TclSpice is an improved version of Berkeley Spice designed to be used with the Tcl/Tk scripting language. The project is open-source (BSD license) and based upon the NG-Spice source code base with many improvements Features and Improvements - Fully Tcl scriptable - installs with 'package require spice' statement - Hspice syntax (SpicePP). - GUI interfaces, various (Tk). - SpiceWish (BLT graph widget) - BLT (tcl compatible) vectors for storage, manipulation and arithmetic upon Spice waveforms. - Xspice additions (Georgia Tech). - Trigger upon waveform events. - Spice 'simulator state' save and restore for rapid 'what-if' simulations (no longer need to re-simulate from the beginning each time a device value is changed). Author: Stefan Jones WWW: