Audio file utility programs and a library of routines for audio files.
Audio File Utility Programs:
  InfoAudio - display information about an audio file.
  CompAudio - compare audio files, producing statistics and signal-to-noise
              ratio figures.
  CopyAudio - copy audio files.  This program combines samples from input audio
              files (an arbitrary linear combination) and writes them to the
              output file in a user selectable format.  One application is to
              provide format conversion for an audio file; another is to
              combine samples from multi-channel files.
  ResampAudio - resample data from an audio file.  This process involves
              interpolating between the samples in the original file to create
              a new sequence of samples with a new spacing (sampling rate).
   and FiltAudio, GenNoise, GenTone, LPanal, LPsyn
The following file formats are supported for reading.
    INRS-Telecom, ESPS, Comdisco SPW, Text audio
The following file formats are supported for writing.
  - Headerless, AU, WAVE, AIFF-C

WWW: http://www.TSP.ECE.McGill.CA/MMSP/Documents/Software/index.html

-- Kawaguti Ginga <>