
You need to have the ubtbcmfw(8) and ng_ubt(8) kernel modules
in our kernel. This can be accomplished by adding the following
lines to /boot/loader.conf:


Furthermore you need to ensure that the bcmfw(1) utility downloads
the firmware into the dongle on insertion. This can be done by
adding the followign lines to /etc/devd.conf (devd(8) should run
by default):

 # Requires the port BCM2033 to be installed
 # and the ubtbcmfw(8) and ng_ubt(8) kernel modules
 # to be loaded prior to insertion.
 attach 100 {
   match "vendor" "0x0a5c";
   match "product" "0x2033";
   action "if test -d /usr/local/lib/firmware; then bcmfw -n $device-name -m /usr/local/lib/firmware/BCM2033-MD.hex -f /usr/local/lib/firmware/BCM2033-FW.bin; fi";

Or alternatively load these files manually with:

 cd /usr/local/lib/firmware
 bcmfw -n ubtbcmfw0 -m BCM2033-MD.hex -f BCM2033-FW.bin

you should then see the following lines in your dmesg(8):

 ubtbcmfw0: <vendor 0x0a5c product 0x2033, class 224/1, rev 1.01/0.a0, addr 7> on uhub0
 ubtbcmfw0: at uhub0 port 2 (addr 7) disconnected
 ubtbcmfw0: detached
 ubt0: <Broadcom Corp. BCM2033, class 224/1, rev 1.01/0.a0, addr 7> on uhub0
 ubt0: Interface 0 endpoints: interrupt=0x81, bulk-in=0x82, bulk-out=0x2
 ubt0: Interface 1 (alt.config 4) endpoints: isoc-in=0x83, isoc-out=0x3; wMaxPacketSize=64; nframes=5, buffer size=320