## Notes: 1. SugarCRM requires that you increase the default PHP memory limit from 8Mb to 10Mb in the php.ini file. You should edit this file and ensure that the memory_limit parameter should be set to 10Mb or greater: memory_limit = 10M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume 2. To complete installation of SugarCRM, please point your browser to http://localhost/sugarcrm/ and set up your database and configuration parameters. Once you have finished the installation procedure, you should remove the installation directory and make the SugarCRM configuration file (config.php) non writable. You can do these things be executing the following commands: rm -rf %%PREFIX%%/%%SUGARCRMDIR%%/install chown root:wheel %%PREFIX%%/%%SUGARCRMDIR%%/config.php 3. Please see the documentation directory (%%DOCSDIR%%) for full documentation on how to get the best out of SugarCRM. 4. Enjoy! ##