====================================================================== Before being able to run wfb2sql, you need to obtain a copy of the CIA's World Fact Book. A copy of the WFB can be found here: *) http://www.cia.gov/cia/download.html The WFB's homepage can be found: *) http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ Example usage: % wfb2sql --man % wfb2sql --database=postgresql --directory=$PWD/factbook | psql factbook NOTE: wfb2sql inserts data into the wfb schema! ______________________________________ / BEWARE OF BLACK HELICOPTERS AFTER \ \ DOWNLOADING YOUR COPY OF THE WFB!!! / -------------------------------------- \ \ .::!!!!!!!:. .!!!!!:. .:!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~!!!!!!. .:!!!!!!!!!UWWW$$$ :$$NWX!!: .:!!!!!!XUWW$$$$$$$$$P $$$$$##WX!: .<!!!!UW$$$$" $$$$$$$$# $$$$$ $$$UX :!!UW$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$$$* ^$$$B $$$$\ $$$$$$$$$$$$ d$$R" "*$bd$$$$ '*$$$$$$$$$$$o+#" """" """""""