# Created by: Alan Somers # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= kyua-atf-compat PORTVERSION= 0.1 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GOOGLE_CODE} PROJECTHOST= kyua MAINTAINER= asomers@freebsd.org COMMENT= Kyua (automated testing framework) - ATF compatibility tools LICENSE= BSD RUN_DEPENDS= kyua:${PORTSDIR}/devel/kyua GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USES= pkgconfig OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS .include CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --docdir=${DOCSDIR} # TODO: install the tests, once FreeBSD has a system for ports to install tests CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-atf .if ! ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} MAKE_FLAGS+= doc_DATA= .endif PLIST_SUBST+= TESTS="@comment " PORTDATA= lib.subr tests_lib.subr PORTDOCS= AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README MAN1= atf-report.1 atf-run.1 atf2kyua.1 # Eliminate empty directories remove-docsdir: .SILENT ${RMDIR} ${DOCSDIR} .if ! ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} post-install: remove-docsdir .endif .include