# makefile for use of: chinese/*ttf # Date created: 17 Feb 2005 # Whom: leeym # # $FreeBSD$ # # The variable(s) for installing TrueType fonts. # TTF - Name(s) of font file(s) installed in FONTSDIR. Mandatory. # OPTIONS_DEFINE+=GHOSTSCRIPT X11 .include <bsd.port.options.mk> FONTSDIR?= ${PREFIX}/share/fonts/TrueType FONTSDIR_REL= ${FONTSDIR:S,^${PREFIX}/,,} PLIST_SUB+= FONTSDIR=${FONTSDIR_REL} USES+= fonts XFONTSDIR?= ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/TrueType XFONTSDIR_REL= ${XFONTSDIR:S,${LOCALBASE}/,,} PLIST_SUB+= XFONTSDIR=${XFONTSDIR_REL} .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MX11} RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/fc-cache:x11-fonts/fontconfig _TTF_MODULES= xttfm .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGHOSTSCRIPT} RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/adobe-cmaps/ai0/CMap/Identity-H:print/adobe-cmaps _TTF_MODULES+= gscjk .endif .if defined(_TTF_MODULES) RUN_DEPENDS+= ${PREFIX}/bin/ttfm.sh:chinese/ttfm .endif check-makefile: check-makefile-ttf check-makefile-ttf: .if !defined(_TTF_MODULES) @${ECHO_CMD} "Makefile warning: You choose neither X11 nor GHOSTSCRIPT. Only font files themselves are installed" .else @${ECHO_CMD} "" @${ECHO_CMD} "You may use the following options:" @${ECHO_CMD} " ${OPTIONS_NAME}_SET+=GHOSTSCRIPT - if you want Ghostscript support" @${ECHO_CMD} " ${OPTIONS_NAME}_SET+=X11 - if you want X Window support" @${ECHO_CMD} "" .endif .if !defined(TTF) @${ECHO_CMD} "Makefile error: You need to define TTF for installing TrueType fonts" @${FALSE} .endif post-install: do-install-ttf do-install-ttf: .if defined(_TTF_MODULES) @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Running ttfm.sh" .endif .for module in ${_TTF_MODULES} . for ttf in ${TTF} ${PREFIX}/bin/ttfm.sh --add ${module} ${STAGEDIR}${FONTSDIR}/${ttf} . endfor .endfor .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MX11} @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Running fc-cache" -@${LOCALBASE}/bin/fc-cache -f -s -v ${STAGEDIR}${XFONTSDIR} .endif add-plist-post: add-plist-ttf add-plist-ttf: .for module in ${_TTF_MODULES} . for ttf in ${TTF} @${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec %D/bin/ttfm.sh --remove ${module} ${FONTSDIR}/${ttf} || true" >> ${TMPPLIST} . endfor .endfor .for ttf in ${TTF} @${ECHO_CMD} "${FONTSDIR_REL}/${ttf}" >> ${TMPPLIST} .endfor .for module in ${_TTF_MODULES} . for ttf in ${TTF} @${ECHO_CMD} "@exec %D/bin/ttfm.sh --add ${module} ${FONTSDIR}/${ttf} || true" >> ${TMPPLIST} . endfor .endfor .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MX11} @${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec ${LOCALBASE}/bin/fc-cache -f -s -v ${XFONTSDIR} || true" >> ${TMPPLIST} @${ECHO_CMD} "@exec ${LOCALBASE}/bin/fc-cache -f -s -v ${XFONTSDIR} || true" >> ${TMPPLIST} @${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec find ${XFONTSDIR} -size -3c -delete || true" >> ${TMPPLIST} .endif