NOTE: Calibre requires Hal to be running for access to devices. The user who
is running Calibre also needs to be able to mount devices. For non-root users,
this means modifying %%PREFIX%%/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf and adding the
policy there.
To allow a single user named "example" to mount removable devices, add the
Additional users will each need their own block with a
"yes" return result.
To permit all accounts to mount removable devices (allowing a denial of access
attack) add the following:
If you are using an Android device as your e-book reader, please note
that the stock Google Books app uses a storage format that is not
supported by calibre. The calibre FAQ recommends that either of the
free apps Aldiko or WordPlayer are used instead.
n'>index : gsoc2013-evolution
Google Summer of Code 2013 - GNOME - Archive Integration workspace