> # @comment begin @shell bin/shell # @exec cp /etc/shells /etc/shells.bak; (grep -v %D/%F /etc/shells.bak; echo %D/%F) >/etc/shells; rm -f /etc/shells.bak # @unexec cp /etc/shells /etc/shells.bak; (grep -v %D/%F /etc/shells.bak) >/etc/shells; rm -f /etc/shells.bak # @comment end @shell bin/shell $1 == "@sample" { sample_file=$2 # Take out .sample target_file=substr(sample_file, 0, length(sample_file) - 7) print "@comment begin " $0 print "@unexec if cmp -s '%D/" target_file "' '%D/" sample_file "'; then rm -f '%D/" target_file "'; fi" print sample_file print "@exec if ! [ -f '%D/" target_file "' ]; then /bin/cp -p '%D/" sample_file "' '%D/" target_file "'; fi" print "@comment end " $0 next } $1 == "@shell" { shell_file=$2 print "@comment begin " $0 print shell_file print "@exec cp /etc/shells /etc/shells.bak; (grep -v %D/%F /etc/shells.bak; echo %D/%F) >/etc/shells; rm -f /etc/shells.bak" print "@unexec cp /etc/shells /etc/shells.bak; (grep -v %D/%F /etc/shells.bak) >/etc/shells; rm -f /etc/shells.bak" print "@comment end " $0 next } $1 == "@fc" { font_dir=$2 print "@comment begin " $0 print "@exec fc-cache -s %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@unexec fc-cache -s %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@unexec rmdir %D/"font_dir" 2>/dev/null || true" print "@comment end " $0 next } $1 == "@fcfontsdir" { font_dir=$2 print "@comment begin " $0 print "@exec fc-cache -s %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@exec mkfontscale %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@exec mkfontdir %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@unexec fc-cache -s %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@unexec mkfontscale %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@unexec if [ -e %D/%@/fonts.scale -a \"`stat -f '%%z' %D/" font_dir "/fonts.scale 2>/dev/null`\" = '2' ]; then rm %D/" font_dir "/fonts.scale ; fi" print "@unexec mkfontdir %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@unexec if [ -e %D/" font_dir "/fonts.dir -a \"`stat -f '%%z' %D/" font_dir "/fonts.dir 2>/dev/null`\" = '2' ]; then rm %D/" font_dir "/fonts.dir ; fi" print "@unexec rmdir %D/"font_dir" 2>/dev/null || true" print "@comment end " $0 next } $1 == "@fontsdir" { font_dir=$2 print "@comment begin " $0 print "@exec mkfontscale %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@exec mkfontdir %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@unexec mkfontscale %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@unexec if [ -e %D/%@/fonts.scale -a \"`stat -f '%%z' %D/" font_dir "/fonts.scale 2>/dev/null`\" = '2' ]; then rm %D/" font_dir "/fonts.scale ; fi" print "@unexec mkfontdir %D/" font_dir " 2>/dev/null || true" print "@unexec if [ -e %D/" font_dir "/fonts.dir -a \"`stat -f '%%z' %D/" font_dir "/fonts.dir 2>/dev/null`\" = '2' ]; then rm %D/" font_dir "/fonts.dir ; fi" print "@unexec rmdir %D/"font_dir" 2>/dev/null || true" print "@comment end " $0 next } $1 == "@dirrmtry" { directory=substr($0, 11, length($0) - 10) print "@comment begin " $0 if ($2 ~ /^\//) { print "@unexec rmdir \"" directory "\" 2>/dev/null || true" } else { print "@unexec rmdir \"%D/" directory "\" 2>/dev/null || true" } print "@comment end " $0 next } # Print everything else as-is { print $0 }