$NetBSD: patch-lib_build_OCaml.om,v 1.1 2012/11/23 22:55:22 marino Exp $ Omake will break in over a dozen places on gcc 4.7.x if warnings are treated as errors. All valid but unreferenced functions and constants are warned about in gcc 4.7, and the alternative to removing the warn-error flag is to remove all these unreferenced functions and constants via patches. --- lib/build/OCaml.om.orig 2008-03-05 01:07:25.000000000 +0000 +++ lib/build/OCaml.om @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ public.PREFIXED_OCAMLPACKS =\ # declare OCAMLDEPFLAGS public.OCAMLPPFLAGS = -public.OCAMLFLAGS = -warn-error A +public.OCAMLFLAGS = public.OCAMLCFLAGS = -g public.OCAMLOPTFLAGS = public.OCAMLCPPFLAGS =