#-*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
# ex:ts=4
# bsd.gcc.mk - Support for smarter USE_GCC usage.
# Created by: Edwin Groothuis <edwin@freebsd.org>
# For port developers:
# If your port needs a specific version of GCC, you can easily specify
# that with the "USE_GCC=" statement. If you need a certain minimal version,
# but don't care if about the upperversion, just the + sign behind
# the version.  Note that the Fortran compiler is specified with the
# For example:
#	USE_GCC=	3.3		# port requires GCC 3.3 to build with.
#	USE_GCC=	3.4+	# port requires GCC 3.4 or later to build with.
# If your port needs a Fortran compiler, please specify that with the
# USE_FORTRAN= knob.  Here is the list of options for that knob:
#       USE_FORTRAN=	yes	# use gfortran42 (/lang/gcc42)
#       USE_FORTRAN=	gfortran42
#       USE_FORTRAN=	g77	# use g77-34 (lang/gcc34; FreeBSD>=7)
#				# or system f77 (/usr/bin/f77; FreeBSD<=6)
#	USE_FORTRAN=	ifort	# use the Intel compiler (lang/ifc)
# Due to object file incompatiblity between Fortran compilers, we strongly
# recommend to use only one of them on any system.
# If you are wondering what your port exactly does, use "make test-gcc"
# to see some debugging.
# $FreeBSD$

GCC_Include_MAINTAINER=		gerald@FreeBSD.org

# All GCC versions supported by the ports framework.
# Please keep them in ascending order.
GCCVERSIONS=	020702 020801 029500 030200 030301 030402 040000 040100 040200

# Versions of GCC shipped.
# The first field if the OSVERSION in which it appeared in the base system.
# The second field is the OSVERSION in which it disappeared from
# the base system.
# The third field is the version as USE_GCC would use.
GCCVERSION_020702=	000000 000000 2.7
GCCVERSION_020801=	000000 400012 2.8
GCCVERSION_029500=	400012 500035 2.95
GCCVERSION_030200=	500039 501103 3.2
GCCVERSION_030301=	501103 502126 3.3
GCCVERSION_030402=	502126 700042 3.4
GCCVERSION_040000=	999999 999999 4.0
GCCVERSION_040100=	999999 999999 4.1
GCCVERSION_040200=	700042 999999 4.2

# No configurable parts below this.

# bsd.gcc.mk can also be used only for FC, F77 settings; in this case we
# do not define USE_GCC.

.if defined (USE_FORTRAN)
# gfortran42 from lang/gcc42 is the default for now.
. if ${USE_FORTRAN} == yes || ${USE_FORTRAN} == gfortran42
BUILD_DEPENDS+=	gfortran42:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gcc42
FC:=	gfortran42
F77:=	gfortran42
. endif

# Intel Fortran compiler from lang/ifc.
. if ${USE_FORTRAN} == ifort
BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/intel_fc_80/bin/ifort:${PORTSDIR}/lang/ifc
FC:=	${LOCALBASE}/intel_fc_80/bin/ifort
F77:=	${LOCALBASE}/intel_fc_80/bin/ifort
. endif

# In some case we want to use g77 from lang/gcc34 (FreeBSD>=7) or f77
# (FreeBSD<=6).
. if ${USE_FORTRAN} == g77
.  if (${OSVERSION} > 700000)
BUILD_DEPENDS+=	g77-34:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gcc34
FC:=	g77-34
F77:=	g77-34
F77:=	f77
FC:=	f77
.  endif
. endif

MAKE_ENV+=	 F77="${F77}" FC="${FC}" FFLAGS="${FFLAGS}"

.if defined(USE_GCC)
# See if we can use a later version
_USE_GCC:=	${USE_GCC:S/+//}
.if ${USE_GCC} != ${_USE_GCC}

# Extract the fields from GCCVERSION_ and check if USE_GCC points to a valid
# version.
.for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
. for j in ${GCCVERSION_${v}}
.  if !defined(_GCCVERSION_${v}_L)
_GCCVERSION_${v}_L=	${j}
.  elif !defined(_GCCVERSION_${v}_R)
_GCCVERSION_${v}_R=	${j}
.  elif !defined(_GCCVERSION_${v}_V)
_GCCVERSION_${v}_V=	${j}
.   if ${_USE_GCC}==${j}
.   endif
.  endif
. endfor

.if !defined(_GCCVERSION_OKAY)
IGNORE=	Unknown version of GCC specified (USE_GCC=${USE_GCC})

# Determine current GCCVERSION
.for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
. if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/gcc${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V:S/.//})
_GCC_FOUND${v}=	port
. endif
. if ${OSVERSION} >= ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_L} && ${OSVERSION} < ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_R}
_GCC_FOUND${v}:=	base
. endif
.if !defined(_GCCVERSION)
IGNORE=		Couldn't find your current GCCVERSION (OSVERSION=${OSVERSION})

# If the GCC package defined in USE_GCC does not exist, but a later
# version is allowed (for example 3.4+), see if there is a later.
# First check if the base installed version is good enough, otherwise
# get the first available version.
.if defined(_GCC_ORLATER)
. for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
.  if ${_USE_GCC} == ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V}
_GCC_MIN1:=	true
.  endif
.  if defined(_GCC_MIN1) && defined(_GCC_FOUND${v}) && ${_GCC_FOUND${v}}=="base" && !defined(_GCC_FOUND)
.  endif
. endfor
. for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
.  if ${_USE_GCC} == ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V}
_GCC_MIN2:=	true
.  endif
.  if defined(_GCC_MIN2) && defined(_GCC_FOUND${v}) && !defined(_GCC_FOUND)
.  endif
. endfor
.if defined(_GCC_FOUND)

# Determine if the installed OS already has this GCCVERSION, and if not
# then set BUILD_DEPENDS, CC, and CXX.
.for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
. if ${_USE_GCC} == ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V}
.  if ${OSVERSION} < ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_L} || ${OSVERSION} > ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_R}
V:=			${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V:S/.//}
CC:=			gcc${V}
CXX:=			g++${V}
.  endif
. endif
.undef V

.if defined(_GCC_BUILD_DEPENDS)


	@echo USE_GCC=${USE_GCC}
.if defined(_GCC_ORLATER)
	@echo Port can use later versions.
	@echo Port cannot use later versions.
.for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
	@echo -n "GCC version: ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V} "
.if defined(_GCC_FOUND${v})
	@echo -n "(${_GCC_FOUND${v}}) "
	@echo "- OSVERSION from ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_L} to ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_R}"
#	@echo ${v} - ${_GCC_FOUND${v}} - ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_L} to ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_R} - ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V}
	@echo Using GCC version ${_USE_GCC}
	@echo CC=${CC} - CXX=${CXX} - CFLAGS=${CFLAGS}
	@echo F77=${F77} - FC=${FC} - FFLAGS=${FFLAGS}