## Configuration Instructions for Flyspray ======================================= 1) Create a mysql database for Flyspray to use. Here is one way to do that, from the unix/linux command line, entering your mysql root password when prompted: # mysqladmin -u root -p create flyspray 2) Import the Flyspray database tables into your new empty database. Here is the unix/linux command line method; be sure to enter your mysql root password when prompted: # mysql -u root -p flyspray < flyspray-version.sql 3) Edit the header.php file to suit your database setup. Examples are provided in the file. You will need to set your database type to an ADODB supported database, your database username and password, and the host the database server runs on. You will also need to enter the location of the adodb.inc.php file and functions.inc.php file. Consider changing the cookie salt value as well. 4) Insert the following configuration command into your httpd.conf: Alias "/flyspray/" "/usr/local/share/flyspray/" 5) Point your browser to http://yourserver.com/flyspray/ and you should see Flyspray! Login as 'super', with the password 'super'. 6) Create youself a new user, and put this user into the Admin group. 7) CHANGE THE PASSWORD FOR THE super/super ACCOUNT by clicking the 'Change Password' link near the top of the page. You might like to disable the account entirely, or it will appear in the list of members to be assigned tasks. 8) Click on the admin links to set up your Options and lists. 9) Close the sample task, and begin adding your own. 10) Report any bugs you find back to http://flyspray.rocks.cc/bts/ or the mailing list linked from the Flyspray homepage. 11) If you are upgrading from flyspray 0.9.4, please use your browser to open the URL: http://yourserver.com/flyspray/sql/upgrade_0.9.4_to_0.9.5-mysql.php ##