Digital modem program.
Supports the following digital modes:

DominoEX 4  DominoEX 5  DominoEX 8  DominoEX 11  DominoEX 16  DominoEX 22,
Feld-Hell  FSK-Hell  FSK-Hell 105,
MFSK-8  MFSK-16  MFSK-16 pix ,
PSK-31  QPSK-31  PSK-63  QPSK-63  PSK-125  QPSK-125,
OLIVIA / Contestia  various tones and bandwidth,
RTTY  various Baud Rates, Shifts, Nbr of data bits, etc.,
Throb-1  Throb-2  Throb-4  ThrobX-1  ThrobX-2  ThrobX-4,
WWV  Receive only - calibrate your sound card to WWV and
Freq Analysis  Receive only - be ready for the (next)
ARRL FMT (freq meas test).