.\" $FreeBSD$ .\" $Idaemons: /home/cvs/sunshar/sunshar.1,v 1.2 2004/02/28 14:14:53 knu Exp $ .\" .Dd September 9, 2001 .Dt SUNSHAR 1 .Os FreeBSD .Sh NAME .Nm sunshar .Nd a secure unshar .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Fl hfnq .Op Fl p Ar number .Op Ar file ... .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm command extracts files from the given shell archive(s). If no file name is given, it reads from the standard input. .Pp It brings you security because it never executes dangerous commands possibly contained in a shell archive. Also, it does not overwrite existing files unless the .Fl f option is specified. .Sh OPTIONS The following command line arguments are supported: .Pp .Bl -tag -width "-p number" -compact .It Fl h Show help and exit. .Pp .It Fl f Allow overwriting existing files, and ignore errors and continue. .Pp .It Fl p Ar number Strip .Ar number levels of path components from path names. (cf. .Xr patch 1 's .Fl p option) .Pp .It Fl n Do not extract anything but just show what would have been extracted. .Pp .It Fl q Be quiet. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr shar 1 .Sh AUTHORS .An Akinori MUSHA Aq knu@iDaemons.org .Sh BUGS .Nm only supports shell archives made with BSD shar.