# Created by: Max Khon # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= dmucs PORTVERSION= 0.6.1 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= SF/${PORTNAME}/${PORTNAME}/${PORTNAME}%20${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= fjoe@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Distributed Multi-User Compilation System (for use with distcc) BROKEN_armv6= fails to compile: passing char * to parameter of incompatible type __builtin_va_list BROKEN_aarch64= fails to compile: passing char * to parameter of incompatible type __builtin_va_list WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} USES= tar:bzip2 GNU_CONFIGURE= yes PLIST_FILES= bin/dmucs bin/gethost bin/loadavg bin/monitor bin/remhost .include