# New ports collection makefile for: papi # Date created: 21 May 2007 # Whom: redcrash@gmail.com # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= papi PORTVERSION= CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= http://icl.cs.utk.edu/projects/papi/downloads/ MAINTAINER= redcrash@gmail.com COMMENT= API to access the performance counter hw in the microprocessor ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 amd64 ONLY_FOR_ARCHS_REASON= HWPMC kernel module is only available for I386 and \ AMD64 machines NO_PACKAGE= Needs to be compiled for specific CPU STRIP= USE_LDCONFIG= yes USE_GMAKE= yes HAS_CONFIGURE= yes WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}/src WRKMAN= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}/man OPTIONS= CORETEMP "Add Intel Core thermal sensor (need coretemp.ko)" Off OPTIONS+= DEBUG "Add debug information (increased verbosity)" Off .include <bsd.port.pre.mk> HAS_HWMPC!= ${SYSCTL} kern.hwpmc >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo yes || true .if ${HAS_HWMPC} != "yes" IGNORE= needs hwmpc module loaded or compiled into the kernel. \ Please consult hwpmc(4) on how to do it (or cat pkg-message) .endif CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-tests=ctests .if defined(WITH_CORETEMP) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-components=coretemp_freebsd .endif .if defined(WITHOUT_DEBUG) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-debug .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-debug .endif MAN1= papi_avail.1 \ papi_clockres.1 \ papi_command_line.1 \ papi_cost.1 \ papi_decode.1 \ papi_event_chooser.1 \ papi_mem_info.1 \ papi_native_avail.1 MAN3= PAPI.3 \ PAPIF.3 \ PAPIF_get_clockrate.3 \ PAPIF_get_domain.3 \ PAPIF_get_exe_info.3 \ PAPIF_get_granularity.3 \ PAPIF_get_preload.3 \ PAPIF_set_event_domain.3 \ PAPI_accum.3 \ PAPI_accum_counters.3 \ PAPI_add_event.3 \ PAPI_add_events.3 \ PAPI_assign_eventset_component.3 \ PAPI_attach.3 \ PAPI_cleanup_eventset.3 \ PAPI_create_eventset.3 \ PAPI_destroy_eventset.3 \ PAPI_detach.3 \ PAPI_encode_events.3 \ PAPI_enum_event.3 \ PAPI_event_code_to_name.3 \ PAPI_event_name_to_code.3 \ PAPI_flips.3 \ PAPI_flops.3 \ PAPI_get_cmp_opt.3 \ PAPI_get_component_info.3 \ PAPI_get_dmem_info.3 \ PAPI_get_event_info.3 \ PAPI_get_executable_info.3 \ PAPI_get_hardware_info.3 \ PAPI_get_multiplex.3 \ PAPI_get_opt.3 \ PAPI_get_overflow_event_index.3 \ PAPI_get_real_cyc.3 \ PAPI_get_real_usec.3 \ PAPI_get_shared_lib_info.3 \ PAPI_get_substrate_info.3 \ PAPI_get_thr_specific.3 \ PAPI_get_virt_cyc.3 \ PAPI_get_virt_usec.3 \ PAPI_help.3 \ PAPI_ipc.3 \ PAPI_is_initialized.3 \ PAPI_library_init.3 \ PAPI_list_events.3 \ PAPI_list_threads.3 \ PAPI_lock.3 \ PAPI_multiplex_init.3 \ PAPI_native.3 \ PAPI_num_cmp_hwctrs.3 \ PAPI_num_components.3 \ PAPI_num_counters.3 \ PAPI_num_events.3 \ PAPI_num_hwctrs.3 \ PAPI_overflow.3 \ PAPI_perror.3 \ PAPI_presets.3 \ PAPI_profil.3 \ PAPI_query_event.3 \ PAPI_read.3 \ PAPI_read_counters.3 \ PAPI_register_thread.3 \ PAPI_remove_event.3 \ PAPI_remove_events.3 \ PAPI_reset.3 \ PAPI_set_cmp_domain.3 \ PAPI_set_cmp_granularity.3 \ PAPI_set_debug.3 \ PAPI_set_domain.3 \ PAPI_set_event_info.3 \ PAPI_set_granularity.3 \ PAPI_set_multiplex.3 \ PAPI_set_opt.3 \ PAPI_set_thr_specific.3 \ PAPI_shutdown.3 \ PAPI_sprofil.3 \ PAPI_start.3 \ PAPI_start_counters.3 \ PAPI_state.3 \ PAPI_stop.3 \ PAPI_stop_counters.3 \ PAPI_strerror.3 \ PAPI_thread_id.3 \ PAPI_thread_init.3 \ PAPI_unlock.3 \ PAPI_unregister_thread.3 \ PAPI_write.3 PAPI_LIBS= libpapi.a \ libpapi.so.4 PAPI_BINARIES= papi_avail \ papi_clockres \ papi_command_line \ papi_cost \ papi_decode \ papi_event_chooser \ papi_mem_info \ papi_native_avail PAPI_INCLUDES= f77papi.h \ f90papi.h \ fpapi.h \ papi.h \ papiStdEventDefs.h PAPI_C_TESTS= \ all_events \ all_native_events \ api \ branches \ burn \ byte_profile \ calibrate \ case1 \ case2 \ child_overflow \ clockres_pthreads \ code2name \ derived \ describe \ dmem_info \ eventname \ exec \ exec2 \ exec_overflow \ exeinfo \ first \ flops \ fork \ fork2 \ fork_overflow \ forkexec \ forkexec2 \ forkexec3 \ forkexec4 \ high-level \ high-level2 \ hwinfo \ ipc \ johnmay2 \ krentel_pthreads \ kufrin \ locks_pthreads \ low-level \ matrix-hl \ memory \ mendes-alt \ multiattach \ multiplex1 \ multiplex1_pthreads \ multiplex2 \ multiplex3_pthreads \ overflow \ overflow2 \ overflow3_pthreads \ overflow_allcounters \ overflow_force_software \ overflow_index \ overflow_one_and_read \ overflow_pthreads \ overflow_single_event \ overflow_twoevents \ profile \ profile_force_software \ profile_pthreads \ profile_twoevents \ pthrtough \ pthrtough2 \ realtime \ reset \ sdsc-mpx \ sdsc2-mpx \ sdsc4-mpx \ second \ shlib \ sprofile \ subinfo \ system_child_overflow \ system_overflow \ tenth \ thrspecific \ timer_overflow \ virttime \ zero \ zero_attach \ zero_flip \ zero_fork \ zero_pthreads do-install: .for f in ${PAPI_BINARIES} ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/utils/${f} ${PREFIX}/bin .endfor .for f in ${PAPI_INCLUDES} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${f} ${PREFIX}/include .endfor .for f in ${PAPI_LIBS} ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/${f} ${PREFIX}/lib .endfor ${LN} -s ${PREFIX}/lib/libpapi.so.3 ${PREFIX}/lib/libpapi.so ${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/ctests .for f in ${PAPI_C_TESTS} ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/ctests/${f} ${DATADIR}/ctests .endfor .for f in ${MAN1} ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKMAN}/man1/${f} ${PREFIX}/man/man1 .endfor .for f in ${MAN3} ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKMAN}/man3/${f} ${PREFIX}/man/man3 .endfor post-install: ${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .include <bsd.port.post.mk>