# New ports collection makefile for: zh-auto-tw-l10n # Date created: 7 Oct 2000 # Whom: "Michael C . Wu" # # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= auto-tw-l10n PORTVERSION= 1.5 CATEGORIES= chinese MASTER_SITES= ftp://freebsd.sinica.edu.tw/pub/statue/auto-tw-l10n/ DISTNAME= ${PKGNAMEPREFIX}${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= The automatic localization for Traditional Chinese zh_TW.Big5 locale NO_BUILD= yes do-install: #Temporary hack before adduser is modified # For future adduser # adduser -l10n -v $HOME ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/skel/zh_TW.Big5 ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/* ${PREFIX}/share/skel/zh_TW.Big5 @${ECHO} "*************************************************************" @${ECHO} "* English Instructions: *" @${ECHO} "* Please tell your users to merge their old dotfiles with *" @${ECHO} "* the new ones, in *" @${ECHO} "* ${PREFIX}/share/skel/zh_TW.Big5/dot.* *" @${ECHO} "*************************************************************" @${ECHO} "* 中文繁體說明: *" @${ECHO} "* 請告知您的使用者比對他們的舊設定跟新設定, 在 *" @${ECHO} "* ${PREFIX}/share/skel/zh_TW.Big5/dot.* *" @${ECHO} "*************************************************************" .include