# New ports collection makefile for: gnome-devel # Date created: 23 May 2002 # Whom: Joe Marcus Clarke # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= gnome-devel PORTVERSION= 1.4.1b2 CATEGORIES= devel gnome MASTER_SITES= # empty DISTFILES= # empty EXTRACT_ONLY= # empty MAINTAINER= gnome@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= The "meta-port" for the GNOME development API RUN_DEPENDS= intltool-merge:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/intltool LIB_DEPENDS= gnomemm-1.2.10:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gnome-- IGNORE= "Needs more work on the dependency chain" NO_BUILD= yes USE_GNOME= gnomelibs gal USE_PYTHON= yes do-install: # empty .include